Nano Mashine

# 73 The Imperial Escort (5) #


Unlike the protection wars only a few know about, he is widespread in the imperial palace.

The only one who didn't know how to protect the Emperor was called a guard.

There were so many rumors about the existence of a escort.

When the difficulties of the past were occurring, anecdotes filled with legends from guarding the emperor and cutting off all their heads from the three hundred who broke into the ocular palace.

He's your escort? ’

Seo Tae-sik, the Admiral of the Great Hall, made a curious face.

because I had heard so much about the existence of the escort, but I had never seen it.

Then suddenly, a eunuch of the Great Hall popped out, and said, "escort." I didn't know English.

[Do you know him?]

Seo Tae-sik asked the brother-in-law next to him in a tone.

I shook my head because I had never even seen a sculptor who directly pulls out and manages the eunuchs.

[West Public. There was no one like that at the summoning just now.]


It was not a eulogy of the Great Hall.

It meant that he was secretly joined in disguise in the middle.

‘What a marvelous day. Two people who have been in the Imperial Court all their lives and can't be seen at the same time appear in one place. ’

Ran-young is the first to defend the underground cavity of the Yellow Hills.

And the escort guarding the Emperor like a shadow without revealing himself to anyone.

It was not easily seen by bureaucrats.

‘You're still alive. ’

Ranyoung's gaze at the beautiful facial eunuch called the escort was strange.

The moment I saw him, I knew who she was.

However, I didn't even know it existed until it just appeared.

‘I used to be able to sense the progress...’

Moreover, even though it looks like a simple flame, the flame with her Fire Qi does not go out easily.

Just by turning it off easily, it meant that the shaman was much more advanced than before.

"He's too dangerous. ’

He was incomparable to the Admiral, the Commander and the Northern Jinshan.

The emperor's gaze at the eunuch called the escort behind him was filled with a strong sense of trust.

“The true power of the imperial palace..... What do you want to say? ”

A confident word from the emperor sharpens her eyes.

That expression was no different from saying that they would suppress themselves with force.

The emperor said to the eunuch on his knees.

“Get up. ”

“Take orders. ”

When the eunuch got up from his seat, the emperor pointed at him and introduced him.

“This person is called Imgyurahwa, the escort of the burden. ”

In the introduction of the emperor, the eunuch smiled and bowed his head lightly and greeted Lady Chun.

“Greetings to the bishop. ”

When I saw her smiling with a sad voice, I looked like a woman.

It would be right to say that you look like a married woman.

‘That's a lovely name. ’

Silicification meant sunflower.

It was unusual to not use the word "anger" well except for women.


Unlike the thousand women who confidently looked at executing the escort, Maracum tilted his head.

I had never seen him before, but it was a name I thought I'd heard before.

I try to think of it suddenly, but I don't remember, but I've definitely heard of it.

The emperor continued to speak.

“Jim doesn't know much about Moorish, but he says that Muslims fight against shamelessness to judge right from wrong. It's called a drug-eating ceremony.”

Pharmaceutical steel-style.

It is the best expression of Moorish.

Just as the weak are eaten and the strong are eaten, the strong are true and righteous.

The emperor's intent was uttered.

“For whatever reason, the Magister Earrings broke the king's two arms, the emperor's son and the king's son, by breaking into the imperial palace and hurting his servants. ”

I achieved a work that no Muslim has ever done before.

As far as I can tell, it was a strange situation not to be angry with the Emperor.

Nevertheless, he treated rationally because he was the head of Mahishmati, one of the three armies that made the treaty.

“This alone is enough to break the inevitable treaty. If I just close my eyes, I'll be humiliated by Jim who rules the world. ”

“Your Majesty! You can't say that! ”

In the words of the emperor who was discussing humiliation, bureaucrats were ashamed of the existence of Lee Dong Wook.

If it weren't for the masters of the Moorish, I would like to tolerate these arrogant thugs right away and become effective in my solitude.

- Chuck!

The emperor raised his hand and silenced the panicked bureaucrats.

And then he spoke again.

“As Jim said, it is unacceptable to let the Earrings and you go. That's why Jim suggested it. I assure you, Jim's escort is the finest warrior in the imperial court. ”

The emperor's assertion made the face of Yeo Jin-seo the North turn red with shame.

He was called the Imperial Supreme Court's finest swordsman and unarmed to all the people of the Empire, but here the title was colorless.

“Although the nobleman has been rude to the Empire and the burden of burden, Jim still has no intention of breaking His Majesty's wishes. ”

The emperor said that there was no hostility in advance, so I lost my fortune.

I was convinced of my reasoning while constantly discussing the mistake of the bride and the millennium.

At first, the emperor was furious, so he decided to reveal the weapon of the spleen in order to resolve it, but it didn't seem to be the purpose.

“Jim will concede and respect the law of the Moors. If we can defeat Jim's escort, we won't have to do this. ”

What has happened so far has not been a bad offer.

