Nano Mashine

# 39 Face to Face (3) #

“Please allow me to be a minor bishop! ”

I couldn't help but wonder that everyone in the war had a different look on their faces.

Of course, it was not surprising that the elders of the five sects were embarrassed.

Who would have imagined that a thousand years old would come in like this, even when it was unpleasant to be appointed elder.

I'm hit! ’

‘This guy…… was aiming for this! ’

I wanted an opportunity to stay with the parishioner.

In addition to being poor, there are three elders who kneel down and take dominion over the Catholic Church.

They must have been attendees.

When did you convince these people? ’

Figs, hallucinations. ’

In spite of that, the former Elder Samaritan had the reputation of being the most gruesome and uncontrollable of the Ten Elders' Figs and the eleven Elders' hallucinations.

When they got down on their knees and invited the Catholic Church uprising to Lee Dong-sung, the elders of the five factions got their heads bashed in.

‘I have to stop...'

There was no way, no reason, for them to oppose and leave.

If only the elders were there, all the acolytes of the school would have lost their dignity.


‘There's nothing I can do. ’

She also managed to save three elderly attendees because she was short on defeating all the rivals in the Capture of the Apostolic Church.

It was a situation that would allow us to become a minor bishop even if we could lose the authority of the Church.

It was a fit caused by anxiety that I treated as a tremor that could be dealt with at any time if I wanted to.

‘As soon as the Lord's authorization fails, everything.....'

Worst things happen that they don't want.

In 500 years, the strong age they built will be shaken if the non-descendants of the six sects become minor monks.

Everyone's gaze was on the Pope.

The expression of the Catholic Church's Yooseong was strange.

‘...... Is that the child that the script knew about? ’

The bishop was amazed at her in a different sense.

When I appeared as an elder, I was surprised that my unconcerned child was as remarkably related as I was, but now I am amazed at the cunning number of a thousand years.

I was kneeling on my knees and taking control, but I was intrigued by the eyes of the churchman who was expressionless in the thousand-year gaze of him.

It was not the helpless and vengeful young woman I saw at the entrance ceremony.

‘I said admit it. ’

The atmosphere was already ripe.

The bishop staring at the crowd finally opens his mouth.

“Are the three members of the congregation acknowledging the seven princes as minorities? ”

- Speechless!

The Catholic Church's question tore the battle apart.

The faces of the acolytes of each sect followed the thousand years were pale, and they were embarrassed by the eyes of the elders and the acolytes of the sects under their mountains.

He was appointed an elder, and he formally declared that he was a prince of the liturgy.

“The former Elder Samaritan admits that a beautiful princess is qualified as a minor bishop at the Headquarters. ”

“That ten Elder's Figs recognizes a thousand beautiful princesses as the minor bishop of the Headquarters. ”

“That eleven elder hallucination recognizes a beautiful princess as a minor bishop in the main school. ”

In the voice of three people's resolutions, the eyes of Heavenly Father Yooseong became heavy.

Looking at their faces, they seemed to genuinely acknowledge the thousandfold fate of the six sects, and they didn't seem to mind the importance of the six factions at all.

‘...... Maybe it's better this way. ’

A minor bishop unrelated to the six sects.

It was somewhat different from the painting he had designed, but this was not bad either.

The bishop nods and makes a decision.

The moment I tried to make that decision out of my mouth,

- Creepy!

A sharp life like a stake provoked the Christian senses.

It was not only the bishop who felt it.

Everyone in the battle sensed that life, so I looked to the place of origin.

Elder Lee? ’

The origins of life were nothing but masters and elders of Hyun-majong.

One Elder without a trace of blood was gushing through his pupils.

Ever since he told me that all of his blood had died, the confused emotions have gone unnoticed.

"At this point, you're asking me to be a minor bishop? ’

Even before the parishioners and the chief officials secretly went on a trip to the Central Jungwoom, the candidate for the Minho Church was also close to the Minho Church.

