Nano Mashine

Chapter 40 Purified Rhinoceros (2)

“Extreme meat?”

It was the first time I had ever heard of a doorway, but I was impressed by the familiar name.

I thought it was a name I had heard a lot, but it reminded me of the extremism in the retention of the gumma in the underground reports.

The absolute god who took the title of the Most Holy by the road 500 years ago.

There was nothing similar to that name.


The hallucination continued because I didn't know the idea of such a thousand years.

“Nine branches in the main part of the school, the Castle of Inclusion, and Anhui, have 15 factions leading by the Southern Palace of the Tribal Blind. ”

Although the number of branches of the sectarian bridge was not small in Anhyeong, it was a region called the Imperial Defense Line because it was the power of the southern archipelago, one of Sichuangju, the leader of the sect.

These two areas were more warlike and vigilant than others, as the borders of the Three Generations' realms were directly against each other.

“A short time ago, a message came to the headquarters that three branches of the cliff had been attacked by a group I had never seen before. ”

Following reports that three branches were attacked at the same time, the Bridge considered it to be a major invasion in the sectarian Muslim blind, sending a message to two branches in the nearby Gangseo and six remaining branches of the fence to assist the attacking branch.

Since there were about 500 members in a branch, there were about 4,000 elite masters.

“But a little over a half hour later, the entire network of the main branch of the cliff was cut off. ”

It meant that the martyrs in the barren castle were extinct in just one full night.

Bridge entered the emergency exhibition system because the castle was taken so quickly.

Of course, the chief minister who judged that it was the hands of the sectarian Muslims, thought that there was a great war that had not been waged for a while.

At that time, he sent a cult of disciples to the Cathedral of the Hundred Thousand Generations.

“I was going to execute them and send them to the headquarters of the Puritanical Muslim Blind, but the Sadducees have some shocking news. ”

It was reported that Anhyeongsang, an area of sectarian blindness, was stolen as well as insulation.

Even the Longsword Southern Palace, one of the seventeen, was killed.

At first, the Muslim blindness was totally annihilated by the factions in a castle, so they decided it was the work of the martyrs and tried to enter the war system. However, unlike the martyrdom, the sectarian blindness focused on justification, so they had protested through the Satanists before.

“So that's how you found out? ”

“Yes, it made me realize that the mainland and the Muslim blind were in third place. ”

At first, he thought it might be the Safa League.

However, they were separated from the Safa Alliance, which is based in the western part of the Middle East in the case of Ahn volatility or steep cliffs, so there were also a group of people who thought it was an invasion.

“That's why I made a suggestion to the Muslims at the university. ”

Because of the unusual nature of the incident, both sides decided to call a temporary truce until they recovered their volatility and insulation.

Soon after that, the Buy More came again from the Muslim blind.

At that time, there was a temporary truce when the Sadducees first entered the martyrdom castle, and the whole city was in chaos.

Red Fallu, one of the 17 apostles, came to the open ark.

Red Palm, the Ark of Openness, brought the proposal made at the meeting of the Muslim blind, and the bishops and ministers who accepted it went on to recruit only the core members of the school for a quick and covert maneuver.

“Is this a journey to reclaim the two regions? ”

“That's right. Before the group that took both the orbit and the barricade had a defensive grid, the headquarters and the Muslims carried out an ambush and took it back. ”

Bridges and sectarian Muslim blindness took the highest power from both sides, attacking both orbit and insulation simultaneously, in complete secrecy, both externally and internally.

But the results are surprising.

“Reclaim failed. ”

Given the fact that the enemy is one organization, the situation of retreat has occurred, rather than the expectation that if two regions were to be raided at the same time at the same time by the elite militia and the bridge.

The injuries of the elders, including the parishioner, proved that.

Even the seven elders, the ringleader, died.

Because it was confidential, the rumor did not spread throughout the midterm, but it was humiliating for the main school.

“Well, you didn't tell me what happened at the war. ”

It was natural.

I was not victorious, but full of details about my humiliating defeat.

