Nano Mashine

# 87 Dragon (1) #

In advance, a thousand years ago, she and Nano learned that dragons use power related to the brain.

Shouldn't we at least stop the death by electrocution?

The countermeasures that I prepared seemed to be successful.


Maybe it's the mood.

The yellow glare of the dragon, which has not fulfilled its will, seems to cast a curious and unpleasant gaze.

Lightning struck and not one of them died.

‘I've never seen a living creature before. ’

I thought, gazing at the dragon, which stretched out over a huge, long distance.

He gained the power of the foreign weapon left in Mado Guan's Beacon Mound and the power of Bulgirin, which was sealed in the Yellow Hills of the Dragon Palace.

However, they had already been captured in the past by ancestors, including the search for the heavenly host.

‘So is the investigator. That's fantastic. Killing these monsters. ’

The energy definitely felt by the dragon was completely different from that of the unmanned.

As they were called monsters, it was safe to assume that they were of a different dimension than humans.

‘But I've had enough strategies all the way here. ’

I didn't just think about hurrying.

Thousand Yeon sent a message to someone.

Then the hex elder Montmu, who is in charge of the practical commander of the outpost, came forward and shouted.

“Counter now! The entire bayonet is fitted with a blade! ”

“Stick sword!”

As soon as the command was given, six hundred swordsmen in the army pulled out their weapons and released Qi, a sword and pottery.

- Whoo!

The spectacle was spectacular when the six hundred masters awoke.

Recruiting oil, which came to inform the church about dragons, was also elastic.

“Wow, you've brought some elite people. ”

It is a bayonet made up of talented people who are at the water level even within the martial arts.

It was natural to generate swords or pottery.

Throughout the three generations, it was known that the highest military power and training was the strongest, so it was surprising to form a blazing sword and pottery.

‘Let's get started.'

When Lady Chun raises her right hand to send out a call, the Elder Montmu shouts.

“The majority rank all fires swords at the head of the dragon! ”


A major-level martyr with a peak or higher status can fly a sword.

Among the six hundred, sixty masters surrounding the dragon's thick body simultaneously flew swords, pottery, windmills, and others.

- Stop it!

The divergent phase hits the dragon's body with a sharp technique.

The sword didn't shock you much, but the scale of the dragon trembles with chaotic strikes as you fly in multiple flights.

- Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa!

The dragon also attempted to twist and counterattack in an effort to prevent a turbulent attack by such an air strike.

At that time, Maraheum called out:

“The Butcher Sword and the Minister of Falsehood follow this law! ”


- Pot!

When Maracum opened the airspace and jumped up, the meat swords, including the blunt force, flew up into the air at the same time.

- Whoo!

Their target was their head.

If members of the Dagger Clan hold off the dragon's movements, they decide to go after the dragonhead.

Seven people simultaneously spread their best shot at the head of the dragon.

The first thing that struck was the Bigei Ventilated Dagger of Blunt Blade and the last herbicide of Marahem's twenty-four horsepower.

- Stop it!

- Kaga, Kaga, Kaga!

The Black Sword Wave smashes the giant head of the dragon.

The scales were so hard that the steel couldn't dig through, but the dragon howled at the fancy herbivores.


“Keep attacking! ”

At the same time, the fleshblades, including the King's Day, spread their fists at the head of the dragon.

The stronghold surrounded by a strong force strikes the dragon in unison.

- Stop it!


The dragon howls and howls at the scent of herbivores flying in close to the chaos.

The lower part of the body is attacked by members with a sword, and the long extension of the neck is sealed because the majority is constantly flying swords, pottery, etc.

Awesome! The Bridge will be able to remove the dragon's head in no time... "

I couldn't help but admire the oil I was watching.

Even though the dragon scales were hard, I couldn't stand being attacked like that.

It seemed like either the Jegal military or his father had worries for no reason.

‘We're in more trouble. ’

The recruiter said he didn't have to worry about much, so he tried to blow his new sentence back to the place where the squadron was heavily armed.

It was that moment.

- Whoo-hoo!

What is this energy? ’

The hair dressing oil, surprised by the massive aggregation of Jingi you feel behind you, turns its head.

With the head of the dragon surrounded by black scales, the strong white light was rapidly condensing.

It was thrilling and ominous in itself.

“Blood, dodge! ”

Maraheum, who continued to open his mouth with the head of the dragon, urgently cried out.

Likewise, the frightened bayonets spread their wings in unison because of the ominous changes that took place in the dragon's head.

