Nano Mashine

Chapter 43 Increase Power (1) #

Three days passed after the event of the banquet hall.

The Chords' alliance was normally signed and declared to the believers within the city.

He gave the authority to deal with the emerging enemies of Extreme Butterfly Moon, but the atmosphere of the Christians who had been in conflict with the sectarian Muslims for a long time was not so good.

Originally, it was supposed to stay five more days, and the Muslim Apostles of the sect appeared early in the morning after they sensed that atmosphere in the bridge.

The practical reason, of course, was different.

‘There may be a culprit in this blind spot. ’

It was because of Je Gal So-hee's opinions from the military.

At first, the two of them did not believe easily.

It was difficult to agree that there might be a thief among the 17 who supported the sectarian Muslim blind.

But she began with her abduction and explained to Jogonzo many suspicious things, and eventually, the Saddam realized that something was wrong and decided to withdraw quickly.

‘This is an invitation from the Lord of the Covenant. ’

Je Gal So-hee, the representative of the Sadan delegation, forwarded an invitation to join the Muslim Brotherhood in the New Year for a sturdy alliance.

After the Muslim Apostles left, Bridge was entering into a different phase until now.

Mississippi seconds

The guest house of non-homicide.

There was a meeting of the Ten Elders' Figs and Eleven Elders' Salutations, King's Day, Moongyu, Haebong, Sadang and Baekgi.

Just a while ago, the atmosphere was somewhat severe when Lady Chun emerged as a small Christian.

He was saying something as if he was unhappy with his elongation.

“No, I can't understand why you didn't declare everything else in the war and why you became a minority. ”

Everyone was consistent with silence, impressed by his words.

The announcement of the foreign war, which was postponed by the banquet hall case, was at noon today.

At that time, Chon Yu-jong, the bishop, came out and made several announcements in front of the whole congregation, but only the story of the Catholic Church was omitted.

Of course, rumors were spreading rapidly because of what all the peasants in the school knew, but it was not something to be taken lightly.

“Yes? Is it just me? Is everyone okay? ”

He opened his mouth.

“Actually, there's a point to what he's saying. Lord, something's wrong. ”

Everyone was cautious because it was announced by the Catholic Church, a member of the Catholic Church. However, they continued to complain one by one.

“We know that the announcement of a foreign war is the place to announce the major issues determined at the War Conference on the campus. But, except for the fact that I'm appointing a minor bishop....”

The last thing I said was out of my mouth.

But someone else told me about it.

I said, "Is there a change in the heart of the Pope? ”

“Ah… Elder Hwan. ”

It was the eleven elder's hallucination.

Since the days of Mado, Ko Kwang Hwang Hwang and Heo Bong, who had been assistants since the time of Mado Co., I could not spit it out because I thought of the thousand women who would not feel good about it, but I was not happy.

Unlike his feminine tone, he was straightforward in his speech.

“Our elders are no different from what you think. Isn't that right?”

You take off your veil and nod lightly to see if the figs agree with you, who have set up a substitute for the Chief.

The three elders who supported the millennium were curious about the announcement only half a watchful eye.

“..... I've stepped up to the procedure of catching a small bishop, a congressman, and can you turn it upside down in the heart of the Pope? ”

I asked the hallucination if I was curious about whiteness.

He tilted his head and replied.

“Well, I didn't hear that happen until now. But with the authority of the Pope, if the six factions do not revolt, there is nothing that can be undone. ”

When I said that there was no such case, the face of the servants who were brightening became dark as a result of the words that followed.

It was because I understood what the hallucination was saying.

Since the method of selecting the minority so far has consisted only of the candidates of the six sects, it was difficult to change the decision even if the minority was in the middle.

However, she did not come from six sects.

“You mean you can withdraw your appointment to the Minocchio if there's no major repudiation at this point. ”

At that time, the woman who was listening silently opened her mouth.

Everyone looked at his face, but there were no special emotional changes in her.

Rather, I was listening in the grave like everyone else.

The hallucination stared at her, and said with a more serious face than usual.

“I was going to tell you in a moment, but I think I'd better do it now. ”

“..... What is it? ”

“After the Lord took care of the infinite, the owner of the species, the Bishop continued to try to make contact to redirect the remaining forces of the species. ”

It was something even a thousand women knew.

The hallucination encouraged reflexes, worrying that removing the remaining microscopic power could reduce the power of the bridge.

Thousand Yeon agreed to that, so the matter was left to the illusion.

“But last night, the chief of the species was empty. ”

“Been... empty? ”

In one night, I saw a thousand thousand eyes because I heard that the master of the hysema was empty.

If something had gone wrong, the school would have become noisy.

I was thinking about it for a while.

“Did you move from your remaining sect? ”

The four remaining sects that were so eager to absorb from the weak side were also exploring the lost owner of the species.

“Half right, half wrong. ”


“I moved on from the Bishop's War. ”

“If it's a Catholic war...”

There are two groups of force in martial arts resistance.

One was a martyr, and the other was a martyr who belonged before the bishops.

The martial artists were a force led by the three laws, whereas the martial artists in the pre-parish were strict escort martial artists and direct parishioners.

