Nano Mashine

# 73 The Imperial Escort (2) #

“Imperial Public!!! ”

“Huff! Y-you cut the Admiral's head? ”

The groaning and mild malignancies of the same eunuchs erupted from all over the cavity.

However, no one expected to slash the neck of a fellow Admiral standing at the pinnacle of power without hesitation, even dropping a bird from the imperial palace.


However, no one was easily outraged.

The reality of kneeling helplessly to express anger only makes them miserable.

I really cut his head off! ’

I couldn't help but be surprised.

He thought he would be punished in some way because he had suffered directly from the church, but he did not think he would slaughter him decisively.

‘I thought you were going to be aware of the Unbreakable Covenant of the Coven and the Moorish. ’

It was still an imperial palace in the heart of the Great Nam Empire.

I thought that no matter how tough she was, she wouldn't take her life easily in front of all these bureaucrats, but she still didn't seem to know all about him.

‘Obviously, it's not the same as being a muslim. ’

He glanced at the shareholders who were near him.

The shamans faced the eunuchs ready to kill, but ended with a line that suppressed the bloodlines of most enemies so as not to take their lives.

“Ugh… primitive. Primitive. How could this happen.....”

The expression of Jin Jin Jin Chung, the leader of the joint faction, became serious.

It was not because the former Admiral Limhwa lost his life, but because of what he said before he died.

‘What did the old man hear? ’

His hearing, the master of the painting, can hear all the dizzy voices that are heard in the cavity unless they are having a conversation with the phonograph.

The Duke of Lim called that monster the Magister before his throat was slit.

"Bishop of the Church"? ’

At first, I just assumed he had a close relationship with the Imperial Palace.

However, I couldn't help but be surprised because the Bishop suddenly came to the middle of the Imperial Palace in the realm of the sect.

‘That man is a handsome monk. ’

It was first known through my second soldier, Jegal Sohee, who died as a martyr.

At that time, the only person who was only a minority leader was soon sent a messenger to the Muslim blind saying that he had become a martyr.

At this time, the Muslim blind was relieved of being one of the great masters, and he was glad to have been appointed by the small bishop, who was only in the terms and conditions.

You're a baby yet? Haha. ’

Everything that came out of the meeting seemed to have to be erased from memory.

It was a monster, after all.

Growing up is not a weapon, it is already a big dragon.


Suddenly, I heard a beep in the ears of his disciple Young-woon.


[Carefully examine his appearance and draw a portrait when you return to Bone Wave.]


In the words of the unknown Qin Soo Jinman, the Grand Duke Young-un hesitated.

Then, Jinseo Cheng said with a heartfelt look.

[He is the Catholic Church.]

[Bishop... nephew? Oh, you mean the Bishop?]

The word 'Magister' didn't stop Young from being surprised.

I thought he was a dismembered person because he looked younger, but he was really the age of the terms and conditions.

Of course, more importantly,

[Don't you think the Archbishop should be here?]

Though he has allied himself to confront common enemies, he is the leader of Mahjo, the hostile force he has fought for centuries.

Such a man invaded the realm of the sect without the words of the clan.

[There's going to be a commotion.]

It was an event that would have been devastating if it weren't for the Alliance.

He speaks from his tone but cannot hide his face. He warns him.

[Don't feel bad for a while. Nothing good can come from messing with a martyr's mind right now. Primitive. Primitive.]

[Yes, sir.]

Even after answering the question, Choi Hyuk did not want to disappoint his inner self.

One of the seventeen budding members of the sect, a common Young-ju Sword felt as if a Pure Water Jinn had been crushed by the Catholic god.

Despite the fact that the opening here was also a sectarian area.

- What the hell?

While they were doing so, a thousand years later, I walked to where King Ju Yoon is.

None of the alumni's eunuchs could stop it.

I shouldn't have sent him to you.

‘Ugh, my body won't move. ’

Kneeling on the ground, their legs do not stretch easily.

In fact, after she cut the head of Im Jinhwa, she released the intangible energy of suppressing the eunuchs.

What's interesting is that no one can get up even if it's solved.

- Thump, thump, thump! Knuckles!

Blood drops fall in the direction of the millennium.