However, the price will never be light if the escort is not broken, because it is underlined.

Thousand luck asked.

“What if you can't break the escort? ”

“I will amend the Unbreakable Covenant. ”

“? ”

When I said I would fix the treaty, a thousand eyebrows lifted up.

This was the aim of the emperor.

I thought I wanted a certain price, but I messed with something quite difficult.

“The sectarian Muslims pledge allegiance to the great empire and to Jim, regardless of the inevitable treaty. Isn't that right?"


The emperor falls to the ground and looks at someone who has his head tightened.

They were nothing but the leaders of the common faction, Jin Jin Chung and his disciples.

Suddenly, the bureaucrats brought by the Emperor and the leaders of the Church were staring at each other because of the confrontation.

‘That's embarrassing.’

Jinin, who was waiting for the situation to settle, didn't know what to do.

This was a very sensitive question for the emperor.

"Where there is a bishop of the Church..."

Without the martyrs, he would have sufficiently blamed the emperor because he was a blind man walking the path of the Qin Dynasty.

However, if one of the same three generations, the bishop of Mahidol, told him he was loyal to the Great People's Empire in front of him, he would officially kneel down to the coffin.

“Isn't that right? ”

“Your Majesty… well, it…"

In a situation where I couldn't answer, Jin Jin was sweating.

I made a mistake and then got beaten up by the former leaders of the Muslim blindness.

It was obvious that the emperor's expression hardened as he continued to hesitate.

That was when it was embarrassing.

“So if you can't break the escort, do you want our Catholic Church to be a servant of the great empire, not a treaty of necessity? ”


A thousand fortunes intervened at a subtle moment.

He was like a savior for the one who was in a situation of retreat.

Thanks to this, the emperor's gaze suddenly returned to the millennium.


I glanced at her with a look that she couldn't understand.

If I had remained still, I would have forsaken the good chance of being in an awkward situation.

Is it because of your alliance with the Saw? ’

The two eyes of the clear Jin were shaken.

Despite our alliance, Muslim blindness and martyrdom will someday return to hostile relations. However, he helped the blind man in front of the emperor.

‘Ugh..... Primitive. Primitive Zone.’

Pure Jinin had no choice but to applaud me.

I felt that helping a situation where there was no benefit to martial arts was genuinely a courtesy to the alliance.

‘This is the current Catholic Church. You thought you were just strong, but you have the measure and inclusion of a hero. Excellent.'

He was a pure Jinn who initially considered him unconditionally dangerous.

His gaze at the millennium just now changed favorably.

In fact, there was a slight misunderstanding.

‘Trying to put the Muslim blind in the middle of the Imperial Palace naturally, you're a terribly accomplished person. ’

It was not the blindness that caused the thousand fortunes to intervene.

I quickly noticed that they only take favorable attitudes in the imperial court with the embarrassing expression of the Qin Dynasty.

But here, if the shaman says he took an oath of allegiance to the Imperial Court, they will enter the Imperial Court in one word.

I don't know if I'll be scolding the leaders of the common faction in the Muslim blind, but I won't be able to easily cancel my statement to the Emperor of the Republic of China.

That way, the emperor would try to put the Muslims under the coffin, starting with the blindness.


In the eyes of the emperor, a poor aura was powerful.

If the millennium had not intervened, it would have been natural to induce loyalty to the People's Empire in the mouth of the irradiated Muslim blind, but it had failed.

‘I thought you didn't have political or diplomatic abilities yet, but you're doing well. ’

The emissaries of the sectarian Muslims were now representatives of their positions.

I was able to get what I naturally wanted from such a person, but that was too bad.

However, the opportunity is not yet over.

“Yes, His Holiness made an appointment with His Holiness at the time of the establishment, so His Holiness made an unforgivable pact in favor of your freedom. If favors continue, they're mistaken for rights. I've ruined the Imperial Palace by believing in the Unbreakable Coven and the Moorish Treaty, so I'll have to pay for it. ”

I said it for a long reason, but the conclusion was one.

If you are defeated by the escort, it meant that the Bridge would pledge allegiance to the Great Myung Empire.

Although only a large and majestic emperor could be seen, he was also as resourceful as the lord of this vast middle circle.

He was not a great man to use his excuses once.


I was embarrassed by the eyes of Maracum of the Great Law or Ehwa of the Left Defense Act.

I knew the Emperor had a target on his shoulders, but I didn't think he would use this situation to reverse the inevitability of the relationship between the Moorish and the coffin.

At that time, in the ear of Maracum the Great Law, I heard the voice of Captain Ranyoung.

[You said the Great Lakes, right? We need to stop this ridiculous offer right now.]

[What do you mean?]

[The Emperor is making this offer because he is confident that he will win this bet.]

[Are you confident you can win?]

