Nano Mashine

Chapter 35 Qualifications of Socialism (4) #

“Yes? Me? ”

Chancellor Nooyeon's eyes widen, pointing to himself with his fingers.

Despite being a man, it was hard to think of him as one of the twelve elders of the Church, wearing red silk garments with butterfly symbols on them.

[Duke of Thousand. Uncle Hwan, have you not asked which of these men is the Elder?]

Mungyu urgently sent a message to Lady Chun.

The hallucination points to the six seated beside him and asks.

I couldn't tell the seven hallucinations that were doing exactly the same thing from the exact same appearance, but I suspected that the hallucinations sitting on the right side of my head that I had previously introduced myself might be real.

After sharing the conversation, I tried to tell Lady Chun when it became clear, but I was surprised when I pointed out a completely random person.

“Well, that's a little embarrassing. I can't believe I'm claiming to be the Lord. ”

Chancellor Nuyayeon looks embarrassed, touching his lips.

Looking at that Chancellor Nuyayeon, Lady Chun pointed to the seven hallucinations sitting on the table with her hands.

“Elder Hwan pointed at them, but when he spoke, he told me to find myself here. I don't think any of the seven of you actually think you are. ”


When she heard that, she also remembered what the hallucination said.

‘Let me get to the point. Do you know who the acolyte you saw here? ’

When I think about it, I never wrote the expression "hallucinations" while pointing to them.

By the way, I was convinced that General Nuyayeon was a hallucination.

“That's one word for saying I'm a lord. Maybe you chose too lightly to lose your chance so easily. ”

She glanced at General Nuyayeon shaking her head and said while smiling.

“Actually, there's an easier way to find out. ”

“An easy way to find out? ”

“I'll disrespect you for a moment. ”


Immediately, a thousand leagues of new blood rushed to General Nuyayeon like lightning.

Suddenly, a thousand-year-old hand blade of blue light was about to cut General Nuyayeon's throat.

It was too fast to avoid.



Mungyu's eyes widen, surprised by the sudden attack.

Nuya Yeon, who thought she was just a prime minister, created a blue force in her hands without moving a single step and blocked the Thousand Wolves River.

She raises her mouth and tells Nooyeon who prevented her attack.

“Are you going to tell me it's not you? ”

“...... This is a shame. ”

Test of Celestial Delights.

It was an unquestionable test to leave insight.

It was a fantasy that his face or features were known and that he was not known except for the current bishop.

Even Moon Kyu, an acquaintance's ceremony, didn't even recognize the actual voice of hallucination.

It was impossible to find the right answer without knowing the right answer.

Hallucinations were the most peculiar of the twelve elders of the martial arts.

The first test was not meant to be a match, but to surprise him and see how he would react.

At least in this situation, you can see that she's trying to find her opponent calmly without being confused.

But I never really imagined that I would be able to guess myself.

“How did you know? ”

- Shhh!

As General Nuyayeon unraveled the hidden energy, there was a powerful energy that felt heavy throughout the Great Hall.

Even Moon Kyu, a superstar, was also trembling in weight.

The Yin Qi's deep internal air was deep and even dull.

“You're not just going to tell me you took it with your gut? ”

“..... It's a Transformer. ”


The millennium reminded me of earlier.

I don't know what I did when I first met Chancellor Nuyayeon, but I had no doubt that he was hiding chi perfectly.

Of course, it also contributed to the unique neutral behavior.

However, after seeing the visions of the seven people on the top of the chute, I noticed something strange.

At first, the visionary, who was speaking naturally, replied with a slight time gap without answering directly after Moongyu greeted him.

Why did you do that? ’

When Moon-gyu suddenly felt strange about this, she suddenly saw the area of her neck that was slightly trembling when she sent a message towards her.

So I deliberately spoke with a conversation that I could not respond to quickly.

As expected, the illusion standing at the top did not respond directly to the words of Thousand Wolves, but said in a time gap.

‘No one… the neck is shaking. ’

Although his guess was wrong, Lady Chun, who was a little confused, asked Nano, thinking that the chords might be able to emit a sound, even if she wasn't shaking.

‘Nano. I might be able to figure out if I can hear a ringtone that Mungyu sent me earlier in this blueprint. ’

And I was wondering if this was a surprise.

[It's possible. I'm detecting frequencies with different sound waves.

Adjust the sound at different frequencies in the user's hearing.]

- Beep, beep!

At the end of Nano's words, there was something I hadn't heard until now, as a strange sound that was thinner than whistling through a thousand earholes.

[I've been a candidate for the small bishops since the beginning.]

The middle-aged hallucination standing at the top said as it sounded.

“I've been a candidate for the small bishops since the beginning. ”


Someone was speaking in a phonograph tone, and the hallucination of the top brass spoke in the spirit accordingly.

[You know that, don't you? We can test the elders' loyalty with a proper prison paddle.]

“You know that, don't you? We can test the elders' loyalty with a proper prison paddle. ”

Out of the seven hallucinations, I learned why the neck brace was not shaking.

It was because none of them were preaching.

