Half a month later, the super country belonging to the two"Uchiha Madara" became larger and larger, and the situation was basically completely stabilized.

A super country is becoming more and more real!

And Orochimaru used some method to take away the souls of the successive Hokage from the God of Death.

Among them, the fourth generation Hokage, Nagisa, had the other half of the [Yin Nine-Tails].

When 'Namikaze Minato' was resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation, [Six Paths Madara] directly controlled Nagisa with a black stick.

Then he didn't even have time to reminisce with Hashirama Senju who was standing beside him....

Directly breaking the seal in Eitaime's body, extracting the 'Yin Nine-Tails', and finally integrating it into his own body.

In this way, Madara-sama completely gathered all the power of all the tailed beasts!!


After that, Madara looked at Hashirama Senju who was also resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation with excitement.

"Who are you...Motor?!!"On the side, Tobirama Senju, who was also resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Minato Namikaze, who was pierced by the black stick, were all shocked to see Madara in the form of the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki at this moment.

"Motor?!"Senju Hashirama was surprised to see Uchiha Madara in this state.

"Hasilama, my dream has come true."

In the underground shrine of the Uchiha clan, Six Paths Madara said with a grim smile.

Then, the pupil power bursting out of the three eyes and its own aura shocked the four former Hokage....

Another month later!

Chen Yiban had basically used up some of the higher-level lottery opportunities.

Even most of the elementary lottery opportunities were exchanged by Chen Yiban for advanced lottery opportunities.

Then, they were used and drawn one by one!

Among them, elementary achievement lottery: 725 times. Exchanged by Chen Yiban for 7 high-level lottery!

Medium achievement lottery: 33 times. Exchanged by Chen Yiban for 3 high-level lottery!

In this way, the high-level achievement lottery reached: 24 times. But it was exchanged by Chen Yiban for 2 super lottery!

In the end, the lottery used by Chen Yiban was 8 times of super achievement lottery!

8 super lottery items, the lottery items are:

【Tailed Beast · Kurama!

Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique · Double Kamui!

A pair of Mangekyō Sharingan · Uchiha Madara!

Tailed Beast · Kurama!

Ten-tailed Shell · Outer Path Demon Statue!

Part of the power of Indra + Ashura × 5

Naruto world seal power + absolute immunity to seal power!

Tailed Beast · One-tailed Shukaku!】...

Just like that, eight super draws were used up by Chen Yiban at once.

In fact, there are not many useful things for Chen Yiban now.

First of all, Chen Yiban first merged the [Kuroma] he drew, so that the [Ten Tails] in his body could also be completely complete.

Even super complete!

Because Chen Yiban now has the power of half Yang Nine-Tails + a complete Nine-Tails obtained from the draw. It can be said to be one and a half!

Then, he merged [Naruto World·Sealing Power] and [Naruto World·Absolute Immunity to Sealing Power].

From then on, Chen Yiban was not afraid of any sealing technique in any Naruto time and space. On the contrary, he could seal other people!!

After that,...

Chen Yiban didn't care about the rest.

Kamui Mangekyō. Chen Yiban already has it!

Chen Yiban has the Six Magatama Samsara Sharingan or even the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan of Madara!

Gaiden Demon Statue?

And a Kurama?

One-tailed Shukaku?

Part of the power of Indra and Ashura x5?

Chen Yiban: Eat it, tasteless!

So, Chen Yiban didn't use the things after that.

Instead, he gave it to Uchiha Izuna later.

The Eye Technique Kamui and Uchiha Madara's Mangekyō Sharingan were all given to Izuna because he already had them and didn't need them.

In response to this, Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara called Tsunade again....

Perform eye surgery on Izuna again, and this time it is an eye replacement surgery!

Transplant the [Uchiha Madara Mangekyō Sharingan] won in the lottery into Uchiha Izuna's eyes to fuse the pupil power and pupil technique.


After a few days, Uchiha Izuna's [Direct Sharingan] opened!

I remember that at that time, Uchiha Madara asked him Chen Yiban:

"Why does the Sharingan transplanted to Izuna feel like it has a reaction to my pupil power?"

In response to this, Chen Yiban wanted to say: Nonsense, it's just another pair of your Madara's Mangekyō Sharingan that I won in the lottery.

It's just transplanted to Izuna in the form of [Three Magatama]!

"Really? It's a coincidence."At that time, Chen Yiban said to Uchiha Madara

"You bastard. If you don't want to say it, forget it!" Uchiha Madara has always been quite resentful towards Chen Yiban.

In addition, there is one thing that must be said: when Tsunade-hime helps with the operation now, it can basically be said that she is doing her best.

After all, Chen Yiban helped her revive Senju Rope Tree!

Moreover, not long after Uchiha Madara obtained the [Yin Nine-Tails], Senju Hashirama was also attacked by hundreds of White Zetsu who launched forbidden techniques together, and the price was the death of more than a dozen White Zetsu....


When Izuna's eyes were replaced, Senju Hashirama was there....

Because during the"Ninja Alliance Incident", the ninjas of the former Fire Country Konoha still performed well.

Therefore, after the establishment of the country, Chen Yiban kept his promise: he gradually let the White Zetsu body and controlled a large number of other White Zetsu to continuously resurrect the ninjas who had died in Konoha before.

