Nano Mashine

# 74 Don't touch him (1) #

It is very strange to be a shameless man.

The clearance between the three streams is not very large.

However, the higher the gap, the higher the gap.

This is why Muslims cling to internal air and higher levels of realization rather than external air as they climb to higher heights.

As a single example, the difference in aerodynamic power that can be carried in internal air or vinegar is evident as you go from the beginning of the microscope to the stage of the pole.

Of course, for herbicides, it is not easy to close this gap without the same hardship, although we don't know how much understanding it is or the ability to adapt it to the situation.

Wave Sword Execution.

His putative anal landscape is the polarity of the microscope.

Compared to the current great masters, he must be the top three fingers.

Moreover, since I have lived for a long time, I could say that I am the absolute man to be regarded as a water tycoon in the current mood.

‘...... Oh my God! ’

"How easy it is to conquer…"

I was dumbstruck in the mouth of Maracum and Moon Ran-young, the great law of grave concern.

It was what had happened before the Crown Prince couldn't stop it.

They considered that even a thousand women could be dangerous as soon as imperialization first appeared and revealed its energy.

However, the result was strangulation within just three herbs.

"Oh, my God. ’

Even the disciples of the Qingxia Jinn and the Joint Faction who were watching this did not conceal their surprise.

There is a higher sky in the sky.

When I saw the executive escort, I was shocked when I first faced the attention of North Korea, a Muslim blind man.

But he cut off his arms and neck like he was dealing with a tribal master.

‘There is no way that two eyes of frequency could be wrong. That Black Intangible Sword of Black Flame must have just been made! ’

Intangible gum.

A typed sword with an intangible energy, Jingi.

The legendary Black was the only way to get up to the surface of the biosphere, which was demonstrated by the superhuman and legendary Hogwarts.

‘That sword is never like a sword. ’

The cohesive strength was also excellent, but it could not be compared to an intangible sword.

Its power was astonishing enough to pierce even a wave blade, maximized by the principle of waves and catapults.

“..... Biopsies! ”

It was a small mumble, but the wavelength was enormous.

They were skilled artisans among those in the joint.

There is no way that those who practice shamanism would not have heard of a life cycle called the legendary landscape.

“No way! ”

“Bird, living dead? ”

“Was it really there? ”

The North Korean leader, the two admirals, the commanders and the concubines were all appalled and confused.

The escort sounds more shocking than dead.

As a member of the Seventeenth Orchid leading the sect, I should not have thought of this.

"Oh, he may have to cut a deal with Blind Lord. There's an all-time monster on the bridge. Primitive. Primitive. ’

I couldn't help but admit it.

Suddenly, the Pure Water Jinin had one question.

‘Maybe the Divine Archbishop can compare with the monster in the east. ’

A monster in the east that no one can touch.

Although there was little information because he did not move around in the jungle, the only ancient master entered the star sign with the fancy word "."

It also had the title "Determination" called "The God of Fighting."

If he had truly traveled in the jungle, only two fists would have earned him the title of the lowest of the world.

"Monster versus monster..."

I heard a loud hissing in the ears of Pure Water Jinn.

“Yes, you! Would you step down before His Majesty now? ”

With trembling hands, Yeongjin the North was barely holding the sword and aiming for the Thousand Queen.

After killing the escort, we had to stop him as he approached two blocks ahead of the emperor.

However, after seeing such overwhelming power in front of my eyes, no matter how loyal he was, I could not easily lose my feet.

‘You will die by the sword. ’

After that, the certainty of death weighed on my feet.

A slow sword suddenly appeared around the neck of Yeo Jin-seo the North, who made every effort to step down to overcome this fear.

It was Maramagym, the Great Lakeshow with a unique symbol on the mask.

“You said, King! ”

“I promise. One more step from here and the water will roll, like the receiver." ”


Contrast's face became a reflection.

One thing he has overlooked is that there is no one in this underground community to stop Ranyoung, who claimed to be the Master of the Great Law, Marahom, and the Master of the Church.

The gaze of everyone was focused in one place as the contrast remained silent.

"How helpless is the escort? ’

An executive head of a reception escort rolling up the bottom of a cold basement cavity.

I was dying, but I couldn't tell if I could believe it.

[Can you handle him?]

[As I can see, I don't think we'll ever lose the case.]

He was a member of the great master who visited the imperial palace, and an executive escort who saw the attention of the Muslim monks.

Even after seeing the great master of the time, he couldn't lose his confidence. He couldn't withstand three herbs and became a cold corpse.

What the hell did Jim do? ’

He tried to get it using justification, but lost the receiver's escort, which he could have inherited as a legacy.

