Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 559: The Feng Family Falls

Feng Jingting hurried to the west hall, saluted respectfully, and bowed his head to the end.

"Your Majesty, Feng Jingting, is here to see you."

Xiao Cheng sat upright and did not respond.

Feng Jingting raised his head and said with choked words, "Your Majesty, please inform the Jin court immediately, abide by the covenant between the two countries, and return the ministerial order as soon as possible..."

Xiao Cheng slowly raised his sleeves.

"Give Feng Aiqing a seat."

Feng Jingting's eyelids trembled slightly.

The emperor had no expression on his face and offered him a seat when he came up?

"I don't dare." Feng Jingting lowered his head and his voice was a little softer. "I am concerned about the safety of my eldest brother. I have not been ordered to return to the capital without authorization. Please forgive me."

There was a lamp in the west hall, and the dancing firelight reflected Xiao Cheng's calm face, which was gentle and handsome, but without any hint of joy or anger.

"Do you know, dear sir, what did Shangshu Ling commit?"

Feng Jingting did not dare to raise his head, but stared at the corner of the emperor's dragon robe, cleared his throat, and said: "According to Wei Chen's opinion, this matter is a frame-up of the Jin court and cannot be true."

"Oh?" Xiao Cheng snorted coldly.

Feng Jingting's heart trembled again, and he said bravely: "Shang Shuling has an insight into the current situation and is well versed in the art of diplomatic relations. There is no way he would do such a stupid thing..."

"Feng Aiqing." Xiao Cheng stared at him, "The evidence is conclusive and our court cannot deny it."

After a pause, he said in an indifferent tone: "Shang Shuling made such a big mistake for his own selfish interests. If it triggers a dispute between the two countries, he will be an eternal sinner."

Feng Jingting's heart was pounding.

He was a little confused, "I don't understand. Isn't it... His Majesty's assignment to send an envoy?"

Xiao Cheng's face darkened, "How brave! Are you questioning me, abandoning me and ignoring the safety of the court, sending ministers to send envoys, using dirty tricks, spying, and damaging the friendship of our allies?"

Feng Jingting's expression changed and he bowed deeply, "I don't dare."

"Hmph!" Xiao Cheng said coolly: "Feng Jingyao caused such a disaster and left me a mess. He died unjustly. You still expect me to rescue him? Do you know that the Beiyong Army has sent troops to Xinzhou and is ready to be ready at any time? By sending troops to Hengqu Pass, the peace we finally gained will turn into ashes in the blink of an eye.”

Feng Jingting didn't think so much just now.

Listening to this, the emperor is right.

When he thought about fighting again, he felt a shadow in his heart and couldn't help but feel sad.

"Shang Shuling is confused. Alas, what should we do? What should we do? Da Qi has just been peaceful for a few years, so we don't want to start another war."

Xiao Cheng put his hand on his forehead and glanced at him lightly, "I am also worried about how to explain to Xijing."


Yes, without explanation, the beheading will take place on April 15th.

Feng Jingting's mind became clearer again.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, you must keep Shangshu Ling safe. Even if it is for the sake of the face of Da Qi, we cannot let the Jin court act arbitrarily and kill my envoy."

Xiao Cheng thought for a moment and raised his eyes, "How about I send Feng Aiqing to Xijing to negotiate with the Jin court?"

Feng Jingting was so frightened that his heart was trembling.

"This... minister's words are clumsy and his tongue is not very dexterous. I may miss important matters."

Xiao Cheng looked at his nervous look and pursed his lips.

"Aiqing is Pei Ran's father-in-law. I see that in the civil and military affairs of the entire dynasty, there is no more suitable candidate than Aiqing."

If nothing happened to Feng Jingyao, Feng Jingting would definitely have agreed to it in order to earn face by showing off in front of the emperor, just like he did when he went to Huaxi.

He is Feng Yun's biological father and Pei Madang's father-in-law.

That's right...

But Feng Jingyao is also their uncle.

If your uncle dares to kill him, will he be soft on his own father?

He didn't dare to risk his life.

"Your Majesty, to be honest, my eldest daughter has quite a bit of criticism towards me. Although I have a heart to serve the country, I want to share your worries for Your Majesty, but I'm afraid it will be self-defeating."

Xiao Cheng looked at him.

He was born with good looks, but unfortunately, fear was written all over him from head to toe.

No matter what happened, the first thing he thought of was himself.

Wife, daughter, eldest brother, are all people who can be given up when necessary.

"That's fine." Xiao Cheng said in a calm voice: "You returned to Beijing in violation of the rules and despised the imperial power. It was originally a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. I think you are worried about your brother. It is understandable that I will not punish you with death for the time being. However, according to state laws, such a situation in the court There are many pairs of eyes looking at me. I want to protect you, but I can’t be selfish..."

Every word he heard made Feng Jingting tremble with fear and bend his waist.

Then I heard Xiao Cheng say: "Since I'm back, there's no need to go. Just stay at home and think about your mistakes."

Feng Jingting's heart skipped a beat.

The emperor took off his black gauze hat?

It used to be smooth sailing, with a family and an elder brother at his head. He was used to it. He even dared to throw himself away and run away from Andu City, and no one held him accountable. This time it was just a habitual violation of the rules. He thought he could be forgiven like before. Then I got confused...