It was a drop of blood falling from the throat of one of his fellow Admiral Lim's executioners in his right hand.

The eunuchs who were already captivated by the strong feeling of intimidation and horror were no longer able to resist.

“Huff-puff... huff-puff...”

King Joo-yoon, who is bleeding his nose while breaking his nose bone.

The emperor and his majesty as king were damaged, and he could not lift his head in shame more than anger.


Then something rolled in front of him.


Yoon stared at it without any thought, and was furious. He shot the buttocks back.

“Hiic! Yi, Yim Gong Gong! ”

What rolled in front of him was the supply of the Forest Public.

He had never been to the battlefield, so he had never seen a man's severed head before.

The shock was much greater because it was the head of a familiar person.


I couldn't bear to come up from the inside and let him go.

After vomiting for a long time, I looked up at Yoon with a gaze of nonsense.

It was the first barrier in his life that he had ever walked in a plain way.

"Ugh… What is this monster doing in front of the king?" I could have had it all if it had gone according to plan. ’

The position of the baby.

I was able to lose the Holy Father I didn't want to see.

Sometimes anger was also effective in making you lose your fear.

“It's all... all because of you. The way of the king who dared to see the subject of a Muslim who was nothing but a fiend....”

- Boom!

“Huff! My body! ”

His body rises into the air before he can vent his anger.

As she approached two steps in front of him, she opened her mouth with a cold look.

“Your mouth is so light. ”

“What! Go, how dare you! ”

“That's what I hear when I try to work with the super athletic gate to get my hands on the campus. Your Majesty."


The word "main school" came out of the mouth of the millennium, and his eyes widened.

At first, he was just a Muslim who was commissioned by King Joogyeom.

However, there was only one person in Murim who called himself a disciple.

“It can't be... Teacher? ”

“You know better.”

“You know? How can a martyr be angry... at the Imperial Palace? ”

When Yoon found out that she was a martyr, he couldn't hide his embarrassment.

In advance, when discussing the plan with the former Admiral Dorgonmundo of the Ultimate Meat Gate, Marthio assured that it would not be a big problem to blame anyone for their sins because they were in a sub-Yellow Sea area.

What's the big deal? ’

A martyr appeared even before the plan was finalized.

He tried to let go, but he couldn't move.

Then I said to him with confidence.

“I'm glad you know. It's time to pay the price. ”

Along with that, she raises her right hand, and Yoon, who is obsessed with premonition, shouts with a pale face.

“W-what are you doing? This king is the emperor of the great empire. How dare a faithful person...”

- Woodpeck!

Before the words of Joo Tae-yun were finished, she moved her right hand slightly, and his wrist snapped in the opposite direction.


The bones of the elbows protrude through the skin.

It was impossible for Prince Ju Yoon to endure the pain that even the uninhabited people couldn't endure.

She kicked her tongue and said.

“I don't know what to do with a royal. Phew.”

If you were afraid of the Emperor, you wouldn't have done this in the first place.

The screaming eyes of the nearby alumni turn.

“How dare you! A Muslim ruins your prison! ”

“Put the king down now! ”

No matter how scared they were, they were the royal family they served.

Three angry eunuchs swung their softswords at the same time and opened the blade of the wave sword on Lady Chun.

- 52517;!

The whipping swords were aiming for a thousand of them in three directions.


“What the hell is this? ”

Their body, which was stretching out swordfish, stops on the way.

As if they had become dolls, they couldn't help but get embarrassed.

He said to them without turning his head.

“Your life is in vain. ”


- Boom!

She raises her left hand to the back and flicks lightly.

Then the neck of the three eunuchs who were stiff turned to the side.

- Woodtuck!


Those with broken neck bones died with the horse's screams.

The example was effective.

The faces of the nearby eunuchs became pale in the hands of the godless.

I killed him! ’

That overwhelming absolute didn't care about the imperial bureaucracy or the imperial court.

He was literally a tyrant.

Choi Yoon, who was screaming about how much pain his arm had gone through, screamed with his bloodstained eyes.

“Shhh! How dare you break the royal arm! Huff... Puff! Even if you make the martyrs disappear from the Middle House...”

