Nano Mashine

# 42 I'll make it up to you #

The Protestant Church.

The most spectacular and magnificent building in the castle houses the Church.

A middle-aged woman walked out of the theater room in the temple.

He was the Catholic Church's master, Yooseong Cheon.

The acolytes who were waiting outside the entrance of the concert hall, as he opened his arms, clothed himself in a familiar cloth and wiped himself with a hot damp towel.

- Zec!


The tired, heavy-breathing monk looks down at the wound from his right chest.

There was still a sequelae even though some of the paint was removed from the body.

At least ten days will continue to be refreshed through meteorological breaks in order to repair the damage caused by the city.

After the servants had cleaned up, they changed their new clothes, and the bishop went straight to somewhere with the words, "Good work."

It was the basement of the Catholic Church, and as I opened one of the six closed gates, cold air flowed out from the inside.

When the bishop lit up the lamp, there was a wall and floor made of stone, as in the basement report of the Maguire emergency library building.

Inside is a marble table, on which are cutaway arms and infernos filled with scars that should be in the basement report.

- Zec!

The churchgoer closed his eyes, touching his arm full of scars.

As I draw the scars left on my arm, I can clearly see the defeating morale.

It was hard to think of a dojo with just a scar, but I knew for sure.

‘It is similar to the way he felt in his way. ’

- Hot!

The wound on my chest ached when I thought of this.

Among the three masters of the Extreme Butcher Gate, there was a man who suddenly broke in when he tried to get rid of the practitioner of the law.

He was strong enough not to compare with the three before him.

Chun Yu-jong, a member of the Middle School Master and master of the opening of the microscope, was unimaginably unpredictable.

The man who was beyond the limits of herbicide suffered injuries due to the lack of retaliation of the Heavenly Sword without a special diet.

‘...... You're not. ’

That was the last thing he said to himself.


- Blah, blah!

A crack occurred on the stone table where the bishop was holding his hand.

Recalling what he said, he unknowingly resonates with anger.

I don't know what it meant, but it made me feel so humiliated.

It was a car.

- Bang!

Someone knocks on the iron door.

“Who are you?”

“This is Marrakeem, my lord. ”

“I see. I'll head up to the Oval Office. ”


The bishop lowered his emotions and left Hanok Seok's room and entered the bishop's office upstairs.

Maracum, who was waiting outside the office, followed behind him.

The bishop in the fancy seat ordered me to raise my hands and report.

Maracum reported on the process of searching for martyrdom until now and the order given by the bishop one by one.

The bishop who was listening to the report asked.

“What did you do with it? ”

He called it that, but Maracum answered in a low voice whether he understood it.

“..... The jade bottles were secretly retrieved from the banquet hall and disposed of in the valley of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. ”

“You can't find anyone, can you? ”

“Wash the jar with water and throw it all up into the valley. That's not going to happen. ”

“Well done.”

What do the prison guards at the banquet hall mean?

The food and liquor bottles at the banquet hall were still there to investigate.

However, Maracum said that he took the jar of wine and discarded it.

It was only last night.

It was when they were hypnotized and finished attacking each other, and they headed there first, with the words that there might be enemies in Mado tube.

The bishop ordered the elders to subdue the members of the sect at the banquet hall and seal off the castle.

At that time, Maracum, the Great Barrier Act, quietly reported to the Bishop with a bottle of jade.

‘My lord, there seems to be something poisoned in the bottle with alcohol. ’


The bishop tried to make one of the martial artists take it.

Then the Blader who drank this opened his eyes because he was out of his mind.

The bishops and the Supreme Court found out that this was one of the reasons they were caught in the dark.

I will retrieve the jars and have them analyzed by the surgeon. ’

The bishop shakes his head at the words of the great law.


‘No, you don't have to do that. Collect the jailbirds now and dispose of them so no one can find them. ’


In the words of the Church, they argued with the eyes that the laws of Great Protection were incomprehensible.

The bishop told the Great Lakeshow how much he thought about in that short bird.

