Uchiha Madara is not afraid of anything.

He is just afraid that his son will act like a spoiled child in front of him.

Seeing Feiyu’s aggrieved expression, Madara couldn’t stand it anymore.

“I can learn, I can learn~”

Madara pursed his lips and said distressedly: “Son, you have to think about it. Learning Wood Release requires you to pay some price. It may be painful. Can you accept it?”

“Yes!” Feiyu nodded heavily. He was even a little impatient and patted his chest and said:

“Godfather, believe me, I am your son! What’s there to be afraid of? I have to become stronger so that I can protect you in the future~”

“Just like you protect me every day now~”

This made Madara very touched.

After a long life as an empty-nest elderly, there is nothing more healing than the warm words of children.

“So good, my good son~”

“Okay! Go back with your godfather. I’ll make you suffer less with me here!”

When saying this, Madara looked solemn, as if he had made a very important decision in his heart…


Inside the secret base.

Madara carried Feiyu to the bed.

“Son, Wood Release is different from other ninjutsu. It requires the transplantation of necessary cells into your body. The transplantation process is very painful. You…”

“It’s okay, godfather! I can handle it!”

“Hehe~” Madara smiled helplessly: “Child, of course I know you can do it, but your father really can’t bear to see you in pain, I will feel distressed…”

“So, I will cast an illusion on you. Everything in the illusion is controlled by me. You can enjoy it for a while first.”

“It’s better to see you sleeping than to see you in pain…”

“But godfather…” Feiyu looked at Madara’s empty eyes: “Your eyes…?”

“It doesn’t matter, don’t underestimate your godfather.” Madara sat on the bed and touched Feiyu’s little hand: “Illusions don’t just require the Sharingan to cast. If it were me, any hair would do.”

“Go to sleep, child…”

Madara raised his hand and made a seal with one hand.

The next moment, Feiyu felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he fell into a deep sleep with a smile on his face…

From the looks of it, the content of the dream must be very good.

“Lord Madara, let me do the next job.”

Bai Zetsu walked over and stretched out his hand to Feiyu’s chest.

He wanted to inject the Hashirama cells in his body into Feiyu’s body.

“Wait!” Uchiha Madara shouted: “No need for you! I will do my son’s business myself!”


In Bai Zetsu’s surprised eyes, Madara raised his palm in front of him and tore the clothes on his chest with force, revealing the white chest muscles with Hashirama’s face.

Bai Zetsu was shocked: “Lord Madara, you are not going to…?”

Only then did he understand why Bai Zetsu didn’t let him take action.

“White Zetsu, you are just a man-made person cultivated by Hashirama’s cells, not pure. The piece of meat on my chest is the real Hashirama’s cells…”

“Although Feiyu is my adopted son, I have already treated him as my own son in the past few years. How could I bear to let him use defective products!”

“And… In fact, I also have a little selfish motive for this transplant.”

“I want to transplant my blood and cells into Feiyu’s body. Feiyu is still young and has no huge chakra in his body. He can’t compete with Hashirama’s cells at all. Only by injecting cells with my own will to help him, I believe it will relieve a lot of his pain. . ”

“I want Feiyu to be my real son!”

Bai Zetsu said in shock: “But… Lord Madara! Your physical condition is not optimistic to begin with. You have finally recovered a little. Now you have to cut not only a piece of flesh from Hashirama on your chest, but also a piece of your own flesh. Wouldn’t your recovery in the past few years be wasted?”

“So what!” Uchiha Madara had made up his mind: “My rejuvenation in the past few years was given to me by my son. It is only natural for me to go back! As long as my son can suffer less, I can do anything!”

After saying that, Uchiha Madara directly chopped his chest with a knife, forcibly cutting off a piece of bloody flesh.

Half of Hashirama’s face on the chest was left…

The other half was held in Madara’s hand, and Madara’s own flesh and blood were still hanging on it.

Blue chakra rose in Madara’s palm. Madara endured the severe pain of the loss of flesh in his heart and pressed the flesh on Feiyu’s body.

“Master Madara, I’ll help you stop the bleeding!”

“Don’t get in the way! I’ll stop the bleeding later!”