I did not doubt that because the other five candidates were expelled from the Mado Canal, the same could be said of them.

But when he came back, all the seeds and blood related to the hippocampus died.

Unfortunately, even Cheongmyeon escaped after committing a murder at the Maguire, and a body was found in the viper.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't have done such a foolish thing in the time when neither my wife nor the astronaut were close to the end of the battle for the Sovereign Church.

In a way that would not normally be seen, they died and became the sole candidate for the small bishops, and invited the small bishops to the play as if they had waited.

At that point, all of the doubts of the infinite were directed at only one person.

"Thousand... Luck! ’

I liked the evidence now.

At the point when the symptoms were directed at her, the infinite members could not bear this unresolved grudge if they did not tear him to pieces here.

- Tak!

In front of the Elder Moon, who was struggling to survive, the Confederacy of Confederacy and Friendship Act quickly appeared, and the Supreme Court of Maracum kept watch in front of the Church.

- Chang!

Lee Hwa picked out the flame sword of the Red Sword and aimed at the infinite.

The league also had their hands on the slaughterhouse of the Fangtooth who was wearing a waist dance.

The only people who could carry armor in the Apocalypse were the bishop and the three laws that protected him.

“Survive. Elder.”

“What a reckless act in the battle of the Pope. ”

Despite the warnings of Ehwa and the league, the elders opened their mouths in an outraged voice without dying.

“Don't you think the Elder knows of your cunning schemes? ”

What he was talking about was not the precautions in front of him.

The razor-sharp eyes of the infinite circle lead to the Thousand Wolves on one knee.

She, who was taking over the church, turned to the left and looked at the elder sitting on the elder's seat.

You bastard!

The elder's pupil, which met the thousand millennia, was shaken in anger.

Unlike his brutish face, the thousand-year gaze stares at him as if provoking.

As soon as a never-ending, high-pitched source gets angry,

“That's it.”

A warning came from the mouth of the Church.

Though it was just a low tone, the resonance in his voice was profound and he suppressed an unstoppable source of anger.


I realized that I had never seen anything because I thought that my acolytes and bloodlines had lost their lives in the thousand millennium scheme.

Trying to provoke the bishop here only put him at risk.

I longed for a life that was out of control by the infinite. I fell to the ground and choked my head and cried out.

“I disrespected the almighty Pope. I forgive your insolence!”

- Bang, bang! Bang!

With the horse, I crushed my head on the floor violently.

On the floor so that blood would flow from the forehead, the beat, Chon Yu-jong, suppressed the indefinite source without saying.

- Bang, bang! Bang!

The face of the infinite circle with about twenty strikes on the forehead became covered in blood.

Cheon Yu-jong, the bishop who was staring at him coldly, ordered the noncommissioned officer to stop trying to stab his forehead.

“Go back and sit down. ”

“I give thanks for the grace of the Pope's lower sea! ”

After thanking the parishioner again, he carefully stepped back and returned to his seat.

- Good boy!

I thought the situation had been rectified, and LEGA put the chloride sword in the sword.

The two laws again turned to the sides of the churches.

I wiped the blood off my face with my sleeve, and the endless circles stared at the thousand with sharp eyes.

‘I'll find out everything and rip you to pieces with my bare hands. ’

If you get excited and hurt a thousand people here, you will hurt yourself.

I lost half the family, but I had to stop them.

At that time, I heard an unexpected voice in the ears of the elders.

[The Elder is all you think is true. It's not poisonous. I did it.]

It was a soundtrack of a thousand woes.

It was a purposefully provocative voice.

The moment I looked at her with trembling eyes, his buyer was smiling.

At that moment, the strand of innumerable rationality that had only calmed down was broken.

“Rrrrgh! I'll kill you! ”

- Pot!

A new breed of infinite circles swooped down and flashed like lightning.

“Anieth! Elder! ”

Lee Hwa-seok, who was turning his foot next to the Church, tried to stop the infinite because he quickly blew up his new sentence, but there was more than a paragraph difference from the stage.