‘It could be a good thing. We may be able to take advantage of the Alliance position to make the Headquarters more advantageous. ’


A number of churches poured out a groaning law.

Nor did he expect to use it in this situation.

The bishop was using the case to form an alliance and to gain a reason to suppress the blind.

‘We don't need to make a hole for them to get out. ’

If only the Muslim people were implied, some of the martyrs were implicated.

If it is known that there was drugs in the prison, Muslim blindness will try to share the blame for not properly inspecting the church.

Even if the hypnotist was on drugs at the banquet hall.

However, without the Jade Seal, we can suppress them by luring enemies here from the Purified Slaughterhouse and causing death.

‘I'll do as I'm told. ’

This was before the Jade Seals changed.

Even if we investigate it, the prison bottles in the banquet hall were still intact, so we can't free the blind.

“Are the narcos and the senators still investigating? ”

“That's right.”

“At this point, I'll have to pass on the congressmen. ”

This seemed intentional.

to detain the Muslim blind in the ballroom and deliberately create the fact that they had conducted a fair investigation in front of their eyes.

The opposing team has one of the two heads of a Muslim blind soldier, Je Galso-hee.

That is why the Catholic Church allowed her to cry out.

You won't be able to appeal it if you show that you've done your best to investigate this far.

“Bite the congressman and send the able-bodied to hell..." Huh? ”

The bishop, who was about to give the following order to Maracum, kept his mouth shut as he approached the Oval Office.

Soon, escort fighters reported from the entrance of the Oval Office.

“My lord, I urge you to understand. ”


I tried to order them to withdraw, but seeing that I was here first seemed to be to report that there was no more evidence at the banquet hall.

‘Good. ’

The bishop nodded his head and told him to come in.

The white cloth that Baek Jong-woo brought into the office was placed beside him, kneeling on one knee and greeting him.

“Baek Jong-woo of the horse, watch out for the Pope. ”

“Welcome. So the investigation didn't go well? ”

In response to the question of the Catholic Church, Baek Jong Woo slightly shakes his head.

“No, my lord! We found the cause!”


In Baek Jong-woo's words, the Church's eyebrows raised.

What the hell is he talking about?

Through the Supreme Court Maracum, I got rid of all the prison jars containing medicines, but I couldn't hide my insides because I found out what caused it.

Baek Jong-woo took off the cloth on the tray that was next to him.

The cups were placed on the tray, and the eyes of the churchman who saw it shook.

"A drink?"

The priest who saw this liked to stop.

Last night, I was forced to replace only the jars while I was forcibly detaining the Muslim people, but I didn't think they would bring a glass.

Luckily, there was nothing in the glass.

"If it doesn't contain anything, it doesn't matter…."

His anxiety was right.

Baek Jong-woo pointed to the drink and said to the parishioner,

“I found traces of a mixture of tons of hallucinogenic medicinal ingredients, including poppy, buried in the glass. ”


The bishop was embarrassed and lost his word.

It was a mistake not to ask you to take care of the glasses, but if you find that the bottle of alcohol is not a problem, you can also overlook it and find it.

‘I should have said something to the witch. ’

I regretted it.

I should have told him in advance to ignore the evidence.

Since it was an investigation conducted in front of all the people of the sectarian Muslim blind, it caused death by not deliberately telling them to act naturally.

Baek Jong Woo of the horse, who judged that he was uncomfortable with what happened with the medicine, said to change the mood.

“But the Sovereign Lord was clever enough to discover this. ”

“… what? Did the bishop find this? ”

I frowned at the impression that the bishop had found it.

Even though the Witch reported this, it was absurd that one of the monks who was trying to take advantage of the sectarian Muslim blindness collapsed.

"This guy…"

The bishop who was silent for a moment asked.

“..... Is that really what caused the hallucinations? ”

“Yes, if you take this, you're hallucinating. There's a good chance that someone who's good at it might be suggesting it. Especially if you have a weak inner ear. The only question is, the amount in the glass is not enough. ”

The more Baek Jong-woo's words continued, the more his expression hardened.

