Nano Mashine

# 41 Hidden Purpose (3) #

“Little bishop?”

The word "minor bishop" caught a double glance in the eyes of Sa Kwon Mun-ju.

It was because he was not expected at all.

‘I heard that there are no minor bishops in the bridge yet, but in between they have a successor. ’

I was surprised by his identity for a moment.

Sa-hyun Dogyeongmunjo quickly realized that his plan had become a mess.

If he really is the Bishop, he should be at the Innocent Banquet Hall by now.

But showing up here meant that plans to make sectarian Muslims and martyrs confront the narcos went back to bullying.

Originally, the two forces fought and tried to escape through a chaotic gap, but it was a judgment to be corrected.

One strange thing was how she found her place.

‘I wanted to kill myself. They could never come up with a plan.....’

Something was definitely wrong.

Sahyun's eyes narrowed looking forward.

The unacceptable building to the northeast of the Mado Canal is located at high altitudes, so if you look straight ahead, you can see the outside from the main smokehouse, where the lights were spreading.

‘Tsk, they're coming. ’

I felt it from a cold.

Hundreds of martyrs surrounded the madove.

Whatever the reason, what he needs to do now is decided.

We had to get out of here now.

“Then I'd better kill you with the loot before I go. ”

- Tak!

Sahyun tried to hit Ehwa's head again, staggering left hand method, which left his thirty year old man's supply on the floor.

But I couldn't just let it go.

While he was briefly distracted by the senses of the martyrs he was gathering, a thousand generations of new statues suddenly reached his doorstep.

- Chang!

Sahyun's fist, which was about to smash Ehwa's head in with a thousand blows, bounced back.

"Look at this guy? ’

His eyes widened.

I left my strength in my hands and tried to kill it in one fell swoop.

At least he was more resourceful than the interest he tried to kill.

"That's funny. You're not just a little bishop, are you? ’


I rotated my body using the bouncing arm of Sahyun to blow the windmill.

Number of catabolic grafts.

It was a technique of using someone else's internal air to improve their own strength.

It was just one power, but it was enormous.


When the sword was deployed, Lady Chun, who had been attacking with tensile force from the beginning, could not conceal her surprise as she countered him quickly with her own attacks.

You quickly raise your sword and block the single volume.

- Chang!

The power of thought to use until the reactions exceeded the general level.

The aftermath of the air force coming in on the sword was infested by a thousand figs.

However, if we were to be pushed out of here, he would definitely kill the immovable LEE.

- Yuck!

She gripped it and pulled out not only the force, but even the extreme force that reached the human limit.


- Boom!

Of course, I thought she would be pushed away with internal injuries, but instead, there was tremendous force, and Sahyun's body soared into the air and the new brother flew backwards.

- Bloop!

Blood trickles down into the mouth of the thousand who are grinding it.

It has been a really long time since anyone else has suffered airborne injuries.

Nano's voice echoes through his mind.

[Autorepair internal organ damage from energy infiltrated into the body.]

The nanomachines in the body were activated and the boiling guts sank as internal injuries were healed.

- Tak!

It bounced back with super-strength, but it was also a feather-like event that made it to the ground unharmed.

Despite the stunning power of the millennium, Sahyun's tail rises from the bloodstream in his mouth.

‘There's no way you won't get internal injuries. ’

Even his own aerodynamic force was the number of cataracts.

I darkened the face of Lee Hwak, who looked at the thousand leagues as if he had been injured while trying to protect himself.

If the weather had been activated a little sooner, you would have dodged the attack.

Ehwa, who was stumbling, stood up.

“Ha… ha… little lord. Don't worry about me. ”

“Are you all right? Escort Act. ”

“It's enough to move the body. ”

Temporarily unable to operate the internal air due to extreme internal injuries, but now possible.

However, I was able to get out of here quickly and prevent internal injuries through weather breaks.

She handed over the sheet she was holding to Lee Hwa Myung.

“Take this and summon the Pope and the other elders. It should be at the entrance of the mado tube. ”

I had to be prepared for the situation.

At the time of the wiretapping, Lady Chun, who guessed that the secret report of the Black Horse remains, headed here first, with the words to surround the Maguire to the bishops and elders.

Perhaps the bishops and captains have sealed off the entire building of the bridge and surrounded the marching capitol because an enemy has infiltrated the bridge.

Sahyun laughed at such poor words.

“Funny bastards. You think the mainline's gonna let you go? ”

“Leave him to me and go. ”

“Hehe, got it! ”

She ignored him and ordered Lee Hwamyung to go down.

Lee went straight to the entrance of the mado tube, because the internal injuries were severe and could not help.

