Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 452: A sudden turn of events

If Pei Jue had any dissatisfaction just now, at this moment, seeing the gentle dimples in that smile, all the heaviness disappeared.

Yunniang asked him to stay for the New Year.

This was enough to make him crazy.

Unfortunately, the luggage had been packed and everything was ready, so he had no choice but to leave.

"It's enough to have Yunniang's words."

He said softly, and his voice fell on Feng Yun's neck with warm breath, which made Feng Yun's scalp numb.

She just asked by the way, but he was obviously different. There seemed to be a cluster of fire jumping in the depths of his black eyes. He gently touched and rubbed, "Do you want it?"

Feng Yun lowered her head.

Looking at the back of his hand, the blue veins protruded, which was a state of forbearance, and the unspeakable uneasiness in his heart strangely disappeared.

She had never been able to resist Pei Jue in this matter, so she stopped trying to be strong and closed her eyes as she wished. She had no power to resist under his big hand. A torrent seemed to surge from deep inside her body, and her heartbeat also accelerated...

"Yun Niang..." Pei Jue's breathing was disordered, and he wished he could crush the red eyes under his fingertips.

Feng Yun's body tightened and she moaned like a cat. The light above her head was instantly taken away by him, and then her breath was taken away. The hair on her face was slightly trembling because of the hot air he exhaled. She moaned, and he pressed on her, taking away all her strength...


The surroundings were quiet.

Feng Yun woke up from the confusion, wearing her inner clothes and covered with a brocade robe, lying softly on the couch, her whole body was numb and she didn't have any strength, and she didn't want to open her eyes.

She didn't know what time it was.

She didn't want to move, nor did she want to ask.

After making love, no woman would expect a man to put on his clothes and leave, and she was no exception... So when Pei Jue hugged her, she leaned over and leaned against his shoulder.

"I'm a little reluctant to let you go,"

Pei Jue lowered his head, "Really."

Feng Yun hummed softly, opened her eyelids, and smiled charmingly.

"After all, the king serves so well."

She was joking.

Pei Jue pinched her face lightly.

"Then Yun Niang will go to Xijing with me."

He said it casually. Feng Yun paused and looked at him with pursed lips, "Isn't it too late to ask now?"

Pei Jue's eyes deepened a little, "I'll send you back after the New Year. Are you willing?"

"I haven't been to Xijing, why not? I like to play around. But..."

Her voice dragged, and Pei Jue's expression darkened, and then she sighed: "I haven't arranged anything. I can't just leave with such a big stall."

Pei Jue's throat was slightly choked, and for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Feng Yun nudged him with her elbow, "How about, Your Majesty, wait for me for a few days?"

If we wait a few days, it will be the New Year, and the imperial carriage is waiting, Pei Jue can't leave.

She knew it.

Pei Jue also knew it.

He didn't know if Feng Yun did it on purpose, but since she asked, he would naturally satisfy her.

"I'll wait for you at Baihekou."

He said it seriously, staring at Feng Yun without blinking: "With the imperial carriage here, the team will move slowly, Yun Niang should hurry up, and we will arrive in three or five days."

Feng Yun saw that he was so serious, and she swallowed her joke back.

Pei Jue saw that she didn't say anything, and then said: "If you can't make it, you can catch up slowly, and I will pick you up on the way back."

Feng Yun's eyes fell on his eyes, and she couldn't say no, because his eyes were too sincere, and she didn't want to see him disappointed.

She spoke slowly, and took enough time to think before she said a word.


A normal man suddenly had hot eyes, boiling blood, and a heartbeat that was about to burst out of his chest because she responded. Feng Yun hadn't had time to put on her clothes yet, and he succeeded again.

Maybe he was too excited, and the suppressed desire found an outlet for explosion. He was a little too strong this time, and Feng Yun's whole waist was pressed against the soft pillow, and she felt sore and angry that she grabbed him hard.

"I shouldn't have agreed to you out of weakness."

"It's my fault." Pei Jue had never been so helpless in front of her as today, and his movements were particularly clumsy. He wanted to coax her, but he didn't know how to start. He could only lower his head to kiss her and stroke her hair, just like an adult coaxing a child.

Feng Yun was tickled by him, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Your Majesty, hurry up. If you don't leave now, you will miss the team."

"No hurry, I'll accompany you. We'll catch up before nightfall."

"Don't keep your majesty waiting for too long, I'm worried." Feng Yun pushed him, saying so, but she was afraid in her heart.

This man was too abnormal and too excited today. If she let her stay and did it again when she was happy, she would not want to live.

"Well." Pei Jue let go of her slightly, his eyes fell on her face like infatuation, and he lowered his head to kiss her forehead, every word was reluctant.

"I'll go first, you take your time."

"Well." Feng Yun blushed when he saw her, and pushed him, her eyelashes trembling, her whole face flushed.

Pei Jue got up and dressed, "Yun Niang, I'm leaving."

Feng Yun closed her eyes and didn't say anything, as if she was very tired. Pei Jue bent down and tucked her quilt corner, stood in front of the couch for a moment, and then strode away.

Feng Yun listened to him telling the maid to prepare water outside, and listened to his footsteps gradually fading away, then slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

Isn't this just asking for trouble?

Women really can't be soft-hearted, men are always asking for more.


