Nano Mashine

# 39 Face to face (2) #

“What? Twelve… Elders? ”

I did not try my best not to lose my composure, but I was surprised and embarrassed by the eyes of the seven elders.

The twelve elders they knew were the Hundred and Fifty Poisoners.

However, I was surprised to explain myself as an elder because I did not have enough luck suddenly entering the martial arts war.

"Where's Baek Oh? What's he doing? ’

"Hey, did you pass the sixth grade test?" ’

They didn't know what was happening in English, but they were able to understand the situation.

There was only one way to stand here as an elder, because she was only a pupil.

Challenging other elders with a six-stage test.

The thousand fortunes were taken away from the position of the twelve elders.

"Did the servants already know? ’

The reaction of the seeds of each sect who knew that the Hundred Stems had broken the Hundred Seasons Hundred Seasons because rumors had already spread about the six stages of the test.

However, it was very impressive for a young man to introduce himself as a new elder in front of the prestigious existing elders.

‘Is that why you didn't see the people of Poison? ’

One Elder frowned.

I've been scouring the streets the whole time, and I noticed that I don't see any poisonous species except my current horseman.

At that time, I thought it was a kind of complaint about not being able to stand up on the road, but it seemed not.

"He's so cute? ’

He cut off my grandson's arm? ’

"What is this place? The birth of a humble servant! ’

The servant who had his arms cut off in the hands of the candidates of the Minority Church opened his eyes wide and stared at him.

If it weren't for the War of the Bridges, he would have expressed his anger directly.

However, they will be immediately punished for doing so in the Holy War and for damaging the authority and dignity of the Church.

- Gooooo!

Seeing that only the Masters were gathered, it was unlikely that they would not be able to sense this subtle stream of air that was mixed with life and richness.

The battle calms down to make sure the atmosphere is unusual.

‘Do you think we'll admit you? ’

Cocky bastard! Even if you have entered the war with dignity, you are here alone. ’

At first, the atmosphere became colder as the elders of the six factions who were surprised were not greeted with a thousand greetings.

When the other elders appeared, the acolytes of each sect who stood up and greeted each other kept silent.

Then the harbor owner smiled bitterly.

‘Even if you're lucky enough to be here, that's your limit. Well, there's no way anyone's gonna recognize you as an elder. ’

Going out here was like sailing against six factions.

What they were doing was an act of violence to show them the limits of the thousand moons, which is a kind of landscape and no power.

However, not everything worked according to its will.

- Tak!

At that time, a middle-aged man stood up in a battle surrounded by silence and respectfully greeted the thousand goddesses.

“I am pleased to meet you, Elder Gu Wang-hyun, Jong-joon of Mahjong. ”

When she turned to the elders, she laughed and took over.

“Nice to meet you.”

How dare you! ’

They deliberately kept silence, but their eyebrows raised and glared at the elder, Zhao Wang-hyun, who breaks it and greets.

It was just the beginning.

A middle-aged man who looked like a noble scholar who was sitting next to Chongwang Hyun Chongju stood up and took charge.

“I've heard that Seo Munjong is adopting a servant. I meet a humble elder. ”

“Greetings, my lord. ”


Not only did one of the two chieftains not have enough, but the elders became uncomfortable as well as the elders.

However, no matter what, someone else got up.

“I'm a bell merchant with papilloma. Nice to finally meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too. Lord Ho.”

What, what? ’

The five elders rose to greet each other in succession.

As they stood up to greet the thousand goddess, the medium-sized peasant peasants rose up and took charge and greeted her loudly.

What the hell? ’

"How dare they turn their backs on us? ’

"How can there be so many? ’

The elders' eyes gradually cooled.

The number of shareholders in the war surpassed fifty.

Nevertheless, I kept getting up and greeting Lady Chun, who was already close to the work of three thirds of the servants.

‘Heo Wang-dal, Heo Bong. ’

The tail of a thousand mouths rises.

I wanted to meet as many people as possible, but I didn't expect so many peasants to respond.

It was not that Goguryeol and Bobong met all the servants.

The cadets who had been released from the Mado Canal had persuaded their father, the servant, to support the thousand women, and the result was that they bloomed like this.

‘Thousand… Luck! ’

- Yuck!

The harness has changed its teeth.

It was a dramatic result of the minority feud in Mado tube.

‘What the hell happened to the bird that we left? ’

The expression of the acolytes of the six, or five, sects called the foundation of the religion was subtle.

