Nano Mashine

♪ Chapter 86: Falling Ice Bow (2) ♪

- Curr!

The collapse of a building that came with a strong vibration.

It was not just in the guest house of the North Sea Ice Palace.

It happened all over the building simultaneously.

Though I thought it would never collapse as a single-set building, it actually happened.

- Blah, blah!

A crack occurred on the walls of the main building of the giant North Sea ice palace, with white snow piled up on the red Kiva.

The walls start to crack and the building starts to wiggle.

“It's an earthquake! ”

“We have to get out! ”

The palaces in the building burst out screaming.

No one could be the exception.

The elders, including the concubines on the top floor of the main hall, escaped from the collapsing ice palace building.

- Boom!

A skyscraper breaks through the walls of the building and jumps down.

It was supposed to be on the top floor. It was hard to escape if it was in the middle of the building.

- Tak!

“Oh, how did this happen...”

He jumped out of the Archdiocese together and couldn't hide his embarrassment as he watched the buildings of the ice arch collapsing from all around.

Surprisingly, short-shoen was the same as well.

I looked at the main building, which was leaning, because the wall was split with stunned eyes.

‘I was just... I was just looking for a job. Why is this happening...’

It has never been a disaster since the Ice Bow began.

I looked at the scripture and looked away.


“Help me!”

Screams erupt from all sides of the collapsing buildings.

As if someone had succeeded in escaping, the fallen ones fell into a collapsing building.

It became appetizers to use makeup stones to make it strong.

If it was made of wood, it would have been easy for those who used it to escape, but it was not so for makeup.

- Curr!

The building at the stronghold cannot withstand its weight, and the columns in the direction of the stronghold break and the building tries to sink.


An arch surrogate, Dancheon, quickly released an ice vaccine on a broken column that blew up his new sentence.

- Shhhhh!

A white cold gushes from his hand and froze the broken pillar.

Thanks to this, the collapse of the main building, which seemed to be collapsing, stopped for a moment.

Danzhou called out toward the inside of the headquarters.

“Escape! ”

He escaped in a hurry, but not half of the palace within the base.

However, the archers who heard the shouts of the shortdrink hurriedly rushed outside.


Many were injured by the falling piece of ceiling.

The molasses were out of line.

“Paladins, freeze the collapsing buildings and help them escape! ”

“Chu, Chung! ”

The elders who escaped under the orders of Danzhou have joined the glacier palace warriors in delaying the collapse of the collapsing building as a whole.

Suddenly, I remembered how many martial artists and martial artists had led me to a noble room.

“Elder! Find the nobles of the Sentry! ”

“I understand!”

I stopped freezing the ground of the building and blew up my new sentence.

The building per guest was also quite high because if it collapsed, it might not escape.

Seong-goo's face rushed to the guest party.


The guest house was already completely collapsed without being able to withstand the vibration.

This is bad!

If the nobles get into an accident, we can't clean up this mess any more.

Surprised, he hurries toward the vicinity of the guest house, and fortunately, there are elite members of the bridge nearby.

Moreover, not only them, but also the noble monks, who were so far from the debris, were puffing their breath with dust.

“Ha… ha…”

“It was a close call. ”

I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched the ruins of the guest house that had collapsed in Huangbozega's household power.

Looking at him, he nodded and replied.

“If the ceiling hadn't been frozen over, I would have been crushed. ”

The leaders of the Muslim blindness were unmasking the noble room on the third floor, and they were almost overwhelmed by the sudden collapse of a building.

However, the ceiling, which was about to collapse, suddenly froze and allowed me time to escape.

“You're all right! I'm glad you're okay. ”

He approached the people who were so blind that he said,

The answer was Je Gallo Hee whose shirt was soaked in blood.

As a woman, I was assigned a separate room, so I couldn't avoid all the falling debris and got injured beaten up.

“Hah… hah… what the hell happened? Didn't you say the Dragon Sealed Cave is quite far from here? ”

I heard that this vibration is a dragon's move to escape.

The vibrations were said to be stronger as they became stronger, but this was only possible if it was below the edge of the North Sea Glacier Palace.

“I'm embarrassed that this happened so suddenly. If the dragon pierced through the ice cube, someone must have come from the cave.....! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you saying the seals are off? ”

The elder stared at the direction of the sealed cave with surprised eyes.

Same time.

North Pole Mountain in the North Sea Glacier Palace.

- Whoo-hoo!

Unlike Abigail, the North Sea Glacier Palace, where vibration rises to its peak, it is quiet except for the sound of cold winds.

A tall mountain of folk that leads into a cave sealed with a dragon in the northwest.

In the catacombs of the ice sheets, there was only silence.

In the cavity lit by torches, five hundred paladins put their hands on the floor and were emitting a cold chill.

‘That's strange.'

This is Seolmeong Oh, who is shifting with this elder and focusing on freezing ice cubes.

However, his expression was not suspicious.

