Nano Mashine

Chapter 40 Purified Rhinoceros (1) #

If I was originally appointed as a minority church, the minority drama would be held in front of the Christians in the foreign war in the school.

Now, there were many more urgent meeting agendas, so we decided to set a deadline for the Thousand Year Official Bishop's Degree.

I have one more good news, and I have decided to take the position of Elder for a while until I fill the position of Elder.

Unlike the somewhat unlikely minority position, he also gained authority along with authority because he could attend the meeting of the elders who were in charge of the practice.

Because of this, the elders of your sect tried to stop this, but there was nothing they could do because the bishop pushed them to the edge.

Immediately followed by the next agenda.

However, she was unable to participate from the next issue of the War Conference.

“The Bishop should be treated. ”

It was because the bishop let him go to the medical room because he was wounded by being stabbed in the sword in the battle with the Elder Moon.

Just looking at the bloody top, the treatment seemed urgent.

[Bishop, it's best to get treatment before the meeting. We'll let you know at the end of the meeting.]

The other elders also sent a message to advise treatment because they were concerned about the well-being of the thousand.

‘I can't help it. ’

The wound was self-healed by Nano, but we couldn't reveal it, so Thousand women decided to leave the war without a word.

“Thank you for your consideration. ”

The woman who left the battle quietly escaped the resistance.

There was a medical office run by Baek Jong-woo, the physician of the Church of Resistance, but there was no wound, so there was no reason to go.

She left the resistance and went to her henchmen who were waiting in a garden guest near the outer sanctuary.

Unlike what we thought would be a long war council, everyone was surprised that the thousand fathoms appeared in the half-hour, and the clothes were stained with blood.

“Blood? Are you okay?"

“Joo, Joo! What the hell happened? ”

The Bible says that she will tell those who are concerned that she has many interests because she is an occupant.

When she returned to the guest room with her attendants, she tried to talk about what had happened in the battle, but unfortunately, something had happened that had been waiting for her.

"Duke of Thousand! Escort Jean is awake. ”

The acolyte guarding Zhang leaps in and informs him of the news.

As soon as she heard that, she ran into a room with Zhang escort without even thinking about it.

As I entered the room, escort Jang was sitting on the bed leaning on his torso.

“Escort... Jean! ”

As soon as I heard the voice of the thousand, escort Zhang turned his head with trembling eyes.

He has a small face with teeth in it, and his cheeks are puffy, but it was the face he missed.

"Ho… Hongkong! ”

“Escort Jean! ”

She runs up to him and hugs him.

The kidney, which was smaller than Zhang's escort, was much larger than it was when it entered the Mado tube.

“..... You've grown up. Hongkong.”

Hot tears poured down from the escort's eyes.

In a way, he was like a child who had taken care of him for half his life.

He was escorted by Zhang, who was tortured and tried to kill himself several times without opening his mouth to the end to keep him from becoming a burden.

I thought I was dead, but when I saw her like this, my heart was full of emotions.

- Tak!

I untied my arms, took a chair next to Jean's bed, and sat down.

Zhang escort is satisfied, despite his small face, and soon he bows his head.

“Since I've seen the exquisite leisure of Hong Kong, I think I can do it. ”

Although the pronunciation was somewhat dull due to the lack of teeth, it was not hard to understand what escort Zhang said.

“Escort Jean to protect me. Don't be so gentle. ”

“..... I am the one who will stay with The Hong Son." ”

With Zhang Shui speaking powerlessly, she was torn apart.

I took revenge for my master's death, including his wife, the shaman, but I had already lost a lot.

The power cut, which could be called the life of an unmanned person, was abolished, and my teeth fell out and I couldn't even chew food for the rest of my life.

‘Is there anything we can do? ’

She wanted to make up for his life.

Escort Zhang sacrificed for his life was qualified and must be.

But I've never heard of a broken power failure.

Nano, is there any way we can restore what broke? ’

[If you're referring to a membrane of aggregated energy in your abdomen, you need analysis.]

Nano is still constantly analyzing the internal air.

However, analysis was needed in a new direction because it had never assumed when aggregated disconnects were broken.

‘Course not. Please.'

[Yes, sir.]

It may be possible, but for now, Nano's analysis was the only hope.

Nano's voice echoes in the thousand-year head you're about to lose.

[There are still ways to replace your teeth.]


[Replace missing teeth through implants or dentures. I will transfer the information.]

- Tsutz!

Along with that, information about implants and dentures was transferred into the brain of a thousand years.

When Nano realized the way Nano said it, her eyes sparkled.

Until now, he had found a way to replace his drawn tooth, even if it was still difficult.