For them, a thousand fortunes were not in particular of concern.

Even though the Catholic's wives were emotionally restrained from engaging with her, she was as insignificant as a flea that could be dealt with at any time.

I didn't know such an existence could cause such reversal.

It was around the time they felt threatened by the existence of Thousand Years.

The sound of a shout echoes through the back of the seat.

“Here comes the Pope. ”

In the street behind the battle, everyone stood up and knelt on one knee at the entrance of the middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous golden scarf.

“Thousand Faith! Thousand Years Old! ”

After chanting for the thousand generations, Elder One called out on behalf of him.

“A humble Catholic man beckons to the Holy Father! ”

Then, everyone in the war doubled at the same time.

“One bowl of the Pope!!! ”

The advent of the Catholic Church, the atmosphere of the war, changed in a moment.

The intimidation of the position of the bishop was so great that it weighed heavily in the war.

No matter how great the five factions were, one was hard to compare.

- Tak!

When the Catholic Church Yooseong sat down and lifted his hands lightly, Maram, wearing the mask of the strange symbol that was standing next to him, cried out.

“Please be seated.”

“Thousand Faith! Thousand Years Old! ”

Once again, all the peasants of the battle shouted for the millennium sat down.

Because there were no seven elders, the eyes of the thousand woman sitting on the eleventh elder seat turned to the heavenly Yooseong who was sitting on the seat.

Sharp eyes resembled a thousand millennials, but the atmosphere was clearly different.

The arrogance of the eyes that lowers everything.

Standing on the top of 100,000 Christians, he was acting like a king.

But there was one thing I couldn't hide.

‘..... I can't even breathe. ’

The distance was not far, so I felt that the ears of the Catholic Church were subtle but the breath was not stable.

He must have internal injuries.

Blood color was not so bad compared to the other elders.

Are all the elders and the parishioners injured? ’

If it was the power led by the bishop, it was enormous enough to exterminate the ten factions overnight.

What was the point of going out in secret?

Her gaze naturally turned towards the one standing to the right of the Church.

‘Teacher..... Somehow.'

The one who was guarding the right side of the Church was the Confederate League of Friends.

Even the awkward face was lacking, so the state of the league, which was bandaging the right eye area, did not look so good.

Unlike the Grieving Mother, the eyes of the league widened when they found him sitting on the elder seat.

‘No? You... you! ’

The league's face turned pale.

Seeing the only disciple here, everything I had worked for on the expedition seemed to melt away like a wash.

When the league smiled and looked at him, she smiled beautifully.

The two priests, who had been waiting to meet, were able to taste the afterlife in the big seats.

"Clark, I can't call you a pupil anymore. ’

The league was filled with remorse.

Given the tense intensity of the immature picture, he must have surpassed himself by the sight of the naked eye.

- Gross!

The Thousand Woman who interacted with the league's eyes turned his gaze to the side because of the strange energy.

Cheon Yoo Jong, a bishop who had not just turned to himself, was looking at him precisely.

‘Eyes are like a sword. ’

It was the first threatening energy I felt since I reached the drama of the picture.

Like the millennium, the parishioner also did not look faint, but he seemed quite surprised to see the way he looked at him.

It seemed surprised that there was a thousand fortunes sitting on the elder's seat because the parish clergy did not hear any news during the departure.

“My lord.”

At the call of the great law of Maracum, Yooseong the churchman took his eyes off and raised his hands.

Then Maracum cried out to the owners of the war.

“From now on, let the battle council begin. ”

Maracum summoned the old elder who informed him that the battle council was about to begin.

When Samaritan, the former Elder Samujong, stood up and said,

“First, I want you to look at the work in the classroom that was in the absence of the Pope. ”


While the bishops and the chief executives were away, Samar, the oldest of the elders, was in charge of the school affairs, so he heard the report first.

Samantha, who had prepared the paperwork beforehand, reported the situation on the campus.

In fact, this was a matter that could be reported through the Elders' Meeting, but there was a reason to proceed to the War Conference.

It was to catch the weakened steel while absent.

The purpose is to build the majesty of the Church by solving things that are not caught in the campus in front of all the servants.

However, unlike this objective, Samantha's report rocks the war.

At first, Samantha, who had started with the status of her school funds and finished reporting the internal water, reported the incidents that had erupted in the campus, which was the starting point.

“... so that there are no remaining species of venomous species in the school that have survived the conflict with the hysema. ”

- Speechless!

There was a battle to be quieted.

