Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1080:

If it weren't for his amazing cooking skills, it would be impossible to achieve this kind of achievement, but isn't the hidden meaning of these topics saying that Yang Ming's cooking skills are too good?

Yang Ming was also stunned by what he said. His own family knew about him. Indeed, his knowledge and understanding of French cuisine was the biggest weakness, but is it just that the lecturer Chappelle said that what he said was useless?

He said seriously, "I know where my weaknesses are, and I hope the lecturer can teach me!"

Chapelle laughed.

Yang Ming didn't need to be arrogant. When he saw him challenge Nakiri Ji, he was also taken aback, thinking that Yang Ming already thought he was invincible when he had achieved some achievements. Now it seems to be true. of confidence.

The most commendable thing is that the pursuit of cooking is also extremely strong. Although he already has this amazing cooking skills, he is not addicted to it at all, but can learn sincerely.

"Of course, I came here for this." Chappelle said to Alice, "You should study cooking by yourself first, I can't help you with molecular gastronomy, and you don't understand French cuisine at all. Not inferior to me!"

Alice stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "Don't worry, I'll watch from the side, don't disturb you!"

"Then let's start." Chappelle entered the topic, "The time is limited, and there is not so much time to explain the basics. Since you have a writing wheel, then I will make three hundred French for you in three days. A big meal, let you learn what to have on the French table!"

Three hundred? ! Yang Ming was stunned, this Chapelle seems to want to pull him on the road of French cuisine, this is not something that Alice can answer at all, it is simply the rhythm of finding an apprentice!

"Then let's start with dinner first," Chappelle said eagerly, and then started cooking, "I'll make ten French dishes first, and then I'll explain them to you one by one."

The ten French dishes were made by Chappelle in just over an hour. During the production process, he began to explain the essentials of French cooking to Yang Ming.

French cuisine is very particular about different ingredients and different dishes, but he also knows that Yang Ming's monster talent is not suitable for the previous training method, not to mention that the finals of the selection of Qiuzhi are just around the corner, and there are not so many time.

Only teach in the most important direction.

"Actually, your cooking skills are very good, and you have a good grasp of cooking knowledge, but your grasp of French cuisine is too weak. Although you can make French cuisine, the taste direction is different from the mainstream French style." Chapelle carefully After thinking for a while, he said, "So what you lack is just the general knowledge of the basics. That's all I need to do now. Remember, where is the most important point of French cooking!"

Yang Ming nodded, seemingly listening, but his eyes were a little confused.

"You must be thinking that it's not enough that I can cook perfect French cuisine? However, it's really not enough, French cuisine is too elaborate compared to other cuisines, and the knowledge required is too large, even me Dare to say that I know French cuisine like the back of my hand, and the matching and handling of French cuisine is even more difficult, so what I can do now is just let you taste the classic dishes in French cuisine, and then let you decide what you want the taste of!"

Chapelle's teaching method is a slanted sword, specially tailored for Yang Ming's writing wheel eye, and what he wants to teach Yang Ming.

As for what I said before, it was just to increase the severity, otherwise how could Yang Ming be serious.

"I see." Yang Ming nodded slightly!

On the other side, Chappelle also brought the dishes, and made the dishes for just over an hour, allowing Yang Ming to taste them one by one.

After eating this meal for an hour, Chapelle took the trouble to explain to him these dishes and why each dish should be paired with this wine, which sweet soup is best, and what the dessert ice cream is after the meal. .

With his explanation, Yang Ming can also clearly understand the meaning of each action and the meaning of each dish by recalling the knowledge learned in the classroom.

"At the table, wine appears to balance the taste of the dish and enhance the taste of the food. A wonderful feast is like a work of art, which requires artistic imagination to create when deciding what wine to go with a certain dish, it must be considered What flavors complement the main flavor. For example, I just made sliced ​​lamb, and a mint-based cocktail would be delicious! Try it!”

"Yes, it's really artistic."

"The oaky whisky will make the steak taste better, and this steak paired with top Jim Beam is definitely a work of art"

At first, Chapelle was a little afraid that Yang Ming couldn't understand the names of the wines he said, but he soon found that Yang Ming's understanding of French cuisine was not as weak as he thought. can understand and express their opinions.

Talking, talking, he seemed to communicate with fellow people, completely lost the thought that he pointed out before, "Actually, a French meal is a dance on the tip of your tongue. If you can imagine an adjective, it means that your tongue is still If you are not intoxicated, it means that what you eat is just 'rice', not 'meal', but this kind of dish is already equivalent to the nirvana of the top ten!"

“Leave aside for a moment that these usually strong flavored foods are best paired with cocktails like very salty, fried or crispy foods are the perfect complement to strong cocktails. Mild or very light A dish might not go well with a cocktail, but most salads don’t—unless it’s a tangy salad like Cobb’s.”

Yang Ming couldn't stop nodding, and he was also deeply impressed by the knowledge Chappelle had mastered. The other party was really a master in the French cuisine world. His understanding of every French cuisine was more profound than what he exchanged in the system. Benefit a lot.

"Actually some cuisines are really good with cocktails, like Mexican and a lot of Asian dishes like Sichuan, they're spicy and have a 'higher flavor', and pair those with 'citrus-flavored cocktails', traditional citrus-flavored cocktails Including margaritas and caipirinhas, their pungent flavours complement the flavours of the various seasonings well”

Suddenly, Chapelle laughed, "What I said before was a bit heavy, there are national boundaries for cooks, but there are no cooks, whether it's Chinese, French, or Japanese, they are all the same. Let me make you a Sichuan dish, how about a couple's lung slices and a margarita?!"

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