The atmosphere in the Konoha meeting room was heavy.

Only Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself:

"Did he fail? The Fourth Raikage inherited the will of his father, the Third Raikage, and he is still so strong.

Not only does he not want to give us a reasonable explanation, he even makes all kinds of demands on us, otherwise he will go to war with us."

Hiashi stood up and said in a low but powerful voice:

"If you want to fight, then fight! Our Hyuga clan will never retreat a step, and this time we must wash away the shame we have suffered."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked silently, and in the smoke, his already old face seemed to have added a bit of fatigue and haggardness.

He took a deep breath, and then said in a voice that was almost shouting:

"That's right! We must not compromise! Shikaku, you immediately write another counter-letter to the Fourth Raikage Ai,

clearly stating our Konoha Village's position of loving peace, but at the same time, let them know that we will never compromise.

Demand that the Fourth Raikage Ai must apologize to us, and if they really want to go to war, then we will not be afraid to fight!"

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense, and everyone felt the firm determination in Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Everyone expressed their support and was willing to fight to defend Konoha.

After a while, the Hidden Cloud Village finally declared war on Konoha.

The Konoha meeting fell into silence again, and finally Sarutobi Hiruzen broke the silence.

His voice was low and firm: "Okay, since we have decided to go to war, we must go all out to prepare for the war.

I will be the commander-in-chief, responsible for overall management and command, and ensure sufficient supply of combat materials.

Shikaku will be the military advisor, guiding our actions with his wisdom and strategy.

Hiashi and Fugaku will shoulder the responsibility of captain and lead the tribesmen into battle.

The clan leaders of each clan must send their own elite forces to participate, and at the same time, other Konoha ninjas will be reasonably assigned to various teams by me."

"I want to join the war too!" Naruto shouted excitedly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, with concern and worry in his tone, and refuted.

"Naruto, you are the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and you are still young. I am worried that you may not be able to bear the pressure of this cruel war."

"Grandpa Sandai, please allow me to fight! I am not that kind of weak person, and my strength is very strong!"

Naruto's face was filled with a confident smile.

Kakashi agreed: "Naruto is right, he is indeed very strong. If Naruto plays, our chances of winning will be greatly increased."

During this period of time, Kakashi has witnessed Naruto's amazing growth rate and his abnormal training methods, and he has a deep feeling.

Even if Naruto does not use the Nine-Tails' chakra, Kakashi may not be able to defeat Naruto even if he launches a sneak attack.

Shikaku also agreed: "Yes, Naruto does need to play. Two perfect Jinchūriki have appeared in the Hidden Cloud Village. If Naruto is not allowed to play, we may find it difficult to contain them."

"Well, Naruto, you can participate in the battle, but you must not leave the team at will." The Third Hokage finally made a decision.

"I know!"

Naruto answered without hesitation, with a firm light in his eyes.


On the streets of Konoha, people were panicking and people were coming and going in a hurry.

"Why is meat so expensive today?"

"Don't you know? The war is about to start, so prices will naturally soar."

"What! Another war?"

"The Third War just ended, how can it start again?"

"I heard that the Cloud Ninja delegation came not to sign a peace agreement, but to steal the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan. After being discovered and killed, the Hidden Cloud Village asked Konoha to offer the Byakugan and hand over the murderer who killed the Cloud Ninja."

"I see, then Lord Hokage will agree. This will only result in countless casualties."


"Naruto, you are going to the battlefield too." Sasuke said solemnly.


"Damn it, why, am I still too weak? My father went to the battlefield, my brother went to the battlefield, Kakashi and Might Guy went to the battlefield, and even Naruto you are going to the battlefield, but I am left alone in Konoha."

Sasuke said angrily, tears flowing down involuntarily.



He reached out his hand to comfort Sasuke, but he didn't know how to start.

"I hate you."

Sasuke shouted loudly, slapped Naruto's hand, wiped his tears, and ran away without looking back.

Naruto shook his head, and it would be better to let Sasuke calm down alone. Naruto might go to Sasuke at this time to find him, which might be counterproductive.

Naruto walked on the street, and he keenly felt the tense atmosphere around him.

He had no specific destination, but just strolled as he pleased, trying to integrate into this world and feel the fear and anxiety in the hearts of those living at the bottom.

Just then, Naruto passed by a familiar figure.

His steps seemed a little staggering, and he lowered his head as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

Naruto curiously moved closer, and barely heard him muttering some words:

"Why do we have to fight again? Is peace really so far away?" The man's voice was full of helplessness and pain.

"War will only bring more deaths, and how many innocent lives will be lost!" He continued, his tone revealing deep sadness.

"And what is the essential difference between death and life? What is the purpose of our hurried walk through this world..."

These questions hit Naruto's heart like a heavy hammer.

I can only say that it is really worthy of being called God Itachi, thinking about problems so profoundly at a young age.

Naruto stopped Itachi, "Hello, Uchiha Itachi, my name is Naruto, and I am a good friend of your brother Sasuke. Do you want dessert? I will treat you."

Itachi's thoughts were interrupted by Naruto. He slowly raised his head, looked at Naruto, and finally squeezed out a word from his teeth:


Naruto brought Itachi to a dessert shop.

"Hey, what are you doing? There is a war, and we are closing the shop!

Hey, isn't this the Nine-tailed Demon Fox? Get out of here quickly, even if our shop continues to operate, we don't welcome you." The owner of the dessert shop scolded.

Itachi looked at Naruto, and didn't expect that Naruto's reputation was so bad that he would be so prejudiced.

Naruto had expected this, and he shook his head helplessly, and then used his "money power".

"Ten thousand taels, two luxury sets."

"Who do you think you are? Do you think I will bow to you for money?" The owner of the dessert shop shouted angrily.

"Isn't it? One hundred thousand taels. Now that there is a war, I think you are also short of money."

"You... you are really good at judging people, you are just like my second parents! Come on, please take a seat, my dear guest, I will do it right away."

After hearing the ten thousand taels, the boss immediately changed his face and greeted him enthusiastically.

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