Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 451 Hard to Let Go

Ao Zheng didn’t know about this until he returned home.

When Ao Qi got married, Old Lady Ao wanted to bring two concubines to celebrate, saying that it would be more lively with more people. Ao Zheng scolded her and she didn’t come.

Who would have thought that she would come at this time and be seen by Pei Yuan.

“The old lady asked us to come, saying that she was welcoming her husband back to Beijing…”

“Also come and see the new house and broaden your horizons.”

The old mother had a problem with Pei Yuan because the two concubines couldn’t have children. She had a knot in her heart for many years and was unhappy.

Ao Zheng sighed in his heart and was overwhelmed for a while.

In recent years, in order to ease the relationship between husband and wife, he actually had the idea of ​​sending the concubines out of the house many times.

First, the old lady stopped her, saying that the two were good concubines, illegitimate daughters from aristocratic families, not street prostitutes, so they could be sent away at will. Second, because they had done nothing wrong over the years, he was afraid of being called a heartless person, so he didn’t do it in the end.

But at this age, he felt even worse when his wife and children were separated and he was laughed at.

So he didn't even go into the back house. When he got the news, he hurried to Pei's house, brought gifts to visit his father-in-law, and apologized to Pei Yuan.

Pei Chong didn't say much.

He could only turn a blind eye to the matter of his daughter and son-in-law.

Pei Yuan asked the two little ones to meet their father. After playing for a while, she let the maid take them away, then calmed down and no longer treated Ao Zheng well.

"I went to your house to find you because Ah Jue instructed me."

Ao Zheng pondered for a moment, "Is it about Liang Huanzhang?"

Pei Yuan raised her eyebrows and snorted, "I'm not saying that your cousin's husband is too nameless. This is Andu County, not Ningyang where he used to live. He is used to being a local emperor and does whatever he wants. He doesn't even use his brain. He arrested people under the banner of my brother. Are you afraid that his reputation is too good?"

Ao Zheng drooped his eyelids and kept begging for mercy.

"Liang Huanzhang is a fool. When he heard someone talking about Ah Jue's faults, he wanted to show off. Who knew that he flattered the horse but hit the horse's leg, and also offended his brother's wife and His Majesty... I have scolded him, and he accepted the punishment. He will not do it again in the future." Pei Yuan sneered: "Since he is a fool, how can he not do it? Since he is a fool, why don't you go home and farm earlier?" Ao Zheng made her speechless. Pei Yuan stared at him coldly, "You should take care of yourself. Don't be a prime minister and don't know your own weight. If your relatives don't restrain themselves, they will cause you a big disaster sooner or later. I don't care whether you live or die, but if you implicate Xiao Qi and Ah Zuo and Ah You, I will not forgive you." Other people's wives dare not say such things to their husbands. But Pei Yuan can. Because her brother is Pei Jue. Ao Zheng sighed and nodded, "There will be no next time." He repeatedly assured that Pei Yuan pursed her lips and her expression relaxed a little. "You and I are husband and wife, don't blame me for not reminding you. You can hold a high position because you, Ao Zheng, have made contributions to the country and protected the emperor during the Zhongjing Incident, not because you are Ah Jue's brother-in-law..."

Her eyes became more fierce, staring at Ao Zheng.

"You know what Ah Jue is like. Don't be ignorant of restraint. If you fall into his hands, no one can save you."

Ao Zheng shuddered.

The scene of Pei Jue rushing into the mansion with a knife is still vivid in his mind.

If Pei Yuan hadn't stopped him, he might have lost his head that day...

"You know what I am like. Ah Yuan, I dare not. Even if I don't care about myself, I have to consider Xiao Qi and the two little ones. As a husband and a father, I know the consequences of making a mistake...

Ao Zheng looked at Pei Yuan's eyebrows and softened his voice.

"Madam, trust me again."

Pei Yuan snorted coldly: "It's good that you know it in your heart. ”

Her indifference was obvious.

After being married for so many years, Ao Zheng still understood her.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly whispered, "I didn't know Zhenniang and Shujing would come."

Pei Yuan laughed dryly again, looked at him coldly, and said nothing.

Ao Zheng said, "I know you can't stand them, so why would you bring them to Andu to upset you? After you and I divorced, I sent them to Anshan Hall to serve my old mother. They usually don't come to my room, and we rarely meet. But they are also responsible for serving my mother. Even if I want to make things difficult for them, I can't find any fault..."

"Prime Minister Ao." Pei Yuan raised her chin, "I'm not interested in listening to your backyard affairs, and I don't intend to care about how you get along with your concubine. If there is nothing else, please go back."

Ao Zheng: "Ayuan..."

He lowered his hand and reached out to hold Pei Yuan's hand.

"Can you take the children back with me? We are a family, and live a good life..."

Pei Yuan: "Let go. ”

Ao Zheng: “Ayuan, believe me…”

“Pa!” Pei Yuan pulled out her hand and slapped Ao Zheng.

Ao Zheng was stunned.

After a long while, he stroked his cheek and looked at her in disbelief.

Pei Yuan was also a little surprised.