[She was in the Yellow Hills, so I heard once that no one knows about imperialization from Muslims. He…]


Maracum's eyes widened.

I thought it was a name I had heard a lot before, but I remembered Ranyoung's voice.

"Implementing the Wave Sword!" ’

Wave Sword Impersonation.

He was once a member of the great master of the Middle Church and was once called the emperor of the sword.

He appeared like a comet in the forest and was an absolute master with a unique sword.

It was a great man who hoped that the young man in the terms and conditions that were just the beginning of the world at the time would become the greatest master of the world when he defeated the Great Sword King who was the greatest master and swordsman.

‘But I heard that he had only been in Moorish for about a year and then disappeared. ’

It was a long time ago, ninety years ago.

Maracum was also a story I had heard as a child from my predecessor, so I didn't think of it at all.

No matter how hard he was, he was at least a hundred and twenty years old. Even if he had a phantom dislocation, he had to be an old man, but it didn't make sense.

[It can't be...]

[He survived a long time after taking the blood of giraffes like the one he saw!]

[Giraffe's Blood!]

I did.

Wave Sword Execution.

He was born as a eunuch and was the only man to survive after taking it at the time of experimentation with giraffe blood in the imperial palace.

The success resulted in the imperial palace dosing of giraffe blood for dozens of eunuchs, but it became the only male use case as everyone was burned to death by the fire.

‘Bishop of the Church. You will have no choice but to accept my offer. ’

There was enough excuses.

I have created all situations that cannot be rejected using it already.

If they refused here, the bishop and his men acknowledged that they could not break the reception escort.

If they do, they will not even notice their guilt, but will also prove that the power here at Yellow Hills is the only way to defeat the Martians.

‘Jim's escort is an early admiral of an alumni who had been called the best cilantro in the imperial palace before taking Giraffe's blood. You've already proven your worth in the Moorish. ’

The emperor was confident of winning this bet.

No matter what happens, he never loses anything.

At that time, Lady Chun came forward, overcoming the defensive laws and Commander Ranyoung.

I seemed to have made a decision in my mind.

“Yes. I accept Jim's offer...”

- Glug glug!


Even before the emperor's words were finished, a dark flame appeared from the right hand of the thousand leagues, and it was shaped like a sharp sword.

It is an intangible sword encased in a feverish Qi and a Fire Qi of Giraffe.

Black Flame? ’

I used to invite Imperial Masters or Purebred Masters to explore Qi or Qi, but I didn't know why.

What the hell is that? '

The emperor was curious about this strange sight for the first time, but he heard the urgent voice of the escort, the escort, standing in front of him.

“Your Majesty! Please hold the match for a moment. He's...”

It was just then.

- Heave!


The new statue of the thousand leagues scattered and appeared in front of the imperialization in the blink of an eye.

Even when the emperor announced that he was the best, it was a quick triumph to miss the end.

"What honor? '

The embarrassed executioner pulled out a golden sword from his waist dance.

The grinding sword whips like a whip, and within an instant, a wave of waves forms into the air, creating a high-quality machete.

'I made it urgent!'

A blade with the essence of a wave sword.

Containing the mysteries of the catacombs, the stronger the power, the more it repels.

- Fang!

A thousand black swords slammed into the wave barrier.

The blade protrudes like a wave, causing a wave of sharp energy to keep the Black Sword from piercing it.

I defended myself in a hurry, but I think I can stop this strike.

By the way,

- Wacha-chang!


The two eyes of the imperialization grew.

The wave shield, which must repel the incoming force with an infinite amount of rotational force, is completely breached.

If it were a typed sword or a steel machine, the air force would have been dispersed.

However, it was an intangible sword of black flame that was in the hands of a thousand women.

"Hey, I knew it was an invisible sword! '

The blade of Black Flame that had dug just in front of him tried to spread its distance, surprised by the blade piercing through his right arm's shoulder.

- Aah!


The right arm of Im Kyu-hwa, who was holding the sword, fell to the ground pinning the air.

- Tak!

The cross section of his arm, which falls to the ground, burns well and black smoke spills out.


His second and terrible life threatens him.

Stop. Are you trying to kill me here? ’

It was impossible for the Emperor and all the bureaucrats to see it.

Im Kyu-hwa, who felt threatened by her life, was embarrassed and stabbed her heart with a blade in her left hand.


- Aah!


A sword of black flame that was fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye opened his throat.

Having both pain and pain burning at the same time was the worst pain that words could not endure.

The blood clot opens its eyes and the imperialization is desperately muttering.

“Th-that's... th-that's... th-that's... th-that's... th-that's it.”


However, as his broken neck falls to the ground, he cannot finish speaking.

“What the hell is this? ”

In front of the emperor, who was embarrassed by what happened so quickly, she pushed the corpse of the executioner who had lost his head to his side.


Then he said with a cynical smile.

“Your Majesty is right. If you continue to do favors, you're mistaken for rights. ”

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