Nano Mashine

# 72 Handcrafted by (4) #

Just before the visual, the second.

The sky was dark because the sun didn't rise yet.

There was a middle-aged man who stood nervously in front of the guesthouse courtyard in the palace of King Joo Tae-yun.

He was the culprit of the extreme meat ministry.

‘..... It's too late. ’

Since the appearance of the Ultimate Butcher Gate was officially revealed in Moorim, it was the third most elite in the world.

The benefit () that will be brought to this one time remains after redeeming existing failures.

However, if the original plan is to be completed by the middle of the hour, it is somehow slower than the scheduled time.

‘Could it be a failure? ’

It took me years to prepare.

From planting a man in the same palace as an important member of the imperial court to building a relationship with the emperor's firstborn king, there was nothing that was uncertain.

"Is the Imperial Guardian Master that great? ’

The main focus of this plan is the elimination of the Imperial Guardian Masters.

In order to do this, even the butcher, one of the top six of the Supreme Meat Ministers, was added.

Her defeat leads to the failure of this plan.

The dark sky suddenly turned blue and saw signs of the sun rising.

- Heave!

“Were you waiting? ”


I didn't feel anything, but the voice behind me shocked me, and I looked back.

He was the one who covered his face with cotton wool and was wearing makeup.


“You don't have to worry about that. ”

The voice of a woman with a unique arrogance.

It was a blood punctuation that was undoubtedly just a neurogenic response.

The Doemenels returned safely, showing the smear of her reported blood damaged by the flames.

"Ah, you were injured while fighting the master of the imperial guard. ’

I've heard that the giraffe's spirit is in the fireplace.

There was no way to show that the dogmatist with a strong ego was hurt.

So, Gogongmunjoo's refusal accompanied her without any doubt and went to distribute King Ju Yoon.

Who can deceive us as much as our voices, even if we hide who we are?

Of course I thought.

- Aah!


Even if you come down to the basement of the Yellow Hills and your right arm is cut off.

Hey, what's going on? '

Suddenly, this guy's crazy? '

- Speechless!

What happened suddenly did not hide the embarrassment of the nearby alumni.

Who would have guessed that the point of the cotton wool, which he called his colleague, would suddenly cut off his arm?

But their surprise did not last long.

- 52517;!


"You bastards!"

It was because Yeon-nam soldiers and four golden men who were waiting for the king and the king, along with the eunuchs, picked and attacked the soldiers.

"Defend these stations and protect the Holy Father and the members of the Inquisition!"


The order of the former Admiral Lim for the death penalty eventually led to a marriage war.

Suddenly, the underground cavity became a battlefield.

Thanks to this, the eunuchs in the vicinity are no longer able to care about the severed doorbell.

“Do you think I'm the Blood Doorman? ”

“!? ”

Forgetting the pain of the severed arm, I looked at the endpoint of the mulberry thread with an unbelievable glance.

Even when I exchanged the phonemes earlier, it was definitely the voice of a Hematologist.

But what kind of ghost is this?

"The voice of a man all of a sudden? ’

Something completely unreasonable happened.

Sometimes people follow other people's voices with unique recitals, but that was possible even when they were gay.

The eyes of Doogongmunjoo's deduction brightened.

“Yes, who are you? ”

Everything was confused.

The second voice was that he knew this plan, which he believed was perfect, to approach him in disguise as a blood pattern.

He answered his question with a soft answer to the endpoint of the mulch.

“You don't have to know. ”

Along with it, the white degree of the long point moves.


Thanks to the cut of one arm, Doogongju's deduction, which was still focused on the road, quickly sucked the club into the air.

Fortunately, he was finishing his momentum and quickly pulled up the power of the castle.

- Cheyenne!

You blocked the path you were about to take with your life.

However, there was a strong resonance in the club that blocked the road, and his new brother began to be pushed aside as he dragged the floor to the side.

- Yuck! Yuck!

W-what kind of force? ’

His work was not herbal.

It was just a light swing, but it was overwhelming him.

I couldn't recognize his face because his face was covered with cotton wool, but I didn't feel empowered at all.

‘You…… are strong. ’

I was impressed with my skill difference just once.

Cutting off his arm was not just a lucky strike by surprise.

- Blah, blah!

Oh, my God. A club made of Korean steel? ’

It was cracking.

I use my feet as support to block it with a blunt club, and I try to break into this thin chute.

It was foolish to fight with force.

