Naruto And The Game Of Thrones

Chapter 34 - Chaper 30

"So, he killed them all.."

Bran was still a little traumatised by the brutality shown by Edwyn. Meanwhile, Jojen seemed lost. It was as if he had no purpose left.

Edwyn walked in through the door only to be greated by the hateful looks of Mira and the uncomfortable Jon.

Edwyn said dismissively, "Spare me with your meager and juvenile scorn. I did what was right. I literally don't care about your opinion anyway. You are too green to understand. Jusr be happy with the fact that your brother is still alive. Or, would you rather have him dead?"

That made Mira avert her gaze.

"The bond between siblings is a special one. It's nothing like one with your parents. You love your brother. You supported him in his so called quest to lead Bran to that old witch. He was so determined that he was willing to give his life up. He was supposed to die, right? Fate is a fickle thing. It's never set in stone. You can't always have your way. Sometimes you can try everything you can and still lose. But, that doesn't mean you give in to it. You just need to be strong enough."

Despite that his words were directed towards Mira, everyone else was moved by him. Even Jojen who was looking livelier.

"That was.. something."

Edwyn glanced towards Jon and said, "What the f.u.c.k are you still doing here?"


Edwyn sighed and said, "How much dumber can you get? Get your dumb a.s.s back to Winterfell and reclaim it from that worm! You call yourself a Stark yet you tolerate Bolton's son violating your own sister? F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell! Your uncle burnt to death while demanding justice in front of the mad king. Your father went to war for his sister. And here you are, binding yourself to an oath your own men broke. They were going to kill you. Anyway, the watch has no purpose left. Go back to Winterfell and reclaim it!"

Edwyn walked out after having said what he wanted...

"Oh! I'd much rather appreciate it if you don't declare yorself as the King in the North. I'd hate to have to rip your head off and shove it up your dead a.s.s. I'm going to reclaim the throne for House Baratheon and Targaryen."

"Wait, what?!"

"Ah, I think I didn't tell anyone other than Arya... Daenerys Targaryen and I are lovers. We're planning to overthrow Cersei.. as she is the woman behind this whole mess."

Edwyn paid no more heed to the shocked brats and walked out. Things were finally looking good.

And then the Murphy's law struck like a meteor.

A sudden uneasiness filled his heart. Something was wrong. There was no signs of danger nearby. Nothing threatening could be sensed for over hundreds of leagues.

Then came the letter from Borgy.

It pains me to inform you that your sister, Myrcella, has been killed by Dorne. She was poisoned to exact revenge for the death of Oberyn Martell by his paramour and his daughters. Her body has been brought back to King's Landing by Jaime Lannister.

Yours faithfully,


There was an immediate shift in the air. Arya, who was talking to Ygritte, felt the change in Edwyn's aura. From relaxed to distressed and then to utmost grief. But, what followed was something she would never forget.

The sickening madness and rage that rolled off of Edwyn began to engulf the planet. Even the gods trembled at the sight of Edwyn losing his mind.

Without saying a word to anyone, Edwyn stormed off towads south.

Westeros withnessed a strange phenomeon speeding through the land towards King's Landing.

The men guarding the walls of King's Landing saw a storm of dust and grass approaching them with terrifying speed. Then, something shot out from the storm and flew over their heads.

Cersei was mourning her daughter's death in the Red Keep along with Jaime. They were arguing when they heard a rumbling sound echo throughout the city. A moment later, the roof of the Red Keep was shattered by a force far too great for it to withstand.

Edwyn walked towards them and looked down at his dead sister.

Gently c.a.r.e.s.sing her hair, he said, "I'm sorry for not being there to protect you."

He said nothing more. Nothing else was needed to be said. His tears were enough to convey the pain in his heart.

Jaime regained his bearings and said, "Edwyn, I..."

Only to be interrupted by Edwyn grabbing his throat in a vice grip.

"You were supposed to protect her... You were her father... Yet, other than boning your own sister like a degenerate, you could do nothing. Give me one reason to not commit kinslaying again."

Choking under his grip, Jaime barely managed to say, "I'm.. so!.. Sorry!.."

Cersei, who finally cane back to her senses, screeched, "Unhand him! Unhand him you monster!"

Edwyn roared and shouted, "It's all your fault! She's dead because you wanted your brother's d.i.c.k in your whore cunt!"

"I and everyone who suffered because of you curse the day you were born! Damn you! Damn that Tywin! Damn you all to eternal suffering at the hands of the Stranger! I will make sure that your name goes down as the worst whore of a woman to ever curse this land with her existence!"

Edwyn then kicked Cersei in the gut, making her scream in pain as she was sent flying against the door. Jaime drew his sword and ran to defend his sister.

Right when Jaime was about to impale him, Edwyn swerved around and snapped the Valyrian steel sword into two with his arms!

Jaime was shocked senseless as he looked at the broken sword. He simply couldn't comprehend it.

With murder and mayhem clouding his mind, Edwyn thrusted his hand through Jaime's c.h.e.s.t and out came his arm from the man's back with his beating heart in Edwyn's grasp.


Edwyn squished the heart and withdrew his arm, letting Jaime fall.

Cersei ran towards Jaime screaming in denial. The man she had loved ever since she knew what it meant was killed by an animal right in front of her eyes.

Edwyn stopped her from reaching Jaime's body as he held her by the throat.

"My purge begins now. Nothing with stop me. Not even the gods. And I'm starting with you."

Edwyn's magic flared up with heat so intense that it began to melt the stone under him. The tears in his eyes evaporated. Cersei screamed in agony as the heat began to burn and melt her. She thrashed around and clawed at Edwyn to no avail. Her screams echoed through every street of the city and it made the hearts of all tremble in horror.

It took an entire minute for Cersei to succ.u.mb to her death. For an entire minute, she suffered from pain so intense.. it felt like justice for all the misery she had inflicted upon Westeros.

As her ashes fell into a heap, Edwyn looked up at the sky that was beginning to roar with anger. The gods couldn't believe what he had done.

"Next is Dorne... Try and stop me if you can."

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