Nano Mashine

# Chapter 37 Second Attendee (2) #

Before leaving the Mado Canal, she studied various information about each sect, including the characteristics of the twelve elders, free and powerful.

Of course, it was more than perfect information, it was information investigated before the parish.

I remembered Ehwa telling me about the Ten Elders' Figs.

"Among the elders, even the Pope is quite awkward because of his unique personality. One of them is the Ten Elders' Figs. ’

The other one is called the non-returning steward's hallucination.

She claimed that the atomica's abrasive biopsy was a species, but that there were virtually no unauthorized people except for her.

There are only a minimum number of employees in the staff of the abrasive specimen.

The most peculiar thing is that she always stays in the Senate without the meeting of the Elders or the order of the Church.

‘I heard that the elders don't interact with others because of their peculiar nature. He said he was reluctant to have visitors. But for some reason, we don't know exactly, but we've been told that once every few years, we come into contact with black horses and white horses. ’


‘Yes, I always felt like I was meeting outside the castle in a rare mountain range. Even if I wanted to send someone out to spy on them, I couldn't get to them because the senior citizens were so high in the air. ’

It was impossible to monitor the master of the image for more than a certain amount of time.

The meeting of these three people was suspicious, but after that, the principal stopped keeping an eye on her for almost seven years because she had been stuck with the chief as usual.

"That's unusual."

‘I don't want to recommend it because it's so stubborn and hard to convince, but it would be very helpful to have your elder's loyalty. ’

‘Is there a particular reason? ’

‘...... her shaman surpasses me. ’

When I said this, my voice grew tired of my self-esteem as an unmanned person.

"Beyond the code"? ’

The elders were subordinates because they had no power and had no special qualifications, but they were as common as the seeds of the six sects.

Even at the elders' meeting, Mma Bell's portfolio avoided making eye contact with her.

The Church found out that the two elders fought informally and had been beaten miserably by their protests.

It could be said that the tranquilizer stands at the top of the bridesmaid's unmanned peak.

‘It is clear that the elder of the year is strong enough to leave his sullen personality behind. But it would be quicker to convince the other elders. ’

It was a thousand years when she decided to take the opposition of the Ewha family and get her top bunker.

Thinking about this, I started walking and I reached the head of the Mae Mae Mae Mae Autopsy Bell.

The chief inspector of the Magpie Bell was not far to the southeast of the Mado Canal.


Heo Bong made a suspicious face.

The entrance to the Chief Minister's Gate was locked, but unlike the other factions, there were no guard guards guarding it.

Since the size was smaller than any other officer, I didn't have to distinguish between the foreign party and the political party.

“It's quiet without the guards. ”

“I can feel the arrogance inside. Open your eyes and take a look. ”


He tapped his shoulder.

When he opened his heart and looked around, there were not many skills inside the Chief Executive Officer.

It seemed like there were not more than ten of them.

Most of them were mediocre people who had not mastered masculinity.

“Lord, I think we should call him ourselves. ”

As she nods, Heo Bong grabs the gate hook and shouts.

- Thump, thump!

“Is anyone there? Anybody in there? ”

When Hubong shouted a few times, the gate opened with the sound of someone running, and a middle-aged man appearing as a cleaning worker picked up his broom.

“Oh my goodness, what's the matter? ”

It was clear that it was not an unmanned person, even if I only listened to the tone.

The rumor seemed to be true that no one but the employees could organize and maintain the crew.

Hubong revealed his business to a middle-aged employee.

“This is a beautiful duke who is the twelve elders of our school. I'm here to see Elder Ten. Please post the word. ”

“Huh! The twelve elders? ”

The servant glances at the crowded eyes.

I was surprised to hear that the elder who has no guests came to visit me was called the head of the Church.

Obviously, the abrasive specimen was closed.

Since the sixth phase of the exam, the name was widely spread in the city of Mahjoo, but I did not seem to hear it at all.

"Huh? This young man is the Elder?" ’

He was a middle-aged man who was only an employee, so I looked at him suspiciously.

However, when she saw the roof covering the identity of the elder who had been taken out of her arms, she hurriedly rushed into the palace.

“Well, I don't feel so good. ”

It's a woman's intuition.

The rhetoric was correct.

Soon after, a middle-aged employee who appeared again at the entrance of the gate asked, noticing.

“Ho, did you come from the Church? ”

“No, I'm not.”


The employee, who was moaning deeply, said.

“I'm sorry, Elder Thousand. My servant said he would not see me unless it was the Lord's command. ”

“Yes? Another elder is here. ”

I raised my eyebrows to see if he was dissatisfied.

Of course, it was the freedom of the master of the master without receiving a guest, but another elder with an equal position came to me, and I didn't expect to refuse at once.


Moaning sounded from the mouth of the millennium.

At least I thought his face would shine, but he seemed to have a stubborn personality.

Perhaps there was another way to confront the Ten Elders' Figs.

‘Should it be better to stimulate the autonomous nature? ’

I wanted to make a good impression because it was my first encounter, but I refused to meet the opponent, so this was the only way to do it rather than forcefully enter the palace.

Since the members' size was not so large, this distance was enough.

“I'll take my chances. ”


The millennium lifted the deep internal air and gave way to the inside of the Chief Minister.

The energy that was emitted from the millennium in the landscape was strong enough to be stimulating enough for a strong equivalent.

