Nano Mashine

Chapter 62 Return of the Bridge (2)

The dumbfounded empire suddenly got complicated in my mind.

‘What a waste.’

The heart of man was truly cunning.

I felt overwhelmed because it was easily flowing in the direction I wanted.

Even though he knew his daughter, she was not easily able to open her heart even though she mixed her body.

I raised her without a mother's flame, but I didn't raise her that lightly.

“...... Are you saying that this father was defeated by the Catholic Church? ”

If that's the case, I'd be very disappointed.

Even the Queen Dowager can admire a strong unarmed man as a Muslim survivor.

If you have the qualities of the greatest master in the world who will be kicked in the face with a clear set of terms and conditions, you may fall at a glance as a young coward.

However, the word that followed was unexpected.

“No, that's not why I'm going with the Great Sage. ”


“Hubong and Boon heard it from their brother. He's also a civilian, and he took it and saved it. ”


She was a queen soldier who woke up and heard the details.

I knew that it was more awkward to talk about orthodox mungyu than to pursue marriage.

“I have a lover, and it's easy to save other women. ”

The Queen Dowager blushes.

Then the nervousness of the king solidified his impression.

“Never mind that. The man is not as geological as you think. Didn't Abby tell you? ”

Of course, it did not seem like that type of woman who was looking at the notion of Mungyu.

But I said it in my heart.

“You're a man, aren't you? ”

“Are Abby and the other men the same? ”

The king's army smiled and said in the words of my father.

“Of course he's different. But I think you're misunderstanding something. ”


I said, "I went to New Year's Eve once with the Catholic Church, so I'm not saying I want to get married. ”


The impression of the king was hardened by the unexpected words from the Queen's army.

It's not like they're going to kill themselves. Why would they follow us?

She said that she had read the mind.

“The Catholic Church has saved me from closing my eyes forever. The grace is like the Haha. How can I just skip it? ”

“Woman, you can't be...”

Something was wrong.

When you hear her voice, it sounds like she wants to go into his hands to repay her kindness, not her marriage.

The prediction was perfectly correct.

“Yes, I want to repay you for going to the Bridge and saving your life. You told me that you definitely had to pay for what you saw. ”

He sighed and said, as he went in a different direction than he expected, the king was embarrassed.

“Woman, do you know what you're talking about? Phew, now that this is happening, I'll say it again. It is clear that I went to New Year's Eve with one thousand Bishops to cure you. But instead of marriage, you're going to church? ”

“Dad, I'm a Muslim woman, too. I don't want to get married just because I mingled once. And he has a soul mate. ”

“What are you talking about! What's the point of not being able to get married just because you have a lover? You are the daughter of the king. What are you lacking? ”

Of course, he was a numerous and hidden body, but his reputation and majesty as the Great Master remained.

Who wouldn't spread their arms if he decided to surrender?

“If it's such a burden to be a concubine because you're a natural lover, how can this father consult the Catholic Church?”

“Oh my God! That's not it!”

When she listened to the king, she eventually shouted.

The king opens his mouth because his daughter, who had never been born and opposed him, shouted.

“Father! Once you get married, will the women of the world stay together? They all run like hell for the women they want. ”

“....... ”


And when I said it so cleverly, there was nothing to say.

“I'm not that light. And you know what it's like to be married a few times! ”

“Well, that's true. ”

After the king's response, she continued her vigor.

“And… my father and my brother! ”


“You promised me that you would protect my brother and me on my mother's behalf for the rest of my life. ”

Eventually, all she said was, "Let's go to church together."


At first, the expression of the king who was embarrassed gradually changed as the unexpected words continued.

He just pretended that his daughter was stubborn.

But that's not it.

"He can't be..."

She was a queen soldier screaming like a rebel, but she saw desperation in her eyes.

Looking at him worryingly.

Then the king was able to find out the truth about his daughter, the queen army.