I'm putting my hands on the floor and putting heat on it, but something's different.

‘I can't feel the vibration. ’

You can feel the movement of the rattling dragon when you touch the ground as usual.

The man trying to make his way up to the ground through the ice cube must have left the floor trembling, and it was completely absent.

Like there's nothing there.

‘You can't be tired and die. ’

It was a dragon that remained frozen for centuries but did not die.

Elder Seoljeong, who thought something was strange, suddenly got up from his seat with a tense look.

“Now, I'm going to go up there for a moment. ”

Along with that, Seoljeong opened his eyes to the cave passageway.

He makes his quick ascent up the cave and quickly climbs up Mt. Pyongdong.

‘Please..... please! ’

I hoped his ominous premonition would be wrong.

Not long ago, a shocking sight appeared in his eyes on the top of Mt. Pyongyang.

The buildings in the North Sea Glacier Palace are collapsing to the south.

“Oh, my God…"

And the next thing I saw, my eyes trembled like crazy.

- Boom!

It was a long way off, but it couldn't have been invisible.

In the middle of the collapsing Arctic ice palace, something long and massive appeared.

It has the head of a dragon on a long, black scale.

“Phew… dragon! ”

It was only their illusion that they were still trapped here in the ice cave.

* * *

- Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwabang!

Something's coming up through the deep end.

Everyone heard it.

Everyone felt that the sound was not just caused by the earthquake.

‘Well, something's coming. ’

- Qar!

Then the ground in front of the base of the ice palace digs inward, and gradually begins to crumble, revealing something huge on the ground.

- Kuaang!

- Gooooooooooo!

Everyone stares at you, killing your breath.

A huge, long shadow that appears to be in the cloudy dust.

This may seem like a weapon or a dragon, but its shape is subtly different.

It was the original form of the Dragon of Souls that could be seen in the Imagination or in the Old Books.

The only unexpected part was that it was much bigger than they had ever imagined.

“How did this happen? You mean they didn't climb over the sealed ice cube cave and drove here? ”

Looking at the long, enormous neck of the dragon that appeared through the earth right in front of him, the archery surrogates couldn't conceal their frustration.

The reason the vibrations were getting stronger was not only because his spiritual strength was stronger, but because he was actually close to the ice arch.

‘I felt him just before the shift. ’

This elder's eyes tremble at the dragon.

This meant that the clever spirit had gradually dug the ground and moved around the area that was sealed with ice cubes to deceive them.

‘We've ridiculed the dragon. ’

The beast was not just an animal that moved by instinct.

That ingenuity was not less than that of a human.

- Yuck!

As he stares down at the palaces of the North Sea Glacier Palace, his teeth crack tightly, and he flies his new corpse toward his big, long neck.

“Excellent! Now that you have broken the ice bow, I will cut your throat in return." ”

- Chang!

A dagger drawn from a snow globe, a German weapon, was about to strike the neck of a dragon covered in black scales.


- Caaarrrrrrrrrrrr!

“Oh, my God! ”

I couldn't pierce his scales, even with the sword still firing.

The sword trembles as if it had struck a steel shield.

I was surprised for a moment. Instead of giving up on it, Danzhou swings to cut his body by focusing more finely on the steel.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

Instead of still piercing his scales, he was left with nothing but a whip.

Besides, I messed with his planting.

“Kwaaaahhhhh!!! ”

“Ugh! Ears, ears! ”

Everyone's ears are deafened by the enormous roar.

It was that moment.

- Pazizizicqik!



A flash flashed from the body of the roaring dragon and a powerful electric shock flashed, causing everything around it to bounce off.

It was so sudden that I couldn't avoid it.

Of course, Chongju was also no exception.

- Squeak!

The Ice Vaccine Ball produces a cold, powerful shield, but it snaps and bounces off over thirty chapters (19976;).


- The coup d 'etang!

After rolling the floor for a long time, the ceiling ceased to be empty.

I was embarrassed, even though I didn't have any internal injuries yet.

It hasn't been more than a few years since we got to the surface of the phenomenon that we liked that there were no worthy enemies.

However, I didn't know that his power wouldn't work on such a creature.

It was truly a disaster.

What do I do with my teeth? ’

The fact that the Scale was only able to whip the scales with the sword meant that a dazed attack could never physically harm this monster.

The body of the creature itself was a lump of steel.

‘We need to work together to find a weakness. ’

Otherwise, there's no way to kill this monster.

I got up and looked around.

I just shouted to the palace officials who were swarming with the wavelengths of electric shock that the dragon had just caused.

“Wake up! Warriors, if we don't get rid of that monster today, this palace may never rise again! ”

“Chu, Chung! ”

The tributes, including the elders who were conscious of the shouts of the Chongju, ruled the palaces.

As the leaders left, the scattered palaces were repaired.


At that time, a squadron of able-bodied troops found a dragon on the outskirts of the palace grounds and rushed inside.

It was that moment.

- Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

Again, another head of the dragon pierced the ground and blocked them.

“Huff! Th-the other head? ”

It was the part that everyone had overlooked.

The dragon that was sealed in the North Sea ice palace was a four-headed creature.

The newly emerging dragon's head unleashed a threatening roar that prevented them from joining forces at the North Sea Glacier Palace.


“Yikes! Stand down!”


The majesty who was running in the lead shouted like crazy.

At that time, as before, the wavelength of the electric shock occurred simultaneously with the roar of the dragon.

- Pazizizicqik!

Some Muslim unarmed people turn away in unison to avoid it.

However, it was difficult to respond perfectly to what happened so quickly.


“Move, move, move!"

The wavelengths of the electric shock make sure that the detachment's fighters are electrocuted and they collapse trembling.

"Wake up!"

More than half of the fallen seem to have died of cardiac arrest.

Eighty people lost power in a single moment.

“Yo, what do dragons do with lightning? ”

Huangbo Sage, who joined the military forces of the Muslim army, put out his tongue.

You realize you're not just dealing with predators.

That creature was inaccessible because it dealt with the power of the brain.

“Do you think the army of Jegal will be okay? You may want to step back with the true sages for a moment. ”

I asked Je Gal So-hee to chase hard beside the Mo Yong River.

Even if she wasn't injured, she seems to be in a relatively weak position to step back.

Despite that concern, Je Gal So-hee tried to go somewhere with a serious face.

- Tak!

The wooden river grabbed her wrist.

“Where are you going? ”

“Th-that's not the case. Mr. Recruiter, we need to inform the Bridge right away. ”

“What's that? ”

“The dragon is trying to tear us apart! ”

“? ”

“If I'm right, the first dragon that appeared was to look into the situation. It's no coincidence that you stopped us. Maybe the other neck is...”

- Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

You feel a strong vibration beneath the ground before she finishes her speech.

The vibrations are rapidly moving north to the northwest, where the bridge sentries are stationed.

It was as Jegal Sohee predicted.

“Recruitment Lord! We need to tell them to keep their distance from the dragons right now! ”

Even a blind detachment swiftly approached and lost a quarter of its force in an instant.

If a dragon is struck by lightning without a move, he will be struck.

The wooden river frowned.

I didn't want to help Bridge at the same time, but it will be even more difficult to deal with dragons if their power is reduced.

"Phew, I can't help it. ’


“Yep! Father! ”

“Tell the marching party to keep as much distance from the dragon as possible." Come on! "

“I understand!”

Mo Yong Yu, the son of the Mo Yong River, who was listening to Je Gal So-hee, hurriedly opened his eyes to the northwest side of the bridge's garrison.

The River of Recruitment sent him to shout to the surviving guards.

“Keep your distance! Make a Fire Arrow!”


He was the only hairdresser who had done business with dragons, so he read the book on writing the fire arrows in the records of his ancestors.

The arrows prepared by the guards under his command start to light.

Meanwhile, the recruitment oil heading toward the garrison in the northwest did not conceal embarrassment.

“Vee, damn it! Already!”

- Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

I tried to get ahead of the dragon somehow, but I couldn't beat the speed of its giant, long neck.

Suddenly, the third neck of the dragon protrudes through the floor.

“Yo, dragon! ”

“Spread out!”

You hear the screams of the martyrs.

Cleverly, the dragon seemed to have broken through the middle of the martyrs, unlike when it came to stopping the ranks of the blind.

I didn't know that if the dragon struck the lightning like this, all of it would be destroyed.

Recruitment oil shouted as hard as it could not.

“Open the streets now!!!! ”

However, as he cried out, the dragon's roar rang everywhere.


“Oh, no! ”

In front of his eyes, a white flash flashed from the dragon's body and saw a tremendous electric pulse.


Of course, I thought all the martyrs around me would get electrocuted and bounce off.

But something unbelievable happened.


Electrolytes emanating from the dragon's body do not spread to all sides, but rush towards the ground as if they were absorbed by something.

“What, what? ”

Looking closely, all the martyrs were bowing down, and they all looked fine.

There's a long iron spear embedded in the ground all over them.

You fry a blue flame to see if it absorbed the electric current of the dragon.

- Chicken tooth!

“Oh, my God. Did that stop the dragon's lightning? What the hell is that? ”

What was even more surprising was whether or not the martyrs were completely unaffected, even though the electric shocks that came down from the bars ran through the ground.

And when the power's completely gone,

“It's working!”

“Waaaahhhh!!! ”

The martyrs shouted as one.

Like them, the woman who was leaning down looked at the shoes she was wearing.

The shoes were hardened and affixed to the sole of the tree sap that came into the Imperial Trade.

All the martyrs were wearing these.

[More than 90 percent reduction in ground dispersed current.]

"A lightning rod and rubber." It's a semi-religious success. Nano. ’

She looked up at the dragon with the tail of her mouth.

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