The dragon's aim to spread in all directions was to avoid adoption and vanity.

A stream of blue light crumbles into the mouth of the dragon with sharp teeth, and it tries to emit something completely different from what it already is.

- Chicken tooth!

“Yikes! ”

“We should avoid. ”

I was surprised that they would stretch their tentacles and fall down, but then the members of the bayonet would be equally affected.

“Jan… Jean! ”

Hubong looks into the mouth of the dragon covered in white with tears.

The eyes are white.



While stopping, a stream of blue lightning extends straight out of the dragon's mouth and cracks the air.

It was completely different from the electric current that was extending in all directions, but its power was many times stronger.

- Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

Everything was destroyed when the flash of lightning reached the workplace.

A tremendous amount of power screams out in horror.

“Herbaooooow!!! ”

“Adopt!!! ”

This was not a level of anti-Semtex attack.

That power is beyond the limits of shamanism, as the flashes of lightning completely fade from its shape, leaving only black soot behind.

Vandalism and adoption would have vanished without leaving any form.

Mungyu came down to the ground and his eyes turned red.

“Oh, how can this be…… empty……"

I had no idea that the dragon would face such a miserable end by aiming for his direction.

You hear a familiar shout as you try to cry out in the distance.

“I'm not dead! ”


Mungyu glanced at the direction of his voice, his eyes curled, and he was floating in a blunt posture.

In front of him, a thousand women reached out their hands.

At the slightest moment, a thousand foods quickly pulled them down into the air.

No matter how late they were, they really almost disappeared without form.

“Hehe! I thought you were dead! ”

"...... I'm not dead."


Mungyu smiled widely, stealing troubled tears.

I was surprised to adopt and muttered with a white bored face.

“Lord, I almost died. Thank you."

At his words, she gazed at the dragon with a serious gaze without a word.

It was because the dragon was once again trying to shoot a flash of lightning, aggregating its enormous energy.

- Whoo-hoo!

“Again, again? ”

Everyone stares at the head of the dragon with a stiff face.

- The coup d 'etang!


Two people who were floating in the air fell, stamping their buttocks on the floor.

“Everybody down! ”

The Christians fall flat on the ground with no one to cry out for.

- Gooooooooooo!

A fierce white light aggregates in the mouth of the dragon, and a thousand foxes reach for it.

- Blah, blah!

Then a cold breeze rose out of the air, and hundreds of ice swords appeared, wrapping around the dragon's head.

The dragon opens its eyes wide to emit a yellow glare, but as soon as it grips its hand, the ice swords crowd toward the dragon together.

- Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha!


As hundreds of ice swords strike above your head and below your chin at the same time, the mouth of the dragon that was about to emit lightning disappears and the flash of aggregation disappears.

She frowned.

‘..... Impenetrable. ’

- Fascists!

All the ice swords that hit the dragon's head were shattered by a very hard scale.

However, the Christians who fell down and watched the lightning block the lightning bolt shouted because they were excited.


When everyone's intentions were about to come back to life, Maracum, including the thousand years, cried out at the same time.

“Get down! ”

“Don't get up! ”

At that moment, the dragon roared.


At the same time as the diameter of the roar, an electric pulse occurred in the body of the dragon.


Surprised believers quickly lower themselves below the lightning rod.

The wavelength of the electric current emitted by the dragon was sucked in like it was absorbed into the lightning spikes installed everywhere.

But that wasn't the end.

Unlike the electric current that was released earlier, the dragons are in a row, creating wavelengths.


The blast of electricity leaves everyone motionless.


“Well, how long are you going to keep firing? ”

The expression of the Christians leaning down and watching the lightning strikes becomes darker and darker.

The lightning rod that was absorbing the electric charge was bending as it ran red.

It was exhausting, but the dragon continued to radiate electric shocks as if it had an infinite power, pushing the lightning rod to its limit.

- Spock!


Then the lightning rod bent completely one by one.

There are sixty of them in there, and they're already more than ten red, and they're completely bent, and they face a dangerous situation.

[Lightning rod is exceeding current capacity.]

Nano's voice echoing in my head hardened.

‘Not like this. ’

You try to remove the dragon by fine-tuning the tactics without overdoing it, but you seem to have misunderstood its power.

At this rate, everyone will be electrocuted.

I had to stop it, but I couldn't even easily see the electric shock of the dragon.

Moreover, the scope of the magnetic field was so wide that it was difficult to even spread an intangible sword by flowing a strong instrument.

