Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 558 The Imperial Concubine Kills


East Pavilion of Xianyang Palace.

The morning light was just beginning to penetrate. Looking out from the half-open window, one could see that the red walls and green tiles were wet, as if with the moisture of dewdrops.

It rained all night last night, and the incense in the bronze beast incense burner had cooled down.

It was almost dawn, but Xiao Cheng still hadn't slept.

A man sat by the window, the curtains fluttering in the wind, and his handsome eyes were heavy.

Jixiang bent down and refilled the cup with water again.

He added water all night, and His Majesty sat all night.

Under the steps outside the palace, Feng Jingting, Feng Ying, Feng Jingchao, the second son of the Feng family, and Feng Jingyao's two sons who served in the court came to see the emperor early, but were told that His Majesty had not gotten up yet and had not been summoned.

The news that the Jin court had imprisoned Feng Jingyao reached Taicheng last night. And Feng Jingting, because he was in Bingzhou, got the news earlier and arrived almost at the same time as the soldiers who sent the order.

At first, the Feng family couldn't believe that the Jin court was so unruly.

After confirming the news, they hurried to see the emperor before dawn.

The Feng family was very nervous.

But they didn't dare to move unless the emperor summoned them.

"Your Majesty." In the room, Jixiang held up the teacup and said boldly, "The Feng family has been waiting outside for a long time."

Xiao Cheng said, "I know."

Jixiang couldn't see the emperor's mood, so he didn't dare to speak again and quietly stepped aside.

Xiao Cheng supported his forehead with his hand, closed his eyes, rubbed his temples quietly for a while, then opened his eyes and slowly opened the drawer.

This drawer is usually locked. Even Ping An and Jixiang can't touch it, and they don't know what's inside.

Only Xiao Cheng knows.

Inside are notes written by Feng Yun in the past, a small portrait she drew for him, birthday gifts, some past objects, and the letter from Feng Yun to Pei Jue that was seized in Bingzhou.

Xiao Cheng frowned and his hands froze there.

He wanted to open the drawer, hesitated for a while, and slowly pushed it back.

"Let Feng Jingting wait in the West Hall, and everyone else, leave."

Jixiang was stunned for a moment, and responded, "Yes."

The East Pavilion is where His Majesty takes a break from his busy schedule.

He would write, read, be in a daze, and be silent here. It is his private place. When he is tired, he often sleeps here.

But His Majesty never handles government affairs in the East Pavilion.

He will not let anyone other than him and Ping An set foot in it.

Jixiang actually knows that in this room, there are many private belongings of Feng Shier Niang that His Majesty has collected from Feng Mansion, Bingzhou, and even Andu.

He doesn't understand what His Majesty is thinking.

It's been so many years...

That woman has been with Pei Jue for a long time. As the emperor, why can't she let go of her? She doesn't favor the three thousand beauties in the harem, but she has to think about a hopeless old man.

What you can't get is the best.

Jixiang thought so.


The Feng family had waited for so long, and seeing that the emperor only summoned Feng Jingting, and even the imperial concubine Feng Ying could not see him, they felt very nervous.

They all knew that the entire Feng family depended on Feng Jingyao. Without the pillar, the others would be scattered, but there was no one who could really support the family business and calm the situation in the court.

The whole family came, and only Feng Jingting was seen.

The emperor's attitude was enough to scare them.

"Father." Feng Ying looked at her father with a sad face, pulled him aside, and said softly: "For now, we must find a way to save our uncle."

Feng Jingting sighed, "Of course. But your uncle is in the Jin Dynasty, and their life and death are decided by them... If I had known this, your uncle should not have been sent to Xijing as an envoy."

Feng Ying smiled faintly, much colder than usual.

She still wore a white gauze hat in the morning, and Feng Jingting could not see her face clearly.

"Father, it was the emperor's appointment, not uncle's intention."

Feng Jingting didn't understand the meaning of Feng Ying's words at all, and said anxiously: "It has already happened. For now, let's see what the emperor means. You go back first. Father is leaving. It's not good to keep the emperor waiting for a long time."

Feng Ying nodded.

Seeing Feng Jingting was about to turn around and leave, she grabbed his sleeve again.


Feng Jingting noticed her strangeness and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Feng Ying said: "No matter what the emperor says, you must not contradict him, to ensure that uncle returns safely."

Feng Jingting felt that she was very nagging today.

The emperor has been waiting for so long, and she is still nagging.

Feng Ying is usually very liked by Feng Jingyao. She respects her uncle much more than his incompetent father. This originally made Feng Jingting very uncomfortable, and the repeated instructions at this moment made him even more dissatisfied.

"Your uncle is my elder brother. If I can save him, why would I not save him? It's really a woman's opinion."

Feng Jingting pulled out his sleeves, turned around and walked away with a frown.

