The negotiations with the leaders of Second Sons left a bad taste in Edwyn's mouth. Oh well, what could one expect from the leaders of sellswords who can only think with their d.i.c.ks?

The way they talked to Daenerys infuriated Edwyn to no end. But he controlled his anger. Although, that couldn't be said about the little queen who was being very aggressive in the spar.

Daenerys had improved exponentially since the day Edwyn began her training. With her nostrils flaring with anger and annoyance, she slashed her short sword at Edwyn's abdomen only to miss by a hair's breadth. Following the momentum, she spun around and attacked Edwyn with a powerful diagonal slash, her sword tearing through the air, intending to split Edwyn's body into two.

But Edwyn just backed away and once again made the slash miss himself by a hair's breadth. Daenerys was getting agitated the more she missed and the infuriating smirk on Edwyn's face was not helping.

Roaring like a baby dragon, Daenerys pushed herself off the ground and towards Edwyn and stabbed at his c.h.e.s.t. A normal knight would have already lost his life. Edwyn was anything but normal.

Edwyn parried the sword away and slash at Daenerys' head. Raising the small shield in her other hand, she parried Edwyn's attack only to be backhanded by his b.a.r.e hand. Despite holding back a lot, Edwyn's attack sent Daenerys flying and she landed badly on the ground.

Edwyn immediately placed his sword at her throat, indicating that the spar was over.

Not even a little bit out of breath, Edwyn said, "Your anger was a hindrance in this spar. Had you been level headed you'd have seen that backhand and dodged it."

Grinding her teeth, Daenerys shot back, "I haven't seen any kind of improvements in my self since the day you began this... training. I'm never able to land a blow on you!"

Edwyn raised an eyebrow and said, "No improvements? Huh! Alright then, little queen. Tomorrow we'll do something different. Now go, take a bath and rest. We need to discuss how we'll deal with the Second Sons."

Edwyn sheathed the sword and walked away as Missandae tended to Daenerys.

Edwyn walked towards the Unsullied who were training with blunt spears. Daenerys had banned them from using edged steel in spars as she didn't want any of them to get unnecessarily injured.

Grey Worm was fighting against another unsullied. The man was chosen as their leader and he certainly had the skill to back his title.

Edwyn tilted his head and smiled. Barristan, who was standing beside him shuddered, not knowing what the red-eyed prince was smiling about. Such gestures were very rare to be seen from the prince.

With his voice shaking, he asked, "P-Prince Edwyn, Mind telling me what you're smiling for?"

Edwyn's eyes slowly trailed towards Barristan as his smile transformed into a cheshire cat-like grin.

"Nothing, Barristan. Come on, I need to loosen my muscles a bit. Daenerys still isn't good enough."

Barristan sighed and followed Edwyn to one of the many sparring areas. Sometimes, he wished he wasn't as good a knight as he was. It would have saved him from the numerous beatings he received in spars from Edwyn.

As the crescent moon rose high into the sky, Edwyn sat inside his tent and meditated. Things in Westeros were stabilizing in the favour of the Lannisters. But, due to the efforts of Borgy and his men, the people of King's Landing had begun praising Edwyn like a messiah. He had no clue what he was supposed to do about that. He actually had no d.e.s.i.r.e to rule as the king. Really, other than finding the truth about his rebirth in Planetos and ending all suffering the rich inflict upon the poor, he never thought of anything else that he wanted to do or achieve.

A sudden appearance of a foreign aura in the range of Edwyn's senses alerted him. He immediately walked out of his tent, a tanto suddenly appearing in his hand.

The man to whom the aura belonged, snuck behind an Unsullied and hit him hard on the back of his head, rendering the Unsullied unconscious.

Edwyn moved swiftly, his steps so quiet and light that they barely left a footprint in the sand.

The Unsullied was being stripped of his armour when Edwyn grabbed the attacker from his hair and threw him far away from the camp.

Daario Naharis was flung away like a small sack of grains. Not letting him fall, Edwyn grabbed him by his armour and swiftly took all his weapons away.