However, it seemed that in order to do this, he needed the help of a blacksmith with sophisticated skills, Gu Seong-woong, and a hundred species of congressman.

‘But we have to. Absolutely.’

I decided to go to them as soon as I had time to ask them.

Suddenly, I thought it was going well.

If not, I wanted to let Zhang Escort know that I had become a minority before anyone else, but I thought it was a blessing.

“Escort Jean. I need to talk to you. ”


When she always looks like this, escort Jang smiled and said, knowing that she wants to boast about something when she talks.

“I won the battle for the Pontiff of Mado. ”


It didn't have much to look forward to, but it was a surprise that Zhang's escort's eyes widened.

Thousand Yeon told me again.

“I won the Small Bishop Capture..... I was appointed as a small bishop today. ”

“Cow, Soho Ju!!! Are you sure? Hyo-Joo-hee, to Hong-ja... Heh-heh heh heh heh! ”

“Escort Jean? ”

At the moment of hearing that, escort Zhang was so surprised that he grabbed the bust that was getting rougher, his breathing became rough that he slipped on the bed.

“Escort Jean! Escort Jean!”

[Stun from decreased cerebral blood flow. It's a symptom of a big shock.]


At that time, she realized that if people are too surprised for the first time, they can faint.

Even if it's good news.

It was an escort that needed to be stabilized because it had not yet been cured.

* * *

By the time I had passed the visual,

As the guest of non-return, the eleven elders of the servant appeared.

The elder who found the guest house was not the only one.

After the battle meeting, the elder Samaritan, including the Ten Elders' Figs, immediately accompanied the hallucination and congratulated her once again that she had been appointed as a minority.

“Once again, I admire you for being a bishop! ”


The elders' faces froze in celebration.

It was because Zhang escort woke up and still hadn't heard from Lady Chun.

“Huh? You didn't know that yet? ”

I was in a commotion as if a bot had been arrested for asking such a question.

“Duke! Why didn't you tell me that before? ”

“The Lord, the Lord is the Bishop! ”

Mungyu looks disappointed, and his eyes turned red to see if he was impressed.

Of course, I was also reminded that my face turned red, so I couldn't keep my mind up.

“Joo, Joo! No, I think we should call him" The Little Lord "now. ”

“What are you talking about? Of course you should call me" Little Lord. "Hahahahaha!”

When it became chaotic, she shook her head as if she had a headache and told them.

“...... If it's not public, just call me Lord. ”

The party became noisy.

They were surprised and couldn't help but rejoice that their lord had become the Bishop.

We rescued three attendees, but this was done quickly, unlike what we expected from the battle council.

“Lord! Shouldn't we have a feast today? ”

Delighted to hear his excitement, he smiled and said.

“Hehe, that's a good idea, but I don't think it's going to work today. ”


“Today, the Lord and I have to go to the Resistance Banquet Hall for dinner. There is a banquet hall with the elite of the sect Muslim blind. ”

“What does that mean? ”

When she said that it was a church church church and a banquet, she asked with a curious look.

It seemed to be related to the contents of the battle council.

“Ah! First I have to tell you about the passing of the vote at the battle council. ”

“...... Are you an ally of the sect? ”

A cheerful nod comes to my mind when I ask a thousand questions.

“An alliance with the sectarian Muslim alliance was officially passed in this meeting. ”

“An alliance with a sect of Muslims? ”

The unexpected news shocked all of the thousand henchmen.

Others could have been treated as dictators, but the alliance with the hostile sect, the Muslim sect, required more than seven consents from the twelve elders and the seeds of each sect.

“That means.....”

It was said that Seventh Hall of the servants who were there agreed.

The war between the three generations has lasted for several hundred years, so it was no exaggeration to say that the grudge was stuck to the roots.

An alliance with a hated enemy, the sectarian Muslim alliance, was promoted smoothly for a reason.

“How did that happen? ”

“It was inevitable that an alliance would be pursued. ”

“Something big happened? ”

“Yes, as you said. Ophthalmology and insulation have been taken. ”

Anvolity was a densely populated area of sects belonging to the Islamic Armed Forces, and the insulation was the area where the branches of the bridge were located.

The theft of the two places was not something that could be taken away.

“Safa Federation? ”

“No, we were the first to encounter it. ”

“A doorframe?”

The words "Moonpara" have two thousand eyes.

It didn't make sense that a single faction of many factions came together in the case of the martyrdom, but that one faction fought against the dominance of the Middle Church.

“What kind of tribe does that? ”

“They called themselves the Extreme Meat Gate. ”

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