Nano, is there any other way to withstand an electric shock? ’

[The higher the thermal energy, the higher the atomic wavelength, preventing the movement of electrons.]

‘....... will you make it easy for me? ’

[Increased heat reduces the flow of current. But the current from a monster called the dragon is too strong. It can be dangerous.]

‘Phew, it's dangerous. ’

Otherwise, it was all gone.

As she slowly got up and tried to stand up, the adopters and believers around her were furious and tried to stop her.

“The Catholic Church! It's dangerous!”

“Stay away from me. ”


- Boom!


As she shakes her hands lightly, the churchmen around him are pushed around.

Everyone is curious, but suddenly, a peculiar and uneasy aura has eroded the surroundings.

- Creepy!

“Hey, what's this? ”

At that moment, a remarkable change occurred in the body of a thousand women.

- Glug-ug-ug!

A black flame rises from his body.

It emitted a different level of heat than what Herbong had seen in front of the Christians.

It was close enough to burn.

“Huh, black salt? ”

The whole body is covered with black flames, and the yellow light of the dragon, which was continuously emitting wavelengths of electric shock, suddenly turned to the thousand angels.

It seems to have sensed the energy of another creature in him.


Then the dragon fired a more powerful electric shock and tried to suppress the thousand angels and martyrs.


- Fighter, Fighter!

A sudden burst of blue flame blazes all over the place and nearly half of the lightning strikes out.

Thanks to this, the remaining lightning spikes do not fully absorb the current, and the churchmen who started to feel pain scream.



The screams erupt out of the air, and a thousand tears fly up into the air.

- Pazizizich!

There was a twinkle in the eyes of a thousand mistresses that flew into the air.

Blue sparks blaze in all directions and current flows from all sides, but the self that was definitely surrounded by black flames was less affected.

I felt a tingling sensation, but it was good enough.

‘Cut it at once. ’

An intangible sword of Black Flame was created in the hands of a thousand angels.

Only the slitting his throat with the best feasts can prevent the worst.

- Heave!

A thousand leagues rushes through the currents and out into the dragon's neck.

That's when the unexpected happened.


The dragon stops emitting electric shocks from its body, and it has a white flash in its mouth.

Cleverly, he waited for the thousand women to approach him.


- Bam, bam!

Surprised, she kicks a wall of air into the air and blows a new one to the side.



A stream of intense lightning emanates from the mouth of the blazing dragon.

As the dragon turns its neck to the side, a beam of lightning moves along it and envelops the chasm.


Suddenly, the new millennium disappeared into the stream of light.

“I am the doctrine! ”

Everyone, including Moongyu, cried out in astonishment.

However, without a chance, all the Breeders had to avoid the flash of lightning.

The beam of light does not end with the fading of the thousand years.

- Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

“Blood, dodge! ”

All the churches have scattered to avoid the flash of lightning, away from the wavelength of the electric current.

However, it was never easy to avoid a beam far beyond the speed at which the light spread.




About twenty undetected members of the slaughterhouse are blackened by the beam of light.

The target of the dragon was a thousand years old, so that was enough.

Looking at the crumbling corpses as they became soot in the rising smoke, everyone's eyes became devastated.

“Church, Lord......”

Adoption seemed to be the most shocked.

At any cost, he blamed himself for having to endure the thousand years of the Pope.

It was just then.

“Hey, look! ”

A churchman cried out, and everyone looked up there.

- Glug glug!

"Huh, black salt?"

A black flame roars through the thorny smoke.

Plus, it's much bigger than before.

“Ahhhh… oh my god! ”

“The Pope is safe! ”


The color of all the churchmen who thought she was dead turned and cried out.

“Ha… ha…”

In the black flame, a thousand runes exhale.

He was also thought to have almost died by the massive flash of lightning.

But I survived.


[Energy charge 400%.]


The figures of the white light particles in augmented reality, which were conceived according to Nano's notifications, went much higher.

Jingi, who thought power would be consumed rapidly to block the flash of lightning, rises more than four times.

Instead, it became a situation of overwhelming power.

[It has been converted to your energy in the process of absorbing weakened current with thermal energy. Unknown reason. Analysis required.]


It was Nano's emergency action to protect her from lightning, but an unintended situation arose.

I climbed up the tail of the thousand mouths that were exhaling harshly.

It was a strange phenomenon that even Nano could not explain, but the good news was that the dragon's lightning was no longer working for him.

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