If it's any consolation, the core forces of the sectarian Muslim blindness also seem to have suffered a significant blow because they failed to recover their volatility.

“...... That's why the alliance was pushed forward. ”

“We have a common enemy. Hehe.”

The two defeated forces had an emergency meeting that led to an alliance.

The worst enemy that could not be defeated by the core forces of the two armies against the dominance of the Moorish shook the existing plate.

If this information were to become part of the Safa Federation, they would certainly use it as an opportunity.

“To prevent this, we still need to exclude new enemies from appearing through our alliance. If the alliance is officially underway this time, it will be known as the Middle East Territory and the Safa Alliance will not be able to move easily. ”

Ultimately, the alliance had two objectives:

The first was to deal with the newly emerging enemies, and the second was to prevent Safa Federation from intervention.

‘Extreme meat……'

So the eleven elders heard about the alliance's background, and the name "Extreme Butcher Moon" came to mind.

Same time.

The building on the right side of the Resistance's pre-order is a law building.

On the fourth floor of the building, two people were talking in the executive room of Maraghem, the Great Lakes Act.

They were the Great Lakes Maracum and the Leftovers Lee.

“That's done. ”

“If that's true, the Bishop is the one we've been waiting for…. ”

Maraheum, who had heard the stories that had been in Mado, said in a bold voice to Lee Hwa Myung Myung from the Left Law.

If they had learned the twenty-four swords, the progress of the swordmaster, as well as the thousand swordsmen, they would have been responsible for the maintenance of the swordmaster ball that they had been waiting for.

‘Why are you reacting like this? ’

However, Lee Hwak thought it was strange when the Great Lake-law reacted to something in the tomb.

I didn't know what I was thinking because I was wearing a mask, but I didn't expect this reaction.

“Supreme Court. Is there a problem? ”

“..... No. There is a more serious problem. ”

Maracum turned to talk.

“What is it? ”

“Extreme meat.”

I frowned.

This was a whole church. Why talk about it?

It was not something for them to discuss because it had already been promoted to alliance with the sectarian Muslim alliance.

“Don't you see something's wrong? ”

“Is that because of your name? ”

I was concerned that Lee Hwa-myeon was also the extreme labeled after the unknown moon tribe.

However, the extreme attachment to the tribal civilization seemed like a quick decision to connect with the extremist.

Besides, there hasn't been a trace of him for 500 years, let alone a follower of the extremist.

“It was not revealed at the convention, but there was a master of the Ultimate Martial Arts who cut off the arms of the elders and took away the eyes of the Confederate Friendship Law. ”

“Ho, by yourself? ”

Lee Hwak-nim couldn't help but be surprised.

If what he said was true, he was an absolute master beyond imagination.

Maracum shakes his head and says in a sinking voice.

“Not one. ”


“There were three.”

A group of churchgoers rush to the edge of the barracks and confront the forces of the Supreme Butcher Gate.

They move in secret without even notifying the campus, but they are ambushed and ambushed as if they were waiting.

"The raiders were numerous and strong, but the Headquarters was also a core force."

In response to their raid, three of the best martial artists appear to be the head of the Ultimate Butcher Gate shortly.

After that, they slaughtered the masters who belonged to the majority and short-lived classes so easily.

The elders show themselves that these three are not unusual.

At first, the elders confronted them one by one, but even the situation was that they had to work together two by two, pushed back.

“They were masters of the Sword, the Longevity Act (25484; Law), and the Articles of Association (29226; Law). ”

The masters of the painting barely survived the collaboration, but their shamanism ran from the common heavenly forest.

“Unlike the usual practice, they give the body extreme swarms. ”

Unlike the importance of internal air at a certain level, the three masters developed unusually specific areas of muscle to expand their unique nostrils.

“The situation changed dramatically with the loss of the seven elders and the dismemberment of the five elders. ”

The two of them had to work together, but the balance was broken, so the elders who fought alone were naturally injured.