Feng Ying stood there, slowly withdrew her hands, and clenched her fists.

Her intuition was very accurate. She had been feeling uneasy since Xiao Cheng sent Feng Jingyao as an envoy.

My uncle holds an important position and has a lot of political affairs on hand. Even if the ascension of the new emperor of the Jin Dynasty is a big deal, it is not necessary to send my uncle.

It is decent to find a prince in the royal family or send a duke. Why must my uncle go?

Over the years, the children of the Feng family have been promoted to the court and have all been protected. It can be said that when Xiao Cheng ascended the throne, the Xuzhou Feng family was at its peak and prominent.

If there is another queen, it will naturally be icing on the cake.

Therefore, the eldest uncle contacted many ministers in the court and made many petitions, asking Xiao Cheng to make her the queen...

At this critical moment, my uncle was sent to Xijing as an envoy.

Feng Ying hoped that her guess was wrong, but her frantic heartbeat made her doubt... Xiao Cheng did it on purpose.

He was no longer the Xiao Cheng he once was.

Sitting on the throne, he did not want to be constrained by the Feng family.

Feng Ying did not read history books, but she had heard a lot of stories from the past dynasties. How many meritorious officials who followed the emperor ended up being more meritorious than the emperor, and how many loyal ministers and generals ended up being thorns in the emperor's eyes and flesh.

She was actually afraid that the Feng family would go down this path, and she reminded the Feng family members countless times to act cautiously, restrain their edge, and not show their arrogance...

Unfortunately, the family business became bigger and the population grew larger. Not to mention the cousins, even her mother often couldn't help but get cocky and caused a lot of trouble...

Your Majesty remembered all these things.

Feng Ying felt cold in her heart, glanced at the window of the East Pavilion, and quietly withdrew.

As soon as she left Xianyang Palace, she saw Daman standing in the morning light.

Feng Ying said nothing.

Daman raised his lips coldly, looked at her mockingly, and walked towards her.

"The imperial concubine came out of Xianyang Palace before dawn... Was she here to sleep with him last night?"

Feng Ying felt a pain in her heart, and her throat felt bitter and sweet.

She knew that Daman was mocking her, but she had to hold back her anger.

"Madam Huaman." Feng Ying forced a smile, "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave."

Feng Ying said, and walked past Daman with the palace maids.

"Stop!" Daman grabbed her wrist.

She had practiced martial arts and was very strong.

Feng Ying couldn't struggle free, and glared at her. Just as she was about to warn him, Daman slapped her.

The curtain fell to the ground, revealing Feng Ying's embarrassed face.

Her uneven face was full of astonishment.


The palace maids hesitated for a moment before screaming.

Feng Ying was still a concubine at the very least.

Daman is just a lady.

How dare she attack the imperial concubine?

Everyone was shocked, but Feng Ying didn't.

She slowly raised her chin and looked at Daman coldly.

"We are from the same roots, why are we so anxious to hurt each other? Daman, we are sisters, sisters from the same roots."

"Wow?" Daman rubbed her red palms as if she had heard a joke, and she sneered coldly, "It's ridiculous to hear this from the imperial concubine. When you framed your elder sister and took her husband away to marry her, did you ever think that we were sisters from the same roots?"

Feng Ying looked at her sideways, "What about you? You are the same. Who is more noble than me? When you were sleeping in Xianyang Palace, did you ever think about your elder sister?"

"I'm different from you." Daman raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a bit of sarcasm, and glanced at her sideways, and suddenly grabbed Feng Ying's chin and made two clicks.

"Look at this face, it's so ugly, and you still want to be the queen? Feng Ying, who gave you the courage to think that you can be the mother of the country with your appearance?"

"How dare you!" Feng Ying panted, "Madam Hua Man, I am the imperial concubine! How dare you commit treason?"

"Oh." Da Man sneered and slapped her again.

"You are the imperial concubine, and I am still a concubine. Haven't you heard that a poor imperial concubine is worse than a chicken? The slap just now was for my eldest sister, and this slap is for my mother..."

Feng Ying was so angry that her chest heaved, and the suppressed anger was like a tide.

"What are you all standing there for? Are you dead?"

She scolded the palace servants in a sad voice, and pushed Da Man with both hands.

Daman had always been strong, and she didn't expect that with just a push, Daman staggered back a few steps, and his back hit the palace hard, making a loud bang...

Then, Daman pointed at her tremblingly, his pupils slightly widened, and the whole person fell down and fainted on the spot.

"Madam!" The maid screamed and rushed over.

I saw a line of blood overflowing from Daman's lips, along the neck, and in an instant it flowed into the collar...

The blood was pungent.

The maid was scared and screamed loudly.

"The imperial concubine killed someone!"

"Hurry up, someone, the imperial concubine killed someone!"

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