Although she had wanted to slap him a long time ago, she didn’t have the courage because the husband’s power was the heaven.

Perhaps she was stimulated by seeing two young and beautiful concubines coming to her house today.

She retracted her hand and gently twisted her fingers.

“I am no longer your wife. You deserve this slap because you are rude to me.”

Ao Zheng’s eyes suddenly moistened.

It was not because of the beating, humiliation or pain.

It was because of the estrangement between Pei Yuan and him, the loneliness of being alone without his children, and the regret of not being able to get what he wanted after losing her.

“I deserve it.” He slowly put down his hand and lowered his eyes, “For the sake of my children, Ayuan, give me a chance. Okay?”

Pei Yuan still didn’t speak.

Ao Zheng said: "Now that Xiaoqi's new wife has come in, there is no mistress to manage the family, and my mother is old. The Ao family is about to be in chaos..."

Pei Yuan's heart ached when she heard him choking.

After so many years of marriage and three children, Ao Zheng is a good-tempered man, so he naturally has feelings. Until now, all of Pei Yuan's sisters envy her for marrying a good man, and no one can understand why she wants to divorce willfully.

Pei Yuan couldn't bear to watch anymore and turned away.

"Go away. I don't want to cause trouble anymore..."

The results of every conversation between the two were not satisfactory.

Ao Zheng wanted her to go back, but after the divorce, she refused, so he couldn't force her.

He lowered his head, said a few more words of pleading, and then went to ask Pei Chong to resign and leave.

After he left, a maid came to report that Ao Xiang had brought a lot of things and asked Madam how to deal with them.

Pei Yuan went out, and in her box there were cloth and silk clothes, as well as jewelry, which made the maids' eyes light up, but she looked gloomy.

What Ao Zheng didn't know was that the more he did this, the more uncomfortable Pei Yuan felt, and the harder it was to forgive...

If he was just a scumbag, she would have given up long ago, and maybe she could remarry him...

But over the years, Ao Zheng had never had a quarrel with her. If he had any good things, he would always keep them close to her, please her, and even argue for her in front of his mother.

Otherwise, how could she, a woman, have the ability to prevent a concubine from giving birth?

In the final analysis, it was Ao Zheng's approval.

Too much good will breed regrets. The more regrets there are, the less perfect it is, and the more difficult it is to let go of a marriage that has been torn apart...


It was particularly cold on the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Feng Yun had a dream all night, and when she woke up, she found her forehead wet with sweat.

She called Xiaoman to ask, "What time is it?"

Xiaoman said, "It's the morning hour. Did the people in front disturb you?"

Feng Yun was in a trance for a moment, remembering that today was the day Pei Jue returned to Beijing.

She asked Xiaoman to help her get up, changed her clothes and went out, and saw that the courtyard was full of the emperor's carriages, extending all the way to the village road.

There were many imperial guards standing on both sides with weapons, and the villagers could only stand a little further away to watch.

When Feng Yun went out, Yuan Shangyi had just come from Yangxinzhai.

He led a few palace servants, and Ms. Lin was also beside him, dressed neatly and with a serious face, looking like a little adult.

Seeing Feng Yun waiting on one side, he subconsciously wanted to come over, and Ms. Lin said beside him:

"The princess is here to see His Majesty off."

Yuan Shangyi then realized that there were many people watching.

My wife said that in front of people, the etiquette between the monarch and the minister must be strictly observed.

He hummed and stood still, waiting for Feng Yun to come forward and salute, and then smiled and returned the salute to her.

"After I leave, the princess should take care of herself. Wear more clothes in the morning and evening, and eat more meals."

As he said this, he pursed his lips, signaling Dong Bai to present the small gift he prepared for Feng Yun.

"I am in Huaxi, and I am grateful for the care of the princess. At the time of parting, I will give this little thing to the princess, keep it as a memory."

An exquisite rosewood box was brought in front of him.

Feng Yun smiled gently and bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace."

Feng Yun also liked this sensible and well-behaved little emperor very much. Yesterday, he had someone prepare a gift for him to take back to Xijing. Seeing this, he quickly asked someone to put it in the car.

He smiled and said to Ms. Lin: "Dr. Yao's medical records are all in the box. When Your Majesty returns to Beijing, you can give it to the doctor. If you have any questions, you can send someone to ask."

Ms. Lin replied: "Princess, I will keep your teachings in mind."

Feng Yun nodded and said no more. He looked at Yuan Shangyi again and quietly stepped aside.

The Changmen Courtyard was very lively for a while, and the time for departure had arrived.

The people shouted "Long live the emperor", and the imperial guards cleared the way.

Because Pei Jue was with him, the procession back to the capital was much more majestic than when he left the capital, and he didn't have to be cautious for fear of being seen.

The villagers knew that the little emperor was leaving, and they all came to see him off.

They were curious and in awe of the emperor who lived in the village to recuperate, and Yuan Shangyi also had a kind of attachment to them when he saw them.

Amid the farewell, he stretched out his little hand from the carriage from time to time and waved goodbye to the villagers.

Feng Yun couldn't help but smile, "What a smart and sensible child."