The reverberation was coming from behind him so clearly, at the entrance of the great gate.

‘Ha! I can't believe you can eavesdrop on a ringtone. ’

It surprised me even more that Nano's ability could be tapped even if I used Nano's ability to find out who the real fantasy was.

However, Nano's ability to eavesdrop could not be understood, nor could it be revealed.

“Since Mungyu said hello, he's been answering in a time gap. And there I thought somebody was making a beep. ”

“!? ”

“But none of the seven of them were trembling or sending a message. So we've narrowed down the number of people in this building who are able to send a message. ”


In her description, General Nuyayeon's expression was strange.

In fact, Nuyayeon recognized the punctuation at the entrance of the Chief Executive Officer's gate as soon as she saw it.

He made an inflatable sphere that he couldn't recognize.

At first, he was the one who didn't want to let anyone else into the Chief, but he changed his mind in the middle.

"No, we can use him. ’

If Mungyu came as a thousand helpers, he thought he would try to help him figure out who he really was.

It was a mistake to think that a thousand years old would confuse us even more to find ourselves if we deceived the one and only literature with ourselves.

“I let this kid watch on purpose to confuse you, and I fell for it. Amazing.”

Chancellor Nooyeon genuinely admitted his thousand-year insight.

I didn't expect him to be of such cold age just for the terms and conditions.

Nuyayeon smiled softly, still confronting the millennium and strength.

“I should say hello again. It's a blessing for the non-homeless. ”

“A thousand moons.”

“Now that you passed the first test well, you may proceed immediately to the second. ”

“What's the second? ”

“This is Catholicism. If you want my recognition, you can press me unmanned. ”

- Papa!

Along with the horse, a strong rebounding force rose from the hand of the visionary, and the river that was wrapped in the hand of a thousand women bounced off.

‘It is a great force. ’

As she tried to respond straight away, a recipe like the ghost of Nooyeon created a lot of balance and swarmed on him.

- Papa Papa Pa!

Although she spread out the gluing method and smoothly blocked it, she was struck by a quick kick that dug her chest and was pushed away, bouncing back out into the courtyard outside the mound.


- Tick, tick!

As soon as I stepped on my foot in the yard, the air in the kick in my chest cracked where I stepped.


Mungyu was surprised and cried out.

Thought she would be strong because she was the twelve elders called the best martial arts master, but in her eyes, the movement of the illusion seemed to be fleeting.

The hallucination calmly walked down from the Great Blue Sea and approached the Queen Dowager.

“I think the auditorium will be destroyed during the fight at Daejeong. Hehe.”

"Gwangju method (Law office of Kwon & Moon) ’

I just remembered a cheerful herb.

It must have been the herbalist of the noble imaging method I saw in the Fifth Floor Secret Library of Mado.

The only difference was that the holes were more elaborate than the herbs in the emergency library.

‘I shouldn't think of it as the herb I saw in the nonprofit. ’

A master of that magnitude could not have developed his own work.

He smiled and said, looking at the thousand-year eyes that were getting serious.

“I had a lot of expectations because I won the Poison Seed. He may look like the old man with a cane, but he's a monster. ”

I never fought the Poisonous Horse Racecourse Baek Oh directly.

However, I have seen it with my own eyes several times in the battlefield with the sectarian Muslims.

He was a weirdo, but his hallucinations were also unmanned.

He couldn't fight because he had no reason to fight because he was the same elder, but he had drawn several times in his mind the battle against Baek Ohh, known as the weapon of mass destruction.

However, no matter how much I sharpened the ball, in my heart, the battle against Baek Oho was always his defeat.

‘If you defeated him, that would be an alternative. ’

I wanted to test it through a thousand years.

If you defeat the Poisonous Bell Master, you can say that you have surpassed Baek Oh.

“Apparently, they're masters of the province because they've been handed over to the Federation of Friendship Law, right? ”

At the end of his words, one of the seven false horns above the blue gate appeared and handed over a splendid red eagle.

- Chang!

When I picked the way out of the red dojo, I saw a city with colorful symbols carved into it.

A fantastic German weapon with a subtle old glow whether it was made of string or silver.

“Good timing. because my German counterpart is a technique. ”

The German bureaucrat of non-hominid longevity was the method of non-hominid.

I knew that the noble imaging method in the secret library of the fifth floor was not the feast I had seen, so I had a double interest in the eyes of a thousand people.

He was the master of the art of fighting since the fight with Chon Yoon Chan, a small bishop candidate from Tomajong Province.

Of course, he was overwhelmingly powerless to compare.

- Chang!

I pulled the White Dragon Blade from a white dojo that crossed my back.

White Dragon Road's white dove is revealed, and he smiles with white teeth as if he was satisfied.

“This is a sidewalk. It'll be a good fight. Do what you have to do to deal with Baek Oh. ”

- Pot!

Along with that, a hymn of joy came upon the thousand goddesses.

His grip flashes, and his schemes press down on him in flashy tones.


Thousand Yeouiun opened the border of this herbal plantation, which is a defense herb of the glue method.

