Nano Mashine

Chapter 35 Qualifications of Socialism (5) #

Baekgi enters the Secretary of the Homeless Church and passes through the garden to find the source of the metallic source on the outside party's side.

- Whip it up!

The sound of an organ striking came from the building across the front on the right.

Baeki tried to spread her light towards the place without even thinking about it.

But I couldn't take more than a few steps, so I had to stop.

- Papa Papa Pa!

A middle-aged man wearing a blue silk outfit suddenly appeared and attacked Baeki with a technique that contained a shady inner air.

Despite a surprise attack, Baeki quickly managed to stop him.

- Pot!

In an instant, the two new brothers who were fighting the herbs fell away from each other.

A middle-aged man had two eyes.

Now I was surprised at the white stage of being just a young man in the terms and conditions. But that was also a moment, and the middle-aged man cried out.

“Young man. How dare you intrude here? ”


At the end of the middle-aged man's shout, about fifty armed black martial artists came out of the outhouse and tried to surround him.


At that time, the slow-followed vanity, Ko Kwang Hwang Hl, and quadriplegia appeared, facing each other's corners.

- Tak!

“Well, that went as expected. ”

The quadriplegic mutters as he draws his sword from his waist.

I pushed in because I thought the Lord Chun Yeon was dangerous, but there was no way the highest-level sect of non-hominids could defend against outside invasion.

- Grab it!

Black martial artists holding double-edged swords had a similar facial sphere as the guards, but all of them looked like vicious goons.

“That's a real hobby. ”

He said with a nervous expression, taking the cardinal ceremony of the Welcome Sword.

The frightening sphere of inferno makes the opponent feel withdrawn. Of course, even if it wasn't, one person was exuding the energy of a top class master.

It was one of the top sects, non-returning.

“Not one, not four. You're really scared. What kind of disciple are you to be so rude? ”

A middle-aged man in a blue silk dress cried out in a loud voice.

If they were not members of the Church, they would have conquered them first, but everyone in the city was asking because they were all Christians.

“You're more rude than...”

“Wait a moment. ”

The attendants were left to wait outside, and there was a problem with the Lord's status, and the white man who was complaining about stopping it tried to get angry, but Koh Wang-Hil withheld it.

"We can't just bump into each other. ’

At this point, Goguryeol lifts out two hands from his arms and looks at them.


One was a golden sign that symbolized the short-term position of the church, and the other was a sign that symbolized the sect, engraved with a machete bell.

“It's called Goguryeon Goguryeol. ”


It was a well-known booklet with a high level of JongFaiza.

The middle-aged man who knew this shouted with a much more offensive look.

“If you are a servant, are you the disciple of Chongju Koo? ”

“That's right.”

“I can't believe that the children of the upper sect come in here at night without permission from the other members. Did your father teach you to be so rude? ”

I felt bad about taking care of my father, but I replied calmly.

“I'm sorry if you're upset. I came to the Chief because there seems to be a problem with the identity of our Lord who entered the General a while ago, so I took the risk of circumcision. ”


“You are the beautiful Duke, the twelve elders of our school. ”

When I heard the name of the Thousand Wolves, I saw a veil in the eyes of the middle-aged man in blue silk clothes.

It was currently the most famous name in the main school.

In Mado's history, no one did not know the children of a Christian who did not belong to the six sects who passed the six stages of the test in more than seventy years.

"Did that guest before seem like such a pretty little brat? ’

The middle-aged man in blue silk clothing was the foreign party owner of the asylum.

I thought that the owner's hallucination was an acquaintance to take the stand and respond, but it seemed like the eccentric owner caused some trouble.

- Whip it up!

There was no way they couldn't hear the sound of an organ coming from the guest house.

I could tell it was an alarm just by hearing the sound of rapid banging.

‘Why is the Lord fighting against such a beautiful princess? ’

To the curious ogre, Goguryeo told me directly.

“We have a problem with the Lord's identity. How can we just watch over our minions? Let me take a look inside at what happened. ”

It made sense, but this was the home of the non-return.

I couldn't let them wander off.

“I'm sorry. We, like you, cannot interfere in the Lord's work." ”

At the end of the palace's words, more than fifty black martial artists blocked the way to the guest house so that they could no longer enter.

I couldn't help it if things went this far.

Since he had been polite enough, he decided that he didn't have time to wait any longer, and took the rider's ceremony with his two fists burned.

Ogongdo raises his air force and gives the final warning while performing the casting ceremony of the noble imaging method.

“I warn you, they're still young. If you step back now, speak to the Lord, even if there is no problem with the comfort of a beautiful princess...”

- Creepy!

Before the words of the palace were finished, an intense energy was rising from the guests' sides that would give them goosebumps.

The eyes of everyone in the outdoor party all came together.

At that moment,

- Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwam!

The wall surrounding the auditorium cracks open with an enormous wave of sound, leaving a clear scar on the floor of the outer auditorium.

“Joe, the bellhop! ”

The ogres and non-returning martyrs, who thought something unusual had happened, abandon their thousands of servants and spread their guard towards the guest house and enter.

“We're coming with you! ”

I followed them into the guest house because I wanted an opportunity.

Then they enter the guest house, and they find the non-returning martyrs standing still in a bewilderment.


At the same time, elasticity flowed from the mouths of the servants.

In the courtyard of the guest house, a thousand women stood with a white dragon diagram, and Nuya Yeon, who said that she was a prime minister in red with butterfly symbols in front of her, knelt on one knee and offered something.