Just in a matter of a few moments, Daario was defeated. Alarmed and more than a little scared, he stared at Edwyn with wide eyes and said, "Whoa! Hold on! Hold on! I am not here to harm anyone!"

Edwyn narrowed his menacing red eyes and pushed the tip of his tanto in his neck, drawing a small amount of blood and said, "Didn't seem like it. You knocked that Unsullied out cold and were about to wear his clothes to infiltrate into our camp. The only reason you're still alive is because you didn't kill that guard. You're one of the leaders of Second Sons, aren't you? The youngest one. I saw you disgustingly leering at Daenerys earlier today."

Edwyn sniffed and continued, "There's a smell of fresh blood coming from that sack tied to your waist. What nonsense are you trying to pull? Is this a tactic of yours to supposedly instil fear?"

Daario gulped nervously and tried to defend himself, "A-As I was saying, I'm not here to harm anyone! I wanted..."

Only to be harshly interrupted by Edwyn's growl, "You've got nothing to say that I want to hear. Your life will depend upon the decision Daenerys will make. Try anything and you'll find yourself reduced to a pile of flesh and broken bones and under unsurmountable pain. Nod if you understand."

Daario exhaled out and nodded. A few minutes later, he found himself in front of a big tent, a familiar smell of fresh flowers coming from inside.

Edwyn saw the expression on Daario's face and sneered, 'Horny asshole.'

Looking towards the tent, he noticed the guards at the tent's entrance or a sheer lack of them.

'Where the f.u.c.k did the guards go?'

Edwyn called out, "Daenerys!"

A startled and uncertain voice was heard from the tent, "Ed-Edwyn?!"

"Yeah... are you decent?"


"Tsk! I asked if you are decently dressed. We have an intruder."

It took Daenerys ages to come out of her tent.

Edwyn raised an eyebrow when he saw Daenerys. Her face was flushed and her breath was a little erratic. When her eyes fell upon him, her blush intensified and she immediately looked away.

Edwyn lightly sniffed. Hidden inside the heavy scent of flowers, there was another scent... the scent of a woman...

'Ah... she sent the guards away so that they don't hear her... ehm...'

Edwyn cleared his throat, "Well... we can talk about that later..."

Daenerys closed her eyes in embarrassment as blood threatened to start oozing out of her cheeks.

Edwyn cleared his throat again and continued, "So, as I said, we have this intruder. So I brought him to you."

Daenerys meekly responded, "Wh-Why didn't you deal with him? Why bring him to me?"

"Because you are the queen of these people who follow you. This asshole knocked one of the Unsullied out and was about to steal his clothes to infiltrate."

Immediately, Daenerys transformed from a meek maiden into a fierce dragon and asked the man held firmly by Edwyn, "You... You are one of the three leaders of the Second Sons. Why did you come to our camp?"

Daario glanced nervously at Edwyn and responded, "I came here to pledge my sword to you. The other two wanted to kill you... but I had different ideas."

Even though it was minuscule, Daenerys and Edwyn noticed the man once again leering at her.

Daenerys clenched her jaw and said, "I have no use of men who stare at women like they are some 'things' or 'possessions'."

"No! Please listen to me!"

Edwyn smirked deviously and started dragging Daario away, ignoring the man's hopeless pleas.

Stopping before doing the dirty work, Edwyn turned around and stared at Daenerys who was staring at him with big and innocent eyes, her face once again beginning to redden as her c.h.e.s.t heaved.

His expression softened as sorrow welled up inside his c.h.e.s.t. Daenerys' expression and the emotion reflecting from her eyes reminded him of someone.


Edwyn gave her a sad smile and walked away with Daario, leaving a nervous Daenerys to her musings.

A/N: Sup! I'm still alive... As some of you may have read in the latest chapter of my BNHA fanfic, I've been going through some difficult times. Some psychological issues that were getting out of control and making me stare at fans and sharp objects with longing... Anyway, I'm on medication and have been stuck in New Delhi with my sister and her husband. I apologise for not releasing any chapters but I was not in the right state of mind.

Hope you all are safe in this global pandemic and haven't caught this novel virus. If you did, hope you recovered and are healthy now. Stay safe! I'll continue writing but don't expect regular updates.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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