The Maelstrom, a name that spelt terror itself in the hearts all the criminals in and near King's Landing who were unfortunate enough to try and create unrest among the common folk.

Edwyn's alias was much more popular than his given name. From the moment he stepped out of the training grounds and into the streets of King's Landing, all the criminals would pray to all kinds of Gods to spare them from facing him.

Some called him a demon who ate the souls of his prey and bathed in their blood as a form of ritual, while others thought of him to be the messenger of The Stranger, sent into the realm of the living to reap the souls of the corrupt.

Merely in four years, since the day he was bestowed upon the name 'The Maelstrom', Edwyn's infamy had spread far and wide. Tales of his skill and ruthlessness were heard in far ends of Westeros and Essos.

Merchants and travellers who were saved by him sang endless praises of the warrior who decimated his enemies and protected the weak, while the pirates and thieves and murderers who managed to escape with their lives told tales of the monster in human skin who fed on their flesh and sacrificed their souls to the devil.

Daenerys had listened to a bard or two who sang about 'The Maelstrom', but she never saw those bards ever again. She always suspected that her brother would get them killed for praising the son of the usurper in front of him.

Whenever she would try to ask about 'The Maelstrom', Viserys would hit her and run away. Magister Illyrio would warn her about the demon of King's Landing who was a bigger obstacle than the usurper himself for Viserys' rise to the Iron Throne.

Even Ser Jorah Mormont had some things to say about 'The Maelstrom' and they didn't paint a very good picture of him in Daenerys' mind. So, she had decided to make her own opinion of him when she faced him. But, she never imagined that she'd meet him this early in her journey.

He was tasked by the usurper to kill her and her unborn child. Suddenly, all the horrible tales of his slaughters flashed in her mind and she froze.

She understood that she had no chance of escaping, even though Ser Jorah had urged her to run away. Her thoughts went to her newborn 'children', her dragons. Was she going to lose them this soon? She had gotten emotionally attached to them. They were her children. Was this some form of punishment by the Gods?

As her mind fell deeper and deeper into despair, she was jolted out of her trance by Edwyn's scoff.

"You're still an idiot Northerner, Mormont. Do you really know anything about me? If I wanted to kill her, she'd already been dead."

Daenerys stuttered, "You... You're not going to kill me?"

Edwyn raised an eyebrow and said, "Do you want me to kill you? That disgrace of a father of mine can rot in hell for all I care. I've never followed any of his orders. Anyway, what's going on here? Where's that Khal whom you were sold to by your deranged brother? What the f.u.c.k are you doing in the Red Waste?"

Even when standing in front of a behemoth like Edwyn, Daenerys' anger flared and she seethed, "Is that a way to talk to a lady? I am no tavern wench with whom you'd behave in such uncouth ways. It's not befitting of a prince to talk like a craven, even though you are the son of the usurper."

Edwyn smirked and glanced at Jorah who squirmed under the gaze of his red eyes while saying, "Feisty one, isn't she?"

He stared at Daenerys and continued, "Does it look like I care who you are or what anyone says about me? Although, you are quite brave, or stupidly impulsive to try and stand in front of me with such... defiance."

Paying them no mind, Edwyn picked out crates of food and fodder and placed them in front of Daenerys and her khalasar.

"I have enough food to feed you all and fodder for your livestock."

He then gestured towards a beautiful horse and said, "She's gonna die soon if she doesn't eat. Feed your people and your mare."

Confused at how he knew Silver was hers, Daenerys asked him about it.

Edwyn just shrugged and didn't reply.

'How am I supposed to explain that I can smell you all over your mare... hmm, tuberoses... and yuck, horse shit's smell! No one's cleaned the mare!! Wait... I smell smoke... but there's no fire...'

Edwyn narrowed his eyes at three small baskets that had what appeared to be doors on them.

'Pets? No way in hell. These people are starved. Pets won't survive for this long.'

As Edwyn placed a barrel of water on the ground, he crouched down to open the crates. Daenerys stepped forward. Jorah tried to stop her but with a gesture of his queen's hand, he was silenced. She walked up to the crates and bent down to take some fodder and feed her mare.

Then, Daenerys asked the question that was beginning to hurt everyone's heads, "Why are you helping me?"

When Edwyn lifted his head to reply, Daenerys, for a moment, lost herself in his eyes. Bored, half lid eyes but with the most unique irises. Red as blood, Edwyn's eyes had a strange spark in them that she had never seen in anyone else.

Edwyn snapped his fingers in front of her face and said blandly, "We can have an entire day-long staring session after your kahlasar is well fed. You can thank me later. As to why I'm helping you, I'll tell you that. But first, I'm very interested in knowing where your brother and that khal are."

Under her muddy appearance, Edwyn could faintly see an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

'Hmm, still a little naive. She should've had a lot more steel in her being upon meeting the son of her enemy. But she's acting like a little maiden. Though it all could be an act, a blush is not something one can voluntarily produce on their face.'

Jorah immediately stepped forward, "I can tell you everything you want to know. Khaleesi needs to eat and rest."

As Edwyn's gaze shifted from Daenerys to Jorah, the steel returned to his eyes and he said, "Did I ask you any of those questions? Jorah Mormont, remember you are and who you are talking to. You are just an exiled knight who disgraced his house and got his wife stolen away."

For a moment, Edwyn stared back and forth at the unnerved and angered Jorah and the confused Daenerys and smirked at the man, "I see. What a foolish man you are."

Daenerys dismissed Jorah and he reluctantly walked away, glancing at the two after every other step as Edwyn kept his infuriating smirk plastered on his face.

As she ate, she told Edwyn what happened to Viserys and Drogo, although, it took a lot of probing and wordplay for Edwyn to fork out all the information. Daenerys was extremely guarded when she was near him. She was helpless. She could do nothing but answer his questions. If Edwyn wanted to, he could slaughter her Khalasar without even batting an eye.

Irri, one of Daenerys' handmaidens was crying hysterically. Edwyn watched with indifference as Daenerys consoled her.

Another rider soon returned. Edwyn recognised him. He was the Dothraki Edwyn had met while he was on his way to Daenerys.

The Dothraki, whose name was Kovarro, explained that the leaders of Quarth were willing to see Daenerys after they heard about her dragons.

Edwyn's head immediately snapped towards Daenerys who looked at him with eyes wide in fear.

Edwyn narrowed his eyes, 'She has dragons... newly born. That red comet I saw, it signified the return of magic and dragons in Planetos. So that was when her dragons were born. They must also be the only hope she's clinging on to, and the only thing that has these people following her. Dragons, she's vying for the Iron Throne. A queen on the throne. Will she be the one to bring peace? Or will the power from the dragons corrupt her mind? I might need to stay around and see what transpires. A hitch in my plans to visit north of the wall, but this is indispensable.'

As they were gathering their belongings and make their way to Quarth, Edwyn approached Daenerys who's breath quivered when she saw him.

"You need not fear me. I won't harm your dragons. But I will stay around and see if you are worthy. I'm making my intentions very clear to you. Here's a free lesson for you though. Those leaders of Quarth, don't trust any of them. When I say any, I mean any. They are willing to help a stranger who has three dragons with her. It is evident that some, if not all of them have ulterior motives. Stay sharp, little queen, your trials have already begun. I won't have a foolish little girl sit on the Iron Throne."

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