Such as: Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, Gekkou Hayate, Uzuki Yugao and many other Konoha ninjas.

In this way, Princess Tsunade's grudge against the two"Uchiha Madara" became smaller and smaller, and it can even be said that it disappeared.

Therefore, when helping with the operation, it can be said that she did her best.

Later, Chen Yiban was still thinking:

Now that I have won another [Outer Path Statue] in the lottery, should I cultivate some low-level White Zetsu without self-awareness.

Just to resurrect the dead?

Well, after thinking of such an idea...

Chen Yiban took action directly: the Outer Path Demon Statue combined with the cells of Senju Hashirama, and Chen Yiban began to create low-level White Zetsu without self-awareness.

Specially used to resurrect the dead!

Then, let the dead be resurrected in the ninja world and serve as his"cash cow" when necessary.

During this period, Chen Yiban also began to use [All Laws Return to One].

In an instant, the body gained various abilities, all of which turned into his own real power.

In the body, the will of the ten tailed beasts was all annihilated.

Chen Yiban is no longer considered the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki!

Because all of them have become his own real power!! In the original drama, Kaguya Otsutsuki was attacked by Naruto of the Six Paths and the power of the tailed beasts resonated, but this will not happen to Chen Yiban. Chen Yiban had a scalp on his chest....The faces of Senju Hashirama and Ashura also disappeared!

They all became Chen Yiban's true power, without any future troubles.

Half a year later:

Chen Yiban's so-called disciple, Uchiha Sasuke, came back to find Chen Yiban with a pair of [straight-toed Sharingan] like Izuna.

Chen Yiban then officially accepted Uchiha Sasuke as his disciple!

And later gave part of the power of Ashura + Indra won in the lottery to Sasuke and Izuna respectively.

At the same time, with the help of the two"Uchiha Madaras"...

In the following three years, Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Sasuke opened their eyes, the Samsara Eye!...

The country ruled by the two"Uchiha Madara" became more and more stable and huge, and finally the Fire Country could not accommodate so many people.

Chen Yiban borrowed the power of Six Paths Madara and even extracted most of the chakra of most people in the ninja world: changing the desert environment of the original Wind Country into green mountains and clear waters, a paradise on earth!!

Because of [Original Space·Ninja World], as long as Chen Yiban has enough chakra and pupil power, he can change everything in the entire ninja world at will.

In this way, the original desolate desert was turned into an excellent place to live like a paradise by Chen Yiban with the help of the chakra of Six Paths Madara and even the ninjas of the entire ninja world.

Suddenly, the country began to expand in the direction of the original Wind Valley!

The people in the country no longer lack places to build houses and live!

While the ninjas of the entire ninja world were amazed at Chen Yiban's power, they also became more and more in awe of the two"Uchiha Madara" leaders.

The peaceful and prosperous era under the country was gradually revealed to the whole world.

"You guy..."

Seeing Chen Yiban's strength, Uchiha Madara was a little unconvinced, but had to accept it.

"ha..."Chen Yiban smiled and walked away.

Afterwards, the two of them stood on the top of the tallest building in the country, overlooking the people of the country under their control.

"Hey, should we give this country under our control a name?"

Ban Ye suddenly glanced at Chen Yiban beside him and said

"Name?"Chen Yiban hadn't thought about this.

"Eternity!" Madara said two words, then smiled and looked at Chen Yiban beside him:"What do you think?���Sample?"

"Oh! Motor, I feel good!"Suddenly, someone else's voice sounded behind me.

"Hasilama?!"Ban Ye turned around and glanced at the person who came.


""Tobirama!!" Suddenly, Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama came over to fight each other.

Ever since Senju Tobirama was resurrected, Uchiha Izuna and him have been fighting!

Of course, Senju Tobirama can't be Uchiha Izuna's opponent.

Not to mention the Sharingan and Samsara Eye, Uchiha Madara also taught Izuna the Flying Thunder God and Sage Mode, and Izuna also learned it....

Madara even gave Izuna a portion of the Six Paths power!

Sure enough, Chen Yiban saw Senju Tobirama...I saw that the other person had a bruised face and nose!

"Izuna, don't go too far!!"Senju Tobirama said angrily

""Ha!" Uchiha Izuna sneered.


"Nissan, what are you talking about?"

Looking at Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara, Izunai's smile instantly became warm and sunny.

Seeing this, Senju Tobirama's face was full of black lines!

"Oh, he said he wanted to name the kingdom Eternal! Quannai, what do you think?"Chen Yiban said with a faint smile

"Eternity? I like it very much!"Quan Na smiled and nodded

"Is that so?" Chen Yiban touched his chin, then looked up at Uchiha Madara, Izuna, Senju Hashirama, and Senju Tobirama.

"That...Let's call it Eternity!"

Then, several people walked to the railing at the edge of the building, and immediately saw countless people in the country ahead, raising their hands and cheering after seeing their leader on the top of the building.

"Madara, congratulations."At this time, Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara beside him and said with a knowing smile

"I will protect this country forever. The eternal country!"Uchiha Madara, the eyes of the Samsara Eye are extremely firm.

In this way, in the eternal country, under the control of several powerful people, the hatred of the ninjas was forgotten little by little, and the grudges between them were getting smaller and smaller.

Until in a blink of an eye...Ten years later!

Chen Yiban left the Ninja World and went to another Naruto time and space!

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