Nano Mashine

Chapter 62 Return of the Bridge (1)

Samsan ( ) in the south-west of Geum-neung, Gangdong Province.

It is a mountain near the Quantum River, cut by the river east and west, and it is called Samsan because three peaks face north and south.

There is a large palatial cabin on the outskirts of Samsan.

A cabin of this size could have been a big name, but there was no name for it.

Palatial cabin walls are maze lined with 26 large and small buildings.

A main hall in the middle of an unnamed cabin.

A middle-aged woman who was handing over long hair with thin eyes in one of the offices there was listening to someone's report.

However, I did not like the expression of the middle-aged people throughout the entire time I heard the report.

While listening for a long time, the middle-aged man opened his mouth.

“So the conclusion is that the height of the two hundred exploded? ”

“..... Yes. ”

“Didn't you go to retrieve it? ”

I called it that, but the man who reported it immediately understood.

It means what was left of him.

“That's right.”

At the end of the man's bold reply, he slapped the desk of the middle-aged man's office with his palm.

- Boom!

A moment later, the desk is crushed to pieces, making sure it has strong air.

Until now, the man who had only expressed his unpleasantness with a mere expression directly expressed his feelings, and then the man who reported it was startled and embarrassed.

“Then it's only natural that we should find his body! ”

“I'm sorry, cow. ”

The middle-aged man was angry at the death of a man called '200.'

Of course it was worth it.

The middle-aged man was Yiyuk, the only brother of two hundred.

“We sent out the nearest guards straight away to search, but we couldn't find the checker's body. And the same is true of the bodies of the gatekeepers. ”

The man's report raised his right eyebrow.

“Ha! One of the Blade Gates is gone? ”

It consists of the top 150 elite elite.

Even though there were two million doormen, their leader, including the short weeks that had reached the end of the picture, the three messy middle-school tribes were enough to be exterminated in a single day.

“Not all of them. Exactly one hundred and five bodies disappeared, and the other fifty were in the hands of the Council of Creation. ”

“The Celestial Hall? They did? ”

He made a face that he couldn't understand.

Obviously, before he got 200 people and went to the closed quarry, he identified the power stationed there through the guards planted in the Great Hall.

I heard that there is definitely one of the five executives, but there are only about forty others guarding them.

“It can't be. With that much power, you got rid of him and a single unit? ”

“We found that no other power was moving at the Great Hall. It seems that someone intervened, as the Lord said. ”

“Khhh! How dare someone intervene! ”

They were watching closely the movements of each heavenly body.

The plan was carried out after confirming that there was no flow of power, including the Safa Federation, the martial arts, the sectarian Muslims, and even the Creative Society.

“If he did not get what was left of him, then my brother would not have died either! ”

I was angry that my fame had been tarnished more than 200 people's deaths.

I don't know who intervened, but I wanted to find him and kill him.

At that time, the man who was delivering the report pulled something out of the cylinder that was tied behind his back.

And he offered it up and said,

“..... I know you're upset, but please calm down. Fugitives told us to deliver. ”


A gorgeous scroll with gold dragon embroidery on it.

Even the rope tied around the scroll was made of gold rope.

“This is the book you've been waiting for. ”


Furthermore, I unwrapped the golden rope that was sealing the scroll and opened it.

There was a beautiful handwriting with a small crest, and on the bottom left was a red seal with a majestic symbol.

“Is it finally the third time in the world? ”

His eyes trembled with anger at the death of his brother.

The third part of the anticipated world began.

However, I was just sad that I didn't have a brother to be with.

As I finished reading the words on the scroll, I frowned and asked.

“Tongheun? It's right underneath there. Isn't that where you're supposed to be? ”

“I've never been there before. ”

“..... You can't take that risk. Well, it doesn't matter. No matter where the place is, the whole system has one purpose. ”

I squeezed my fist tightly.

Otherwise, he felt that he could not quench this anger unless he saw blood on his hands.

* * *

Male northern bridge branch.

In this very hall there, an elderly woman was holding the baby and giving him a fever.

The old man who developed muscles was God's prisoner.

Her face turns red and she can't stop crying, bending how sad she was.

“Meow! Meow! ”

Thanks to this, my guest house was noisy because the baby was crying together.

There was a young middle-aged man with embarrassing eyes standing in front of them, who was the elder of the four shoes.

I have not stopped crying over this angle.

The baby, who was crying together, was tired of crying, rested, and repeated crying.

‘You must be devastated. ’

It was natural for the Divine Instinct to mislead like this.

It was because of the body of his granddaughter, Sweet Lamb, lying right in front of him.

My granddaughter, who wanted to rescue her somehow, came back to the body after she died, but there was no way she wouldn't be sad.


