Tommen was devastated.

Not only had his sister been killed, his mother and uncle had been inhumanly murdered by his own brother. To think he used to love the monster and looked up to him.

He had lost everything. Now, he only had his wife and queen. He had responsibilities that he was not ready to fulfill.

Tommen stared at Edwyn with extreme hatred. His mother was a woman of virtue who loved all of her children. How heartless would a man have to be to kill the one who birthed him? He wanted revenge.

"Why..." Tommen asked with a voice filled with pain and grief.

Edwyn's eyes were cold as ever. His tears had dried up and all that was left was a gaze that promised horrors to those who killed Myrcella.

"Move out of my way, Tommen. I would ask you to abdicate the throne as I am back. But, I have some unfinished business in Dorne."

Tommen ground his teeth and said, "Business with Dorne? So it was you who asked them to kill Myrcella, huh? To think I idolised a demon. You are a monster who should be burnt alive! Was she not enough that you killed our mother?!"

Edwyn's magic flared as his emotions ran erratic. He roared and said, "It has all been her fault! Millions have died in the past five years because of her! Myrcella died because of her... She was the cause of all evil that has befallen upon Westeros and our family. Her and Jamie.. Because of a select few men and women who simply wanted their greed and ego sated, the common folk have suffered. I've seen fathers rip their own t.h.i.g.hs to feed their children.. I've seen mothers sell their bodies so that their children could sleep with a full stomach. All because of people like Cersei. But, no more! Move!!"

Tommen couldn't understand the feeling inside his gut. He was suddenly engulfed with a feeling of dread. He couldn't even breathe. The hundreds of soldiers that were around him trembled and some even ran away. Such was the menacing presence of Edwyn.

As the red eyed prince walked forward, none had the courage to lift a weapon against him. He walked towards Tommen who was beginning to fear for his life.

As the king of the seven kingdoms, he held absolute power over Westeros. Yet, he felt like a worm in front of Edwyn.

"The Dornish poisoned Myrcella. She was innocent. Yet, they killed her out of vengeance. I cannot accept that. Myrcella's killing wasn't vengeance. No, it was murder because of petty hatred. Our sister deserved much better. I am leaving for Dorne. They shall pay for it.. with pain, blood and tears. Neither you nor the gods can save them from my sword."

Tommen was too horrified to react and Edwyn calmly walked past him.

He looked down as he felt something dribble down his loins. Kings Landing became witness to their king emptying his bladder from fear of the Maelstrom.

'First gate: Open.'

Edwyn ran over the water faster than the eye could see. It was as if someone was splitting the sea in half.

Meanwhile, the gods above made a decision to end what they had started. For the first time in many millenia, one of them decended to the plane of mortals.

Edwyn was quickly making is way to Dorne when he felt a deep rumble coming from the depths of the sea. A smile made its way to his face when he made the connection.

'The drowned god!'

Edwyn jumped high when suddenly a mythical creature erupted from the sea, its mouth wide open, ready to engulf him. Edwyn looked down at the creature. It's countless teeth were bigger than spears and could shatter boulders.

"So, you're the first one they've sent."

The kraken roared and swung one of its numerous tentacles at Edwyn.

The man scoffed in contempt and said, "Weak."

The tentacle was immediately chopped off by a slash from Edwyn's sword. The Kraken roared and screamed in pain and backed away.

"All you have is your size. You call yourself a god?"

The kraken roared and pulled out a ginormous trident from deep within the water. Then, it thrusted the trident at Edwin.

Edwyn jumped to dodge and the trident struck the sea, creating a massive shockwave.

"I don't have time for this."

With a mighty roar he descended and struck the trident with his sword and broke it in half. The weapon was divine and was stolen from the forge of the Smith. Upon its destruction, the magical wave it produced threw Edwyn tumbling over the sea.

Edwyn came to a stop and jumped towards the kraken without skipping a beat. With a single slash of his sword, the sea creature was split into two.

"You're nothing but a glorified squid."

The two halves suddenly grew and became two krakens. Edwyn quickly reacted and cut then into numerous pieces, only for them to again grow and become smaller krakens.

Edwyn kept cutting the squids down and they kept increasing in number.

That was the end of the drowned god. Just like the Ironborn who worshiped it, the god was as pathetic and useless.

"So much for the hype."

Edwyn resumed his journey to Dorne.


A/N: I was feeling so happy about India winning a medal in hockey after 41 years that I typed a short chapter. 'Twas an amazing match against Germany.

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