Nano Mashine

# 41 Hidden Purpose (1) #

She was able to see her loosened eyes as she continued to see the face of Jegalsohee clinging.

Nano was strangely surprised at the unfocused pupils as if they were his own.

Nano, is there a woman in front of me who's drunk? ’

[I'm going into facial recognition.]

The thousand yen pupils shook and white particles of light crossed the face of Jegal Sohee, drawing a line.

At the same time, Nano's voice echoes in his head.

[Pupils contracted and eyes showing abnormal movement. It's an implied state of hypnosis.]


[We will transfer that information into your brain.]

- Suzus!

Nano's hypnotism was transmitted to Nano's mind as his head was frowning.

Hypnosis was an artificially suggestive technique that affected the brainwaves and induced consciousness differently, regardless of his own physician.

‘You're being manipulated. ’

According to the information sent by Nano, hypnosis is said to induce this through special repetitive suggestions or stimuli.

Something must have been fundamental to manipulating her.

Is there any way to break hypnosis? ’

[There is a way to disarm the caster, but if you force electric shock and affect the nervous system, you can break artificially induced suggestions.]

All right!

She dared to grip Je Gal So-hee's face directly and inflicted an electric shock.

Thanks to these suggestions, the hypnotism was released.

‘The sudden change in behavior when he was fine is that there are people here who are hypnotized. ’

But finding him was not an easy task.

I couldn't tell because everyone was looking at her with embarrassing eyes.

In a short while, I thought of a thousand years.

"If you are brave enough to do this in the resistance of the school, you may not be alone. Then… ’

The millennium has allowed Nano to find sound waves with different vibrations.

This was referred to collectively as the phonetapping mode.

By the way, the Thousand Wolves' prediction was right.

[Death row...]

Found it!

The moment she heard that sound, she flew a new statue like lightning and grabbed the neck of the escort Blader standing on the seat at the end of the great gate.

“What is my third world? ”

Je Gal So-hee's escort, who was hanging by her neck, was so surprised that the rest of her expression couldn't be maintained.

How the hell did this guy know? ’

Their plan could not have been compromised.

It was impossible without listening to the beep, and it was impossible even if it had reached any high level of bureaucracy.

Moreover, if it had been possible from the beginning, it would have been prevented in advance.

“Queek, queek!"

‘Dammit! I can't send a beep because I'm so hard on my neck. ’

When this happened, I had to tell the executioner to do my third world, but all I had to do was groan because my throat was tightened.

It was just then.

- Zec!

“That's enough. A young Catholic monk. I made an undeniable mistake on this side of the blind, but it is too much to risk the life of a Escort Blader. ”

The Chilangju Mo Yong River, which was approaching one day, held off for a thousand years.

Originally, he was the owner of a force before words, but he was refraining from doing as much as possible because it was in the middle of the church.

Despite the curriculum, she still said without taking her hands off.

“Are you sure this man is a blind man? ”

“What are you insisting on...”

“Jegal Military. Is that the bodyguard you know? ”

I tried to argue as if it was ridiculous, but I ignored it and asked Je Gal So-hee, who barely got up.

Je Gal So-hee, who was still confused and stumbling, looked at the painful escort, and said with a puzzling expression.

“I'm sorry, who is he? ”

She doesn't recognize the escort Blader she brought with her.

At that point, the leaders of the bridge and the people of the sect who were illiterate were hardened.

Then what the hell is that Escort Blader?

When everyone was confused, I heard someone's bells ringing in a thousand ears.

[Priest. I can't help it. While he searches for the remnants of the sword, he must act in a third world. I'll help if it causes chaos.]

‘!? ’

As soon as I turned my head in the direction of the beep,

One of Jegal Sohee's bodyguards raised his hand over his head in the middle of the banquet hall's garden below the basin, and he clapped twice.

- Pair, mate!

At that moment, something happened to the people in the ballroom.

Among the small and medium-sized sects, the weak peasants, the low-ranking disciples of the volcanic factions, and some of the fencers of the taxidermists suddenly released their pupils and attacked each other.

