Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 562: God’s will cannot be violated

Feng Yun did not go to the execution ground.

Early in the morning, Wen Xingsu came over.

The brother and sister had not seen each other for a while, and Feng Yun entertained them warmly. They prepared tea and fruit snacks and sat with them in the courtyard waterside pavilion.

In this season, when the flowers are in bloom, the waterside pavilion has a gentle breeze, and the breeze brings the fragrance of flowers, which is very pleasant.

Feng Yun stroked his sleeves and made a cup of tea for Wen Xingsu.

"Brother, come here alone, why doesn't your sister-in-law see you?"

Wen Xingsu observed her mood for a moment and saw that she was not affected by Feng Jingyao's questioning. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"The eldest princess went to Jingxin Temple yesterday to pray for His Majesty. Pingyuan went with her mother and will not return until three days later."

There have been many rumors circulating in the government and the public about the strange illness of the new emperor in the palace, and people are everywhere seeking information. On the contrary, Pei Mang never says much when he returns home.

Feng Yun did not go to the palace to visit the emperor, but privately called Yao Ru to ask and got a rough idea.

"The eldest princess is also interested." Feng Yun smiled faintly and looked at Wen Xingsu, "Doctor Yao said that your majesty is in good health, but he is suffering from a heart ailment. Brother, do you know what your majesty's heart ailment is?"

She never tabooed anything in front of Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xingsu picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then slowly raised his eyes.

"It's because of the defense map."

"Defense plan?" Feng Yun was surprised.

Wen Xingsu did not answer directly, but asked softly: "Why is there a defense map in the palace of Prince Yonghuai? Can you tell the waist?"

Regarding the defense map, there were many different opinions after Pei Madang's birthday party.

But on one thing, everyone was surprisingly unanimous - no one believed that Duan Wu could steal the defense map.

Then, there is only one possibility. The defense plan is in the Pei Mansion, and Feng Ya happens to have the convenience of stealing by living here. In this case, it is reasonable for her to have a tryst in the wing with the defense plan.

Feng Yun understood what Wen Xingsu meant.

Her eyelids drooped slightly and she shook her head.

"To be honest, brother, neither I nor the king know why the defense map is on Duan Wu's body, and Duan Wu refuses to explain."

Wen Xingsu glanced at her: "Duan Wu will be executed today."

Feng Yun hummed, slowly raised his eyes and smiled, "He is a dead soldier of the Southern Qi Dynasty. He can say what should be said, but he can't say a word of what should not be said. There is no use keeping such a person."

Seeing Wen Xingsu frowning more and more, she smiled lightly and asked:

"Is it possible that eldest brother also thinks that the defense plan has something to do with the king and me?"

Wen Xingsu's eyes darkened and he said calmly: "What I think is not important, what is important is what your Majesty thinks..."

The waterside pavilion was completely silent.

There was a breeze blowing.

It's a cold and chilling air.

Feng Yun stared at Wen Xingsu for a long time.

The two of them grew up together, and each other could understand what they were thinking without having to say it out loud.

But Feng Yun was silent for a moment and then spoke, "Brother, please speak clearly."

Wen Xingsu put down the tea cup and thought for a moment before saying:

"The eldest princess went to the palace to meet His Majesty. The sister and brother talked for an hour before His Majesty revealed that his heart ailment was related to King Yonghuai..."

Feng Yun chuckled lightly, shook his head and said calmly: "Is it possible that His Majesty got sick because he was suspicious of the King stealing the defense plans?"

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips slightly, with an intriguing smile, "Exactly what His Majesty said, the eldest princess has never told Pingyuan, so I don't know. I only heard Pingyuan say... His Majesty once begged Princess, let him go..."

"Let him go?"

Feng Yun's eyes paused and he raised his eyebrows, "Your Majesty is the king of a country. He has control over the world and is omnipotent. Isn't this ridiculous?"

Wen Xingsu nodded and said softly: "It is said that His Majesty was frightened and pretended to be ill and refused to go to court. He also threatened to abdicate and abdicate the emperor to King Yonghuai..."


Feng Yun's heart shrank.

The afternoon sun peeked in from the eaves of the waterside pavilion and shone brightly on Wen Xingsu's young and handsome cheeks. Feng Yun looked at it with a blur in his eyes.

She knew that Yuan Yin was timid.

When he received the order to attack Yecheng, he was so frightened and trembling in fear that he became the laughing stock of the Northern Yong army for a time.

What's more, before he ascended the throne, Pei Man imprisoned his son?


Feng Yun laughed.

A low voice, without emotion or anger.

"What did the eldest princess say?"

Wen Xingsu looked at Feng Yun quietly.

After not speaking for a long time, the air became dull.