Pei Jue rode over and followed her gaze to look at the direction where the child went away, "Yun Niang, I'm leaving."

Feng Yun looked back at him.

She had been a little uneasy since yesterday.

She repeatedly reminded everyone about the farewell scene today, but she didn't dare to look at Pei Jue too much, and she didn't say much...

She had already said what she should have said.

Before leaving, they looked at each other, as if they had nothing to say.

Feng Yun smiled at him slowly, "My king, have a safe journey, write to me when you arrive in Beijing."

"Yes." Pei Jue stood on horseback.

The sky had just started to light up, and it was dark and unclear.

There was a faint light in Pei Jue's eyes, and when it fell, she felt that her chest was filled with an indescribable burning heat.

She smiled. Smile again.

Pei Jue looked at her silently.

She couldn't help but tease him: "My king, are you reluctant to leave?"

Pei Jue was about to turn around with his horse, but he paused after hearing this, "I remembered that there are some things that I haven't told Yun Niang yet."

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, "What is it?"

Pei Jue didn't say anything, shook the reins, rushed out on horseback, explained a few words to the subordinates who were accompanying him, and then came back to Zuo Zhong and said:

"You go first, protect the holy carriage, I will follow."

Everyone did not dare to question King Yonghuai's decision, and set off in response.

Feng Yun watched everyone's cars leave the yard. Just when he was about to ask Pei Ran, he saw him jump off the horse, hold her hand, and go back to the house without saying a word.

Feng Yun was a little confused. Seeing his serious face, he asked strangely: "Is it something important?"

Pei Ran hummed, "It's important."

Feng Yun couldn't figure out what it was, and she was always worried. It wasn't until Pei Ran couldn't bear the speed of her walking that he bent down to pick her up and strode to the inner room, then she faintly realized that something was wrong.

Today, Pei Ran was wearing iron armor and holding someone in his arms. He was walking as fast as flying. His arms were as hard as rocks. He led Feng Yun quickly through the courtyard, entered the house, kicked the door with his foot, and pulled down the curtains. , ordered:

"Everyone, stand down!"

When the maids saw the king's eyes, they were so nervous that they lowered their eyes. They didn't dare to look at him for a second, so they responded and left.

Feng Yun let him throw it on the couch, and his body bounced slightly. His whole body seemed to be suspended in the air, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"What is your Majesty doing?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

The touch under his hands was incredibly soft, and now that he was about to leave, every inch was even more cherished. He lowered his head and ate her gently through the cloth, each bite was like savoring a delicacy. Feng Yun came to see her off today. The new clothes I specially put on quickly became wet...

"Pei Gou..."

Her throat was numb and she was unable to stop it, which made him feel numb and itchy.

It's hard to say anything other than calling him a "dog".


He shouted in his throat, as if he had something to say. Feng Yun opened his eyes wide, but only heard two vague words, "Give it to me."

Her ears felt hot, and the man had pressed down heavily. She put her hands on his shoulders, as if she was trapped in a cloud.

The quilt was newly made and very soft. It held her up as if she was being buried completely under his squeeze. The gauze trembled, and she took a deep breath, his hot breath filling her nose...

"General, general..."

She usually calls her King, but on the couch she loves to call her General.

Pei Ran's eyes darkly slid over her pretty face, and he leaned forward...

"Don't..." Feng Yun panted and raised his head, struggling twice randomly, "It's cold."

The iron armor on his body came down, cold and hard, covering her soft body, making her shiver uncontrollably.

Pei Ran let go of her and reached out to remove his armor.

Feng Yun was startled, a little unbelievable.

She originally thought that this man just wanted to be intimate with her for a while, but she didn't expect that he would actually come...

In the past few days, they had been in the room very frequently. She thought that Pei Madang was leaving, so she always relied on him. She never thought that she could turn back before leaving and come back again...

this person……

She didn't even know what to say.

"Your Majesty, do you want to stay for another two days? Anyway, you are fast and you can catch up."

Pei Ran glanced at her, without saying much, and hurriedly took off his armor, put his hands on her sides, and looked at her with red eyes.

His reluctance was all in his eyes.

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat and he put his hand on his face.

Pei Madang was handsome and tough. Under the flickering light of the candlelight, the outline of his face had an unprecedented softness.

At this moment, he still had the same face, but it was very different from King Yonghuai who was standing calmly in front of the army just now.

At the last moment, he was King Yonghuai with a heavy army, and he was about to lead the young emperor to the capital. Under one man, he was above ten thousand people.

At this moment, he was an ordinary husband in the boudoir who couldn't bear to leave his beloved wife. His eyes were filled with ardent longing, as if he was waiting for a parting kiss and a hearty farewell...

His hands were warm and dry.

Buckled around the waist, getting tighter and tighter, getting hotter and hotter.

Feng Yun raised his fingertips, slowly caressing the bridge of his nose and the corners of his eyes, and finally lowered his gaze to his rolling Adam's apple...

A beam of light passed through his forehead, and an ambiguous breath floated in the air.

Feng Yun stared into his eyes as if he were in a dream, and his voice was clear and distant.

"If you don't want to leave, why don't you stay for the New Year?" (End of Chapter)

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