“Die, you filthy martyrs! ”

“Hypocrites! ”


He fought with his bare hands as if he had no weapons.

Even just now, the position of the ballroom, which used to be a weapon, suddenly became a battlefield between the bridge and the sect.

I frowned.

When did all these people become hypnotized? Did... that applause earlier? ’

Hypnosis is done through a kind of stimulus, and earlier, when Jegalso-hee took off her veil, the people at the ballroom were fascinated by her beauty.

At that moment, one of the escorts clapped.

"Is clapping the cause of the implication? But is it possible to hypnotize this many people? ’

It seemed like there was a stimulant that helped them to be easily hypnotized.

Then the escort who induced hypnosis screamed in the confused basket.

“Dirty Bridgers attacked us! Alliances are their vile traps! Counter!”

It was a battle started by hypnotized people, but this shout was enough to confuse the peasants in the garden with the able-bodied musketeers.


“Heh! These guys, of course! ”

Moreover, the hypnotized people did not only fight amongst themselves, but also brutally assaulted others, so the fight spread like wildfire.

When this happened, the leaders were staring at each other and taking a ride.

“Kick-kick, Kick-kick! ”

The escort guard, who is strangled in the hands of the thousand goddess, smiles with a cheerful look as if he had won in agony.

“You're annoying me. ”



The thousand pounding fists strike his ribs, and with the sound of the broken bones, the escort screams in agony.

- Tata!

Then I bled him out and shouted at the brains who were ready to fight.

“Stop! They're hypnotized. ”


There was no way to know the word hypnotism.

The woman who was looking for a proper horse reminded me of a magic trick.

“That's what you're doing, having a hallucination like the one I had before. It's a pleural water trap to make the mainland collide with the Muslims. ”

At this moment, the leaders hesitated in a confrontation.

They also noticed in front of their eyes that this was a trap intended by someone because they had seen the sudden behavior of Jegalsohee and the oil of breast milk.

‘I know…'

However, because there was already a fight on both sides, they could not easily resist the idea that they might attack before solving each other's misunderstandings.

He carefully asked the leader of the volcanic faction and the Muslim breeze.

“Then, Little Bishop, what should we do about this situation? ”

“If the Lord commands it, I will do it. ”

The former elder Samaritan said without taking his eyes off the Muslim leaders.

He pointed his finger at the garden where the fighting was taking place.

“Please keep the elders and the nobles of the Muslim blind from fighting those who are not affected by the hallucinations. ”

“What about the people with the hallucinations? ”

“I'll take care of it. ”

- Pot!

Along with that, she blew her new sentence to the garden of the banquet hall where the fight was taking place.

After hesitating for a while, Yungju Wind Chung went down to Daecheong, the elders of the volcano followed him.

When the elders who could see lifted their hands and authorized it, they also blew the new sentence into the garden.

Looking at the banquet hall, the eyes of the churchgoer narrowed.

"How dare you reach into the inner chamber of the throne..."

The offense could not be accomplished by words.

“Stop! Stop fighting now! ”

“Enemy traps. Fighting here will disband your alliance. ”

The brains of both sides, who came out of the courtyard of the banquet hall where the fighting took place, shouted and stopped them, and those who were not hypnotized began to stop fighting little by little.

Through that gap, the weathering was speeding up.

‘Nano, it's hard to tell the difference. I need you to tell me who's hypnotized. ’


Enables an augmented reality overview of your visual information.]

At that moment, the thousand-year-old pupils shook rapidly, causing white particles to draw lines, opening up augmented reality.

Nano's voice continues.

[I will target hypnotized subjects.]

- Fifi! Fifi!

In the unfinished augmented reality, a small cross sign was drawn on the red circle, setting goals for those who were fighting in confusion.

‘Phew. Nano. As soon as I raise my hand, give me a shock relief. ’

[Yes, sir.]

Thousands of thousands flew their new sentences towards the crossed targets in the red circle.

The body of the Thousand Wolves, who began to work in awe, grabbed the head of the person who had been targeted for a short period of time while striking the crowd.


