Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1081:

Suddenly, Chapelle laughed, "What I said before was a bit heavy, there are national boundaries for cooks, but there are no cooks, whether it's Chinese, French, or Japanese, they are all the same. Let me make you a Sichuan dish, how about a couple's lung slices and a margarita?!"

Yang Ming was stunned, and suddenly felt that the style of the painting was wrong. He was obviously a master of French cooking, and he even said the name of this dish, and also used Margarita to match it, "You can still do couples' lung slices, this is Isn't this dish very famous in Sichuan cuisine!"

"Haha, cooking is a very broad world. I am interested in any kind of cooking and have tried it!" Chappelle said with a big laugh.

The two sides talked very happily, and in a blink of an eye it was already dark outside.

Alice couldn't prepare herself even earlier, and fell asleep on the chair.

Chapelle also looked a little tired, after all, he was already very old, and he was making and explaining cooking continuously, taking a sip of red wine, and looking at Yang Ming with deep shock and relief, " Your talent is like a monster, and I found that you have a deep understanding of French cuisine?"

Yang Ming said humbly, "It's better for you to point me." He glanced at the sky, "It's past eleven o'clock now, can't you come back tomorrow?"

Chapelle took a deep breath, drank another sip of red wine, and said boldly, "No hurry, I'm telling you about desserts, aperitifs, and so on. Watching the progress, you can officially start cooking tomorrow. Try it!"

Speaking, he continued, "The most important thing for dessert after a meal is table wine, and there are many ways to do it. Only when the sugar content of dessert is very low, can you choose a sweet cocktail with cream and pure spirits to match with dessert. Usually good. So when I end a meal with cheese, I like to choose a drink based on whiskey, brandy or scotch. These strong, pungent textures 'cut through' the greasy and salty flavours of the cheese, It brings people a long lingering and aftertaste.”

"By the way, a special caveat: If you're going to let your guests sip only one cocktail slowly during a meal, you should avoid carbonated drinks. The good taste of carbonated drinks lasts only a few minutes, and there is no Aftertaste. Stirred cocktails are better for slow sips than ice cubes and shakes.”

Yang Ming nodded earnestly, feeling a little dissatisfied. There is indeed a big gap between someone who has guidance and no guidance, especially Chappelle's serious guidance method, which allows him to integrate all the knowledge about French cuisine in his mind. Play previous steak-themed duels.

He must be able to control the judges more easily.

Chappelle's spirit is also getting bigger and bigger, he is very relieved, although a little distressed, Yang Ming's talent is too evil, but he is more happy, happy for himself to be able to teach such a genius, but also for the future of the French cuisine industry Excited about the possibility of a real lead chef.

"As for aperitifs, it is also very important in French cuisine, such as the most classic Old Fashioned or Manhattan cocktails, which are refreshing, low in sugar, rich and mellow, and can create a good mood for the subsequent meal."

The two sides chatted again and again, and it was early in the morning.

Alice fell asleep before interrupting the almost excited emotions of the two of them, "It's 2:40, are you still talking?"

Yang Ming said apologetically to Chappelle, "Thank you so much, I think, let's stop here today, and I'll take care of what I said before?"

Chappelle's eyes were a little bloodshot, and he couldn't hold it anymore. He yawned and said, "Okay, I'm really old. When I was studying cooking, I closed my eyes for days and nights. How many times do you call tomorrow? Come here in person, let's start cooking and tasting!"

"Cooking tasting?" Alice said in a daze, "Isn't that only the third day's arrangement?"

"Hansha's talent is beyond my expectations, it doesn't take that long." Chappelle sincerely praised, "It's a pity that it's too late to get started with French cuisine, otherwise, you will definitely become a leader in French cuisine, even before There should be no problem in winning the championship with the French feast!?”

Alice's mouth grew in surprise, and looked at Yang Ming in disbelief, "It's really amazing!"

"It's all good advice from Lecturer Chappelle." Yang Ming smiled, "It's so late, how does the lecturer plan to go back?"

"I came by car, and I can be back in a few minutes, ah," Chappelle yawned again, waved his hands incessantly, and said with emotion, "I'm really old, I'll go first."

After Chapelle left, Yang Ming said to Alice, "What are you going to do?"

"Just live here." Alice said playfully, "You shouldn't be able to go back, right? Jixing Liao will definitely be closed. You wouldn't bother Mrs. Wenxu to open it for you so late, would you?"

Yang Ming had already brought the key, but since Alice said so, he joked, "Then do we live together alone?!"

"What kind of cohabitation!" Alice said angrily, "My research conference is so vacant, you can just pick one and live in it!"

"Hey!" Yang Ming suddenly widened his eyes, looked behind Alice, stretched out his fingers, and said in a trembling voice, "What is behind you?!!

Yang Ming's expression was too realistic, and the topic jumped too fast, Alice didn't respond for a while, she believed it was true, her lips were trembling, and she didn't dare to look back, "What? How could there be something behind me!"

"That's it." Yang Ming's expression became even more frightened, and his footsteps stepped back.

Alice is more scared What is it? ! "

"The kitchen table!" Yang Ming regained his expression in an instant, and laughed loudly, "I didn't expect that Alice, who is not afraid of the sky, was afraid of the kitchen table?!"

"Yang Ming!!!" Alice yelled, swooping over and biting directly at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming hurriedly ducked behind, reaching out and hugging Alice.

"You actually bullied me!" Alice threw herself on Yang Ming's body, and their bodies were tightly glued together.

"It's just a joke, don't be angry!" Yang Ming hugged her tightly, but he didn't dare to use too much force, so he could only hug her lightly. Unexpectedly, her strength was suddenly too weak, Alice broke free and rushed forward, throwing Yang Ming to the ground.

"it hurts"

Alice's forehead slammed against the wall, and her body suddenly shrank back.

Yang Ming only felt his head feel stuffy, and the whole person actually got directly under Alice's skirt.

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