Nano Mashine

Chapter 37 Second Attendee (1) #


"You monsters!"

I fought back with all my strength against the current breeders, but it was of no use.

In front of the two masters of the painting, they were merely prey to the culprit.

Some tried to escape in an attempt to survive, but were captured and killed by non-homicidal fighters surrounding the members of the poisonous species.

'Ugh... so cute! You're so cute!'

At the sound of the endless screams of the slaughtered Bladers, the widow grew increasingly guilty of her heart in fear before the coming death.

- Aah!



As soon as this painful sound stops, she dies.

It was a contradictory feeling.

A situation where the screaming of his henchmen should not cease.

How long has it been since so many popular and screaming voices disappeared and the serenity of the poisonous species came to rest.

"It's all over."

I coldly looked down at the widow who was being trampled by Lee Hwa-hyun in the Left Defense Act.

Now her last moments have come.

Before that, I had something to do first.

"Elder Eleven."

"Yes. Confucius."

"Summon the noncomers and search the Medicine Chamber of Poisonous Species. If there is any useful poison, poison the bodies." "


Lee Hwa Nam and the tail of the mouth of the congratulations were lifted by the command of a thousand-year-old woman.

If not, they hid the feasts they saw and killed them with a simple blow to make it look like a poisonous species did.

But if you spray it with poison, it will definitely look like a sign of fighting poison.

"You were right. Hehe."

While the visionary went to pick up his men outside the paladin, he sentenced them to death as if to an unmarried woman who was pressing down on her feet.

"Now it's your turn."

After the screaming stopped, my whole body was twisted because my heart was beating like crazy, and my wife was furious with sweat.

No! No! Y-you can't die like this. Please! Jebaaal!!! '

"Repent to my mother until the moment she falls into hell and becomes dust."

- Puck!

A sharp gesture digs from her right neck, and in the cold darkness she fades unconscious.

* * *

The next day, the madness of the martyrdom was filled with unexpected news.

News came from all sects and dancers of the pre-parish Church, which was a shocking event for the Christians.

It was reported that last night, a poisonous species that had barely retained the very heart of the sect was exterminated due to a recent battle with the hysema.

The news in the middle of the school was loud and clear.

What, is that true? ’

One of the six factions disappeared overnight. ’

‘Whoa, what the hell is going on? The poison is gone? ’

But what was even more shocking was the news of the Hyundai species who did this.

In the venom master, more than 200 species of Hyung Ma'am were poisoned and their bodies were either melted or found black.

Early in the morning, the treaty with Poisonous Horse Servants discovered the scene of the incident, and the former elders who are currently in charge of the school are collecting and investigating the bodies.

"Really? ’

"Oh, I'm scared. There are six sects. Poisonous people never get away with it. ’

‘It'll be chaotic when the hyeong-ju returns. ’

Do you want to make a fortune? There's no way you're going to stand up to the dead Poisoners. ’

Minutes of Association (21078; and 26028;).

It means cutting a corpse or cutting off its neck and hanging it up after death.

It's done in a coffin, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to go ballistic against some kind of body.

‘Well, you know what? The body of the Celestial Diamond Prince, a candidate for the Pontiff of Hyundai spp, was also found at the scene. ’

Isn't the Jade Emperor at Mado's palace? ’

‘Mado reported the incident as well. I heard you raided the Maguire's cage in Hyun-Majong and freed the Jade Emperor and his elder son. ’

"Huff! You mean the Mado Tube? Tsk, Tsk, no matter how old the hyenas are, the rules of the school are becoming bold enough to make fun of me. Right. '

‘I heard that the Headmaster caught some pledges, but the school is falling apart because the Lord has left.' ’

‘If the Headmaster and the Elders don't return soon, no matter what happens, it won't be weird. ’

The atmosphere of the street became chaotic, not only because it was loud.

Recently, the Christians thought that the fights over the eyelids of the six factions were becoming the worst because of the death of the blood hands in the mao conduit.

The Christians prayed that the bishop who was away would quickly return.

Meanwhile, many people were coming in and out of the servant's chambers of the main house of non-returning servants, reporting to the servant's congratulations.

After a long time, a middle-aged man reported to the congratulations sitting at the office desk.

“The ducs have returned from the secret streets. As you said, the rumors spread, and the public was focused on hypnomas. ”

“Well done.”

A cheerful man dressed in red silk with a butterfly symbol on his face gave me a big smile.

Surprisingly, some of the rumors that are now spreading in the city were intended.

People with non-comedogenic carcinomas were sent to the sperm or the safa and were able to manipulate information or comment enough to act as seizures.

“I didn't have to do anything special. ”

“Because I have no opponent. Hehe.”

If the venom or hypnomas were intact, they would have tried to stop it from being manipulated, but the venom was completely extinct and the hypnomas were also completely eliminated in the school district.

In doing so, the truth was concealed and became a conflict between the two sects.

‘Cheon Duke. I'm impressed. "

All this was done under the direction of a thousand women.

Of course, even without such instructions, the illusion was willing to manipulate some information, but I thought it was great to hear a thousand words.

It was clever as if he had eaten a grumpy worm, not a child who had just come from the Mado Tube.

‘What will he look like when he returns? ’

A reaction that a proud and strong man would see when he found out about this.

Just thinking about this made me happy.

At the same time, there were thousands of passengers standing with serious faces in the garden of the guest house.

I couldn't sleep at night, and their faces went blank.

Several times, Lady Luck told her to go in and rest without worrying, but the master couldn't sleep, so he couldn't just leave them alone.

‘Phew. The Lord must be exhausted from what happened last night. ’

I couldn't tell him to rest.

Zhang escort who raised him said it was dangerous, so he stayed up all night.