How could you expect that Xiao Cheng would handle it seriously?

"Your Majesty..." Feng Jingting immediately knelt down, lying on the ground, raising his head and begging for mercy, "I will return to Bingzhou immediately, and I will never return to Beijing without an edict."

Xiao Cheng's eyes were warm and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

"Go back and spend your remaining years peacefully. In this way, maybe you can stay a little longer."

He said this almost with a smile. After listening to it, Feng Jingting felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Feng family...

It's over.

Your Majesty has no intention of rescuing his eldest brother, and his black gauze hat has also fallen off. The remaining Feng family members may not be able to protect themselves...

The trees fell and the hozens scattered.

Feng Jingting's feet became weak and he couldn't stand up for a long time.

Xiao Cheng waved his hand, "Take him down."

Two guards came over and helped Feng Jingting up from the ground.

Before he could stand still, Ji Xiang's nervous voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, the imperial concubine had a dispute with Mrs. Huaman outside the Xianyang Palace, and they actually got into a fight. Mrs. Huaman was seriously injured. She is unconscious and bleeding all over the floor..."

Xiao Cheng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Touch the lever with your hand and turn it.

"Pass on the imperial physician."

Jixiang stepped back in response.

Feng Jingting stood there in a daze, looking at Xiao Cheng's cold and heartless face, a little at a loss.

The emperor in front of him was far different from the handsome and unique Young Master Xiao in his memory.

Even Xiao Cheng is completely different from Xiao Cheng when he first came to the throne.

At that time, who would not say that the new emperor governed the country with benevolence, administered government with virtue, was good at accepting advice, and was a great and upright gentleman?


Xiao Cheng, who had hidden ambitions and had been dormant for many years, finally sat firmly on the dragon throne. He was no longer the third son of Xiao, nor the King of Jingling, but the king of a country with monopoly power.

Who else can he listen to and be kind to?

The cold air rose from the soles of my feet and quickly spread throughout my body.

Feng Jingting vaguely realized that he had done something wrong, and the Feng family had also done something wrong...

"Your Majesty, I have something to say, I don't know whether to ask it or not..."

Only after Feng Jingting's voice burst out of his throat did his ears catch it. He was startled, and seeing that Xiao Cheng was not angry, he signaled to him, and then slowly bowed.

"Could your Majesty please step aside?"

Xiao Cheng twitched the corners of his lips and raised his hand.

The palace people slowly retreated.

Xiao Cheng sat motionless, his expression unclear.

Feng Jingting gave a bitter smile, and then said: "Excuse me, I dare to ask your majesty, but are you going to put the Feng family to death?"

This was a very bold and presumptuous question.

If it were Feng Jingyao, he would definitely not speak like this.

But this is in line with Feng Jingting's personality.

Xiao Cheng's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, "I will deal with it impartially."

Having said this is the same as not saying it.

Feng Jingting lowered his eyes, nodded in confusion, and finally asked the question that he had buried in his heart for a long time, "The person your Majesty wants to marry has always been the Twelfth Mother?"

Xiao Cheng said nothing.

His eyes were dim, but his expression was cold.

Feng Jingting was silent for a moment, "If back then, the Feng family didn't donate twelve mothers to Pei Madang, and didn't force Your Majesty to marry A Ying in exchange for marriage when His Majesty declined, wouldn't the Feng family...have ended up like this today? "

"Yes." Xiao Cheng's voice was cold and calm, without any ups and downs, as if he was calmly narrating someone else's story, "I will make Feng Twelfth Mother my queen. The prince I will give birth to will be from the Feng family. My kingdom will also be the same." He will inherit... The Feng family of Xuzhou will be outstanding for generations to come, unmatched by anyone."

Feng Jingting raised his head in confusion.

At this moment, the emperor's eyes were dark and bright, as if a light flashed through his eyes.

"His Majesty……"

They are all men, and they understand men best.

Feng Jingting didn't understand why Xiao Cheng was so deeply in love?

Xiao Cheng lowered his voice and stared at him, "Does Mr. Feng know that my prince...has already thought of a name?"

Feng Jingting stiffened.

At this moment, Xiao Cheng's eyes were terrifying.

It was something Feng Jingting had never seen before. It was as if the Feng family had killed his prince, with blood almost dripping, hatred bursting out, and a hint of sadness.

Feng Jingting's body was tense, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his scalp. He didn't know whether he was affected by him, or he was sad for himself. In this solemn atmosphere, he shed tears for no reason.

"I feel sorry for you. But Your Majesty, this is all fate and God's will."

He lifted up the corner of his robe and slowly knelt down to Xiao Cheng.

"Please have mercy on Your Majesty and give the Feng family another chance."

Xiao Cheng glanced at him and laughed softly.

Slowly, he picked up the tea cup and threw it down from the table.

"Did you see it? It's so flooded that it's hard to recover, and everything is devastated. It's too late! It's too late for everything."

One wrong step, every wrong step.

One step too late, every step too late.

His Yuchu, his and Ayun's royal son, would never come back.

Xiao Cheng: I told you I was the second male lead...

Reader: Generally these people die quickly.

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