‘Stay tuned! ’

One of the masters of the supreme cult, who could be the descendant of the supreme cult, could be overwhelmed by being alone.

“Who said anything about letting you go? ”

Sahyun's new brother tried to catch up with Lee Hwa's name in a heartbeat as he hit the ground.

But Thousand Wolves stopped him.


Sahyun turned and opened the airspace, and a new statue burst into the air. He tried to shoot the Tankwon River towards the name of Ewha.

- Zec!

This vigilante? ’

However, a thousand goddesses suddenly shook and blocked his face in the air.

It was the Thousand Wolves who had been advancing since they had mastered the Shin Dynasty.

“I'm your opponent. ”

- 52517;!

While the Thousand Wolves were still in the air, they spread their swordfish towards Sadhyun.

“You punk! You're interrupting me to the end. ”

- Whip it up!

Sahyun opened the defensive ceremony of the windmill with a metal holster and stopped the rapidly swarming blade.

Even as they fell from the air to the ground, they switched herbs and struck violently without stopping their hands.

- Whip it!

There was no place to set foot, so they did not spread their fervent herbs, but they shouted at each other.

"Isn't this guy badly injured? ’

I thought I had internal injuries, but I decided that I should not do it properly when I was not blocked from operating the internal air than I expected.

- Tak!

As soon as I touched the ground, I began to work hard on Lady Chun.

The power of Sahyun turned in a strange direction and aimed for a thousand bloodstains in a row.

Then she opened her eyes, surprised, and avoided it.


The posture of the ceremony that had just been held was different from that of ordinary men.

If you twist your body like that, your muscles can become tense, but Sahyun naturally stretched out his side that was broken.

“You're quick to see like a rat. ”

If Thousand Wolves hadn't spread the law backwards, they would have allowed the blow.

She stares at him and asks.

“What does this have to do with extremism? ”

It was Lady Chan who noticed that she resembled the supreme doctrine of extremism with just the appetite that she had just performed.

Since I had not yet heard the details of the Left Hand Act, I had no choice but to think of extreme self-control.

The expression of Sahyun, who had been relaxed in the question of a thousand years, changed.

“Ha! That's not what he said. You said no one would know. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

I was even more curious about this person's identity because of the way he reacted by himself like he was amazed.

I thought that he might be an extremely athletic person who was discussed during the War Conference.

“If you know him, then Bridge is the enemy of the book! ”

Sahyun shakes his head, shaking his head as he continues to speak incomprehensibly, and shouts out, looking at the thousand foes.

“Excellent! Otherwise, I would have taken you hostage and escaped. I have to take you with me to the main course. ”


The word "hostage" made me look ridiculous.

Since the moment the Maguire was surrounded by martial artists, Sa Kwon Munjoo tried to take him hostage.

It was because it was not easy to escape except to hold the minority of the martyrdom hostage.

There are already numerous torches coming up and down toward the training ground at the Mado Canyon.

"Hostages… is that possible?"

“Hmph! I don't have time to hang out with you! ”

Along with that, Sahyun's new form quickly swarmed the thousand goddesses.

The strongest aerodynamic forces were aggregated in the area of Sahyun and a windmill with explosive capabilities was held.

The recommendation ran until now.

"Extreme Achievement of this Herb"? ’

I spread it by law, not by law, but I could clearly recognize it.

However, it was surprising that even though it was not the original method, herbivores were perfectly legitimized and there was no great difference in power.

‘It's amazing.'

In the Great Plains of Genesis, the crowd was ready to crush itself.

At least twenty-four swordsmen or more could stand a chance of stopping this kind of vinegar.

Thousand Yeon took the cardinal ceremony of the twenty-four horse sword.

And in his hand was the four-and-a-half sheaths of the sword, the Heavenly Sword.

- Whip, whip!

The vinegar spreading out from the hands of two people struck.

If anyone was watching, the sound of waves resounded in every way because he was dizzy because he was too fast.

- Whip it up!


As I slammed into the vinegar, my face darkened.

His sword was engaging in a devastating ceremony and I was losing my power.

He knew the method of extremism, so he tried to aim for the loophole while spreading his sword. Instead, Sahyun also tried to look for the loophole of the twenty-four sword while using a changeling.

- Puck!


A book struck my heart.

As the lattice began to be used, extreme neo-Neurotic laws that were constrained from movement and moved in strange directions emitted light.


When she stopped opening swordfish, she built a fence and defended herself, but once pushed away, she couldn't stop the overwhelming windmill.

“What do you think I can do with a scabbard? Kuhahahaha!”

- Whip, whip!

- Alien!

It was a sword that spread into the steel, and the power of Sahyun's overwhelming power began to push back a thousand inches.