‘We have to use his power. ’

In this situation, we must use the opponent's aerodynamics to reverse them into extreme caution.

Dogonmunjo's deduction reduced the air force and willfully complied with the man's power of the mulberry thread.

- Sweetheart!

Then his body, which was holding the club, buzzed to the side and came to mind.

He gives himself over to the bending force and rotates his body as he turns to the side.

- Yippee!

Thanks to this, the way of the mulberry thread man has been missed.

- 52517;!

‘This time.’

As the speculation rotated, he tried to go straight to the Ultimate Shrine's herbalist.

A man of mulberry cloth cannot defeat his power, so he will not be able to use a herb.

I thought.

- Boom!


The two eyes of the vertebrae rotating the body were enlarged.

The white dodo in the mulberry suddenly stops in the direction it missed, and then the blade rotates back in the reverse direction.

No, no, no, no! ’

Suddenly, when it stops, the body overloads and the muscles of the arm get hurt.

The only men who could do this were their Supreme Selflessness.

“Damn it!”

The rotating man blocks the rushing path to the station with a clump.

- Sweetheart!


As soon as his body was spinning upside down, the golden club completely shattered, and his new statue bounced off the floor like a waterslide on the lake several times.

- Bang, bang! Bang, bang! Boom!

It was only until I was stuck to the end of the wall in the basement cavity that I could barely stop.

Since I was aiming for the moment when my foot fell to the ground, I tasted its power thoroughly, rather than using it.


On my knees, I vomited blood.

My internal injuries were too severe.

Fargo seems to be warped by the air force, just stopping the strike.

‘Yi, this is really a monster. ’

I blew up the master of the painting like a raging sewer in the middle of nowhere.

The arm was cut off and the air was against it, but this was too much.

In a short amount of time, I had to worry a lot.

Is it really worth it? ’

I have recently received a completed Reverse Blood Clone Technique, but have never used it.

After using this, he decided that he would not use it unless it was a mess because of the side effects of not being able to operate the air during the half hour.

That mess happened.

"Kill that monster or the whole system goes back to the bulldozers." ’

He was badly injured anyway, and his arm was cut off and he had little chance of surviving.

If so, you should at least associate with interest.

At least if we kill that monster, the eunuchs of our ancestors will be able to take care of King Joogyeom and the rest.

- Cuddle!

When I ran the Reverse Blood Clot, my body changed all at once.

Blood creeps up on my face.

As the upper half muscles begin to swell, the pain that was injured strangely disappears.

My internal air is growing! ’

I had never used it before, but surprisingly, the internal air loss was almost increasing.

With this kind of aggressive force, the extreme force would be extremely powerful.

“Hehehehe! Even with this much power, you're a monster.”

- Tight!


A man of cotton wool grabs his head as he approaches.

Then he said as if he didn't understand.

“You're messing with a technology that doesn't work. ”


At that moment, a splendid light appeared from the man's hand.

The brilliant light was a vast electric shock.


“Move it, move it, move it!”

Digging into the white blood, he screams, creating a violent convulsion in the electric shock.

It was a kind of pain I had never experienced before.

The electric shock that started with the white blood rushed into the whole body, surprisingly, forcing the reverse energy.

Thanks to this, rapid changes in the body were restored.

- Chickenshit!

After the electric shock that had hit the whole body disappeared, I asked him with an absurd look.

“What nonsense.....”

- Fluffy!

I couldn't finish my sentence, and I fell to the ground.

I looked at the fallen Dragon Scroll and muttered with a dull gaze.

“Well, it's not your fault. It was just a bad opponent. ”

It was the same word.

Unfortunately, I met the only person in the world whose opponent the Reverse Blood Clone didn't work.

Meanwhile, more than a hundred eunuchs attacked, causing a panic.

The group of four disciples, including Qingxia Jinin, who was the leader of the group, tried to stop it, but were too pushed in numbers.

- Whip it!


Besides, the eunuchs were just a problem, but their skills were different.

They are masters of the highest ranks, so they have a sharp need for blood.

Thanks to him, even the disciples of the common group were forced to do it.

‘Huh, should I have caught the King in advance? ’

Pure Jin gives you a sad look.

The idea that we should protect King Joogyeom was the priority of preventing the attack of the eunuchs, but it might have been easier to contain them if we had taken King Joogyun hostage.

‘Well, it might be difficult to have a foreigner. ’

The former Admiral Lim, who ordered them killed, immediately removed King Ju Yoon.