The rumors of the two factions had already spread and the remaining peasants in the school knew, but those who set sail were shocked.

This was a metabolic case.

All the remaining dissidents of Hyundai species were also dead because there were not enough poisonous species.

Moreover, among the dead are the wives of the parishioner's wife, Una.

The expression of the Elder Moon Jinwon became cold in a moment.

‘My... my sister is dying? ’

What was invisible during the return matrix was not clear, but I did not imagine that this would happen.

The shocking news was hard to control.

I wanted to protest what would happen if Baek Oho, the owner of the Poisonous Specimen, had died at the hands of 1,000 women in the sixth phase of the trial.

‘Nonsense. My sister would never do such a thing....’

A wifeless woman who has known her whole life is smarter than anyone else.

It doesn't make sense that she entered the Poisonous Horse Race and argued for her life, not fighting intelligently and never losing.

But as Samantha reported, it would have been enough.

Due to conflicts between the two sects, his son, Mujin Yun, and his sister's son, Jeongmyeon, killed White Iron Ball, the blood spawn of the Poisonous Horse, in Mado tube.

‘How did this happen...’

Evidence suggests that even traces of the right bayonet remain on the body.

The leader of the right sword, who is the master of the infinite circle, cannot be opened because only the heavenly host has been handed over.

That's why they ambushed the hysema in a furious poisonous species, but lost the majority of the power and destroyed the remaining poisonous species.

It was hard to even think of as someone's ruse because there was no flaw in causal relationships.


- Quack, quack!

The armrest of the chair was crushed by an unbearable person who could not bear the anger.

Although it should not have been done in the war, the bishop was not angry because he lost all the remaining clans in the sect.

‘That woman... was only poisoned by poison from a poisonous species. ’

Unlike the innate sources who were overwhelmed by anger and could not control reason, the eyes of the churchgoer were cold.

Hearing the death of the first wife, there was no emotional change due to the horror.

By the time Samaritan had almost finished all the reports, the eyes of the elders of the five factions were quite distraught.

While they were away, they raised a glass among their children and said that there were small seeds between the sects, so this reaction was also natural.


Lee Hwa-hyung, who secretly watched this, praised me.

When reports of what had happened in this place where the shareholders were gathered, a thousand steps were made to shine more effectively.

Now there was only one piece left in the school report.

“According to the rules of the Headquarters and Maguire, a thousand elders passed the sixth level test and became twelve new elders. It was postponed because the Pope was absent. I would like to request your full appointment. ”

The gaze of everyone in the battle was on the thousand women.

The inaugural ceremony is held by the parish clergyman.

However, because the bishop was absent, only the prison was paid.


After receiving a report that his child, Anti Yuk, had died in Mado Co., the elder, Oh, who had become even more uncomfortable, raised his hands with an unpleasant face.

“This is not a position for the inauguration ceremony, so let's discuss it later...”



Before she could finish, the bishop who was listening to the report opened his mouth.

When he said he would hold the inauguration ceremony in the mouth of the Church, he was embarrassed about the possession of the anti-government, and he couldn't help it.

The churchman, Cheon Yoo-jong, who was sitting on the seat, got up from his seat and said to her directly.

“Come forward, you who will be twelve elders. ”

At that command, she got up from the Elder's Stone and walked boldly into the middle and knelt on one knee in front of the Church.

The bishop formally announced it in front of all the shareholders.

“By the authority of the twenty-third generation of the Catholic Church, I appoint 1,000 years as the twelve elders of the main Church. Do your duty and sacrifice for the good of the Church. ”


The eyes of the Catholic Church were strange, looking at the thousand women who shouted for a brief flute.

The boy climbs up from the ground to his front, with nothing but a hand to spew out his anger.

I felt like I really didn't know.

The churchman, who was looking at him graciously, opened his mouth.

“Do you have something to say to the script? ”

If you formally become an elder, you will be able to raise one steward from the line that you can listen to.

Of course, it was just a formality.

After taking a short breath, she slowly raised her head and invited the bishop with a crooked voice.

“Please allow me to be a minor bishop! ”


The eyebrows raised to make sure that the parishioner didn't expect it either.

Then, as if he had waited, the elder Samaritan, the ten elder, and the eleven elder cheerleader knelt down and took possession and shouted at the same time.

“Please allow me to become a small bishop of a beautiful princess!!! ”

The five elders who were watching the inauguration ceremony of the Thousand Degrees were dismayed, just like the person who was miraculously beheaded.

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