“I had to take more and there was no problem with the alcohol I heard in the prison. That's why the Lord Xu Xiangqing confirmed the stocks of the prison bottles that were directly resistant to this could have changed...”

“Supreme Court!”


The bishop hung up before Baek Jong-woo's words were finished.

Baek Jong-woo, who found out what caused the incident last night and realized that the reaction was strange, kept his mouth shut.

“Now that you've figured out how the intruders performed their hallucinations, you may release the detainees who are illiterate. And let the Bishop stop investigating…… ”

“Take orders. ”

When the Great Hoho Act left the office first, Baek Jong Woo of Ma only realized.

The bishop must have known the existence of the drug from the beginning.

When things were not going well and I felt uncomfortable, it was a parish expression that made my eyes narrow.

‘Ugh… the Lord was hiding it. ’

In fact, when Lady Chun told me that she knew the stock of the prison bottle, Baek Jong-woo tried to report that there might be a successor among those who were in charge of inspecting resistant foods.

But it seemed unnecessary.

Meanwhile, Lady Chun, who met Sook in the kitchen of the Resistance and was looking at the stock of the prison bottle, had to stop it as Maraghem showed up.

Maram told Lady Chun that she should investigate because there might be an executive, and told her what the bishop had planned.

‘You planned this in that situation. ’

I knew that the bishop was good enough to use himself as bait from the moment he was in the palace, but he was really great at this.

However, I did not think this number was perfect.

“Did the Great Lakes Act recognize this plan from the beginning? ”

Maracum nodded without a word because of the question.

It was also the part where the bishop agreed to provide a good reason for the alliance with the Muslim alliance.

“You must have dealt with the Jade Seal as well. ”

“That's right.”

“A second glass wouldn't have thrown the whole jar away if I had. ”

“..... Do you have any insight? ”

“If we can analyze it and respond to it, even if our enemies do the same, we won't be defeated. ”


A small elasticity flowed from Maracum's mouth.

‘I thought about it until then. ’

As Thousand Years said, if we analyze the drugs they used, we will be able to prevent this from happening in the future.

At first, I thought it was only Maramagym who regretted that the Christian plan had gone back to the bulldoze, but I thought it was a good thing that the thousand fortunes had found the remnants of the drug in the glass.

“I shouldn't have taught you that. I'll go first.”

- Tak!

Marahem's gaze at the back of a thousand women leaving the kitchen after putting down the jade bottle.

* * *


I was fortunate for those who were eager to wait.

What if their innocence is not proven? Those who were anxious could be freed from being detained in the banquet hall by uncovering the secret that was caught in the dark.

“Haha, thank goodness. Misunderstanding solved. ”

In the words of Yungju wind chung, Chilangju Mo Yong River nodded and complained.

“Hmph! Luckily, we can't destroy the alliance anyway, so they can't fight the alliance." ”

"That makes sense."

The two forces were unable to dispute in front of the worst enemy, the Ultimate Butcher Gate.

It was a dance river because they wouldn't let the appetizers at the bridge in any way.

However, Je Gal So-hee, a soldier, thought differently.

‘No, this could have been Bilmyro Mahidol's superior alliance with the Alliance. However, this step backwards.....’

It was a great help.

If he hadn't uncovered the mystery of the implication, the blind would have been in an awkward situation.

‘Little bishop... a thousand. ’

Starting with his accidental actions, he was caught in the dark last night, and soon stopped the banquet hall of the alliance from getting bloody.

If it had been so, everything would have been accomplished as intended by the Supreme Meat Ministry.

‘He chose a cause. I can't believe there was such a big figure at the church! ’

Although it was not intentional, Je Gal So-hee was greatly impressed with her actions.

On the other hand, I thought he was a clever man.

‘I had the advantage of the alliance, but instead I made you owe the blind. Maybe he really is the main character of the Church. ’

Her thoughts stemmed from a misconception, but she was unwittingly brought to the attention of Je Gal So-hee, the second militarist of the limelight.

‘I will repay this debt. Little Bishop.’

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