Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 561 Clean and tidy

Feng Yun's eyes were red, and anger was like a burning flame, beating in her pupils, as if it was turning into a sharp dagger, cutting open the past event in Feng Jingyao's belly...

Feng Jingyao sneered.

Seeing Feng Yun's uncomfortable look, he felt somewhat happy.

"If she dies, the King of Hell will take her in, so what does that have to do with me?"

Feng Yun's expression changed.

"Feng Jingyao——"

Gritting his teeth, before he could do anything, an arm passed coldly across his eyes.

The man's jaws were stuck in Feng Jingyao's throat like an iron pincer.

In the prison at night, the lights are dim.

Pei Madang didn't speak, his gloomy face seemed to be covered with the coldness of hell, and his eyes were as sharp as blades. Just scanning him like this made people shudder.

Feng Jingyao's head was forced to lift up, his jaw tightened, and the corners of his mouth turned down slightly, revealing an imperceptible sneer.

Pei Madang half-squinted his eyes and increased his strength little by little.

Feng Jingyao's face turned the color of pig liver, but he still refused to speak.

Pei Ran let go slightly: "You think it will be over without opening your mouth?"

Feng Jingyao smiled bitterly: "... Anyway... it's death. Please do it."

Pei Madang said coldly: "Death is different from death."

Feng Jingyao pursed his lips slightly, looking arrogant and squinting at him, "Come on. I have seen all kinds of tricks in my life, and I just want to see what unique skills King Yonghuai has."

After he finished speaking, he glanced sideways at Feng Yun.

"The Feng family in Xuzhou is no coward."

Feng Yun slowly narrowed his eyes and sneered.

In the silence, Pei Madang's voice sounded calmly.

"Under Feng Gong's knees, there are two direct descendants, three concubines, five sons and twelve grandsons... I wonder if they are all like Feng Gong. They are made of iron and bones. They are not afraid of death, let alone being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts?"

Feng Jingyao's eyes changed.

Being human, we always have our weaknesses.

Even a ruthless person like Feng Jingyao still pities his children and grandchildren.

Feng Jingyao was furious and took a deep breath before scolding him hoarsely.

"Pei Ran, how dare you!"

Pei Ran said in a deep voice: "Don't think that there is nothing I can do if they are in Taicheng. Mr. Feng..."

He paused for a moment, his black eyes shone slightly, and the murderous aura seemed to fall down with his breath, silently, beating his heart.

"I have a thousand ways to make them die a good death. It won't be easier than Feng Gong's death, but do you want to bet?"

He spoke seriously, even calmly.

There was no hint of threat, it was just a statement of fact.

Feng Jingyao stared at him at first.

The atmosphere was silently stagnant.

Slowly, Feng Jingyao softened, feeling deflated. He slumped on the straw pile, leaned his back against the wall, and stared blankly at the oil lamp in front of him.

"Your mother... married into the Feng family as a daughter-in-law, but she was obsessed with Xie Xian. If she was not killed and the matter was revealed, she also vowed to avenge the Xie family... Twelve Niangs, it was her who was wandering around and seeking her own death. , who’s to blame?”

Feng Yun was startled.

The moment her mother got involved with Xie Xian, she was a little overwhelmed.

Soon, he became angry again.

"You are talking nonsense! You are about to die, and you still want to slander my mother's reputation. It is obviously Feng Jingting who likes the new and hates the old, and hooked up with the Chen family, but he wants to bite my mother back?"

Feng Jingyao pursed his lips slightly and glanced at her mockingly.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask your father for confirmation...and if you don't believe it, you can ask your maternal grandfather's family to see if he knows..."

Feng Yun snorted coldly, "My grandfather and grandmother have passed away a long time ago. Do you think no one will expose you if you talk nonsense?"

Feng Jingyao looked over coldly, "The Lu family is not dead. If you are interested, you can always ask. Before your mother married into the Feng family, she cared about Xie Xian. She had no choice but to marry into the Feng family because Xie Xian had already Marry a wife. Otherwise, why did your parents' conflict come about? Why did your father stay drunk at Chen's house and end up with Feng Ying? Also, given your mother's mind, why did she turn a blind eye to this matter? , This is obviously a guilty conscience. Twelve mothers, everything has its roots. Your mother died unjustly."


Feng Yun's chest heaved with anger and he pointed at him, his fingers trembling.

Pei Man held her hand tightly, as if to comfort her, and then released it.

"What grudge does Xie Xian have against you? You are so cruel. Not only do you want to kill his entire family, but you also want to bury the entire Xie family army with him!?"

Feng Jingyao raised his eyelids and stared at Pei Ran.

After a long while, he sneered coldly.

"You are the remnant of the Xie family who escaped in Bingzhou, right? Xie Qilang?"