Madara gritted his teeth, his face covered with cold sweat, but he didn’t care at all. He focused on controlling the chakra and integrating the blood and flesh into Feiyu’s body bit by bit.

This is a delicate job that requires perfect control of chakra. Madara doesn’t want to be careless.

FusionThe more they fit, the less burden on Feiyu’s body.

Feiyu frowned slightly as if he felt pain, but the dream might be too real, or Madara’s illusion was too strong, he did not wake up, still immersed in the illusion.

“Son, bear with it, it will be soon…”

“Your body will have the blood of both me and Hashirama, from today on, you are the child of me and Hashirama…”


Half an hour later.

The cell transplantation operation of Hashirama and Madara was successfully completed.

The moment he put away his chakra, Madara felt dizzy, his legs trembled, and he almost fell to the ground.

“Madara-sama!” White Zetsu quickly supported Madara.

“Hehe… I’m old, and I’m useless.” Madara laughed at himself.

“It has nothing to do with age, Madara-sama. You are suffering from anemia due to excessive blood loss in your chest. Stay calm, I will help you stop the bleeding!”

White Zetsu helped Madara to a chair and stopped the bleeding urgently.

At this time, a vortex wave suddenly appeared next to him, and Obito’s body emerged from the wave.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Madara’s embarrassed appearance.

“What’s the situation?” Obito was stunned.

“Madara, did you go out to fight with some old lady? How did you get a piece of meat scratched away?”

“I told you, the old lady is a magical existence, even if you are Madara… you can’t afford to offend.”

Obito was a little gloating.

It’s not common to see Madara being defeated.

He has to be scolded.

Madara was too lazy to argue with him, and he didn’t have the energy. He didn’t even look at Obito, and enjoyed White Zetsu’s treatment by himself.

As a war correspondent who knows everything in the world, White Zetsu patiently explained:

“Little Obito, don’t talk nonsense! Lord Madara… just transplanted his beloved into little Feiyu’s body.”

“Ah? Madara, why did you do this?”

“Little Feiyu wanted Hashirama cells, so Lord Madara transplanted pure Hashirama cells into little Feiyu, and added his own.”

“…….” Obito was silent.

Comparing people is irritating.

Even though half of his body was gone, Madara was reluctant to give out pure Hashirama cells, but transplanted a lot of artificial Hashirama cells into his body.

As for Feiyu, he directly contributed his beloved.

Obito couldn’t help but feel jealous.

But he soon calmed down.

After all, it was Feiyu. If Obito had to choose, he would also give up his best.

After a while, the bleeding was stopped, and Madara’s expression was no longer so painful.

Next, just wait for the flesh and blood to grow back slowly.

Hashirama’s face recovered quickly, and it was visible to the naked eye that it had recovered more than half.

It would take some time for his own flesh and blood to recover as before.

Feiyu, who was lying on the bed, was still enjoying the pleasant illusion in his dream.

In the illusion, godfather Madara’s body had recovered to its prime. He took Feiyu to travel around the world and was powerful.

While enjoying it, a burst of electronic sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

[Ding! The system detected that the host’s Hashirama cells were successfully transplanted and had the ability to use Wood Release. ]

[Task completed, reward: Hashirama Senju Sage Mode! ]

The next moment, a scalding heat flowed through his body.

“Ugh! It’s so hot!”

Feiyu opened his eyes instantly and returned to reality.

Hearing Feiyu’s groan, Madara, who was resting, hurriedly stood up and came to Feiyu with the help of White Zetsu and Obito.

“Son, how do you feel now?” Madara asked anxiously.

“Godfather, I’m fine. Eh? Why is your chest…?”

When Feiyu saw Madara’s injured chest, he vaguely understood.

How much suffering did his godfather suffer while he was enjoying the illusion.

Two lines of hot tears flowed out of his eyes uncontrollably.

“Godfather! I really didn’t expect you to… If I had known this, I would never learn Wood Release!”

Feiyu was very upset. His willfulness cost his godfather too much.

“Hehe, it’s okay, son. This is my choice. It has nothing to do with you…”

Madara gently stroked Feiyu’s hair:

“Now, we are truly connected by blood.”

“From now on, remove the word ‘gan’, and I will be your real father!”


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