“Don't interrupt! ”

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!

The vinegar of Yoohyun-run field was gently unfolded with the left hand, bouncing the new type of Lee Jin-tae back and forth.

- Bang, bang!


Lee Hwa's new brother, who was shot in the chest, bounces back and hits the post.

The aerodynamic power of the infinite circle at the drama of the painting overwhelmed Ehwa's name, and the herbal side was no match for it.

“Damn it!”

Ehwa, who had been stuck in the pillar, tried to attack again, but there was already an endless blue-blooded checkpoint drawn and swarmed at Thousand Wolves.

It was the most lethal hysterectomy of the gumma's shin sheaths.

- 52517;!

As the figs said, he was also learning the sword of the black horse.

At the beginning of the drama of the painting, she instinctively knew that she was as hard as she was.

That's why it was to implement the best herbs at once.

"Oh, what a herb! ’

"How can an elder be so good with a sword like this? ’

Everyone was astonished at the immense beginning that unfolded in the hands of the infinite circle.

It was the same for the bishop as well.

I had no idea there was such an elder who could hide such a thing as a sword as a thousand swords.

This is the true autopsy? ’

In a short amount of time, the figs did not conceal their embarrassment.

In the hands of an elder, who argued over the order of the school, the blade of a true horse was far above its original power.

Beyond complements, I have developed more gum grass.


The stalk of a cruel sinus corpse covers a thousand foods.


The sheer force of the sword makes your eyes sharper than any others you've ever faced.

- Whoo!

The Blue Sword River stands at the Checkpoint of the Thousand Wolves.

To prevent a completely complemented and much more advanced version of the autopsy, the twenty-four upper blade was the answer.

As a thousand years old checkpoint stretched forward, the blue sword steel from the hands of the two absolute masters struck.

- Pazizizich!

A wave of sound echoes in the battle as the steel formed in the two check posts collided.

It was the third herb of the twenty-four horse swords.

The twenty-four ordinary swords cleverly engage, casting their power like a turbulent current.

“Oh, my God! ”

“Don't, I'm stopping you! ”

The people in the war were astonished and resilient as they blocked the chaff of the infinite circle that they thought would never be stopped.

‘This... twenty-four swords? ’

The impression of the indefinite circle hitting the sword has hardened.

The swords that spread in the hands of the millennium were clearly the same as the one that was making the herb of the twenty-four horse swords.

‘Why does he know this? ’

I was surprised by the fragile blade of swordfish.

Without panicking, he calmly stretched out his right hand to block the twenty-four horse's herbs, and reached the left hand's inspection point.


The swordfish that came out of the left hand examination site was black pepper oil, the fig herb of the Hyundai horse's sword.

A heavy sword dug through the twenty-four horse swords and broke the blade.

- Papa Papa Papa Pot!


As the blade hits the thousand-year-old shoulder and abdomen, his stature is pushed back in agony.

“Right Sword!”

The acolytes who recognized the draw of the elders shouted.

The right-hand side of the bayonet is a well-known monk who spreads his sword with his right hand and his left hand.

Right Sword.

It is not just limited to longevity, so the azin source can simultaneously spread other herbs with both hands.

When two hands spread another vinegar, it has the same effect as when two people open the joint.

- Gross!

I frowned at the pain that flows through the wound.

Fortunately, if it weren't for self-defense, the steel would have penetrated through the body.

The top of your clothes is covered in red blood.

[Autorepair wounds caused by typed energy pulses.]

- Suzus!

Nano's voice echoes in his ears and the wound regenerates rapidly.

Invisible because it was covered in clothing, but the recovery rate was surprisingly fast.


The rapid healing of the wounds made the pain go away quickly.

I thought it would be strong, but the indestructibility of the infinite was astonishing.

I spread another sheath with both hands and repaired the sheath and even destroyed the herbs of the twenty-four horse swords.

If the infinite had written an even quicker draw, they would have seen the ruin.

