Three months later...

After receiving the news, all the major forces in the ninja world who dared not resist the two [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki·Madara] came to Konoha in the original Fire Country and submitted to the rule of the two"Uchiha Madara".

Among them were ninjas and civilians from the Wave Country and Rain Village who had never appeared in the ninja coalition.

It can be said that almost all the ninjas and civilians in the entire ninja world were concentrated in the Fire Country!

The entire Fire Country became extremely lively and even crowded within three months!!

During this period, any ninjas or civilian forces in the ninja world who did not know how to live or die and refused to be unified...

The two"Uchiha Madara" will either let Uchiha Izuna and the Akatsuki organization or the ninjas of the five major countries to slaughter them, or they will do it themselves and kill them all!!

As long as they don't obey, Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara will not waste words:


Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara are extremely determined in their goals, which are: unification of the ninja world!!

Anyone, any force, dares to disobey and obstruct the realization of this goal.

The two"Uchiha Madara" will no longer conduct any so-called persuasion or peace talks, they will just go themselves, or let the ninjas of the five major countries under their control, go and slaughter them all.

No nonsense!!

That's it....

Three months later, the Ninja World had truly unified!

All the countries and villages gathered in the Land of Fire, and with the Land of Fire as the center, houses were being built in all directions....

Gradually, a super nation emerged in the ninja world.

Everyone knew that there were two leaders of this super nation!

Two identical beings....Uchiha Madara!!...

Afterwards, still standing on the top of the original Konoha Hokage Building,

Chen Yiban looked at the super country under his feet and slowly revealed a satisfied smile.

The next moment:

【Congratulations on completely achieving the 'unification of the ninja world' and achieving a heavenly achievement. Congratulations on receiving:

1 Heavenly Achievement Lottery!】

【Your current number of draws of various types:

Primary Achievement Draws: 725 times!

Intermediate Achievement Draws: 33 times!

Advanced Achievement Draws: 14 times!

Super Achievement Draws: 6 times!

Heavenly Achievement Draws: 2 times! 】

Looking at the system prompts that only he could see,

Chen Yiban smiled even more brightly.

"A lottery with super and heavenly achievements!"

"It really makes people look forward to it."

Chen Yiban said to himself with a smile.


"So...System, let me see what kind of surprise the so-called [Heavenly Achievement Lottery] can bring me."

"" Carry out the lucky draw!"

Chen Yiban seemed to be talking to the air.

【The Tiandeng achievement lottery has begun....】

【in progress.....】

【Congratulations, you have won the following prize from the Tiandeng lottery pool:

Starting Space·Ninja World! (Turn the entire Ninja World into your own"Eye of the Moon" starting space, and you can draw the chakra of everyone in the Ninja World at any time. With the help of the system, you can still draw the chakra power of everyone in the Ninja World even if you are in another world!)】

【Congratulations, you have won the prize from the Tiandeng lottery pool:

All things return to one! (Purify, optimize, and unify all kinds of power within yourself, and turn them into your own power thoroughly.)】...


Chen Yiban was surprised when he saw the result of the lottery.

He didn't expect that he would draw these two things!

With the help of the system, he could turn the entire ninja world into his own unique space, and even if he was in another world, he could draw the chakra of everyone in the ninja world?

Wow, this is to turn everyone in the ninja world into his own"cow"!

As for the"all things return to one" that completely purifies all kinds of power and becomes his own real power, it seems simple, but it is actually what Chen Yiban needs you now.

Let's not talk about other things, just talk about the power of the Ten Tails in his body now....

Although Chen Yiban is now the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, the power of the Ten-Tails does not really belong to him after all. At least the will of the Ten-Tails and even the Nine Tailed Beasts is in his body!

Chen Yiban remembered the"Otsutsuki Kaguya" in the original play. After being hit by some spiral shuriken with the chakra of the tailed beasts by Uzumaki Naruto, the power of the tailed beasts in her body immediately resonated with Uzumaki Naruto's attack.

The impact is huge!

Chen Yiban, this situation is very likely to happen in the future.

In addition, Chen Yiban also has the power of Otsutsuki Indra, Otsutsuki Ashura, and Senju Hashirama in his body.

During this period, Ashura and Senju Hashirama had two human faces on Chen Yiban's chest because of the transplanted cells.

If it is completely purified and becomes his own power, perhaps their human faces can be wiped off from him.

And the most important thing is: after all things return to one, Chen Yiban's power has almost no hidden dangers. The power obtained is completely his own!

Thinking about it,

Chen Yiban almost said"immediate fusion".

But reacting, thinking that he still has many draws.

You should complete all the draws before using [All Laws Return to One].

After all, what good thing can you draw that can be integrated into your body?

Therefore, [All Laws Return to One] must be used at the end to maximize the benefits!

So, looking at the countless ninjas and civilians in his super country below, Chen

Yiban began to let the system integrate [Original Space·Ninja World] for him.


The next moment!

Chen Yiban, who had been in the state of [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki], had a"Moon Eye" on his forehead that reacted extremely violently.

It was forming a certain contract with the entire ninja world!!

Finally, the moment a certain contract was reached...

"Haha, hahahahahaha......"

Six Paths·Chen Yiban, laughing wildly at the sky

"This feeling is really great."

Chen Yiban felt like he had become the god of this world at this moment!

He could dominate the life and death of all beings in this ninja world at will.

He could also plunder anyone's power in an instant!

As long as the other party was in this ninja world, on this planet, their fate was in Chen Yiban's hands.


At this moment, a figure appeared behind 'Six Paths·Chen Yiban'

"Orochimaru, meet Madara-sama!"

The man who came was none other than Orochimaru, the cold gentleman who was once as famous as Tsunade and Jiraiya and was called the 'Three Ninjas' together.

At this moment, he flashed behind Chen Yiban and immediately bowed respectfully.

At the same time:

"Lord Madara, I have already done what you two asked me to do."

"At any time, you can take the souls of those people from the God of Death."


Orochimaru, whose hands were almost useless, smiled and said to Chen Yiban in front of him.

In response,

Chen Yiban, in the Six Paths posture, with a pair of [Six Magatama Samsara Eyes] and a [Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan] on his forehead, glanced back at Orochimaru who was speaking.

In an instant, the aura emitted by the Magatama Samsara Eye and the Moon Eye froze Orochimaru's smile.

"spot...Mr...."Looking at those three eyes that contained extremely terrifying pupil power, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel palpitations in his heart.

"Go find another me....Let him merge too!"Liu Dao Chen Yiban said coldly, withdrawing his gaze.

Because all the major countries and villages in the ninja world surrendered and came to Konoha, the Land of Fire, including Orochimaru's Otogakure.

Orochimaru himself also stayed in the super country now led by the two"Uchiha Madara".

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