Nano Mashine

Chapter 41 Hidden Purpose (2) - Revision- #

An unprecedented library in the northeast corner of the Mado Canal.

Usually, it feels heavily guarded by torches that illuminate the whole area at night and by the fiercely guarded martial artists.

The surrounding of such an emergency study building is unsettling.

The reason was on the bodies lying on the floor.

Dozens of guards were killed, but what was unusual was the crowd in front of the entrance, and it seemed to have been stabbed in the neck by a single sword rather than a struggle.

Those with signs of a struggle were the best guardians of the interior of the secret library, but their bodies were not in good shape.

“Not yet.”

“He'll be here soon. ”

There are two middle-aged people standing in the basement of an emergency library.

They were superstars guarding the interior of the secret library.

Hearing the commotion outside, they come out of the emergency study and find the dead guards.

In case you were wondering, I came down to the underground report, and the masters guarding this place were also dead bodies.

“Forcibly breaking down the iron gate... What kind of man doesn't have the courage to do something so bold? ”

The middle-aged man with the mustache waves his head.

The iron gate, which was made by the agency erosion in the underground report, was broken, and the agency was forced to enter, and the marble wall came down and blocked the entrance.

Perhaps the intruder is trapped in here.

“A marble wall this thick won't break even a wily master easily. ”

“Still, something's not right. The coroner should be here soon.....”

One of the other masters guarding the Five Clans went to the main hall of Mado.

He left in a hurry, so the irrigation should be here by now.

It was a car that I was anxiously waiting for.

- Boom!

You hear something shocking on the other side of the marble blocking the entrance.


“Looks like he's trying to get out. ”

I was nervous in their eyes.

The thickness of the marble wall that was triggered by the organ erosion in the basement report was three times thick as that of the monument inside the emergency library.

That's why it was hard to penetrate even with a dazed force.

But what is this anxiety?

- Boom!

Once again, the vibration echoes from the other side of the wall to the floor with a loud reverberation.

It seemed like the person in the underground report was fully empowering whether he recognized the solidity of the marble.

“Still, the marble is hard...”

Before the words of the middle-aged man were finished, the sound of shock resounded once more.

- Kuang!

I just heard sounds and vibrations that I can't even compare to before.

The eyes of the two superstars grew larger.

There was a crack in the marble wall they were looking at.

“Th, my God! ”

“No way! The marble wall can withstand...”

- Kuaang!

At that moment, with a great sound, thick marble walls are smashed and debris protrudes out and envelops them.

Meanwhile, Lee Hwa Nam and twenty unmanned monks, who had been reported by the master of the Fifth Floor Secret Service, arrived in the vicinity of the nonclassified library building.

“What about this sound? ”

At the sound of the noise coming to their location, Ewha Huai of the Left Legislation was surprised, and he hurled his way faster to the entrance of the emergency library building in a month.

"What the hell is going on here? ’

Lee Hwa's expression hardens as he looks at the dead bodies at the entrance, although he received a report.

Cloud dust was rising from the entrance.

I didn't have to go into it.

In-young was walking out through the cloudy dust, but then she appeared.

It wasn't just one.

He was a middle-aged man with a snake-like impression of turning the anti-whites' hair upside down and a sleek man who looked as if he was early in life.

“You do? You do? ”

Ehwa's eyes shake as she recognizes them.

If I'm not mistaken, they were the escort martyrs who guarded the kiln surrounded by golden cloth in a pagan parade.

"The Guardian of the Noble Vigilante"? No, he's... ’

Lee Hwa's gaze was fixed on the middle-aged man in his eyes.

The aura of the middle-aged man was never a level of escort.

The middle-aged man stares at Ehwa and smiles, then talks to the man standing next to him.

“I was disappointed to see all those people, but now a decent man has appeared. ”

“Master, the author is not the end. ”

“I know. ”


Twenty bureaucrats were chased late.

The bureaucrats also found the bodies of numerous guard guards and did not conceal embarrassment.

“What the hell is this? ”


It was the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the mado house.

It was the worst case of all the security guards guarding the secret library to an outsider who never happened.

The Supernatural Master of the Fifth Floor Secret Library, who brought the Headless Heads, cried out to the intruders with a furious face.

“From underground reports! What did you do to them? ”

Two people, except themselves, decided to look underground and guard the front.

But the fact that they're still out there,

“Well, if you look carefully at the bodies down there, you'll find them. ”

“How dare you!”

