Nano Mashine

# 73 The Imperial Escort (1) #

Starting with the alumni's eulogy, Im Chun-hwa joined the culmination of the alumni Admiral.

There is only one request made by his Suzu Yu public.

He taught us that the greatest virtue to have as a great eunuch is to observe carefully anything.

In fact, he climbed to the center of power with careful observation, supported by such a teacher.

It was for that reason that King Ju Yun cared for him as well as the current emperor.

Who the hell is this guy? ’

When I entered the catacombs, I knew the faces of everyone here.

However, there was a figure who had never seen him.

Although it seemed only a condition, the pressure felt in the young man with long hair and white face remained overwhelming.

"Is this truly the power of man? ’


“Mo, body! ”

Even though the eunuchs tried their best, they couldn't spread their knees on the floor because they were so depressed.

How deep an internal air would make this possible?

What was even more surprising was that those who were forced to kneel were only Lord Ju Yoon and his eunuchs.

The others stand still.

“Ugh… how could this happen? ”

The leader of the commune who was dealing with the eunuchs, Jin Chung, was also surprised at the sudden situation.

Along with himself, the common denominators were not affected by Jingi at all.

Is that even possible? ’

It was impossible if you could not control it as if you were breathing heavily.

Even the elder, Pure Jin, is surprised. What difference does it make to his disciples?

Even if I wasn't oppressed, I couldn't help but feel this shivering energy.

‘Nonsense. ’

"Monster... monster." ’

The disciples of the commune sweated together.

Surprised, they looked at Qingxi Jinin, the craftsman, with a disdainful look.

With nothing to say, Grand Duke Young-woon carefully summons him.


“...... Just watch. That man is a master of the great supply. ”

“Oh, the great master! ”

Out of the mouth of the Pure Pure Jinn, the eyes of the common disciples widened.

I thought it was a shivering master, but I didn't think it would be discussed in the mouths of master craftsmen.

The Five Absolute Masters are the strongest in the Middle Jungle Moors.

‘A young man like that, a man of great stature, like the Lord Almighty? ’

It's a good thing you're in the middle of it.

The best cilantro symbolizes moderation.

At first glance, he looked much younger or younger than himself, but it was an unbelievable reality.

- Speechless!

‘I hope that monster is an ally. ’

In response to the reaction of the group of unaccompanied people, King Joogyeom was proud of his choice.

I thought it was bad when many of these eunuchs jumped, but I never imagined that I would kneel to these many at once.


From a distance, you see King Ju Yoon lying on the ground together among the eunuchs.

Tae-yun shrugged, sniffing and screaming, losing the prince's majesty.


His mouth was wide open because he couldn't hide his insides.

That's how I feel! ’

It felt like we shared something that had been humiliated after going to the martyrs.

It was cool enough to open my heart.

On the other hand, the public's complexion turned pale because of Joo Tae-yun's appearance.

How did a monster like this get into the Imperial Palace? ’

He was a man who could not know the limits of inner space enough to force over a hundred eunuchs to build with an intangible energy.

It's not a matter of killing, but of course it's not a strange situation to be killed in reverse.

As these variables occurred, the public became more complex in their minds.

"Hehe! I can't help it. ’

In this situation, the comfort of King Yoon was top priority.

Even if it means sacrificing all of our fellow eunuchs.

‘We need to evacuate the charge. ’

Duke Lim looked at his concubine Oh, the master of another picture.

Unlike the other eunuchs, even the deeply endowed concubine, Oh, had been able to withstand the pressure of a moderate cold, but was afraid of the pressure of a thousand years.


[Go, Public! Well, he's a monster.]

[Wake up. Monster or not, we need to protect you now.]

[But… yes….]

Oh, my concubine looks embarrassed.

In this situation, how can you protect King Ju Yun?

Only he and the Duke of Lim were able to move among them.

[Attack him and stop him. If the mole attacks, the pressure of his defeat will be relieved.]

