Nano Mashine

Chapter 53 The Descent (1) #

- Whoo-hoo!


The heavenly woman's body, who was prancing in a violent wind, shifted and lost its balance.

I tried to get the center of it somehow, but the rusty sword broke off without being able to withstand the weight of a thousand miles.

- Fuck you!


- Shh-shh-shh!

Thanks to this, the body of the thousand who had no place to set foot fell back.

I tried my best to get up here, but it just came crashing down.

No! No! ’

She quickly pulls out the White Dragon Blade and plugs it into the stone wall.


Fortunately, the inertia didn't stick much as soon as it fell, so White Dragon Province was able to stop without cutting down the wall significantly.

It was about half a chapter (19976;) but was enough to make the heart pound.

I looked up, exhaling a harsh breath.

“Ha… ha…”

‘Dammit, I didn't think about the wind. ’

The best thing he could come up with was to strike the swords in the wall and create his own foothold.

I thought if I made my own path, I could climb without the crowd.

However, an enormous gust of wind from the midpoint of the ridge makes it difficult to balance.

It was like trying to stay in the waves of the sea.

‘This section is hard with respect to the landscape. ’

Even if you leave the landscape and become the master of the landscape, it will be difficult to climb where there is no place to set foot in this massive wind.

The thousand-year-old woman decided to use a method that was cumbersome but ignorant.

- Chariot!

The Black Iron of the Wealthy Arm Guard was reformed into a Black Sword.

The woman holding a thousand swords in her right hand reached up and stabbed her left hand against the wall.

- Puck!

Increased strength and inner aerodynamics make rock walls easily pierced.

Of course, it was easier for weaponry.

In that state, she pulled the White Dragon Way in her right hand from the stone wall and drove it higher than the Thousand Horse Sword in her left hand.

- Puck!

‘It will take some time, but I can't help it. ’

The whirlwind caused the shape to sink, but it was safe.

Instead, it takes more time than it takes for the landscaping to take place.

‘Let's hurry.'

The breeze slows down, putting a sword through the wall.

Meanwhile, the man who left the Medicine Room was embarrassed and headed to the Medicine Hall for the gods.

‘Maybe the sleeping pills in the tablets didn't work. ’

Medicines with sleeping ingredients were deliberately added to their tablets.

I thought it would be hard to notice because it was some kind of medicine anyway, but it was obvious that no one fell asleep and disappeared.

“One by one. Follow me.”


The Bladers who were stationed on the road follow them.

It was hard for him to catch six masters by himself.

His steps to the medicine party where God's power is supposed to be were heavy.

- Boom!

The man in the black robe broke down the pharmacy door without hesitation.

I was going to leave this place anyway, so it didn't matter if the officer was broken or not.


There was no faith in the medicine party.

Rather, there are two watchers lying on the floor.

The Bladers enter the Medicine Hall and examine the collapsed Watchers.

“Lord, he's dead. ”

The watchers slit their throats, unable to scream, and appear to be dead.

They were the watchers guarding the entrance to the drug party.

“Damn it!”

Something twisted for a long time.

The loss of faith meant that everything was wrong, more than the six people in the medical room.

The bewildered black subjugator runs out and shouts.

“Faith is gone! Find Faith!"

“Huh? Faithful? ”

All the Bladers within the officers who heard his shout rushed into the search.

In the meantime, the man in Black Unsullied hurriedly turned to the shaman swordsman who was waiting by the secret passageway to report the matter.

- Heave!

A man ran in front of a secret passageway for a month and found a group of shaman dressed in robes standing in front of him.


“It won't open! ”

The secret passageway can be opened by moving the rod of the institutional control unit installed next to it, which was broken and several potters were trying to open the passageway.

Thick marble walls could not easily be opened.

A Black Invincible Man ran to the shaman swordsman standing among the shaman thieves and reported.

“What do you mean, no loyalty? ”

There was no way he could not have heard the shouting in the Chief.

The Black Invincible Man urgently reported the situation in the inquiry of the agitated operator.

“Soon-hyun! Six men in the infirmary are missing. I told him to search the palace...”

- Boom!

Before he finished speaking, the eunuch stepped on the rough ground.

The crack in the floor was a good indication of how angry he was.

The operator shouts with his hand pointing to the secret passageway.

“Searching? They've already broken through the entrance to the secret passageway, and that's what they're saying! ”

“Vee, the secret passageway?"

"Oh, my God, you got me. ’

Then I realized that the man in the black robe had been defeated.

It was already too late.

I don't know how it happened, but I didn't have enough to figure out the secret passageway, so breaking the controls and escaping meant there was a helper.

The facilitator was most likely faithful, of course.