"You can't keep avoiding the Safa League and the Semitic Blind because you're always defending us. I'd rather go to the bridge. ’

The king was worried about his children, so he took the liberty of carrying his outstanding guilt.

Her identity was revealed during the abduction, but she had never shown herself before.

A master of the old masters who ruled the Middle Kingdom.

It broke her heart too much.

Wherever my father went, he could have had enough fame, but he always sacrificed himself to protect himself and the king.

‘This way, my father will bend his pride and follow me. ’

She grew caring as much as the king raised a loving child.

However, he did not break the pride of his father, the king, but gave him a good reason.

I had a very bad impression of Bridge because I was from the sect, but I also knew that they were no different.

"This child's words are so profound. Gayeon, our child has grown so well. ’

The heart of the king, who knew the truth of the queen army, was utterly torn.

When I think about it, it was ridiculous to throw away my pride for my daughter's future and to drive marriage unconditionally.

It was better to ask each other for what they needed while also repaying the favor of their daughter.

“Hmmm, I can't help it if you mean it. However, since you don't have any feelings for the thousand chieftains, let it be so. ”

The king's face brightens while clearing his throat.

It made me feel better about caring about my father, not the man whose daughter had gone to college.

However, the Queen Dowager's words made the king's expression hard again.

“I don't know. It might be good to watch a little more. ”

Along with that, the queen soldiers blush, capturing and turning their heads.

“!? ”

Then the king held out his tongue as if he were full of joy.

I was a daughter, but I still couldn't understand the woman's heart.

Meanwhile, I was having a conversation with this elder, Figs, in the splendid room of the third party serving the most noble guests in the branch.

She was gone for more than a day and was returning before half an hour.

Before going to the Dragon Warrior, she told God's prisoner about her symptoms, hiding who the patient was in advance.

Nano's ability to scan the entire body revealed anything slightly abnormal, which could be damaging to the Heart rate.

"Is there such a medicine in the Catholicism? ’

Fortunately, it was a thousand years when we stored information on all medicinal substances within the Church in Nano's data to find out about poppy matter.

The tranquilizer was asked by the Divine Priest to rescue herbs that were not on the bridge in the near future.

Those were the herbs on the table.

“I got all the herbs that Gamma Papa told me about. I didn't expect this to happen while I was away. I'm sorry.”

“No, it didn't. It worked out fine anyway. ”

In fact, it was not so different as to say that there was a lotus flower.

Starting with the Yin Yang Bridge, the battle against the great master of the two swords was unprecedented.

- Tak!

The figs get down on their knees and take control.

“Still, it's hard. Your Highness, you are clearly in the ranks of the Ancient Master! ”

As she said, Lady Chun was on the march of the great master, winning the duo.

The meaning was different because he did not use the reverse hematoma, unlike the Catholic Church.

As a servant of the thousand years, I felt overwhelmed.

‘Now that we have the herbs, are you back to the main school? ’

It took longer than I thought.

The only thing left to do now is to resolve the work of God's prisoners smoothly and return to the Bridge.

Then someone knocked on the door of the room.

- Knock, knock!

“My lord, I am a branch commander. ”

“Come in.”

The door to the room was opened with the permission of Cheonyeon and a young man of ordinary impression wearing a black robe, including the branch commander, came in.

The young man knelt on one knee and greeted Lady Chun.

“I know the Catholic Church. ”

“Who is it?”

When asked, the young man in black robes said.

“My lord, the elder of Hwang, the servant of the carcinoma, has sent me here in a hurry. ”

"Elder Hwan!"

The young man was an agent of carcinoma, not non-comedogenic.

Sending him in a hurry meant there was something important to deliver.

Carcinomas have basically sent a tone of voice to deliver the report verbally, without the use of a referendum except when submitting the report.

When she heard the young man's voice, she frowned and muttered.

“..... I have to hurry back. ”

It was information that an unexpected guest was heading to Mount 100,000.

* * *

She was prepared to return to the Headquarters that afternoon.