The ridiculing middle-aged man who couldn't resist the outburst of anger, Lee Hwa reached out his hand and restrained him from drawing his sword and rushing towards them.

“Wow, Irrigation! ”

“Wait a moment. ”

Lee Hwa shouted at them.

“Don't know who you are, but was underground reporting the purpose? ”

A chunky shepherd wrapped around the back of a man in his thirties was suspicious.

If it came from the underground report, it must have taken the Black Horse Ball's legacies.

The middle-aged man in his own eyes said casually.

“Well, you see. ”

- Chang!

Left-wing Ehwa pulled out the flame sword of the Red Sword and gave orders to the prefects.

“Stop them. We must never let them get away. You can kill him.”


Capturing him alive was not important.

If I wanted to take the sword ball's legacy outside, I had to stop it.

As Ewha's orders were issued, the five storey nongovernmental scribes and bureaucrats pulled out their weapons and rushed towards the intruders in unison.

The middle-eyed man smiled bitterly and said to the man next to him:

“I'll be with you shortly, so go ahead. You know the retreat. ”

“I understand.”

A middle-aged man in his eyes steps forward, and a strange sound echoes into their ears as they whistle in the wind toward the rushing bureaucrats.

- Peek-a-boo!

It was like an ultrasound of a dolphin.

At the sound of the eardrums ringing, the shambles rush towards the intruders, choking their ears and suffering.

Blood bled from my ears because of the inner air in the sound.


"Ugh! Ears, ears!"

The painless bureaucrats raised their voices up against the sound.

However, unlike lions, this sound did not only cause pain to the tympanic membrane, but also severe dizziness.


"Oh! The ground is coming up."

- Bang, bang!

The nosebleeds, which had damaged their eardrums, collapsed due to dizziness.

Of course, not everyone had it.

At the height of the peak, the master of the burial arts, Oshin, and the master of the superpowers, the master of the mastery of the fifth floor, had a thick inner air, so he survived with curiosity.

"This guy's a master magician!"

“Wow. Looks like the inner workings are pretty thick. One."

- Pot!

The middle-aged man's new brotherhood bounced off like lightning and strangled Oshin's neck with a sudden stroke.

- Boom!


"In any way, the result is death."

"Damn it!"

When Oshin died with the Terminal's scream, the secretary of the fifth floor, who was right next to him, was astonished and urgently formed a steel sword and stabbed the middle-aged man in the neck.

- Tak!

"Aniet? What do you mean, catch the Sword?"

However, the middle-aged man in the blindfold only raised his strength with his index finger and his two stops, and grabbed the stabbing sword.

He was an unimaginable master in indoor operations.

I tried to pull out the sword between my fingers, but I couldn't help but notice the gap in the air.

"Ugh! Then!"

- Tak!

The secretary took his hand off the swordsman and tried to turn the sword against him.

- Quack, quack!


His torso was pierced by the middle-aged man's punching heart.

He said while shedding blood on the floor on the middle-aged's hands.

“It's no different from the ones in the basement. There aren't many intruders here anymore, so go now. ”

“Take orders. ”

Along with that, a man in his thirties spread his guard and tried to get out.

It was not the name of LEE Hwa, who would be watching this quietly.

“Whose choice is it to leave? ”

As Ewha tried to overthrow a man in his thirties who was trying to escape from the Red Sword, a middle-aged man stood in his way.

“Of course it is as it is written. ”

- Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!

Lee Hwa-myeon's new statue, which was opened with a metal sound, was pushed back about five feet.

I didn't have any special weapons, so I assumed it was the enemy's, but in both hands, he had a metal knapsack.

What kind of force? ’

I was embarrassed by Lee Hwa's eyes.

I thought he was an unusual grownup, but the hand holding the swordsman was trembling.

At the beginning of the Red Sword, which was just opened, there was tenacity.

This meant that it was more important than Ewha's name.

‘This man is very dangerous. ’

I had to catch a thirty runaway intruder, but the moment I opened my eyes, his flesh would come rushing down on me.

“Not bad. Lucky me. Compared to the Speedos, I wondered how good the Bridgers were. ”

“…… what are you? ”

“Let's see what you got better than that! ”

- Pot!

The new middle-aged man's eyes flashed like lightning and gave a defeating blow to Ehwa.

The enormous force in the book of titles led the Black Masturbation, a defensive herb of the Red Sword, unfolded backwards.