After studying the great art of preserving silicization, he caught Tae-gyeom by a unique landscape and aimed for the life of King Joogyeom.

Of course it went back to failure.

‘It is not a common cilantro. This woman... "

I struck Joogyeom with a needle memorizer like lightning, and the woman who was kneeling before him, Lanyoung, made a shield of flames and blocked it.

It was unusual to handle firearms.

“What are you going to do? Public! Kill them all? ”

Thanks to the Public of Lim, Tae-yoon, who barely gave his life, cried out because his face turned red.

We didn't have enough planning to be perfect, so we didn't even think that the Duke of Lim would try to kill us.

“Your Grace, trust me. I'll take full responsibility. ”

He said as if King Ju Yoon was crazy.

“It's not a matter for you to trust and sleep now! It's not what happened. If we don't kill them, the king and the public will be finished! ”

It was the worst course of action to seek the life of the same royal family.

If it fails, the aftermath will be irreversible.

“Trust me. Your Majesty, I am the Duke of Im. ”


The Duke of Lim smiled and asked for him.

It was because the king would be even more anxious if he showed weakness.

However, he said in a somewhat calm voice whether it worked or if King Ju Yun had only regained his reason.

“I must kill him and them. No one should survive! ”

“Hehe, don't worry. Your Majesty.”

I was relieved that the Duke had relieved him.

It was a good thing that he was afraid he would follow his own accidental decisions.

The Duke of Lim examined the situation.

- Grab it!

There was a very violent fight going on.

The common denominators and a woman named Ranyoung were busy dealing with the eunuchs who were after King Joogyeom.


- Whip it!

This son of a bitch, Oh's concubine, was dealing with Yeonnam Military, a golden master.

He was originally a Royal Family member waiting at the entrance with his fellow eunuchs, but it seemed like he ran to save him when he was in trouble.

‘You stopped it well. Oh, spy.'

If his concubine hadn't stopped him, the camp that protects him would have become thicker.

If all the escorts were focused on him, it would be better to deal with the imperial coroners with other eyes and ears first.

‘We must deal with them first and seek out the Holy Father. ’

The members of the Imperial Inquisition were unexpectedly guarded by four golden men.

The gold dignitaries were blocking the attack by the eunuchs to protect the members who would testify.

"What is it? Are the golden dignitaries really that good?" ’

But for the golden dignitaries, only four of them survived so well.

The number of eunuchs was so high that if the attack came in constantly and fought one-on-one, it was strong enough that the battle would take place soon.

‘We need to get rid of them first. ’

- Pot!

It was at that moment that the former Admiral Lim, the Duke, decided to deal with the golden dignitaries and Imperial inspectors first, fell off the floor to blow up the new prison.

- Boom!


The soles of your feet, which fell momentarily, fall back to the ground.

It was also lacking, and the enormous chi that surpassed his entire body was forcibly suppressed.

“What, what? ”

It is a public who climbs to the top of the picture and has the deepest internal air than anyone else.

Even then, it was hard to easily step away from the pressure of this massive intensity.

"This is Kigi? ’

It was more like suppressing an intangible energy than just Jingi.

“Nu, who would do such a thing...”

But something amazing happened here.

- Bang, bang! Bang, bang! Bang!

You hear a murmur coming from everywhere.


“What the hell...”

“Mo, my body is moving! ”

Over a hundred eunuchs who were in the cavity knelt all together on the floor.

Not one or two, but this many people fell to their knees because of the defeat.

Even though the strong leaders of the palace tried to survive,


- Bang, bang! Bang!


The stronger Jingi presses down, forcing her to kneel.

Thanks to this, those with weak internal skills fell to the ground and became unable to move.

- Blah, blah!


“Sa, help me. ”

The Jingi that suppressed the floor was like a gigantic gravity.

The pressing force was so strong that it was gradually beaten to the ground supporting them.

Your Majesty!

The embarrassed Duke turned his head and looked at King Ju Yoon.

By the way, Tae-yun was screaming with her nose to the bottom of the stone.

"Qweeeeeeeek! Gooooooong..... Gooooooong!!!"

"Well, tell him!"

It was too painful for him to bear without internal pressure.

At this rate, the king's face was flattened.

Everyone, we have to stop them now! '

The desperate Duke has found a creature emitting this ridiculous aura.

It wasn't far.

It was standing in the middle of the community.

What about him? ’

A white-faced man scattering long hair due to strong wind pressure.

He was a thousand years old.

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