Even monsters can't keep pressuring more than a hundred eunuchs with their defeat.

Then there will be chaos again due to the eunuchs released from control.

Of course, it's only a matter of time for a monster like that.

[In the meantime, Admiral Bon will escort you.]

[I, me?]

O concubine's eyes were shaken in embarrassment.

At the moment, the public's words were like asking him to make a sacrifice.


Ugh! You're afraid of sacrifice for the King! I will appoint you as my fellow vice-admiral if I can safely surrender this crisis after I have freed you.]

Usually, it was a tempting offer.

Appointing him as Sub-Admiral was the way up to the next Admiral.

However, the idea of safely handing over a crisis to that monster is absurd.

Oh, shit! ’

I was scared, but there was nothing I could do.

I anticipated that I would sacrifice myself whenever the worst happened, but I was just angry that it was so soon.

[..... Okay.]

[Aim for the Admiral's attack!]

- Pot!

At the end of the battle, the new pupil soared to the height of the chapter.

The rising empty-handed man tucks his hand into his sleeve, revealing a pile of needle memories in his hand.

‘I never thought I'd use this number of spleens now. ’

This was a shaman inspired by the Manchurian flower of the party.

Wagonman acupuncture (21185;).

Each needle was loaded with a wave emission of silicification preservation spreading like a wave.

It was a technique that consumed a lot of internal air, but its power was tremendous enough to exterminate dozens of masters at once.

It's a cancer technique that contains the essence of silicization preservation! ’

I thought that no matter how monstrous, it wouldn't be easy to stop this.

Because the wave dissection of silicization conservation was a highly sophisticated technique of shaking and penetrating Qi.

“Take it!”

- Papa Papa Papa Pot!

The needle memorization of the Broken Eye of the Imperial Public spread to a thousand places.

But that wasn't the end.

He flew in the direction of King Joogyeom, who had a thousand cubs in his right hand and a needle in his left hand.

- Papa Papa Papa Pot!

‘You won't be able to stop it easily. ’

Over a hundred masters are using Zingi to suppress it.

If we want to stop the waveman needle, we'll have to unwrap it.

Even if he tries too hard to stop it without unraveling it, his concubine Oh's flesh rushes over him.

‘Even if Admiral Bon thinks about it, it's perfect. ’

With this kind of attack, we should have enough time to escape with King Ju Yun from that monster.

But not everything went as planned.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I couldn't take two steps to blow up the new stature to the king.

- Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa!

“!? ”

The public's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of his eyes.

A needle with more than a hundred anklets pours out of the air, and a thousand women reach lightly towards them.

“Holy shit! ”

I was so surprised that I almost got insulted.

The needle stands still as if it had been blocked by an invisible wall in the air.

Uh, how did this happen? ’

Without unwinding the pressure of the eunuchs, you easily block his boil.

Internal affairs was impossible unless there were a few minds in second place.

Of course, it is possible to have nano-marines.

[You successfully eroded the panel by penetrating the user's energy into the needles.]

Nano's voice echoes in her head, and she smiles deeply.

“What a ridiculous attack. ”

“Hey, you! ”

The embarrassed Duke tried to take out all the remaining needles and blow them again, but the thousand women reached out to him and ordered Nano to go inside.

‘Nano, give it back to him. ’

[Activate the panel remote system on the needles according to the user's command.

Target lock on]

- Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!

Thousands of pupils were rapidly trembling, creating red cross-shaped particles and aimed at the Yim Gong.

- Vyririk!

The needles that stopped in the air rotated back together.

“What the hell is this? ”

“It's yours. Take it.”

- Papa Papa Papa Papa!

At the end of the sentence, the needles aimed at him in reverse rushed to the public.

“Yikes! ”

He had used Biggie on someone, but never got beaten up.

Over a hundred needles flew in at a much faster rate than he did when he flew. As Thousand Years had done, I created a wave by creating a wave through the air.