Pei Jue caught up with the main force before nightfall.

Because they had to wait for him, the team deliberately slowed down.

Everyone noticed that the king's face looked much better than in the morning. Although he still had no smile, his eyes were bright, and occasionally, flashes of smile could be seen.

Ji You and Zuo Zhong looked at each other.

"Am I dazzled? The king is laughing?"

"No." Zuo Zhong said firmly: "Your Majesty is indeed a little different."

Ji You hissed, held his chin and said, "What happened, are we not aware of it?"

Zuo Zhong pursed his lips. Before he could answer, he saw Pei Madang coming towards him. He quickly shut his mouth, tightened the reins, and stepped forward to report:

"Your Majesty, just now Lady Lin came over and said that Your Majesty is a little tired. We are going to rush to Pingle Inn to stay."

Pei Ran hummed, "Pile is a big post station. Since His Majesty is feeling unwell, please stop for one more day to let him rest."

Zuo Zhong was slightly startled.

This is not like the behavior of a king...

Usually when I'm on the road, I don't come and go in a hurry. It doesn't matter if I delay for an extra quarter of an hour, let alone stop for an extra day?

Is this because His Majesty is accompanying you?

They didn't dare to guess elsewhere and hurried down to do it.

Pei Madang hesitated and walked to Pei Chong's car.

Pei Yuan was taking care of her father in the carriage with her two little ones. Pei Man coughed outside the carriage.


Pei Yuan quickly opened the curtain and was surprised to see his expression was different.

"What's wrong? If you have something to say, just say it."

Pei Ran said: "Yunniang is going to Xijing to celebrate the New Year."

Pei Yuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, looking at his expression with a knowing look.

"Tell me about you, you are already a grown-up, why are you still acting like Xiao Qi? The couple didn't discuss it in advance, so they are still angry? If we don't leave together when we set off, we are not afraid of people laughing at you if we catch up halfway. You are just a child. Just like every family..."

Pei Ran had no expression on his face.

Neither did Pei Chong.

Ah Zuo and Ah You were happy.

Pei Yuan coughed slightly to suppress her joking expression and said, "The whole family should celebrate the New Year together. It's the first time that my sister-in-law goes to the house, so she has to send someone back quickly to tidy up the house. Don't do it. Wait a minute.”

Pei Ran hummed.

Pei Yuan then looked around.

"Where is the person? Why haven't I seen him?"

Pei Ran said: "She has to arrange Nagato's affairs first. I'm afraid it will take a few days to catch up."

Pei Yuan nodded and said nothing more.

Pei Chong opened his eyelids, stared at him and said, "Go and pick it up."

Pei Madang glanced at the team, tied the reins, and slowed down his horse, "It would be better if we traveled more slowly. Yun Niang will catch up."

Pei Chong knew what he was worried about, so he pursed his lips and said nothing more.

Just at this moment, there was a commotion from behind the motorcade.

Everyone looked over and saw the Ao family's team, and faintly heard the sound of someone retching.

Pei Madang sent someone to inquire, and soon he got the news.

"Your Majesty, it's a female member of the Ao Mansion who vomited due to the fatigue of the carriage and horses."

Before Pei Madang had time to speak, Ao Qi came over on horseback.

He first saluted the elders, and then said: "The team's journey is too slow. It will take us until the end of the twelfth lunar month to reach Xijing. It's better to split up..."

The person who just vomited was the concubine of the Ao family.

Ao Qi was not used to such squeamishness, and was reluctant to go with them, hoping that the pace would be faster.

Pei Yuan said: "You can't go any faster, otherwise your aunt won't be able to catch up."

Ao Qiyi was startled, "Auntie is going to Xijing?"

Pei Yuan glared at him, "What did you kid say? This is not going to Xijing, this is my aunt going home."

Ao Qi lowered his head, cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Looking up again, Ao Qi was in a trance.

He vaguely remembered the time when he innocently and straightforwardly invited Feng Yun to play in the capital.

Feng Yun agreed to him.

At that time, he was still thinking about finding an opportunity to bring the person over...

Looking back now, it feels like a dream.

"Ao Qi!" A woman's voice came from afar.

Ao Qi frowned.

In the Ao family, only his bride would call him by her first name.

"What's the matter?"

His voice was low and slightly displeased, but the woman seemed unable to hear it and called him louder.

"Come and take a look, see why my water bag can't be stuffed back..."

If you can't stuff it back, isn't there a maid?

Not only the maids, but also the guards...

Why do you have to call him?

Ao Qi cursed, very impatient, but in front of so many people, he did not say a word, said goodbye to his elders, and walked over angrily...

Stuffing the water bladder, he put it back.

Amir was also displeased when he saw his sullen face.

"Ao Qi, have you seen my things?"


"A bone knife. My brother sharpened it with his own hands and gave it to me."

"never seen it."

"I carry it with me every day, why haven't you seen it?"

"You take it with you so I can see you? I don't want to see you."

"If you don't look at me, who are you looking at?"


The young couple argued at the top of their lungs.

The servants around him lowered their heads, as if they didn't hear.

The mountain wind howled and the motorcade moved slowly.

Soon everything calmed down.

Ao Qi sat on the horse and slowly looked back, feeling dejected.

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