- Woodtuck!


His left arm, which was spewing out anger, was broken.

Like your right arm, the bone protrudes through your elbow and is painful.

Joo Tae-yun left the majesty of the royal family and even shed tears like chicken dung.

‘This one is real. ’

Then, Tae-yoon was able to feel the risk of his life.

He felt he could kill himself as much as he felt wrong.

The sectarian Muslims, including the oath of the sectarian Muslims, tightened their heads to him like royal bureaucrats or people, but this was definitely not him.

This is a martyr! ’

Completely different from the factions.

I was afraid to break my arm without blinking an eye.

I raised my hand once again as if the thousand years had not yet ended for him.


He shouted because he was terrified that he might break even the other part because he lacked both arms.

“No! Bo, King Bourne has spoken! How can the Crown Prince break His Majesty's pledge? P-please forgive me! ”

He asked for forgiveness from his arrogant mouth.

It was not a situation to grovel and sleep.

I repeatedly cried out in tears, asking for forgiveness, muttering as if it was a pity.

“If you kept talking nonsense, I'd like to cut off an arm, but that's too bad. ”

“Dig, arm? ”

- Creepy!

I felt goosebumps when I said I was going to cut off my arm.


I looked at him strangely, leaving him astonished behind.

Then I opened my mouth again.

“Well, the Purgatory's over for now, so I'll leave your disposition to the Holy King as promised. ”

“A treaty? ”

His body, floating in the air, begins to move.

He floated his body into the air in the direction where the thousand women were moving.

With his body fixed, Yoon was transferred to the front of King Joogyeom.

- Fluffy!


The force of forced stabilization disappears and falls to the ground.

"Whatever you want."

In the words of the thousand years, the mouth of King Joogyeom caught my ear.

“How's your arm? Your Majesty.”

The voice you hear is not the voice that worries you at all.

Rather, I was close to dying.

"Joo Tae-gyeom! ’

Sitting on the floor, King Ju-yoon felt a strong humiliation in front of him, looking at him with a dazzling gaze.

‘How did the king who saw me end up like this? ’

With the situation like this, his choice became regretful.

The greed of losing Joogyeom and getting rid of the gold also brought this attachment.

He said towards him who disassembles.

“Sir, will you admit defeat? It would be a pity to see your efforts go back to Blister. ”

- Yuck!

At his words, King Ju Yoon, who had gone to his teeth, barely opened his mouth.

“...... This is what the former Admiral Yim Gong-ju looked like after he died. Even if there were witnesses, do you think the Emperor would trust you, the descendant of the concubine, at once? ”

Though the plan has failed.

However, even though he failed, there was a fatal weakness for him.

It was not a wife, but a daughter of a concubine, a concubine.

Even if he loses himself, he will be even more encouraged by Tai Seong, the emperor.

“Pure gin! ”

“..... Yes. Your Majesty.”

When he suddenly called, Jin Jin-soo, who was watching the situation, replied with a strange voice.

Tae-yun exclaimed in a tone of voice.

“You know that King Bourne is well-connected to the noble beast. I hope you won't get involved in this. ”

“....... Hurrah. ”

It was Yoon, who did not give up until the end even though the situation was like this.

Even the Qingxia Jinjin lost his words.

Even when I came to the Muslims as an ambassador, I felt ambition from King Ju Yun, but my desire for power was much stronger than I expected.

“If the board of investigators closes their eyes on this...”

“You will never be a Prince. ”

“What? Who dares to see the king..... what? ”

Suddenly, Yoon's eyes, which were trying to get angry at someone's voice, shook severely like an earthquake.

He was even more bored than he was when he was terrified of her.


“This Prince, Tae Gyeom, will present His Majesty, the Great Emperor of the Great Nam Empire! ”

“Your Majesty!!! ”

Starting with the shout of King Joogyeom, all the bureaucrats in the underground cavity knelt down and greeted the majestic middle-aged man in a golden dragon cannon standing at the entrance.

Choi Yoon, who was shocked, said in a trembling voice.

“Oh, how could you..."

The one who appeared in the basement cavity was Taiwon, the golden emperor of the Great Myung Empire.

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