Yesterday at dawn, a hundred members of the Senate called by LEE Hwa-hyung who were guarding Zhang.

I wanted to call Baek Jong-woo, but he was on a trip because he was a doctor of the Church.

At the words of my non-returning benefactor, who said he might not be able to make it through the night, his heart was complicated all the time.

Escort Jean...

Numerous memories made him suffer.

If Jean's escort were to die, it would be the last strap that would remind me of my childhood.

'Duke of Thousand. ’

Mungyu was troubled when he saw the face of a thousand distressed women.

I wanted to give you something to cheer up, but all I could do was keep this place together because I knew that no consolation would help in situations where there were no results yet.

How long has it been?

- Yuck!

"Tired. Tired..."

A visit from the guest house led to hundreds of strange-looking congressmen walking out.

Couldn't sleep during the night treatment, he wanted to sleep on the bed right away.


Hundreds of people on the floor found thousands of miles and took possession.

I haven't been as comfortable as I used to be since he became an elder, but it was always a pleasure to meet you outside the palace.

“What brings you here, Elder Chun? ”

At the end of the sentence, a thousand women came up on the floor and asked.

“Boat, Congressman Baek. Is escort Jean all right? ”

“Escort Jean? ”

Baek Jong-myung was dragged to anti-homing while sleeping in his quarters, so he didn't know who Zhang was.

“Yes, my escort. ”


There was a reason why LEE Hwa-hyung came in person and asked me to pay attention.

He looked at the trembling eyes of a thousand people who didn't usually have a lot of emotional expression and said that he felt sorry for the Hundred Bells.

“That's... that's what I'm saying...”

He said that, and his face turned dark.

Then, I thought that there was something wrong with the White Bell, and I immediately said.

“Oh, no, they're all pulled out, so you might have to live with taste and death for the rest of your life. ”

“Yes? Well, then? ”

A hundred bells smiled and said.

“I'm barely at peace. He was a strong man. ”


I just brightened the face of the thousand women who had been severely stiffened until just now.

Everything I had been worrying about all night flew away like a wash.

The happy thousands of happy faces, wondering what happened to the result, jumped on the floor and congratulated them.

- Wudang!

“Your Grace. Lord.”

“Joo, Joo! That's great! You've been worried about me all night. ”

“Duke! Ugh! ”

Hubong and Moongyu were filled with tears for no reason.

Seeing her suffer so much made them worry a lot.

Fortunately, Zhang escort did not cross the Dead Man's River, but survived safely.

“Hmmm... But we'd better get down here without making so much noise." The patient should be at rest for the time being. ”


“I'm sorry. ”

Despite the Hundred Speakers of the Senate, they quietly climbed down the floor.

Zhang escort who received overnight treatment was barely asleep after taking the medicine prescribed by a hundred species.

For a while, she expressed her gratitude to the Elderly White Race for saying that she should be treated while resting.

A hundred bells said as they clapped their hands.

“I'm fine. I've done my part as a senator. Oh, but I'm running late for work, so I should probably go. ”


In his fatigue condition, he asked if he would prefer to take a little rest here, but the Hundred Bells shook their heads and refused.

“No problem. Hahaha, you can go to the infirmary and make eye contact. I don't think Elder Thousand is in Mado anymore. ”


“Oh, no. ”

It was the Mado Medical Center where the patient never stopped, even when she was a thousand years old.

However, after he passed the six-stage exam, every moment he thought there would be no more patients, there were hundreds of them.

‘Well, it'll only take a few months. ’

I thought that I might see more patients when I get out of the mado tube at the end of my period than when I was assisting with the approved horse.

The dark scent emanating from the Thousand Wolves' body was telling me that.

After the Hundred Bells returned to Mado's palace, they urged the Thousand Wolves who could not sleep all night.

However, the idea of a thousand years was different.

“I don't think I have time for that. ”


“The principal arrives at the Headquarters shortly. ”


Return of the Parish Party.

They also heard what the eleven elders had said earlier.

After a visit by a sectarian Muslim lion, he went out to the mosque and reported that the bishop who had been away for a long time was returning.

Since we have reached the southern region of Gangseo, we will arrive within five days.

There was clearly a thousand years of work to be done in it.

I had to save the two remaining attendees.

‘Since the acolytes of the six factions had left, the wife of the shaman was relatively easy to deal with, but if she returned to the acolytes, a more difficult fight would begin than now. ’

If they return, they will withstand thousands without hindrance of means and means.

Before that, I had to be prepared.

There was also Moongyu's great-grandfather Moongyu's granddaughter, Moongyu, Moongyu's elder Mae Ryong Jong-jong, but there was no way to convince her to attend right now, so she needed to be prepared for the situation.

'Then are there two of you?'

One of the four elders in the school, Poisonous Horse Juju Baek Oh, lost his life at the hands of a thousand women, while the eleven elders offered a prison sentence and pledged allegiance.

You can only become a sociopath if you get a prison pad from two elders.

“Still, it should be easy to convince the old elder. ”

"Mmm-hmm. I guess."

I nodded my head to see if he agrees with me.

Since Samang, the son of the former Elder Samujong, was a thousand years old, there was a good chance to support him.

“Are you going to see the old elder first? Lord.”

“No. If the old elder heals internal injuries, he goes with them. ”

The massage wounded by his wife's servants was now recovering from a weather breakfast with Baekgi in one room of the guest party.

“Then the answer is set. ”

“I'm going to the magic sword. ”

The next target was the ten-elder's poliomyelitis.

Among the twelve elders, he was the elder in charge of the position of the elder as a woman, along with the owner of the harbor of the four elders, Mma Jong.

If there was one thing that caught her mind, she was known to be in touch with a gumma, a hypnoma, or a kite.

You will find out if it will be a road or a chest.

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