“Half the remaining power of the hippocampus is to the hippocampus, and half of it is to the hippocampus. ”

The words made a hard impression on the subordinates, including the thousand years.

According to the sympathy, the Pope himself empowered the swordmaster and the cutting board.

If you went directly to the Papacy, you were right to take back the remaining forces to the thousand women who had defeated the head of Hyundai Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma, but you showed unexpected gait.

“Isn't this... clearly deterring the minority lord? ”

He spoke in a more upbeat voice than usual.

To date, it was hard for the disciples who had only considered the six sects as enemies.

“The Pope said...”

Mungyu bites his lips tightly and looks at her.

They were also confused and offended, but I was worried how uncomfortable his son, Thousand Yeon.

However, the incident was heading in a different direction from theirs.

“Constraint..... No. It's not just control, it's balance. ”


The monarch who had looked at her until now was a thoroughly self-centered man.

If it had been for control only from the beginning, it would have prevented me from becoming a minor bishop from the beginning, but I appointed myself as a minor bishop at the War Conference.

Then, I felt like I was overwhelmed with strength on the soft side.

“It is balancing by reinforcing the power of the two sects while keeping me under control. It was also the fact that the minor bishop was not declared in the civil war.....”

He announced to your faction that there was still a chance.

By giving hope to your sect that the thousand fortunes could be lost in the place of the minority, they spared their broken commitment to the thousand fortunes.

“Me and your sects will clash against each other. ”

The law of power was to have a degree of equality.

Even if it's four species, I'm not going to fight an increasingly unlikely battle.

“Oh, how could the Pope...”

He shakes his head as if he couldn't believe it.

After all, he did not acknowledge the thousand years as a minority, but regarded it as a kind of defeat.

‘You know the nature of the Pope well. ’

The eleven Elder's visions or the ten Elder's Figs knew this better than anyone else.

The current Pope, Cheon Yoo-jong, was truly heartless.

He didn't have the love of blood or blood, and everything was just a sign to strengthen and protect the Church.

"The Pope is not an ally..."

‘What am I supposed to do with this? ’

When I guessed the heart of the Church, the atmosphere became heavier.

After being silent for a long time, she got up from her seat and opened her mouth, one by one, looking at each other.

“I'd like to ask everyone here. ”

“? ”

“If... whatever happens, can you trust me and follow me? ”

“!!! ”

Everyone looks surprised at the last words of the millennium.

It was because I realized what it meant.

She was asking them if they could follow her, even if she bumped into the bishop.

All the people gathered here were those who pledged allegiance to the Thousand Wolves who would become the Bishops, but that did not mean that they excluded the Pope as the center of the current religion.

“A lot of things have gone wrong at this school. I'd like to take the school back to the time when it was reopened by the previous Heavenly Mother Investigator. even if it was against the current sky at the university. ”

The woman who took a single breath spoke in a voice of distress to them.

“Trust me and follow me. ”

- Tak!

Thousands of women took possession of them.

Everyone lost their words in a straight glance that did not shake a single point.

The Lord has made his decision! ’

‘Will it be okay to bump into the Pope? ’

After a long time of silence, someone stepped out of the guest house and took possession of the kingdom towards the thousand moons.

He was vain.

- Tak!

“What's there to be sad about? I will follow no matter what path the Lord walks on. ”

No matter what had already happened, I had decided to follow the millennium.

That kind of behavior was the trigger.

Immediately, Goguryeol stood up and took charge and spoke in a powerful voice.

“I, too, am a fool. How can a man say two words with one mouth? I will follow the Lord, even though it is the path of Sura, the path of the Thorn Field, and there will be blood all over my body. ”

In the words of King's Day's resolutions that made the heat rise, the rest of the people also stood up.

It was the same for the two elders.

Everyone bowed down and pledged allegiance to Lady Chun once again.

“We swear to follow the Lord no matter what. ”


I felt a lot of strength in my two fists.

My heart became hot because I thought that one of them might leave because it was a situation that could be confronted not just your sect, but everyone in this place would follow me.

This announcement of the Great War was a place to make the thousands of women and their followers stronger.

The heat had subsided somewhat, and the thousand years had withdrawn everything they had planned to deal with the six sects so far.

“Now that the Pope has empowered the four factions, we must move accordingly. ”

“Do you have a point? Hehe.”

In the question of congratulations, she spoke in a heartfelt voice.

“I tried to balance it out, so I'm going to have to break it. ”

Along with that, she looked at Moongyu.


* * *

Minister of Mahjong Jangjong is located in the northwest corner of Mahjo Castle.

Now he was a magnificent and large-scale member of the reputation of being a budding member of the six sects that had become four.

Someone rushed across the sergeant's palace garden to the servant's office.

The man hurriedly leaped in and breathed out a harsh breath and announced it at the door of the office.

“Huff-puff! Joe, Lord! Security guard deputy! ”

“What's going on? ”

“Bison, the Lord wishes to see you. ”


Elder Moon-yeon, who was sitting in the office reading a book, left the door with a surprised face.

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