Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1076:

"Why do you have to choose medicated food? If you choose to use medicated food in the cooking competition, the starting line at the beginning is a few points farther than the relative finish line of others?" He couldn't help but said.

Ibuzaki Jun glanced at him lightly and said, "If you can't even win the competition with the cooking you are best at, what should you do?"

Yang Ming was slightly stunned after hearing this. In fact, Hishako Shinto, like Alice Nakiri, was not suitable for this stage. If Nakiri Alice is a scientist who is proficient in research, then Hishako Nito is like a doctor who has rejuvenated her hands. In this battlefield of fire and smoke, she seems so out of place.

It's just that Nakiri Alice has an extra loyal dog named Kurokiba Ryo, compared to Shinto Hishako.

"Hey, let's watch the game..." Yang Ming shook his head.

The final result was exactly as he predicted.

Even if adjustments were made to make up for the lack of flavor, even using the "jelly" of the turtle to make the burger feel unparalleled in the mouth, it didn't work.

In front of Ryo Hayama's aroma that was enough to detonate the entire venue, Hizako Nito's "Turtle Burger" seemed so weak and weak. Don't think about the trouble of maintaining health and maintenance, just pursue the most human desire - appetite, that intense and extremely rich aroma spews out, that meat aroma has put everyone in Ye Shanliang's place. in the world.

A yogurt sauce made of green mango powder and lemon juice, a hamburger steak made of beef and mutton mixed with pepper, cloves, cumin, and honey, and Indian pickles made of mustard oil in the middle of the burger... oh my god, Yang Ming swears that if this burger is placed in front of him, he can eat two in one go!

Covered in the aroma at such a close distance, Hiizako Shinto's sense of smell is completely controlled by this "Turkish BBQ Burger". Looking at her dull eyes and empty demeanor, she seems to be lost in front of this overwhelming delicious aroma. .

The result of this match has been decided.

"The winner of the third battle is Ryo Hayama!" Nakiri Senzaemon picked up the huge brush and wrote Ryo Hayama's name on the scroll.

"I really feel sorry for the little secretary..." Yang Ming sat on the chair and held his cheeks. After the result of the competition was announced, Ye Shanliang on the stage didn't know what to say to Xinto Feishazi, who seemed to be hit hard. Depressed for a long time.

"You didn't feel bad for me when I lost..." Ibuzaki Jun said in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Yang Ming turned his head, the voice in the venue was too noisy.

"...Nothing." Was it because he kept his mood too well? So much so that I can't express my true feelings.

Before he could think about this issue, Yang Ming pulled Lai Wusaki Jun's sleeve and said, "Hey, help me see, is that guy looking at me all the time?"

"It seems so." Ibuzaki Jun took a closer look.

After the victory, Ye Shanliang didn't have the slightest joy. His eyes crossed the cooking table, the judge's seat, and the audience, and his strong gaze fell directly on Yang Ming. In those eyes, there is burning fighting intent.

Yang Ming also stared back without showing weakness.


I don't know if it was because the other party admitted that he felt that he couldn't stare, or because of the urging of the host next to him, Ye Shanliang withdrew his gaze, turned to end, and entered the player channel.

This guy... may be his opponent in the next match.

"It's so difficult..." Yang Ming said to Jun Ibuzaki, "That guy has already mastered spices and dishes to a very high level. I'm afraid any dishes can be integrated into the style he is good at."

Ibuzaki Jun rolled his eyes at him, "Aren't you too?"

"That's why I feel troublesome!" Otherwise, why would he be so embarrassed, guys like him are the hardest to deal with! Otherwise, why is the biggest enemy of human beings themselves.

"I'd better pray first." Yang Ming drew a cross on his chest, "Amitabha."

" can't be blessed like this."

"Eh? No? I thought I could get the blessings of Buddha and **** at the same time."

"No!" Ibuzaki Jun couldn't help but want to jump even though he knew there was a pit ahead, "What are you praying for?"

"Oh, if I met him, I hope the exam question is Mapo tofu, fish-flavored pork or something." Yang Ming said energetically.

"..." Buddha **** blesses you to have a ghost!

"The final battle of the first round of the official competition of the autumn selection is about to begin!" After a short break, the host returned to the arena.

"I have invited Takmi Ildini and Yukihira Soma players to appear!"

"Look, look!" Yang Ming became excited all of a sudden, "It's a fateful showdown!"

Ibuzaki Jun also watched with interest the aura of the two people below and the collision of cheerleaders. But not the kind of malicious hatred, but with a feeling similar to sympathy. It is also a kind of fate to meet on the stage of the autumn selection.

"Xiaohei-kun... I've been thinking from the moment I knew that the opponent in the game was you, this time, it can't be a draw anymore!" Takmi did it the first moment he saw Yukihira Soma A very handsome opening remark, which triggered a scream from the Takmi support group in the audience.

"Then... let's compare and see, who can beat the other... to the bottom of his body!" Kohei Soma really didn't speak weakly.

"Sure enough! That's the momentum!" The supporters of Kopei Chuangzhen also shouted and competed with the Takmi support group over But everyone else shouted "Kingping, come on" and "Red" Words like "Come on boy".

And Yang Ming shouted...

"Xingping is crying for him!!!"

Looking at the eyes of the girls around him who were looking at him, Jun Iwuzaki was thinking about whether to stay away from Yang Ming for the first time in his life.

In the first round of the autumn selection competition, the topics of the competition were "beef", "bento" and "hamburger". According to this trend, Yang Ming doubted that the next thing would be rice bowls. .

"The first round of the official competition, the fourth round! The title is - "Dessert"! "

"Eh... Dessert?" Yang Ming nodded, a response that was both expected and unexpected, "Dessert that draws a perfect stop for the meal is just right for the end of the game."

Thinking of Senior Isshiki, who had been away from Jixingliao during this period, the ten heroes must have racked their brains for these topics.

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