You betrayed us! ’

With the black subjugated man soaked in embarrassment behind him, Hyunhyun pulled out his reader's sword, the Blue Hyun Sword, from the waist dance.

- Whoo!

A ruler with a sword in his hand told the shaman thieves.

“Out of my way!"

The institutional control unit is broken, so we have no choice but to force it open and leave.

It was at that moment that the pagan thieves were about to retreat in front of the secret passageway.

- Boom!

An explosion erupts from the hidden officer's entrance.

It was similar to the explosion I heard last night.

It meant the enemies were starting to move. Soon, perhaps, they will come.

I was going to hurry.

“Enemies!!! Enemy incoming!! ”

“Enemy breach!!! ”

You hear the screams of the Bladers near the entrance.

The operator looks ridiculous.

Even with gunpowder, the enemy cannot be infiltrated with just one blast.

We need to remove the marble wall, which passes through several organ feedings and blocks the entrance. What the hell is going on here?

‘Seo, you can't be...'

The eunuch's eyes were filled with embarrassment.

The situation was as if they were now trying to deal with them in the medical room.

Rather, they are trapped here and an enemy from the outside has infiltrated.

It was the back of my head.

‘Gam..... ro..... Su! How dare you! ’

* * *

When the operator was indignant inside the stone wall,

In the cave leading to the secret passageway, seven souls rushed out of the cave.

They were a thousand men.

The loud rumbling sounds inside the cave make me bluster and smile.

“Heehee, I think they came to the Chief. ”

“Good for you.”

All of this was planned by the four elders.

Of course, in order to find out this, the vanity that gave a class of acting and the balls of two auspicious people were large.

Thanks to this, I was able to take away God's prisoner.


I did not have a color, but my face was reddened.

The wounded bluff was enough to carry him, so he carried God's spirit, but it was heavier than I thought, because she was so muscular.

“This guy is powerless. ”

The prisoner's words became white and raised the inner air.

Her weight wears her out just by carrying her with strength.

“No time to dawdle. Let's hurry.”


The Elder's Figs urge the party.

Many enemies will not last long, even those in the Chief.

They had to quickly get out of the scrap track when the shaman master and the sectarian fighters were distracted from their enemies.

- Tata! Tata!

I saw the end of the secret passageway not long ago.

But I thought the exit was blocked.


“Stopped him with rocks. All you gotta do is push. ”

At the head of the god's prisoner's words, the figs nod and push the end of the blocked passageway.

The rocks blocked by her deep internal air begin to push out.

- Curr!


Light flows through the gap as the rocks are pushed out.

It was the light of the blue of dawn because it was not yet bright.

- Cough, cough! Whee!

The rocks are completely pushed and tumble.

As the exit opens, you see the other cliff.

However, many of the characters on the other side of the cliff have a firm look on their faces.

It looked like there were at least twenty, but not all of the enemies went inside the General.

‘But there are no such guests or masters. ’

If I had them, they'd be annoying, but they'll get through.

“The girl who saw me will stand in front of you. Stay close, everyone. ”

Everyone nods quietly at the words of the figs.

She sprints forward, jumping over a ten-length hurdle in a heartbeat.

The moment she steps on the cliff, she draws her sword.

- Chang!

After pulling out her sword, she spreads her sword towards the nearby masks.

The masks who were holding the weapons in advance tried to stop them.

- 52517;!


It was the three herbivores of the true biopsy containing the essence of the fresh sword.

Instead of being stubborn and defensive of a swift exam, two masked soldiers' organs were broken and their throats and hearts pierced to death.

It was just a moment to deal with the rest of the figs.

- Beep, beep, beep!

One of the masked men blew a small flute around his neck.


I knew what it was going to do, so the figs hurriedly flew a steel of ammunition at the flute whisperer.

- Aaaaaah!

A blue sword flew in and suddenly tried to trample the Flute Mask.

However, this could not have been observed by other masks.

The masked man next to me pushed the flute player away, so the bullet steel missed him.

Damn it!

- Blame it!

The shoe treads on the ground, carrying a bluff.

The group leaps over the cliff, one by one, in her startled car.

They were also in a hurry because they heard the flute echoing from the other side of the cliff.


Heave-ho! Tsk, tsk!

All the masks surrounding the stone wall who heard the flute came here as one group.

The numbers exceeded what they had imagined.

It was hard to understand when so many people had infiltrated the Abandoned Sword.

‘There are more than a hundred people. ’

How many people have they brought with them?

Not long ago, I thought there was only an old man who lived there, but it didn't seem like it.

Something sharp came out of the figs that couldn't resist embarrassment.


She swiftly picks up her sword and stops it.

- Chang!

It was a blue armature steel.

