Nano Mashine

Chapter 52 Performance of the Abandoned Sword (3)

Faithfulness known as Middle School Moorim is the appearance of a noble old man with the same hairs as Imperial College.

But in reality, she was completely different.

An elderly man with big muscles, unlike his small size.

She was God's prisoner.

“Hmph. What did you call a busy man for again? ”

The shaman swordsman was the one who called God's prisoner into the house of the Longevity Master.

A moderately unpleasant look at her, he said with a loving smile that did not match the strong impression.

“Primitive. Primitive. Frequency is called because I have something to tell the sweetener. ”

Usually when he said this, it was when he said uncomfortable requirements.

God's gut felt uneasy and asked.

“What can I say? What's that supposed to mean? ”

“Perhaps we should clear out early in the morning or early in the morning. ”

“Leaving? You mean the quartz? ”


The impression of God's prisoner was horribly solidified when he asked me to leave the Abandoned Sword Guy's Lair.

This was her ancestral home.

It didn't sound right to ask me to abandon the nest.

“It must be different from the pact you made back then." We agreed to study here in return for your conditions. And when the great law is done, you will... ”

“I decided to withdraw from the director of the Gamma Wave. One situation has changed. ”

“What do you mean? Are you talking about those people out there? Those guys haven't been one or two in years, but they are. ”

Due to their reputation of loyalty, there have always been those who came here to visit the Abandoned Sword.

Of course, they were the ones who had been in contact with the royal family since the previous fleet or received the pink roof.

“Don't you know the waves are completely different from him? ”

The voice of the sage who spoke softly began to sink.

He seemed to have given up speaking persuasively.

“They're as dangerous as they've ever been. If Gampa Wave is kidnapped and the Great Law has not been completed, the plan of creation will be nullified. ”

Hyundai slowly walks in front of her and looks her in the eye and says,

“Didn't you make a pact to help the Moorish's well-being after losing something precious? Please let us protect you from evil. ”


The eyes of the gods' prisoner tremble with the low pressure of the lucky man's voice.

I was dumbfounded by how he ended up like this.

What started out as a good intention suddenly went wrong.

When the prisoner answered nothing, Hyundai, who accepted the agreement, smiled again.

“Then let's get ready before it's too late. ”

The last thing he said was that he sent her back.

So we can organize what we need.

Soon after the Divine Instinct returned, the Black Invincible man hurriedly entered.

“What's the situation?”

“As you said. Suspicious movements have been detected around the Forest of Abandoned Valves. The numbers are increasing, and it's going to be morning soon. ”

It was a result of scouting the forest near the Abandoned Vale Rock Wall.

“I'd better hurry.”

“Are you going to use them as bait as planned? ”

The writers spoken by the man in Black Invincibility refer to the thousand hordes.

The goal was to use them as shields and return them to the pagans beyond the quarantine.

Hyundai smiled and said.

“Yes, they will be loyal enough to the role of bait. We will depart as soon as our faith is ready. ”

“I understand.”

While the fortune-teller and the black indentured man were talking, the divine prisoner returned to his home and medicine party.

Her pharmacy was full of medical tools and books.

Among them, there were quite a few unusual things, but on one side of the wall was a preserved skeleton that was medicated.

I was surprised to see you come in here without knowing anything.

This skeleton was strangely cut clean from the area of the spine, whether the body had two sinuses at the time of death.

- Pow, pow!


When she entered the Medicine Party, she was furious and threw a bowl of medicine.

It was a pity that we had to abandon this place, a home for generations to come.

However, if we do not leave here as they say, the enemies from the outside must have infiltrated and targeted us.

‘There are thorny fields all over the place. ’

What's the difference between those out there and a group of wise men?

The prisoner shakes his head and sees the shadows of the two watchers standing at the drugstore's door.

If they refuse, they will be forced to leave.

"I can't help it. ’

I couldn't resist, so I had to take what I could get my hands on.

She watches carefully and approaches the bookshelf on the left wall of the medicine party.

Then I took out a book called Herb Leeches.

- Tak!

When I opened it, surprisingly, there was another small book in the book of Herbal Trees.

This book, however, was unusually different in material from the usual books.


When the senses spread it out, there were different writings in it than the original Korean.

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It was definitely Korean, but the subtle ones are simplified.

So it was hard to interpret properly.

However, unlike the text described above, there is a detailed diagram of the human body on the back. It was a treasure to the congressman because it was drawn in more detail to the bloodstream, bones and muscles than it was known in the conventional will.

‘You have to take this to complete the grand law. ’

This book was a treasure inherited from the generations of old.

As you pack the supplies she needs, you hear a commotion outside.

“I didn't say no because the faithful are busy. ”

“Aigoo, does it make sense that you can't even see a simple treatment when you're so sick? You guys are so mean. ”


The watchers are stopping someone from entering the Faithful Drug Party.

I thought I was going to kick you out soon, but surprisingly, I kept going, and the prisoner opened the door.

What about these boys? ’

Those who insisted on meeting her were vain and favorable.

Hubong is building up a bigger statue than himself, and she is complaining of heartache and pain.

“What's going on? ”

“It's nothing. Sensei Papa finishes what he started. ”

The watchdog said with a ridiculous look on his face.

“Wow! You really are too much. Are you suggesting we leave it alone if he's sick? ”


They were embarrassed by Hubong's protest.

She should be ready to withdraw now, but she seemed suspicious if she changed her mind about not letting the patient in because she didn't want to disturb it.


The Divine Instinct approached and took hold of the auspicious wrist and measured the mac.

Then I frowned as if something was wrong.


The watchdog, who was looking at her reactions, asked.