The scheme unfolded in his White Dragon Province swiftly rotated and confronted the illustrious scheme.

- Whip it up!

Strong cathedrals collide, and strong metallic sounds resound everywhere.

The sound was so loud that I could hear the thousand sailors waiting outside the paladin.

He frowned and protested to the guard guard.

“What the hell is going on in there? ”

“We don't know. ”

Outside the gate, so did the guard guard.

I could hear the metal coming from inside, but it was clear that someone was fighting.

Apparently, the disciples who thought something had happened to Thousand Wolves couldn't stand it.

At this time, the most powerful white person stepped forward.

“I need to get inside the Chief. ”

“No. ”

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!


The guards tried to stop it, but it didn't work.

Baekgi quickly kicks them down with a rapid-fire kick and goes into the gate.

Looking at this, I muttered with a frustrated look on my face.

“Hmm, can I do this? ”

No matter how urgent it was, this place was a member of the congratulations of the eleven elders of the main school.

Taking down the guards and rushing inside was like a challenge to non-homicide.

“The Lord may be in danger, but what does it matter? Aye!”

Along with that, Hubong also ran into the Chief of Staff.

“The Lord comes first. Come on, we're coming with you. ”

“Yes, yep! ”

Even at the end of the day, he had to follow them into the Chief of Staff.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard of the guest house in the palace, the entertainment of the non-returning owner had already encountered about ten shekels in a short time.

It was dizzy for Mungyu to watch this, because both of them had a quick dojo.

‘This is the battle between the masters of photography. ’

The courtyard in front of the guest house was filled with traces of the river.

As the congratulations say, the building would have been a mess after fighting in the guest house.

"It's strong. It's so flawless in terms. However, it is not enough to say that I cut off the head of Baek Oh inspiration. ’

The praises of battling the Ten Seasoned Herbs were admired by his dance.

But on the one hand, I thought there was something missing.

I heard that Samar the Samurai master, who had watched the sixth phase exam, cut the neck of Baek Ohh with his overwhelming skill, but that was not enough.

“Is this how you get my prison sentence? ”

I shouted as if I was disappointed as I hit the road.

- Whip it up!

Even with such provocations, there was no shake in the eyes of the thousand angels.

There were many who provoked him even within the mado.

If it seemed like this, it might have fallen into their hands a long time ago.

‘It is difficult to subdue the elder of Hwan by using the glue alone. ’

The combat-experienced hallucinations saw friendship fighting on the battlefield, so I was well aware of the false identity of the method, and even with a pervert, I did not easily get over it.

In the end, it takes all the power to defeat him quickly.

‘Then…… let's give it a try. ’

Since the swordsman's sword resembles the current method of a thousand swords, there was no way the elder's hallucination could not recognize it. If so, there were two of the strongest men we could open now.

The Dagger's Retaliation Method. The twenty-four swords and the supreme cult.

The choice of the thousand years was the latter.

- Blame it!

Suddenly, she opened her hands and opened the streets, and there was a double sign in the eyes of joy.

At a constant interval, the posture of the woman holding the White Dragon Blade was completely different from the orientation equation.

What is this? ’

I had never even seen a rider's ceremony before.

Since there was no such thing as a weak skillful person who could not do a weak work, I lifted the air in the city with a sincere glance.

Cheonyeon warns him in a quiet voice.

“It can get out of control. Block it with power.”


- Pot!

At that moment, the new stature had been overwhelming, unlike it has ever been.

If the glue was a quick method, it was completely contrary to that.

It contained the momentum that existed in order to destroy everything in front of it.

Is this it? ’

In an enormous dojo that seemed to choke my breath in front of my eyes, I opened the rain dojo, the last chapter of the method of returning to my heart.

- Whip, whip!

In an instant, two Seconds collided and a metallic burst that was impossible to compare until now.

I was embarrassed by the eyes of the visions that spread in the rain.


- Cha-chang, Cha-chang! Chachong!

The colourful grain produced by the rain forest, which is the essence of fastness, has been hammered by the thousand leaps at an odd angle.

"This ridiculous dojo? ’

I know because I am a master of illusion.

If this strange angle is used to inflate a losing blow, the muscles will rupture.

But she was doing it a thousand times.

- Chang!

The hallucination tries to stop the dojo, but you lose sight of the overwhelming power that tears through your palms.

The problem remained the last rites of the thousand leagues.

Oh, no! ’

When the last scheme hit hard, the frightened hallucination closed its eyes without even knowing it.

- Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwam!

An enormous resonance strikes the earhole.

Thinking that he was about to die, an extremely nervous hallucinogenic face drenched with sweat poured down.

“Huff... huff...”

I opened my hallucinatory eyes slightly, exhaling rough breathing.

The thousand-year-old white dragon, who was slammed down with a half-slash, was slammed right beside him.

And the last traces of the culmination that extended from the Hundred Degrees of White Dragon Province cut down the wall because they could not cut the courtyard in half.

I lost my words for a moment because of my astonishing power.

"What a monster… '

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