The immobility of the emperor that was never likely to be shaken was cracked.

I was embarrassed by the solemn look of my eyes, so I walked behind the scenes without my knowledge.

- Tak!

There was a bundle of twinkle in her eyes.

“Are you afraid of me? ”

A subterranean cavity with the attention of everyone was immersed in silence at one moment.


The emperor's pupil shakes like an earthquake. The Emperor of the Great Diplomatic Empire, ruling the vast Middle Kingdom, stepped back.

This is the same as admitting that he is afraid of the opponent, who needs to embrace all the worlds.

‘No. Jim is Emperor of the Great Nam Empire. This can't be happening! ’

The bewildered emperor sighed and mourned.

“Ruthless! Would you step away from Jim now?" ”

Then she couldn't stop disappearing again.

Despite the loss of control, the position of emperor does not seem to allow it to be easily acknowledged.

She opens her mouth with a sinking voice that completely lacks laughter.

“You must be mistaken. ”

“A delusion? Are you trying to undermine the burden? ”

“Destruction is something you can say when you stand before me. ”

Along with that, she raises her hand one more step forward.

- Boom!

“!? ”

Then the emperor's body slowly began to float into the air, wrapped in a deep darkness.

The emperor's impression of humiliation hardened.

“Go, how dare you! This thug is your king! ”

His deep loyalty to the Imperial Court, Seo-tae, an Admiral of the Great Inner Court, struggled to resist, and blew up his new sentence to save the Emperor.

- Pot!

The new method was very fast, just like the master of the picture.

I tried to stab him in the back with a sword, but I couldn't let the other thousand men do it.

- Glug glug!

“Oh, Aniet! ”

Suddenly, a hot pillar of fire rises up in front of him, aiming for his rear end, creating a wall.

At this point, I turned my head to the source where I could feel the firearms, but Ranyoung reached out his hand and left the firearms.

“Who wants to go after him? Admiral West! If you don't want to die, don't do anything stupid! ”

“Gekko, your attitude! ”

I felt like I wanted to cut through the fire with the sword at once, but I felt like Ranyoung would try to catch up with him.

However, as a servant, I could not watch the emperor be humiliated.

It was his virtue to protect the monarch, even if he threw his own life.

I give you flesh and take bones! ’

General Seo Tai Tai Lung of the Great Hall tried to pierce the fire column that Ranyoung had created with the determination of the meat cartilage.

“No way!”

However, it was not Ranyoung who was watching quietly.

While Seo Tai Lung hesitated for a moment, Ran Young's flame, which had already narrowed the distance, smoothly placed a number on the air and aimed at him.

- Whoo!

Seo Tae-sik abandoned his defenses and raised his sword and charged into the pillar of fire.

‘I grip my teeth, hold them, and cut off my back with a pillar of fire. ’

That was the point anyway.

The pillar of fire is blocking, so you can save the Emperor by slashing the thousand times you'll be careless.

With a sword of steel at his disposal, he struck the pillar with the most devastating blow in the German Insulating Sword Act.

- Glug glug!

“What, the swordfish? ”

The pillar of fire, which you thought would split at once in the sword, rises with a whirl like a roar, and easily flicks off his blade.

Though the dead escort, Bridging, may have easily put out the flames, the firearms that are expressed are the result of her abilities.

He couldn't have handled her diligence, the master of the microscope.

“I warned you. Admiral West!”

“Vee, damn it! ”

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!

Ran-young's provocative approach, who was being prepared, struck by the blood vessels of the whole back of the western ceremony.

You attempt to use anti-Semtex to stop it, but you are hit evenly because you have not been opponent in the air in the first place.


- Woodtuck!

You hear broken ribs and back bones.

I tried to give up my flesh and take my bones, but eventually I gave up my bones.

Ran-young grabs the back of her neck and throws her away from the thousand fortunes.

- The coup d 'etang!

Seo Tae-sik, who was coughing blood around the floor, shouted at the eunuchs and the crackers on the gold.

“Cough, cough! What are you doing?! We can't protect the king now!"

“Ha, but...”

Even the imperial legend of the imperial palace was not an opponent of the receiver escort.

“Aye! There are only five of them! Are you going to defy the Queen of the Republic to let her be humiliated? ”

“Chu, chung!!! ”

- Chang!

At the dawn of the western ceremony, pinching the complaint as a servant, they pulled out the organ.

They were increasingly struggling to figure out what to do about the confusing situation, but Western Taisik, the general of the great interior, was right.

Yeah, yeah! No matter how good a master he is, he's alone. ’

‘We're outnumbered. You can't be tired as long as you're human. ’

Even though the balloons were low, their number alone was more than 300.