Pei Ran's eyes were cold and he neither admitted nor denied.

Feng Jingyao pondered for a moment and suddenly laughed.

There was a strange kind of relief in his eyes.

"Then I have died a worthy death today. The cycle of cause and effect, no one can blame me."

Pei Ran said coldly, "If there is a cycle of cause and effect, how should you calculate it?"

Feng Jingyao felt a chill on his body, his body stiffened slightly for a moment, and he relaxed his mouth.

"I have no grudges against the Xie family, but in troubled times, everyone is their own master, and everyone wants to make a difference. Prince Huairen and the then Emperor Yanping... Wei Wang Xiao Jue are in the same situation. Everyone knows that Wei Wang Being close to the Feng family will do no good to the Feng family if Prince Huairen ascends the throne."

It is concise, calm and simple, but it contains the cruelest truth.

It was no different from their previous speculation.

In the sound of war, the era of wars and wars came to mind.


"No one from the Xie family will be left alive."

The north wind whistled past, the horses' hooves rolled, the shouts of killing continued, and the sound of heads falling to the ground was extremely dull. It seemed to be outside the wall, in the sky, and it seemed to come out from under the blue bricks and stones of the prison cell, along the instep, crawling up the whole body, and seeping into every pore.

Feng Yun took a long time to catch his breath, looking at Feng Jingyao's shriveled face like orange peel and the deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes under the dim light.

"If there is no benefit, you have to kill people?"

Feng Jingyao looked at her, "Either they die or the Feng family will perish. Feng Shier Niang, your surname is also Feng. If I hadn't done that back then, how could you live to this day?"

A conspiracy turned the world upside down, and the world changed in an instant.

The long wind blew from the corridor of the prison cell, and Feng Yun suddenly felt a little cold.

It was very similar to the cold palace that year.

And the words he saw when he saw Prince Huairen in the Yuzhao Hall of the cold palace.

"Now it's year after year, it used to be year after year."

The world is full of impermanence.

She is from the Feng family. Under the fate, she became a victim like Prince Huairen and was imprisoned in the same place. All of this was because of the conspiracy of the year.

Time flies. I vaguely remember that Prince Huairen has been dead for more than ten years.

"To overthrow Prince Huairen, there didn't have to be so many deaths. How many innocent people died tragically in the Xie family army?"

Feng Jingyao did not answer.

Some people are born cruel.

Some people look like gentlemen, but they have been possessed by the devil.

The wind in the Yushitai prison is very cold.

When Feng Yun and Pei Cong came out of the prison, it was already four o'clock.

The two walked slowly across the bluestone road under the moonlight, and no one spoke.

The carriage was waiting there.

The moon was hanging on the treetops behind the carriage.

The night was very quiet, like death.

Feng Yun put her hand in Pei Cong's arm.

Pei Jue glanced sideways, "Maybe what he said is true."

Feng Yun paused slightly, "What?"

Pei Jue looked at her, raised his head to the sky, his black eyes seemed to be full of stars.

"Your mother and my father, the love that is difficult to continue, in exchange for you and me are destined."


April 15th is the day of the underworld.

The streets and alleys outside the Xuanhua Gate of Xijing are crowded with people before dawn.

The whole street was not crowded until noon, until all the people were pushed out for execution.

Ordinary people like to watch people being killed.

Especially those who are going to be killed are the kings and nobles who were high above and arrogant in the past.

Watching the rich suffer and the nobles suffer is the fun of ordinary people. The exciting execution ground was crowded with people. After the charges were read out, a group of people shouted and followed the noise.

"Chop him off, chop him off."

"Chop him off!"

"That old guy is the mastermind, Xuzhou Feng family, Feng Jingyao. A Qi person..."

"Long live the Jin Dynasty! Kill these treacherous villains!"

"Look, it's going to be chopped off...ah, it's going to be chopped off!"

The crowd of onlookers was excited.

Under the executioner's big knife, the people kneeling on the ground begging for mercy cried and wailed, shrill and deafening.

The nobleman with gray hair hung his head, stiff and motionless.

"Chop him off!"

The executioner swung his knife and chopped.

The head rolled to the ground, and then the body fell down.

Someone dragged the body away, and the blood left a long trail on the ground. If too many people were killed, blood would drip down the steps, which was extremely creepy...

The envoys from Qi collected the bodies.

They watched the entire execution process. When everyone was killed, they wrapped the bodies with straw mats, put the heads in boxes, and went back to report to the King of Qi. Then they handed the heads and bodies to relatives and buried them.

The sun was blazing.

The excitement died down, and soon someone came to clean the execution ground.

Buckets of clean water were washed over, and it was clean.

It was so clean that it seemed as if these people had never lived. (End of this chapter)

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