Even though the power of the supernova itself had explosive capabilities, from the very beginning, the internal power of Sahyun was a step ahead of the thousand.

- Blah, blah!

A crack occurred in the corpse of a thousand-year-old metal sword that tried to endure but could not withstand the overwhelming power of the wheelchair pushing in at a mortal rate.

“It's quite fair, but the inner workings, the herbalists, in all respects, are top notch! Ahhhh!”

Chariot window!

When the shifting sword strikes the center of the hammer, one of the polar inner spheres breaks apart and splashes into the body.

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!

“Damn it!”

The new statue was shaken by the fragments of the sword that were halfway embedded in my body, even though I stretched it out.

Without missing it, Shahyun's fist pierces the thousandfold abdomen.

- Eww!

The spectacle seemed to pierce my body, and blood gushed out of my mouth.

After being pushed backwards by about ten feet, Lady Chun's new brotherhood had to leave the scope of the body through the soles of her feet before she could stop.

- Blah, blah!

Around the thousand-foot floor, the stone bed cracked roughly every day.

It was a wondrous power.

He stopped and looked at the thousand motionless women and said as if he was quite good.

“I gave you the right to kill half the people, and you let it go. You're the Bishop of the Bridge. ”


As she breathed deeply, steam rose from his body.

It was to expel the aftermath of the Gyeongwon out of the body.

“I wonder what I could do with the sword of the sword. ”

Do you know the twenty-four blade of the sword? ’

Her eyes flutter.

As if he knew twenty-four swords well, he thought something was wrong when he was aiming for holes, but he knew exactly how to use them.

Of course, it wasn't just to look at it strangely.

Just as the gumma tried to analyze the Cultist Herb, its descendants may have analyzed the Black Horse Herb, which is the enemy of the Cultist.

‘This man is really strong. You can't do anything with a twenty-four sword. ’

Sahyun said to Lady Chun with a dazzling face.

“Hehe, now that you've broken the sword of the black horse, it's a clear conclusion. The martial arts technique does not defeat the extreme nuances of the text. Stop rebelling and follow me. ”

Sahyun slowly walked towards him.

I thought that even if I resolved the Gyeongwon, I would not be able to rebel against the deep internal injuries, starting with the pieces of the sword embedded in my body.

At that time, the steam rising from the body of Lady Chun, who was resolving the crown, stopped, and I slowly raised my head to look at him.

"Is he still staring? ’

Surprisingly, the thousand eyes did not die.

Rather, there was an invisible precedent burning.

“The school's swordsmanship is pushed to the limit? ”

“The dying one is bluffing...... Don't you think? ”

Without stopping, Sahyun, who was walking towards Lady Chun, stopped walking.

He couldn't help but wonder at the sight that was happening in front of his eyes.

Tutu, tutu!

Fragments of broken swords embedded in the Thousand Wolves' body fall away as if they were being pushed from the body.

- Churrrgh!

Even more surprisingly, his wounds were regenerating at a rapid rate as small fragments of his face were falling.

“Oh, my God. Your body? ”

I felt like I wasn't human.

Surprise was brief, and Sahyun instinctively determined that it was very dangerous.

It wasn't about holding a hostage.

You bastard!... Dangerous. It's like a monster. ’

I changed my mind.

It was impossible for a monster like this to be held hostage because he was injured.

Rather, I had to kill him before he recovered.

- Whoo-hoo!

Sahyun activated the internal air of the whole body and put a cavity in both fists.

A tense expression struck the floor and struck the new statue like lightning, spreading the maximum number of recommendations he could open at the extreme.

“Die! You monster! ”

It was that moment.

- Stop the car!

The Black Iron Fragments of the Black Guard that were wrapped around the Wealthy Wrist come together and form a Black Sword.

What the hell is this? ’

A clear black river rises from the subtle, silent sword when the mild blue sword is caught by the Black Sword.

“Black steel? ”

A fierce magic castle exploded, and a thousand goddesses holding a black sword came out into a barrel of black light.

The dark beam extending from scattering particles of dark light was dispersed into twenty-four ceremonial patterns, unified into a single point in a single moment.

- Wagon window!

“W-what kind of power! ”

Sahyun's rebound of immense power bounced off helplessly, and his arms spread out into a goddess, and a thousand black daggers pierced through his body, creating a shadow.


- Tak!

Suddenly, a thousand leagues passed him and stood ten paces behind him.

I turned my head to look at Sahyun and opened my mouth.

“This absurd sword…… khhh! ”

Before you can finish speaking, blood gushes from his mouth like fountain, and then he falls to the ground.

The center of his collapsed chest is empty as he traverses through the hole.

I muttered as I watched Sahyun who was dead.

"This is the best swordsmanship in the school."

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