Her new brother, who blocked the steel, was pushed five paces back.

I pulled out the tensile force and stopped it, but the energy on the sword was so intense that I had to push it back until it dissipated.

How does that feel? ’

She turns her head to the place where the sword flows.


He was an old man who lived as a guest.

Thought to be inside the stone wall, but unexpectedly, he was waiting outside.

The old man was walking with a spectacular look on his face like a man.

“Haha, as expected. ”

“........ ”

“I didn't think there was only one entrance to a place like this. ”

The old man never thought there would be one passageway.

That's why I kept waiting for the servants to gather while gathering information.

The old man glances at them with sharp eyes and looks at the gods' prisoners.

“Hoho. I didn't know loyalty was old school. ”

I knew she was loyal at once.

The rest of the people saw their faces once, so it wasn't hard to distinguish.

- Yuck!

When I saw the old man's face, Mungyu, who was silent, grimaced his teeth.

The fury rises when I see the one who is the enemy of the thousand dead.

On the other hand, the situation was embarrassing for the tranquilizers and the trainers.

‘This is bad.'

Even the old man, an immeasurable monster, was overwhelmed, but not a single person stood by him.

Like the elderly, the energy from a man without a mask was not unusual.

At least the master of the entrance to the camera must have been.

“This week. The throne will deal with those two. Clean up the rest and bring them to justice. ”


The two elderly people pointed to were the figs and the shoes.

It was the old man who was displeased that he had not dealt with them twice.

- Chang!

The old man pulls out a thick sword from the sword at his waist.

He received the sword he had entrusted to them.

“Then let's get started! ”

- Pot!

The old man's new statue scatters, leaving behind a remnant, and quickly narrows the street to the figs.


- 52517;!

The atomizer unfolds his method and opens the street, raising his sword to suppress the old man and shouting.

“Protect the Feeling Wave! ”

I had to get her out somehow and take her to 100,000 mountains.

In the vicinity of carrying God's prisoner, Vanity, Ascension, and Moongyu stood with their backs in a triangular shape.

Because there were so many enemies, if you spread out and fight, you could lose your loyalty.

The tension in your eyes is intense.

[Elder Yang! Take care of the man who's not wearing that mask while I take care of him!]


- Chang!

She also tried to cast a new leaf on the so-called runner to see if she agrees with her opinion.

However, an old man who was dealing with the figs suddenly turned and stopped the shoes.


“Where are you going? You two are mine. ”

This man, Danju, who was spying on the opportunity while the old man was standing in the way, suddenly rushed towards the three people who were guarding God's perimeter.

- Pot!

It was the target of this short-term rule.

Mungyu's eyes were so tense that he tried to stop him by placing a veil in the palms of his hands.

- Heave!


This short marvel stretches its way towards her, wielding its sword to the right.

- Chang!


It was a rusty sword that flew to him.

It senses the sudden fly of the sword and stops it, but its resonance is too strong.

This short week's new stature was pushed by the profound force carried on a rusty sword.

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!

After being pushed five paces away, the short drink lifts up the tensile force and knocks out the rusty sword.

- Grab it!

The blade is so rusty, it breaks apart without overcoming its power.

If it was a healthy sword, it might have pushed out more.

This short notice mutters with a bewildering look.

“Winner's Blade? Who is it? ”

This blow that was aiming for you must have been a victorious sword.

This short gesture twists and stares at you in the direction from which the sword flew.

It was on the brick wall.

But there was no one there.

‘What? What the hell...? ’

That's when the unbelievable things started to happen in his eyes.

- Guys!

“The stone barrier is shaking! ”

One of the masked men was startled and yelled.

"Rock Wall"? That's not it. '

Shaking was not a stone barrier.

Over a hundred swords embedded in the stone barrier move swiftly.

The unknown phenomenon led to the eyes of all people, including the masks.

There is a change in the swirling swords.

- Huff, puff! Puck! Puck! Puck!

A number of swords have been drawn from the wall, as if they were from a black scepter.

Then the swords plummet into the air, and eventually the tip of the blade rotates in the opposite direction and starts targeting the masks.


“The swords? ”

I was embarrassed by the eyes of all the masks.

What the hell is this? ’

You stare at the swords with an unbelievable glance, even the old man who was dealing with them.

The minister himself saw over a hundred swords floating in the air.

- Gooooooooo!

There was something floating under the cliff ledge.

‘Ey, this? ’

He was a long-haired young man wearing a fluffy black robe, who appeared from his head and was surprisingly climbing into the air on a black sword.

He looked like a martyr in a similar manner.

“Ahh… ahh! ”

I blinked as if Moongyu could not believe it, and soon my eyes turned red and I shouted to the young man.

“Duke!!! ”

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