When things got out of hand, he eventually stepped up to the Catholic Church and the Supreme Court.

At that time, Maracum faced the swordsmith alone, and he learned something by mixing his hands with him.

“I didn't know it when I saw those who use notation or skill, but I knew it when I confronted the swordsman. Their bastards were derived from a single stalk. ”


Maracum stood up and changed his shirt, but his upper body remained sharp as a whirlwind.

However, these notches were more like pottery than stabbing.

“This, this...”

Surprisingly, the scar resembled the supreme doctrine of the thousandfold.

Maraghem, called Body Guy, avoided the wounds at this herbal plant with excellent working skill.

Maracum, the Great Barrier Act, said in a heartfelt voice.

“If he had been able to spread the herb by a method other than the sword, I would have been one of the elders. ”

* * *

Around evening drinking.

It was crowded in the banquet hall next to the war on the resistance of the bridge.

The pilgrims who attended the Festival were dressed in neat clothes, and they were gathered to greet guests.

The magnificent and magnificent banquet hall resounded with a loud wind chime, and on top of the dozens of round tables in the banquet hall garden were plentiful foods and bottles.

The seats of the leaders of the bride and the senior executives of the Muslim blind were spread out as long seats above the banquet hall.

Her expression was not so good.

‘I don't like the seats. ’

His seat was close to the Church's seat.

It was because the sequence in the village was the second since it was placed in the minority.

Fortunately, the bishop was left alone and did not have to sit face to face.

Everyone was waiting because the guest hadn't arrived yet.

Soon after, the Blader standing at the entrance of the banquet hall called out in a loud voice.

“The nobles are coming in. ”

Along with his shout, the doors of the banquet hall were opened and the guests of the sectarian Muslims appeared.

The first forty people who came in were wearing black robes and wearing pink revolutions. They were from the volcanoes.

In the forefront was a middle-aged man with a long beard with good abundance, who was a leader of the volcanoes and a breeder, Sichuan Zhuo, of the Mueang Blind.

Those who followed were pupils of the Volcanoes and Plum Swordsmen.

It seemed to be as regular as those of old filibusters who are famous for their factions.

‘It feels different. ’

It was the first time I saw her properly.

If the martyrs felt somewhat chilly and favorable, they seemed to be right from the start and respectful of examples.

The followers were wearing white robes with blue grains, and they were the people of the hairdresser called the Losers of Yoneung Province.


At the front, the man with the beady eyes and short beard was the owner of the Mo Yong River, which is the owner of Mo Yong Sega and the seventeen of Xiang Ju.

Compared to the volcanoes, the taxpayers felt arrogant.

However, right behind the hairdressing class, there was a woman wearing gray cotton clothing in a light green robe, and she did not appear to be a hairdresser.

Who is it?

The escorts guarding her sides were also dressed differently.

Thanks to me, I had to look naturally.

The river looked around, whispering something to her, nodding lightly, and standing in front of the leader across the first two volcanic scholars who entered with the two escorts.

The woman in the mulberry veil greeted the Catholic Church Yooseong who was sitting on the seat above the crown.

“On behalf of the Catholic Church, I greet you. ”

- Good boy!

As the words fell, the tribesmen bowed their heads lightly, taking charge at the same time.

It was an alliance, but it was the best courtesy they could take, not a martyr.

In their greetings, churchman Yooseong opened his mouth while sitting on the seat.

“The parishioner welcomed the elite of the sect as guests."

The horse welcomed them, but when he got up and didn't show any light examples, a subtle unpleasantness came over the faces of the blind.

However, I learned the reason for the continued words of the Catholic Church.

"I heard that Bon Temps cares about examples, don't you think? ”

“What do you think? ”

“What is the etiquette to hide the face of a Muslim blind person? ”

“Ah! I'm sorry. I offended the trembling feeling that I was going to see the Pope. ”

Along with that, I pulled up the gray cotton cloth that the woman was wearing on her face in a hurry.

Then elasticity poured out of everyone's mouth in the intestine.

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