It seemed quite possible to collaborate without any rest.

“Cough! Cough! Aim for the bishop first! ”


- Pot!

At the western Tai's command, the five golden statues under the Northern Jinsha rushed towards the Emperor, who was forcibly floating the Emperor at the same time.

“Release the king now! ”

“You traitor! ”

- 52517;!

The sound of the sword creaks in all directions.

The emperor who finally found the 300 eunuchs and the golden statue, who began to move to save himself, said with an impression.

“If you put your things down now...”

Such an emperor's recommendation was cut off, shaking his head.

“Spare me your useless expectations. ”


Unbelievable things happened in the eyes of the emperor.

She raises her left hand and spreads out her palm, and the five golden officers who were throwing their swords at him are stuck in an invisible wall.

- Boom!


“My nose, my nose! ”

“What the hell is this? ”

Those who were hit really hard also spilled nosebleeds because their nostrils were broken.

Thousands of women shake their hands lightly at the unseen wall of Jingi who are embarrassed.

And then...

- Bam!



The fierce wind pressure rises and the guards' bodies bounce back.

“Well, take them! ”

“Phew! Ugh! ”


The Golden Ministers, who were waiting behind them to strike a subsequent blow, pick them up, and four or five of them fall back into the aftermath of the massive defeat.



Even a handful of blood was spilled by those who received the flying bastards themselves.

It was due to severe internal injuries.

“Profit! Attack them all! There's only one of us! Just!”

With the annoying shout of the Lord Above the Golden Gate, a hundred ministers of gold try to rush in unison, and the woman lifts her palms up and down.

- Creepy!

“Huh? This? ”

Then there was a trembling sensation that gave me goosebumps, and I crushed the eunuchs of 200 people, including the golden thrones, and the great interior palanquin.

“Yi, this is Jingi? ”

“No way! ”

They were embarrassed and tried to survive, but even the eunuchs of their classmates were humiliated, and they were no different.

- Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

Three hundred bureaucrats, who used their bare hands, knelt on the floor one after the other.

I felt their faces whitened, forced to kneel down, and I lost my words.

‘No. This, this is the monster itself. ’

"Your Majesty! ’

I thought that even an absolute master could tire me out if I pushed him into the water, but this was not the case.

Those who could not even look up did not even look at His Majesty.

“How could a human do such a thing...”

The emperor grew tired of seeing all the eunuchs and golden dignitaries who had been forced to kneel.

I couldn't help but want to remain solemn and cool.

She turns to the emperor with a stiff look on her face.

“It's quiet now. So let's talk about this again. ”

Unlike the relaxed breeze, the emperor could not easily open his mouth.

He continued to speak to the emperor.

“Do you understand the position of mistaking goodwill for right if goodwill continues? ”

I hate to admit it, but I had to do it.

A monster like this could break into the Imperial Court and kill himself at any time.

That was a really scary reality.

“Well, as I told His Holiness, it's not because we have made a pact with him. to protect himself. ”


It was humiliating, but there was no reason to argue.

However, the authority and pride of the emperor were not tolerated in order to continue to be humiliated.

The anger rises and the emperor's face flushes red.

“A hundred concessions say the ear ball is right. However, are you willing to take on the burden even though you threaten it like this? Even if you are an absolute master, not everyone in your religion is like that. ”

“...... Even in a life-threatening situation, Your Majesty insists on it. ”

The Emperor smiles as if it were absurd and smiles faintly.


Then he sighed, staring at her with sharp eyes.

“You're making fun of Jim! Even a deaf ear ball would know the consequences of killing Jim, the emperor who rules this vast empire. ”

Confidence seen by the Emperor.

It was due to the aftermath of the absence of a giant middleman ruler called the Great Nam Empire.

If he died right away, there would have been a civil war between officials to raise an emperor who supported each other to wield the regime.

If the regime becomes so chaotic, the Barbarians in the north and the battle tribes in the west, who have been watching for a while, will invade the Middle Kingdom.

“You can never threaten the life of a burden...”

- Aah!


At that moment, a sharp blade of white dragon blade slit the emperor's throat.

The sudden burst of action shocked the emperor and shouted.

“W-what are you trying to do? ”

“You overestimate your own existence. ”


“That's the way the world works, as opposed to chewing new ones when their teeth fall out. Eventually, someone will do the job. ”

“W-well, the ear ball is saying...”

The Emperor, who was making eye contact with his voice, turned his head and glanced at King Joogyeom. He smiled and said.

“There's a very good 'E'. in terms of organs that can move on my own terms. ”

“!!! ”

The face of the reddish emperor suddenly turned white.

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