“Is it serious?”

Then the prisoner who was silent for a moment nodded and replied.

“I think we need to take a closer look. It'll be quick.”

“Phew, I see."

A Watchdog asked you to nod and enter, assuming it's an impossible situation.

The bluff flashes in his eyes, bringing a fade and laying down on a bed in the medicinal chamber.

Then he told the surveillance spies who followed him inside the medicine party.

“We're leaving. ”

Suddenly, the watchdogs hardened their eyes and said,

“What are you talking about? We are the ones who have to protect the gamma waves....”

“Wow..... So you want to see the important place of an unmarried Sawyer? These guys are really dignified. ”

“What, what? ”

The two Watcher Bladers make a silly look on his face.

As he kicked his tongue, he raised his voice, pointing his finger at the tender side of his chest that came out of the statue.

“Do you have to see it to feel better? ”


The two of them were stuttering and trying to explain because they wanted to look at their breasts.

“No, that's not it. We're...”

Then, the Divine Instinct said, as if to help such vanity.

“I think we need to remove the patient's top, so the men should leave. Are you going to watch this? ”

“Ugh… OK. Please take a quick look and let me know. ”

I was told never to keep my faith separate from others, but I couldn't help it.

I became conscious of my heart for no reason because of the chasing after the wind.

Eventually, they asked God's prisoner to take a look at the patient's breasts, ask the bridegroom to tell them straight away, and then they left the medicinal hall with him.

- Boom!

Through the gaps between the gates of the medicine party, the eyes of the void were calling for joy.

* * *

Around dawn.

Across the middle part of the human mind, Mother Nature was replenished in every direction.

Every time I circulated those energies, I felt like I was assimilated with the surroundings.

On the bottom of the ridge was a giant pit that wasn't there overnight.

In the middle of the pit stands a thousand foes.

Her eyes were filled with dizziness that was different from before.

You take a slow inhale, then exhale, and you see the right hand he had in his hand.

‘There are almost no limits to internal air. ’

Whenever you feel energized, your inner air rises at a rapid rate by circulating natural energy.

The speed was so fast that it could not be compared to before.

At this rate, if we did not use feasts that required large internal air consumption, the internal air restrictions would have been almost eliminated.

‘Air power can be almost doubled or nearly tripled. ’

The universal use of available aerodynamics has increased beyond compare to that of a camera that had complete control of its internal mass.

You can tell by just looking at the giant hole in the broad standing radius.

Thousands of women poured out their elasticity with joy and emotion.


‘I'm so lucky. I can't believe you're on the horizon! ’

I did.

She broke the wall with an unintended realization.

The idea of harmonizing the sword beyond the limits of the thousand swordsman breaks through the wall, creating a higher landscape.

It was a fortune beyond luck.

She looked up at the dark sky.

The night sky, which was only black, suddenly had a faint blue light.

It was like the color of the morning sky before the morning came.


I felt like I wanted to complete a new sword by pushing my strength, but I had too much time here.

Finding a way out of the rubble caused me to forget the men on the cliff because I found the thousand marks.

‘Even though the herbs were not in harmony..... there were other achievements. ’

That didn't mean the progress of the phenomenon.

It was a result in a different sense.

‘Let's get out of here. ’

When I got back to reality, I was slowly worried about a lot of things.

It must have been a great shock to the servants as they saw the fire falling on their bodies.

Especially considering Mungyu, I was frustrated.

It was because he thought he was dead and he was grieving.

How do we get up there? ’

The way up the rock barrier, which still extends vertically, was stunning.

As she pondered for a long time, she looked at the swords on the floor and the wall and suddenly realized something.

‘Wait..... Is there a way to find the way? You can make it.’

Same time.

A general within the stone barrier of a closed quartz.

A Black Invincible Man has entered the residence of a shaman swordsman.

“What happened? ”

“Looks like Faith is ready to leave. ”

“Good for you. They're probably still sleeping, right? ”

“Don't worry, we've got the watchers. Let me take another look. ”

There were only five lookouts in the medical room with beds.

If there was a problem, he would have known right away.

It didn't matter if one of them who had a good sense of smell noticed it.

“After confirmation, bring your loyalty with the Watchers to the secret passageway. I will take the disciples of the Bone Clan with me. ”

“I understand.”

By the time they realized it, they would have escaped into the hidden passageway.

Those outside will quickly penetrate because they will break through the blue-stone walls and tracheostomy that were sealing the entrance.

If that's the case, now is the perfect time.

The man in black, who was given his last assignment, is headed for the medical bay.


Arriving in front of the Medical Office building, he frowns.

Something was wrong.

I'm sure there are two watchers on the roof, but I can't see them.

For a moment, if one of them was empty, he thought of the back alley, but it didn't seem like it.


In case you were wondering, I opened the door of the medical room carefully and pushed my face into it.

You see five shadows lying vaguely on the bed in the dark medical room.

I could hear a small breath, but it seemed to be still fading.

It was obvious that they were injured, but they were also tired.

‘No problem. Then where the hell are those guys on the roof? Wait! ’

The man in black enters the door with surprised eyes.

Come to think of it, there were six people in the medical room, but one was missing.

Who left? ’

The man kills Kichik and reaches out to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

And as I looked at the face of the dark shadow lying at the side of the bed,

“Oh, shit! ”

The lying shadow is one of the watchers who should be on the roof.

His condition indicated a fainting smoking blood.

I looked at all the men lying in bed, surprised by the Black Vigilante, and, frankly, they were all guarding the medical bay.

“Damn it!”

The man in black jumped out of the medical bay in a hurry because his image was distorted.

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