
Did I hear it right?

The Uchiha clan is a popular clan no matter where they go, but when they return to their ancestors, they are forced to go to the countryside to farm?

Ninjas no longer practice ninjutsu, but swing hoes instead?

Test! Definitely a test!

Uchiha Fugaku shouted wildly in his heart.

The ancestors are testing whether we are really obedient!

That’s right, it must be like this!

How could they let us farm? This is ridiculous…

I have never done this job in my life!

Not only him, but all the clansmen were in an uproar.

Sasuke’s young face was full of doubts and a little bit of dissatisfaction.

“Brother! Who is that arrogant blind old Deng? Why is Dad so obedient to him?”

Fugaku has always been full of majesty in Sasuke’s heart. He is not only the head of the Uchiha clan, but also the head of the police department. In the village, except for the Hokage or some senior officials, no one dares to disrespect his father.

Even the Hokage didn’t look down on his father so much!

“Sasuke, keep your voice down. He is the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, and he existed at the same time as the first Hokage…”

“The first Hokage?” Sasuke opened his mouth in shock: “How old is he!”

“I don’t know…” Uchiha Itachi shook his head and asked in confusion:

“There are too many suspicious points. Why is Madara not dead? What’s the situation with his missing eyes? Why does he have such a young son at such an old age?”

“And the most important point…” Itachi buried his head and whispered: “This age spot is not the same person as the Madara I met before!”

“Obviously, the age spot is real, so who is the mysterious masked man…?”

Itachi, who is meticulous, knows that there are too many secrets hidden here.

Similarly, Fugaku also thought of what Itachi thought of.

Although Madara asked him to take his clan members to farm the land, he was hit hard.

But the unreasonableness of all this made Fugaku want to find out.

The secret on the stone tablet, the reason why Madara is immortal…

Perhaps Madara has understood the true power of the Sharingan!

‘It is right to come here. No matter what, I will follow with my clansmen…’

‘Even if it means farming…’

‘But… Madara-sama will not really let us go…’

Uchiha Fugaku still has a glimmer of luck in his heart.

He thinks this is just a test.

After thinking about it, Fugaku responded firmly: “Mada, the Uchiha clan will obey you. Even if we have to go to farm, we have no complaints.”

“Very good.” Madara immediately waved to Bai Zetsu: “Go and give him the list.”

“Understood~” Bai Zetsu took out a list from his crotch and handed it to Fugaku:

“The content here is the ingredients of the food that Madara’s son Xiao Feiyu likes to eat most. The open space is outside. Go buy the ingredients and seeds yourself, and measure the working hours yourself. Madara only looks at the results…”

“Don’t be idle, hurry up and do it~”

“Uh…” Fugaku was stunned.

It turned out that Madara was serious.

He really wanted the Uchiha clan to farm!

Just to let his son eat fresh ingredients… to grow up.

“Mada, I…” Fugaku wanted to say something, but found that Madara had already taken Feiyu to coax the child.


Fugaku shook his head helplessly.

Raise your hand and open the list:

“Chrysanthemum, bitter chrysanthemum, baby cabbage…”

A lot of names of green vegetables are listed in front of you.

“Master, are we really going to grow vegetables?”

“What else can we do? Our ancestors have given orders, and we, as juniors, cannot resist.”

Fugaku sighed: “Alas, maybe I didn’t develop Uchiha well, and this is Master Madara’s punishment for me…”

“Think on the bright side, rural life is better than fighting and killing, at least it’s comfortable…”

“The debt owed must be repaid after all.”

“Let’s go, follow me to farm!”

“Master, we are like this Is it really okay to go out openly? I think Konoha will definitely send people to look for our movements everywhere. ”

“Tsk tsk tsk…” Bai Zetsu beside him reminded faintly:

“Don’t worry about Konoha’s people. This place is very remote, and there is my surveillance network within a radius of five kilometers. You can go and plant boldly. There is a small village not far away. You can buy seeds and equipment there. My clone can lead the way.”

Fugaku remembered that just now, Lord Madara called the guy in front of him who was neither human nor ghost as Bai Zetsu.

Although this guy is very special, but thinking about Bai Zetsu, he is a person who can work beside Lord Madara, it is normal to be a little strange.

“Then I’ll have to trouble Mr. Bai Zetsu…”


Half an hour later.

