After eating the dessert, Itachi's frown slowly relaxed.

Obviously, Itachi became happy after eating his favorite dessert.

While tasting the delicious food, he looked into the distance thoughtfully, as if he remembered something.

After a while, Itachi suddenly turned his head and said to Naruto beside him:

"Naruto, do you know why people start wars?"

Itachi's voice was very light, but it was full of deep emotion and helplessness.

Naruto was slightly stunned, and after thinking for a moment, he replied:

"I think it's probably because of desire... Some people want more land, wealth or power, so they will use war to achieve their goals."

Itachi nodded, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Itachi continued, "Yes, desire is an important cause of war.

But in addition, there are many other factors at work.

For example, some people may start a war out of hatred, fear or misunderstanding;

Others may be exploited or forced by others and have no choice but to do so.

In short, the causes of war are often very complicated, involving many interests and emotional entanglements."

At this point, Itachi stopped and fell into a brief silence.

As expected of the God Itachi, he sees very deeply.

Itachi muttered to himself with a sad face:

"But, but I, I really don't want to see the war break out again!

The First Ninja World War, the Second Ninja World War, the Third Ninja World War... Too many innocent lives have been lost in the war.

Especially the Third Ninja World War has just passed a few years, and now it is very likely that the Fourth Ninja World War will break out!

How can this world achieve true peace?"

Naruto heard it and seriously expressed his true inner thoughts.

"Where there are people, there will be disputes and conflicts. This is reality.

But I understand that only with strong enough strength can we protect the people we cherish.

Moreover, only with strong strength can we have a say.

If a person's strength is strong enough to quell the war and control the entire situation, just like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara back then, who would dare to easily start a war against Konoha Village at that time?"

"Strong strength?"

"I understand, Naruto, what you said is indeed very reasonable."

Itachi looked at Naruto with admiration, his heart full of gratitude, because Naruto made him find the answer to the problem.


After a moment of silence, Itachi asked Naruto another question:

"Naruto, in your heart, which side is more important, the village or the Uchiha clan?"

Itachi's expression became extremely solemn, and his eyes flashed with a firm and serious light.

Naruto answered without hesitation:

"For me, whoever treats me better is more important. If both sides treat me well, then I will naturally choose the one who is closer and more trustworthy."

To Uchiha Itachi, Naruto's remarks were tantamount to directly pointing the finger at the Uchiha clan.

He couldn't help but frown and retorted excitedly:

"It's ridiculous! If everyone has such an idea, then wouldn't the village be doomed to destruction? If everyone only cares about their own small family, then where will the so-called righteousness be placed?"

His words were sharp and fierce, as if he wanted to vent all his dissatisfaction.

Naruto looked at Itachi in front of him, and a feeling of emotion surged in his heart.

Naruto knew that Itachi had righteousness in his heart, which was good, but it was wrong to kill relatives for righteousness.

Naruto didn't want this tragedy to happen. Now that he had a chance, Naruto naturally had to correct Itachi's thinking.

Naruto was not intimidated by Uchiha Itachi's momentum. He stood up straight and responded with reason:

"How can the village be destroyed? We are just discussing the relative importance of the two, not discussing whether to destroy either one."

Naruto's eyes were firm and clear, revealing an unquestionable determination, and he spoke again:

"Besides, your parents gave birth to you and raised you, and the family devoted all its resources to cultivate you. Don't you want to repay your parents for their upbringing? Help the family grow stronger?"

"I......" Itachi hesitated.

"But Konoha also cultivated me. If I hadn't

With Konoha's protection, where is home!"

In response, Naruto said earnestly:

"The village is important, but what is the purpose of life? You need to think about it carefully.

It is right to do it for the greater good in your heart, but life is to enjoy life and protect everything you cherish.

Whether it is the village or the family, they are all part of your life and are worth protecting. "

Itachi listened quietly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Naruto's words seemed to touch something deep in his heart, making him begin to re-examine his beliefs and pursuits.

Seeing that Itachi seemed to have listened, Naruto continued to encourage:

"And now you just need to keep improving your strength.

When you have the absolute top strength, all problems will be solved.

You will be able to protect the village and the Uchiha clan. "

After listening, Itachi nodded slightly, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

He understood that what Naruto said was true. Only with strong strength can one protect those people and things that are important to him.

"Naruto, you are right. I will protect Konoha and the Uchiha clan! I will work hard to improve my strength and protect them!" Itachi's voice was full of determination.

After saying goodbye to Itachi, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Itachi is not as paranoid as he will be in the future, and he has successfully pulled this filial son back from the wrong path.

In this way, the Uchiha clan may not suffer a catastrophe, and his good brother Sasuke will not become an orphan without support.

Thinking of this, Naruto's face showed a relieved smile.


At night, the lights in the Hokage's office were bright.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat at his desk, looking at Naruto standing in front of him, and asked:

"Naruto, you will go to the battlefield tomorrow. Come to me so late, is there something important? "

Naruto took a deep breath and said with a firm look in his eyes:

"Grandpa Sanda, this war is of vital importance to us. If we win, I hope you can make the Hidden Cloud Village pay the price and compensation it deserves!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly, indicating that he understood Naruto's thoughts.

However, Naruto did not stop talking. He continued:

"In addition, after this war is over, you should also clear my name. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Naruto and understood what he meant by the name correction.

He concealed Naruto's life experience, and after Danzo spread the news that Naruto was the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, it brought Naruto a lot of trouble and misunderstanding.

Although Naruto didn't care much about his reputation, the voices that hated him kept coming into his ears, which still made Naruto feel a little bad, just like the dessert shop owner Naruto met today.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a moment, then slowly said:

"Okay, it should be done this way. Naruto, you have to show your strength and your momentum to make them afraid, so that I won't worry that you don't have the strength to protect yourself."

"I know, wait and see, there won't be any accidents, this is my unique stage show."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Naruto was so confident, and he didn't hit Naruto, but smiled and congratulated him.

"Okay, Naruto, I'll wait for you to return triumphantly in Konoha. "

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