Nothing much happened during the time Edwyn, Daenerys and her khlasar travelled to Qarth.

Edwyn asked Daenerys all about her life in Essos and Daenerys could do nothing but respond in fear of Edwyn if he decided to just kill everyone. It wasn't a normal conversation. Edwyn forced words out of Daenerys' mouth and she had to be truthful. Edwyn had a strange nack of sensing lies and he made it very clear when Daenerys lied about how she felt when her brother was killed by Drogo.

Soon, they reached the doors of Qarth where they were recieved by 'The Thirteen' which, according to Edwyn, were nothing but a group of greedy cunts.

The moment Edwyn saw them, he knew they were power-hungry fat asses. He didn't miss the eye contact and the silent conversation between a dark-skinned fat a.s.s and Doreah, Daenerys' handmaiden.

'So they know each other... no, there's more... they're not mere acquaintances.'

The dark-skinned fat a.s.s introduced himself as Xaro Xhoan Daxos, one of the thirteen who governed Qarth. He volunteered to vouch for Daenerys and her khalasar and take them under his protection when Daenerys was denied entrance for not showing her dragons to them.

It immediately rang warning bells in Edwyn's mind. Out of habit, he spread his senses as far as they could reach.


'I'm not leaking any magic as I have perfect control over it. The environment here isn't that saturated with it. Then, where is it absorbing magic from? There has to be a natural source nearby.'

Then, suddenly, his head snapped towards the wooden boxes carrying the baby dragons.

'They are naturally absorbing magic... and are releasing it in a much purer form... that building is absorbing the magic released by these dragons.'

Edwyn's searched through the people of Qarth with half lid and bored eyes.

'There has to be someone keeping a constant eye on us.'

As the dark-skinned fat a.s.s led them to his house, Edwyn counted a number of hooded figures that hid in the darkness and followed Daenerys, her khalasar and him till they reached the fat ass's house... or more like a mansion.

For the time being, Edwyn decided to stay out of the way and observe how Daenerys would handle the situation. He had some other things to do. Like sending a clone to scout the city of Qarth and the building that was constantly absorbing magic. As well as reading the letter he had recieved all the way from Westeros.

'So Robert is dead and Ned Stark was executed for treason? Huh, who in their right mind would think that he'd be a traitor. Lannisters, of course. Joffrey is the king, just like I thought. The North will go to war because of this. Cersei... the root cause of the problem. I'll have to speed things up here. Westeros will suffer a great deal and I'm not there to stop any of it. F.u.c.k!'

Edwyn slept very little that night. His mind often wandering towards the possible suffering the common folk would have to face. Not to mention, the countless lives that'll be lost in the wars.

Edwyn watched, walking standing beside Jorah, as the fat a.s.s boasted about his wealth and success.

'He's not holding back at all...'

Taking a glance at Jorah, Edwyn whispered disdainfully, "Stop drooling at her you wrinkly old ball sack! Stop thinking with your tiny pecker and use your mind! She's around the age your daughter would have been!"

Jorah choked on his saliva and growled back, "I am not drooling at her! And I do not have a tiny pecker!"

Edwyn snorted, "Then why did your wife leave you? Disgusting paedophile."

Edwyn marched forward, leaving a seething Jorah behind.

He was getting irritated by the fat ass's constant bragging which, according to Edwyn, was absolute bullshit. Suddenly, Edwyn felt a rush of foreign memories invade his mind and his eyes widened for a moment. Seeing that Daenerys was getting a little impressed, Edwyn shook his head in disappointment and stepped forward, "Xaro Xhoan Daxos... what a tongue twister... anyway, how did you manage to become one of the thirteen?"

The fat ass's eye twitched for a moment. No doubt he was annoyed for being interrupted during his drabble. But he patiently replied, "I was nothing but a common man. But with skill and determination, I have become the ric.h.e.s.t man in Qarth."

Edwyn raised an eyebrow and said, "Yeah, that doesn't really answer my question. And skill? Determination? What skill do you have? Deceit and lying? I hear you babble about all the wealth you have and it boggles me. It's hard to imagine how much shit you are full of."

Daenerys jabbed at Edwyn side and whispered seethingly, "What... are you doing?!"

He was ruining everything!

The fat a.s.s completely turned around to face Edwyn and asked in a guarded tone, "I don't think we have been introduced."

The fat a.s.s glanced at Daenerys, expecting her to keep Edwyn in line. But Edwyn just chuckled and said, "Don't look at her. I'm not part of her khalasar. She is as helpless as anyone else in this city. As to who I am, well, I'm more popularly known as 'The Maelstrom'."

The fat a.s.s immediately stepped away from Edwyn, fear evident on his face as his eyes widened and his lips quivered, unable to utter a word.

Edwyn looked at Daenerys and asked, "What's your purpose of staying here? You've already had your food and are well-rested."

Daenerys took several moments to absorb what was happening and blinked before saying, "Uhm, I... was going to ask for his help to get a ship and travel across the narrow sea."

Edwyn snickered and said, "You won't be getting any help from this f.u.c.ker. The vault he showed to you? It's empty. There's no gold in it. He just wants to get a hold of your dragons. Which, by the way, are currently being taken to the 'House of the Undying', that's where your warlocks reside, am I right? Xaro Xhoan Daxos."

The fat a.s.s was utterly horrified as Daenerys looked at him with murderous rage.

"H-How do you know?!"

Edwyn c.o.c.ked his head sideways and looked into Xaro's terrified eyes while saying, "Magic users are not limited to Qarth, stupid fat a.s.s."

Daenerys growled, "You will take me to my dragons or else I'll make you suffer!"

Within a blink of an eye, Edwyn had his sword around Xaro's throat. He looked at Daenerys and said, "Not so fast, little queen. He has an accomplice. Someone in your khalasar has betrayed you."

Daenerys narrowed her and asked, "Who...?"

"Your handmaiden... Doreah. It's her who is taking your dragons to the warlocks. She tried to poison your people, but I intervened with magic. But she won't find anyone there. All the warlocks are dead..."

Edwyn turned to the trembling fat a.s.s and continued, "... That bald f.u.c.k face gave in quite easily after I questioned him... in my way. Your plan has failed, Xaro. The other merchants are now aware of your plan to overthrow their rule. They have left you at my mercy."

Daenerys immediately sent Jorah and the blood riders to capture Doreah and rescue her dragons.

Xaro and his accomplices were publicly executed for treason. All of his wealth, little as it may have been, was given to Daenerys and Edwyn. The remainder of the thirteen gifted Daenerys a ship for her to travel across the narrow and not so subtly asked her to never step foot in Qarth again.

By the evening, they were already on their way to Astapor.

On the deck of the ship, Edwyn stood beside Daenerys and said, "You fell for his deceit. You need to learn how to know when someone is lying to you. I was disappointed today. You better do something about your naivety. Being naive isn't a good thing for a ruler. They tend to lose themselves, get drunk with power. You better not let that happen to you or else I'll do what's necessary for the greater good."

Daenerys gulped and hesitantly asked, "... And what's necessary for the greater good?"

Edwyn turned towards her, his red eyes glowing eerily, "The moment I see you succ.u.mbing to power and madness will be the moment you forfeit your life along with your dragons and your khalasar."

Edwyn swiftly walked away as Daenerys fell on her knees, fear and panic clouding her face.

She cried for the freedom she craved for but never found. Be it her brother, Drogo or Edwyn. They all controlled her. Her brother kept her alive to get an army, Drogo used her to breed a child, but this time, she was truly helpless.

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