After a while, a faint sigh was heard.

"The eldest princess worked so hard to protect the Yuan family, how could she agree to the request for abdication? She thought the emperor was possessed by evil spirits, so she went to Jingxin Temple to ask for the abbot's spiritual light mirror."

Who in the world doesn’t want to be an emperor?

No wonder the eldest princess suspected that Emperor Wenzhi was out of his mind.

Feng Yun looked at Wen Xingsu and asked lazily: " you also suspect that Pei Madang made the defense plan deliberately? The purpose is to intimidate His Majesty?"

Wen Xingsu shook his head, a gentle smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"It's hard for me to make a conclusion on this. I only know that if King Yonghuai ascends the throne as emperor, the territory of the Jin Dynasty will definitely surpass its current peak and prosperity will be boundless..."

Feng Yun: "Then it is no longer the territory of the Jin Dynasty."

Wen Xingsu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's right."

After saying that, he slightly cupped his hands and looked quietly, "Eldest brother's words back then still stand. Now that we have entered the Jin camp, only King Yonghuai will obey him from now on."

Wen Xingsu's statement made Feng Yun's heartstrings relax.

No matter who made that defense map, at this juncture, her eldest brother was still standing by her side, which was more important than anything else.

It's Pei Madang's turn to worry about other things.


Pei Madang came back after Wen Xingsu said goodbye and left the house.

He asked someone to call Feng Yun over and return the gift list from the birthday banquet to Feng Yun.

"The eldest sister said she shouldn't have anything to do with these things. Just keep them. If you really don't want to take care of them, just pile them into the warehouse and put them away."

Feng Yun smiled and motioned to Xiao Man to put it away, "Who would think it's too much money? If the eldest sister doesn't care, then it belongs to me."

Seeing that Pei Ran didn't speak, she lowered her eyes again and said very respectfully,

"I am the chief historian of the palace. These are all things that I should do, and I have no intention of laziness. I left it to my eldest sister out of respect..."

This is the explanation.

Feng Yun’s rare explanation.

Pei Ran glanced at her and nodded.

He had no intention of saying anything more, and his eyes passed lightly.

"Has your elder brother been here?"

Feng Yun hummed, and when he saw the servants in the room, he waved his hand to signal them. After they all retreated, he sat next to Pei Ran and told Wen Xingsu's words one by one.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran frowned after hearing this, "I already know."

Feng Yun thought it was a big secret. Looking at Pei Ran's penetrating eyes, he took a sip of herbal tea to relax his mood, and then smiled:

"This thing is really puzzling and unbelievable. Just because of a defense map, you have to give up the throne to someone else?

Isn't that too timid? Besides, the king didn't go too far. "

Pei Ran did not respond.

The room was quiet for a moment, and he said:

"I didn't touch him, why did someone touch him."

Feng Yun was surprised, "Really?"

Pei Madang's dark eyes were deep, "That day when I visited the palace, the emperor withdrew, leaving me alone in front of the emperor to complain. He said that he was not a saintly master who could rule the country and bring peace to the country, and he was willing to give up his throne to me. Only. Please keep his family safe and sound..."

This is a strange thing to say.

Even though Pei Mad held a large number of troops, it was not easy to overthrow the shackles between the emperor and his ministers. What's more, the royal family was not completely in decline. At least the eldest princess was still there to support the facade. How could Emperor Wenzhi abdicate so easily?

Feng Yun asked: "Have you ever endangered the lives of his family?"

Pei Madang raised the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "I checked the defense map today and smelled a faint fragrance..."

"Smell? What scent?"

"Plum makeup on the snow."

Feng Yun was slightly startled and could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

The fragrance of plum blossoms on the snow is probably only found on Li Sangruo nowadays.

And Li Sangruo has been under house arrest in the palace. He has no chance to steal the defense plan, let alone hide it on Duan Wu's body...

There is only one person who can get close to Li Sangruo and has the ability to change the situation.

Feng Yun said: "Is it Tang Shaogong?"

Pei Ran's face was as dark as water.

Feng Yun looked at him calmly.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Regardless of whether Tang Shaogong is really a hero of the Xie family army, this has other purposes besides pushing Pei Ran to the top. For Pei Ran, the supreme position is already within his reach.

As long as Pei Madang is willing to take this step, the mountains and seas will be turned upside down...

Pei Ran put his arms around her waist.


The wind blew, lifting Feng Yun's hair, and the flames in her eyes burned quietly, seeping out of her smile.

"Not afraid."

She slowly leaned her head on Pei Man's shoulder again, looking at the group of tireless moths under the eaves.

"If God's will is inevitable, I am willing to follow it." (End of this chapter)

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