In an open area of ​​land.

A bunch of people wearing ping-pong paddles with printed designs on their backs lined up one after another, holding hoes and working under the scorching sun.

Men cultivate the land, while women sow.

It forms a different kind of scenery.

Uchiha Madara came to a high place to inspect holding Xiao Feiyu’s hand, accompanied by Black and White Zetsu.

Black Zetsu: “Tsk tsk~ I didn’t expect them to really do it.”

White Zetsu: “No way, this is blood suppression, Lord Madara, I understand your intention, you are tempering their temper, right?”

“Hmph.” Madara snorted coldly: “What does their temper have to do with me? I just want my son to eat healthy vegetables. The growth period is a critical process and cannot be sloppy…”

“But the Uchiha clan has indeed fallen. I can feel that only a few people are still strong enough, and there are one or two good seedlings. The others are no different from trash…”

“Compared with my era, the overall strength is completely not at the same level!”

Black Zetsu: “Lord Madara, are you not going to train them? After all, they also have Uchiha blood in their bodies. As long as they are enlightened, physical improvement is not a problem.”

Madara: “No idea. If I have that time, I might as well accompany my son.”

After speaking, Madara squatted down and rubbed Feiyu’s little head:

“Son~ To celebrate the successful completion of your first mission, tell me, what do you want most now? Even if it is the moon, Godfather will pick it for you~”

“Godfather, I…! ”

Just as Feiyu was about to speak, a mechanical electronic sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Ding! Triggering the system task.]

[The strongest sign-in system, just to make the host the strongest! System Task 1: Master Wood Release!]

[Task Completion Reward: Senju Hashirama Sage Mode]


Feiyu was shocked and exclaimed in his heart, what a great guy.

If the task is completed, isn’t this invincible?

It is worthy of being the strongest sign-in system, and it lives up to its name!

It is really built to be the strongest!

After waiting for so long, the first system task was finally triggered.

Since it is here, how can I refuse?

‘I accept it!’

Feiyu raised his head and looked at Madara excitedly:

“Godfather, I want to learn Wood Release!”

“Ah? “Uchiha Madara was startled when he heard this.

He was in a dilemma.

Wood Release is not something you can learn just because you want to.

You need to transplant Hashirama’s cells.

Back then, he kissed a piece of flesh from Hashirama and held it in his mouth. After using Izanagi to revive, he transplanted the flesh onto the wound. Only then did he successfully obtain Hashirama’s cells and the power of Wood Release.

It seemed smooth, but in fact, the strong sense of rejection in the body and the pain endured during the transplantation process were something that only those who had experienced it personally could understand.

If he did not have a strong will, he would have been swallowed up by Hashirama’s active cells. After all, this was a mutually exclusive force.

‘Senju and Uchiha, two mutually repelling forces, become one, and give birth to all things in the universe…’

This is recorded on the Uchiha clan’s stone tablet.

It was after seeing this sentence that Uchiha Madara cruelly chose to ‘bite the flesh’.

How could Madara bear to let his son experience the pain that his own body had endured.

Moreover, Feiyu was only a small child, and his body could not bear it.

When he transplanted the cells to Obito, it was because he was desperate. Half of his body was smashed, and it didn’t matter if Hashirama’s cells could survive.

“Son, let’s change one. You are too young now, and it is not suitable for learning Wood Release.” Madara was embarrassed: “I will teach you when you grow up, okay? ”

Fei Yu naturally understood Bai Lan’s concerns.

It’s not that he didn’t want to teach, but he was worried about himself and was afraid that he would suffer after transplanting Hashirama’s cells.

Fei Yu was not afraid.

He had the talent of [Life is like a rock], so he would suffer for a while at most, and death was impossible.

In order to get the system reward, what was the point of suffering a little?

What’s more, he didn’t have Uchiha genes. This pair of Sharingan required a huge amount of chakra to maintain. Fei Yu didn’t have much chakra, which was why he didn’t show his Sharingan very often.

It was convenient for the system to be able to use it whenever he wanted.

With Hashirama’s cells, he wouldn’t be afraid of losing strength when using Sharingan in the future.

“Godfather, let me learn. This is what you promised me. No matter what conditions I put forward, you will not refuse~”

“Don’t you love me anymore?”


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