It was a job I had to take care of, but I was really tired.

I probably didn't know how many days it would take to mourn like this.

The cold god, who was crying for a long time, muttered while holding the baby, touching the cheeks of the sweet sheep that had become cold corpses.

“Gulp! These bastards... How dare they kill my granddaughter! I won't forgive you! Hehehe. ”

Prisoners know the architect who killed her.

It might be an apology if I saw it in some way, but it was much better to know that.

If he had brought her back alive, he would have interrupted her in some way and tried to stop her.

‘It's good to have a great-grandchildren. ’

The existence of the great-grandchildren was a subtle number.

The grief of losing your granddaughter will be great, but the guts will never throw their lives away in vain.

We must take revenge, and we will survive like evil, even for the sake of our only blood.

“You guys! You guys! ”

I coldly looked at God's temptations for crying out, and I thought of the shoes.

"For the sake of the Church, continue with your anger. Feel the waves. ’

It may be cruel not to know the truth, but they were not self-righteous or hypocritical.

This was the bridge.

Same time, left side of the main office.

There are bedding rooms where patients can stay.

A silver-haired woman raises her upper body on a bed in the room, leaning against her back and talking to someone.

They were the Dual Sword King and his daughter, the Queen's Army.

The king's face was filled with elongated gratitude as he saw the blood on his cheeks that had always been white.

The hair did not return to its original state, but it was enough.

How much trouble have I endured to see myself healthier?

‘Gayeon. This is how beautiful our child was. ’

The Red Flame Queen Army was even more beautiful as it came alive.

Even when it was white, it was a seminal, but now it was like a flower to make men fall in love at a glance.

Not because she's her own daughter, but because I think I'm a pretty girl with three fingers.


The king has been exsanguinating.

‘I'm glad the child is healthy, but it's really embarrassing. ’

Even just now, the girl who was good at talking to each other was consistent with each other in silence.

He had to bring up the important story, but it was hard to open his mouth.

To heal the sacral artery, the Queen Consort had no choice but to concentrate on the breech.

Of course, she was aware of this as well.

because he woke up in the middle of a penile occlusion and said that his memories had come back when he was captivated by the penis.

Although it was said to be for the treatment, I couldn't help but debate about my marriage for some reason, because the two men and women were mixed up.

‘The Catholic Church is not a bad condition. ’

At first, he asked me to conceive under the mist that there was nothing I could do to save my daughter.

But the more I knew, the weirder I liked it.

In a way, if you look at the condition of son-in-law, there was not much of a groom.


The king prided himself on nothing, but he was not a man who had enough water, fame, and power to save a long time for his daughter.

However, after seriously considering his daughter's marriage, no one was more beautiful.

‘It is not necessary to say nothing. ’

As I fought in my heart, I was really a monster.

One of the great masters of ancient times, only the terms and conditions, broke him with his fists.

Of course, it became an undeniable reality even if he did not use Bigi or Beef Chocolate.

‘There is that monster to the east. In the future, the Catholic Church may be the next world. ’

Few people have ever heard that it is the worst in the world.

But I didn't know that would happen.

It's a long way ahead of us.

Moreover, unlike the Safa Fellowship and Chuck, she will be able to protect her daughter better, as she is the head of Mahidol, one of the three armies of the Moorish.

‘Yes, you may resent him a little, but he may be the one. ’

My daughter might say no, but I couldn't help it.

But you can't tell me to live alone forever.

The emperor opened his mouth carefully.

“Hmmm, my lady...”



Unfortunately, the Royal Family also seemed to have something to say.

That's why I was holding my head down without making eye contact until just now.

The Queen Army hesitated for a moment.

“I heard you were defeated by the Catholic Church. Is it true?"

The impression of the king was solidified.

He was not part of the story because of his pride as a leader and his pride as a father.

“Who told you that? ”

“..... I heard about it from a man named Von Bong. ”


"You thunder-naked bastard! '

The king raised his eyes terribly, saying that he had heard from a man named Herbong.

I never thought I'd tell her that.

In fact, Hubong, who had come to pick up God's prisoners as an errand, talked about some things.

But he didn't tell him what he had called him, his wife and denial.

I was ashamed to talk about it.

‘So it's true! ’

In the king's reaction, she couldn't hide her inner surprise.

Surprisingly, he was his father who was honest with his emotions.

It must have been a total defeat for him to react like this.

He was angry at Hubong for his defeat, but he was just about to calm his excitement and say what he had originally brought out.

“Woman. That's...”

“Dad, I've decided. If it's okay with you, I'd like to follow the Catholic Church. ”

“What, what? ”

Even before getting to the point, the king was dumbfounded for a moment when he said that he would follow her out of his daughter's mouth.

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