“Well, well! ”

“What the hell. ”

A white electricity erupts from the hand of Lady Chun holding her head.

- Pachynchik!


A disciple of the volcanic wave, who was hypnotized, screams and falls to the ground.

Started once, she immediately flew a new one towards the next target.

“What? Shhh! ”


He snatches the two fighting men with both hands and gives them an electric shock.

Without even knowing it, they fell into a convulsion.


- Pot!

The millennium quickly silenced those who were hypnotized, flying a new sentence toward the next target.

Awesome! ’

I was recently unhypnotized, so I couldn't help but admire Je Gal So-hee, the military of the Muslims who are watching this situation at the top of Daejeong.

It was hard to discern with my eyes because it was too fast, even though I didn't have a low ball.

‘That's the Bishop of the current Church. ’

He was taking care of the hypnotized by himself, as he had announced.

Those who were touched by the thousand leagues were temporarily falling down and waking up with expressions that they didn't know what they were doing.

‘Vee, damn it. What the hell is he talking about? ’

I was embarrassed by the escort guard who was hiding in the basket where the fight was taking place and promoting chaos.

Plans to cause chaos are rapidly bubbling up.

It was difficult to hypnotize, but if you get caught once, the caster is not a technology that can be solved immediately without being terminated.

No, no, no, no! The implications are coming undone! ’

It seemed that the situation would soon be rectified because the leaders of the bridges and the Muslim blind were calming down.

"Hehe! I can't help it. ’

The choice of a hypnotist impersonating a bodyguard was one that recognized that the original plan had gone back to defoliation.

‘You can't run away from here anyway. ’

It was a suicide.

The elite martial artists are concentrated only in the Resistance, and there are tens of thousands of martyrs in the outer city.

Once the plan was successful in the first place, there was a panel attached to the molar to kill.


He takes a deep breath to kill himself, then lets out a deep breath. As soon as he bites the dagger, someone quickly grabs his neck.


He was a thousand years old.

After solving all the hypnotists she had already chosen to take on, Lady Chun quickly found a hypnotist pretending to be a bodyguard.

"How could you do this to me at once? '

The hypnotist's eyes widened.

I thought I'd be suspicious because the other guard was caught, but it was too soon.

It was embarrassing for a while.

"Hehe! He's making fun of me!" '

Otherwise, the hypnotist was indignant that all three of his schemes were returned to Blister.

The hypnotist quickly pulled up the air towards the thousand woman's breasts.

- Squeeze!


One ticket was stuck in his hand before he could even touch the chest of Lady Chun.

The hypnotist tried to draw out the maximum force, but the gap was too great in the water of the air.

"Gosh, it's only in the terms and conditions! '

I spoke coldly to a hypnotist who was embarrassed and twisted his fist.

"Did you think you were going to make it through the middle of the school with a bunch of wild tricks?"

- Boom!


But this was not the end.

"Ugh... Now, wait... what are you..."

- Quadruple!


The hypnotist's broken arm, which was held tightly by his neck, was pulled by a thousand strong women, and his right wrist was torn off with the sound of his flesh and muscles being torn apart.

The pain could not be accomplished by words.


"Dig, arm!"

As my arms were being torn off, the faces of those who were in the vicinity of the cult became pale.

I thought that martyrdom was a cruel cruelty in my hands.

I grabbed the torn part with my left hand and asked the painful hypnotist with a thousand-year glance.

"Who are you people?"

“Shhh! Who are you? Huff! Huff! Yes, you... What do you think it will be? Profit!”

There was no way out of this.

The hypnotist who was about to kill himself tried to bite the Order anyway.

However, his mouth was forced open by profound aerodynamics before he was even bitten.


“If not for your kind, you'd kill yourself first. ”

The molten tooth attached to the mandrake was pulled out by the aura of the intangible.

- Woodpeck!


The hypnotist's eyes bitten with fear, staring at the floating molars and doghouses in the air.

I had no idea that there would be monsters like this besides the Church of God.

The last words of the thousand years scare hypnotists just like the unconscious priests.

“I'll see you later, because I have to deal with him. ”

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