‘Difficult to deal with. ’

I dealt with it firsthand, and it was really a scam.

‘We must hurry! ’

The infinite tried to kill 1,000 women without missing an opportunity.

If we hesitate here and take time, if the bishops or elders instead of killing 1,000 women, we will be overwhelmed and miss our chance.

Before that, I had to watch the battle.

“I'll kill you!”

Knowing the power of the twenty-four horse swords, the Unsullied are careless and open their right and right swords at once.

If the figs had stopped to complete one herb of the twenty-four horse swords, they would have produced a new boiler with an exceptional realization.

‘The last clue of the true mystical sword in the left hand. Twenty-four horse swords and a herb in his right hand. ’

- 52517;!

As the sword crept from his hands, the air in the battle spread sharp and heavy, and everyone watching it was appalled.

‘Elder. Are you sure this guy is a monster? ’

"How can you eat this herb? ’

The herbs that I had just opened were amazing, but I was far beyond that.

The combination of swordfish and swordfish that the gumma had made to fight the extremists in her lifetime was truly the best herbal herb.

‘I can't stop it. Even if it is a twenty-four sword... "

The haze's complexion became pale.

Knowing the power of the twenty-four swords better than anyone, she thought she would never be able to stop a thousand of them.

‘This is the revenge of my sister, my son, and my family. Die! "

The eyes of one elder, the infinite, flashed with killing.

I was confident that I would not be able to stop even the Bishop of Diarrhea as much as this herb.

because it was made assuming that it would deal with an unknown master.

"If I can't do it with a twenty-four sword..."

A strong precursor gushed out from the eyes of the millennium.

A sharp blade of swordfish rushes towards the edge of the thousand leagues.

- Whoo!

The river? ’

The hand of the thousand woman who was unfolding the sword at the checkpoint was already building the river.

At that moment, an explosive power surge appeared in the hands of a thousand women and struck him down with the most powerful clasp of the infinite.

- Pazizizich!

My eyes widened as I looked at it.

That's it! ’

It was the shuddering scheme that brought the fear of death to him for the first time.

The defeatist dojo from the hand of the millennium was bent at an odd angle and produced a tremendous amount of strength to crush the herbs that spread from the hands of the infinite circle.

- Pachynchik!

The eyes of the infinite who had been assured of absolute victory were stunned.

‘Ey, how can such absurd herbs? ’

The angles from which the schematics were drawn were digging into places that could never be conventionally connected.

This aimed at a blind spot that even the Right Sword couldn't do anything about.

- Pazicq!


The steel of the left hand, which was wielding the sinew blade, bounces off without overcoming the overwhelming scheme.

Thanks to this, the new statue of the infinite was shaken.

I couldn't miss this opportunity.

Immediately, the last herb of the doctrine of extremism followed.

I did not know the exact name of this herb that I had achieved, but this is how the thousand years called it.


- Vyririk!

As the body of the Thousand Lions stretching the dojo rotated from the bottom to the top, the dojo ran upward like a whirlwind, and the conduits curled up into the body of the infinite circle.

The dragon ascended into the sky, surrounded by razor sharp rivers, and the new model soared into the air of the battle with strong power.

Oh, no! ’

He raised his sword with both hands and tried to get out, but he was stuck in the ongoing river for some reason.

Hang in there! ’

The paratroopers pulled out the maximum force and deployed self-defense.

At that moment, the whirlpool narrows.

- Pazizizich!

Ho-ho, the self-destruct? ’

I tore up the self-reinforcing steel like it was a joke, pressing him against the whirlwind.

As soon as the blood stain stood on the face of the infinite circle, the ditch dug.

- 52517;!


With the tearing scream of the infinite circles ringing the battle, the infinite circles that came into the air were torn to shreds in the ditch.

The moment the screams stop,

Tutu Tutu!

One Elder's shattered corpses plummet powerlessly to the ground in battle.

The battle was statically bitten in a moment.

Everyone here looked at me with trembling eyes, overwhelmed by shivers.

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