- Whip it up!

A tight fence made by a red sword was struck by a middle-aged gazelle.

Along with the metallic herbs, two masters' herbs crashed violently.

- Bloop!


Despite the hot firearms of the Fire Qi emanating from the Black Sword with the internal air of the calories, the aura of the middle-aged man's eyes did not stop.

- Ta-ta-tak!


The power of the power of the power of the fist was gradually pushed out.

Internal air, herbs. Overpowered him in every way.

‘Yi, this man is too strong. ’

Lee Hwa Myung, who decided that defence alone was not enough, unraveled the fence and opened his eyes to the middle-aged man of the eye.

‘We must wager a battle. ’

A flame-retardant sterilization gum.

The Sword of Chlorine, the sword of Lee Hwa's undersword, was filled with intense heat with a completely red glow, and an explosive sword quickly spread out.

- 52517;!

“Yes! You've got to do this. ”

Despite the sheer force of the sword, he smiled as if he were enjoying the middle-aged man of his eyes, and raised a blue glow in both hands.

- Whoo-hoo!

At the same time, a middle-aged man of real eyes just gave a recommendation of a completely different power and slammed head-on toward the flame retardant sword of Lee Hwa.

- Whip it up!

The red blade struck the blue sphere and the surrounding area resounded with a wave sound.

The battle between herbs and herbivores was fierce.

However, the battle did not last long.

At first, Ehwa's swords, which had been struck by the whistle, gradually rushed to stop the young middle-aged banners.

"What about this recommendation? ’

Lee Hwa's eyes shook.

The candlestick opened by the middle-aged man of real eyes was sufficiently blocked because he dug in unexpected directions.

And in the end, there was a gap.

- Pufferpuck!


The middle-aged man's power struck Ehwa's chest, abdomen, and shoulders like a rapid blast.

Blood splatters from Lee Hwa's mouth and his body bounces back like a cannonball and rolls around the floor.


A deeply wounded cataract uses a flame sword as its staff, barely raising its body halfway up.

A middle-aged man of real eyes smiled at Ehwa's name.

It was to finish the last.

Lee Hwa's mouth hardly looks at the middle-aged man walking towards him.

“Yes… you… are extremely athletic. ”

- Tak!

At this point, the middle-aged man's eyes were covered with doubles.

I didn't think I'd be aware of his identity even though I hadn't competed with a few herbs.

“How did you know? ”

“...... I gave a recommendation, but I'm sure it was… cough! It was close to the dojo.”

Unlike ordinary men and women, we have no choice but to crowd our bodies.

It resembled the doctrine of extremism.

By blocking the recommendation, Lee remembered the masters of the supreme martial arts industry who had been told by the Supreme Court.

“Funny. I hid as much as I could. Well, he's a dead man anyway, so I'll tell you. Yes, the headline is Dogyeongju Publishing, of the Ultimate Butcher Gate. ”

There was a deathbed of life in that voice.

"I see."

You guessed right.

If this was indeed the master of the Extreme Physical Education, he had to know at all costs.

But the extreme internal injuries kept him motionless.

Dogyeongju Sahyun staggered and came to the front of Ewha who was about to get up somehow.

“Farewell, then. ”

"Ugh! Please!" Move! "

- Whoo!

Sahyun was about to bash the head of Lee Hwa with a strong fist.

- Heave!


- Got it!

Sahyun senses something flying towards him at a tremendous speed, and quickly grabs it with his strongly wrapped hand.

I was surrounded by strength, but my palms felt heavy with the aftermath of air.

But it wasn't unstoppable.

“With this kind of iron ball, I can do the math... What? ”

Sahyun was angry at the person who threw this at him, his eyes widened and he couldn't hide his embarrassment.

What he captured was not metal.

It was a man's severed head.

His head was smashed in half by his strength, but I couldn't recognize him.

“What the hell is this? ”

The owner of the head was a man in his thirties who had been helped earlier.

I hear someone's voice in the man's ear.

“Are you him? ”

- Boom!

It was a moment of embarrassment, and Sa-hyun, who was filled with anger, stared at the person who threw the supplies at him.

He was a young man with long hair and a white face.

In the young man's hands is a bird that they stole from the underground reports of the secret library.

Left-hand law Ehwa's eyes widened and shouted at the young man.

“Bison, Bishop! ”

He was a thousand years old.

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