“Joo, Joo? ”

Even Goku, Moongyu and Vanity standing next to him were strong enough to be influenced.

Those who were weak in the air had enough fear to relieve their legs just by giving off a thousand shivers of energy.


- Fluffy!

For example, the employee standing right in front of him sat on the floor with his face pale.

With the energy focused on the main party of the Chancellor, perhaps he would react if he was curious or irritated as an unmanned person.


However, unlike expected, there was no reaction inside the Chief Executive Officer.

I even became devastated.

‘Is it too much, as the left hand law says? ’

I had never been so interested in outside work.

I'll try to convince them to meet me for the second time, but this was too much.

Before leaving the chief officer, Choonseoon, who was briefly troubled, decided to check one last thing.

‘There was a hypnoma, a hypnoma and a kite. ’

If she was their accomplice, she needed to be excluded from the start.

If the figs, who are the masters of the six sects, help them, then they are still disadvantaged by their lack of power.

“Could you tell the Elder one last thing? ”

“Don't, tell me. ”

A frightened employee quickly replied.

“Do you walk the same path as the hysema, the hysema? Please tell her.”

I decided to ask directly.

If you were with them, they would react to something, and if not, they would not be consistently interested as they are now.

"Now, wait a minute."

The middle-aged servant grabbed the trembling leg and went inside the officer.

He asked me a thousand years ago.

“Lord, aren't you here for the Wrath of the Elder? Why would you ask me that? ”

It was doubtful because I had not heard about the elders from LEE Hwa Myung.

She replied with a expressionless face to the King's Day.

“To see if I can stay as a bystander or become an enemy. ”

“...... You're giving up the roof. ”

Even if the owner of this stubborn character convinced him not to agree with himself, he could not become an ally.

At best, she remained a bystander in the battle against the six factions.

It was only recently that a middle-aged employee entered the company.

- Hmph!

Thousand Yeon turned her gaze towards the inside of the officer who was looking at the gap in the gate.

The sharp chisel of the polished sword, which had just been quiet, began to rattle.

The face of a thousand women who sensed this hardened.

‘The latter.’

It was clear that he was not a bystander when he saw the turbulent intensity.

"W-what's the matter with you?"


The eyes of Ko and Moongyu shook, wondering if they felt the thickness emanating from inside the paladin.

It was strong enough without a scratch, even compared to the energy that was emitting next to Thousand Yeon earlier.

It must have been the energy emitted by this master.

- Tata! Tata!

At that time, a middle-aged employee hurriedly ran over and said to his servant, with a pale face.

“Joe, the Lord wants to see you. ”

The Ten Elders' Figs, who didn't pay attention to anything, invited them into the Senate.

She nodded and followed the employee into the palace.

As soon as I entered, I saw the main hall where she lived with a large courtyard of sand floors.

"Oh, is that the Elder? ’

Mungyu's eyes were covered with doubles.

On the floor of the main hall, there was a woman with a neat appearance in a white robe that appeared to be in her mid-50s. Starting from a firm posture, she made me guess that even the dark eyebrows and wrinkles filled her brow were not normal owners.


In her right hand, standing on the floor, there is a sword.

It was not a courtesy invitation as expected.

The Ten Elders' Figs coming down the floor pointed with their fingers to their faces before the thousand women greeted them with eagle's burning eyes, and they opened their mouths first.

“It's you.”


When the last words came from the beginning, I felt uneasy when I was reminded of the vanity and the highness of the servant.

Even though the elder was the same position, she was a child of the Catholic Church and was a candidate for the Minority Church.

The minimum etiquette was acceptable, but it was natural for him to be angry because he was complaining about it without saying hello.

‘That's a little twisted. ’

From the look of it, it looked like a noblewoman, but it was quite rough.

Even the parishioner was awkward.

Despite her attitude, Lady Chun said, taking over lightly.

“I am here to see the work of the twelve elders' thousand-year-old figs. ”

“Hmph! Leave me to treat you like a heavenly family or an elder. I have no respect for anyone but the Headmaster of the Church. ”

I just said hello, but I was strangely hostile.

The impression of the millennium gradually solidified.

‘You must be the aide of Hyun Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma. ’

Otherwise, no matter how twisted it was, it couldn't have been this reaction.

Suddenly, the figs draw their swords from their swords.

- Chang!

Stop, are you serious? '

What are you going to do now? '

Suddenly, her sword hardened the faces of the thousands of henchmen.

The sword made of Silent Strike reveals itself, and she shouts out, aiming at the tip of the sword with her enemies' eyes toward the thousand brides.

“What? Same road? How dare you treat me like a common swordsman! I'll teach you a lesson today! ”

- Pot!

At the end of the horse, the new statue of the figs bounced off the floor like lightning, spreading a ferocious blade of swordfish toward the millennium.

I had a hostile attitude, but I didn't know that I was really going to attack.

Mungyu was surprised and called out in a hurry.

"Gong-ju, it's dangerous!"

- 52517;!

In a short moment, the eyes of a thousand women grew wide.

Eighteen ordinary swords were cleverly engaged, and this sword that amplified its power was a sword well known to all of us.

"Shin Mage?"

The sword of the sword practiced in the martyrdom, the Gin Shin Ma Sword, was opened in the hands of the Ten Elders' Figs.

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