I was riding a horse when I left, but I needed a wagon on my way back, so I asked the Station Head.

There was a special reason for that.

I originally tried to go to the funeral of the granddaughter of God's Instinct, but I had to hurry because of an unexpected guest.

After promising a grand funeral at the bridge, she was able to calm down and take God's prisoner.

“Careful up there! ”


- Bang!

The martyr's foreign party martyrs carefully loaded a coffin with the corpse in the wagon.

Next to the coffin, the Divine Instinct held the baby tight.

Now that most of you are ready, all you have to do is leave.

The Queen Dowager took two elders of Figs and Altar flowers and headed to the Medicine Party to ask the royal family what to do.

‘I was going to settle it during the funeral. ’

Yin yang bribery led the king to discuss the confusion of marriage.

Since Moongyu was the only woman allowed, he tried to talk slowly to the king and ask him what he would do in the future.

However, something unexpected happened to the car that was embarrassed because the schedule had moved forward.

Oh, my God, this is happening! '

This elder's figs and master's shoes shocked me.

He too, the king and queen, his children, including the Dual Sword Monarch, knelt on their knees and invited them to join the church.

“The Royal Ball.....”

“Please don't refuse me, Bishop Cain. How can I repay you so easily for saving my precious wife? Please allow me to enter and make it up to you. ”

- Tak!

I got down on my knees and took over, but I felt overwhelmed by the majesty of the ancient masters.

It was a sight I could not see anywhere.


In this appearance, especially the elders' shoes could not hide the joy.

He was trying to pursue a marriage with the Queen Dowager.

It was no exaggeration to say that the current game would change if one of the great masters of the martial arts could be invited.

However, the family volunteered to join the church.

It could be a slope in the martial arts.

‘This is unexpected. ’

There was a bundle of twinkle in her eyes.

After the massage, the king carefully discussed the marriage with the queen army and changed his attitude in just one glance.

It looked better than being invited through marriage, but it was surprising.

Is that her opinion? ’

The Queen Dowager looks at the soldiers.

- Boom!

Her eyes meet, her face turned red and she quickly dodges her gaze.

Yin Yang was ashamed of each other because they were hot lusting after each other.

"I don't know. ’

If you look at that attitude, you never seem to dislike it.

At that moment, I heard the royal bells in the ears of a thousand angels.

[Hmmm, Catholic Church. Let's talk about marriage later. Wouldn't it be better if you two got to know each other rather than rushing into it?]

‘....... ’

I couldn't be sure until I heard the transmission.

It must have been the Queen Dowager's mouth on this decision.

The direction of religion, not the drive of marriage, is really unexpected.

‘...... It's not what I expected. ’

I thought it was okay because it was a seminar, but it didn't brighten my mood, but it was different from other women like the literature.

For the first time, she was curious about a woman other than Moongyu.

To the king staring straight at him, she nods and echoes.

[Yes, sir.]

Only after hearing that did the king feel satisfied.

Cheonyeon said to the royal family members lightly, taking over.

“I heard that the Emperor of the Twin Swords entered the mainland, how could I not welcome him? Welcome."

In the vision of Daewoo, the king brightened his face.

“Thank you! Catholic Church, no. Thank you for your complaint. The Pope.”

It was a dynasty that immediately honored the hierarchy after accepting the enlistment.

Then the attendants congratulated him with excited faces.


“My lord! How wonderful! ”

“You have won the Dual Sword King's Covenant! ”

The two elders were filled with excitement and joy that could not be expressed in any words.

Since Thousand Yeon got talent from the world called the Middle School Master,

If this information spreads to the Central Plains, the other two groups, the sectarian Muslim blind and Safa alliance, would be appalled.

* * *

Meanwhile, towards the center of the male, there was a spectacular procession going south towards the 100,000 mountains.

At the center of the long march was a golden, ornate wagon, surrounded by numerous soldiers.

They must have a history of coffins, not Muslims.

The red flag held high was engraved with the symbol of the eclipse.

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