- Bam!

As he reaches his case, a wave of strength circles through the air like a wave.

‘No, he did it too, but Admiral Bon...’

- Pupupupupupupupupupupupupupupupupupupuk!


Unfortunately, it was a foolish choice to replicate the way she did.

Unlike his widespread wave-man acupuncture, the needles that were blown away by the thousand winds converged to one point and hit the center of the wave.

Thanks to this, the needles penetrated the core in no time.

- Fluffy!

“Grrrgh, you... monster. ”

Kneeling on the floor, the former public's upper half was embroidered with needles like cactus.

However, the foot weakened and the needle was only halfway through the body.

The pained Duke of Lim found his concubine with furious eyes.

"Oh, oh, spy, what the hell is he doing? ’

As planned, Oh's spy should have been behind him.

But I looked at where he was, and my concubine Oh was stuck on a golden throne, so I couldn't move forward.

Vee, what the fuck is this? ’

He was the one who spread his candles and sprayed the leftover martial artists as the public asked.

He swiftly opens his eyes and tries to strike back at her, but one of the golden statues suddenly stops him.

I thought it was just a gold standard, but it wasn't.

- Glug glug!

The golden throne handled the flames like a woman named Ranyoung.

You spread a flame on the sword, and it pierces your shoulder with caution.

- Cheers!


The wound was dulled by the flame and there was no bleeding, but the firearm penetrated into the body.

I want to drive this thing out of the air, but this guy attacked like crazy and there was no room.

“How dare you hit the master's back! Hmph!

The golden mantle of the Flaming Sword was vanity.

Wu's concubine, who was blocked by the new variables, could not help the public's plan because her feet were tied.

What the hell is he talking about? ’

The Duke of Lim was now baffled.

It was crazy that the mysterious elite appeared one by one from the side of King Joogyeom who thought he would solve it without much effort.

And the other Wagonmann acupuncture points? ’

Of course, it was blocked in the first place by Lanyoung.

When numerous needles struck him from the air, she who was beside him made a pillar of flame and turned all the needles into ashes.

"Oh, why did these guys show up…"


- Boom!

As everything returned to the bulldozers, the Duke thundered and struck the ground.

No matter what I wanted to do, there was no way.

His ambition to establish a new child and continue his reign was suddenly shattered.

'Oh my god..... How could the public lose so easily?'

"One of the Three Imperial Masters was so helpless..."

The eunuchs who were on their knees and watching were also devastated by the results.

No one could have predicted the imperial trio master and alumni of the former Admiral Imhwa would be so powerlessly defeated.

- What the hell?

A thousand fortunes came upon him, who was devastated.

He looked up at him with his own eyes and said with a voice dedicated to evil by the Duke of Lim.

“You… what are you!?! What is stopping you from seeing the Admiral? ”

He could never have been the master of the Imperial Guard.

If I didn't stop, I could have killed the Holy Father today, but it was so unfair.

He opened his mouth, looking down at him with cold eyes.

“The owner of the place who wanted to frame you for something you shouldn't have done. ”

“What? Frame him? ”

I was dumbfounded by what he meant at the moment, and the public's eyes shook.

I didn't know what I was talking about until just now.

However, this nonsense of numbness caused the words to pass through my head like lightning.

“Seo, it can't be... the bishop? ”

A man like a monster before his eyes.

He was a Hundred Thousand Mountain master and a Catholic monk.

"Oh, how did this happen..."

"You know better. Then you know your fate, don't you?"

He shouts in a frenzied, heartfelt voice of a young woman.

"Now, hold on! This Admiral is a... bureaucrat of the Great Mysterious Empire. Oh, no matter how much you're a martyr..."

- 52517;!

The cold blade flashes across your neck like lightning before his words are finished.

It happened suddenly and there was no time to stop it.

"I'm a bureaucrat, what the hell."



I wanted to say something, but his head had already said goodbye to his body.

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