It was a prison house that represented the eleven elders of the school.

“The eleven elders of our school, who have been admitted as a small congregation by a revered servant of non-hominid. Please accept my token of loyalty. ”

‘It wasn't the Führer. ’

The underlings who didn't know his identity were surprised.

On the other hand, looking at the messy courtyard of the guest house, I could see that she had won the battle against the eleven elders.

Heavy with horror, he quietly talks to the ogre staring at his acolyte.

“Heehee, thank you. On the inside of the Lord, I have no tongue problem. ”

* * *

The situation was somewhat straightened out and a proper refreshment spot was prepared in the guest house.

The thousands who were waiting outside, like a hall, sat down and drank warm tea.

I repaired the eleven elder's hallucination that had been erased by sweating his face.

However, this face was also an inflatable face, not an original face of hallucination.

Hallucinations say that they hide their faces because they belong to the carcinoma of the church.

For generations, non-hominids have cultivated members of carcinomas responsible for assassination and information manipulation in the Church, so the illusion of dominating them gave the Church permission not to reveal their faces to anyone.

“If you will take the seat of the Church, I will show you my face. Hohoho.”

“..... Got it. ”

This feminine attitude might have been the intention.

The eleven elder who was sitting at the top of the refreshment table asked the eleven elder's hallucination on the right.

“But aren't you the eldest's son? ”

“Ah, you knew. ”

In fact, she decided it was better to meet his child, Hallucinations, and reap them by hand than to persuade him in person.

The sickness with an ugly appearance did not enter under anyone's control.

"An inflatable sphere?"

With Nano around, she immediately noticed that he was doing an inflatable ball.

She tried to accept him regardless of his appearance, and persuaded him not to mind this.

Such visions showed interest, but I refused to end it. Without the Lord's command, he said, no one can follow him.

Throughout the course of his story, he called his father a peasant.

She felt strange about the visions that could not be determined by her own will. She gave up on collecting him and found the illusion herself.

“I can't have children. ”


The mysterious bridegroom and the group mutter with their hands over their mouths and say with a shy look.

“Yin Hwang, the heart of our non-comedogenic disease, has a strong phoneme, so you have to castrate as a child in order to learn it. ”


When I heard it, I frowned at the arrogance, looking at their main parts thoroughly.

"Gosh, the confessor! '

The gate was furious with the word castration, and he waved his hand as if it was hot with a red face.

The attitude of neutral hallucination was not intended, but was due to having been castrated since childhood.

When I learned the tinnitus, my tone became stronger and my appearance became more feminine than that of men. When I was a child, my vision was to stay away from others through the ugly veil because I was conscious of other people's gaze.

“We have no choice but to harvest the quantum in order to succeed you. But you can actually look at it as a priest. ”

The woman who was unquestioned nodded her head.

He told us this because he liked the thousand women who swore allegiance, even though they did not reveal it to anyone but the bishop.

“You can erase what you've heard here today from your mind. ”

Of course it was only mild.

I swallowed saliva with a nervous face in a voice full of pressure.

The hallucination let go of the frighteningly solidified face for a moment, then glanced at King's Day with a dark look, smiling brightly.

“My reliable master's day is fine. ”

“....... I'll join you. ”

I made him nervous in other ways.

After eating a long refreshment, I asked Mungyu if he suddenly wondered if he was disgusted with the illusion of speaking.

“But when are you going to find out about my niece? ”


“...... I came out of Mado's conduit and continued..”

“Aaaaahhhh!!! Joe, if your grandfather comes back soon, he'll hear about it, and he'll talk about it. ”

It was a syntax that blocked the words of hallucinations in advance while being frightened.

Only a thousand people knew her true gender.

She was only there for a reason when she entered the mado tube, but she also realized that she didn't have to hide it while wearing an inflatable ball to her colleagues.

However, I was delaying the child's blood due to something embarrassing to reveal right away.

“Hehe, I see. ”

After the crowded refreshment ceremony, you are encouraged to join the crowd.

“If you're not uncomfortable, I haven't been able to treat you properly, but you can stay at our guest house for a while. ”

I advised her around knowing that there was no cult to stay with.

Otherwise, it was a thousand times I needed a place to stay away from the eyes of the six factions for a while.

I was grateful for your consideration, even if I didn't ask.

“Thank you very much for your generosity. I was wondering if I could bring someone...”

“Of course.”

It was a pleasant hallucination.

When she left the Mado Tube, she went back to the home she had grown up in and she wanted to see Zhang escort whom she hadn't seen for a long time, but she came straight to the Chief of Hospitality.

The visionary said he would send someone to bring him back, but Thousand Wolves said he would go himself.

It's been a long time since I wanted to go to a place that was my only sanctuary.

She takes the group to the south side of the bride's castle and heads home.

The Thousand Wolves house, which I thought might have changed a lot, was still neatly set in place.

Zhang Hoi, who had always worked hard, got up early every day and cleaned out his yard after finishing his training.


I lived in a kitchenette in a small courtyard with two kitchens and two rooms until the fifteenth year of chaperoning.

In a way, he acted like a parent.

When she was happy to see Jean escort, she opened the gate with a brighter step than usual.

‘This is your lifestyle. Heh.’

Mungyu and his subordinates also followed with curiosity.

However, the Thousand Woman who entered the gate first was standing in the front yard, making a serious face.


He muttered, watching Zhang escort's tightly closed visit with shivering eyes.

“I can't feel anything. ”

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