Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1104:

"Oh, okay, okay..." Xiaolin Rentan slowly recovered.

"Miss Rentan." At this time, a middle-aged man walked out slowly and greeted Xiaolin Rentan.

"Chef Kawashima, you have come, and now I will hand over my affairs to you." Xiaolin Rentan watched the man come over, and heaved a sigh of relief. This middle-aged man is called Kazuo Kawashima, the garden Chef of the restaurant.

"It seems that nothing happened, then I can rest assured." Kazuo Kawashima smiled.

"Chef Kawashima, I'm afraid you will arrive in time if something goes wrong here," said Rentan Kobayashi.

For this, she still has some guesses, let her accept this restaurant directly, but she will not take no precautions.

"Haha, Miss Rentan is joking." Kazuo Kawashima smiled and looked at Yang Ming, "This is your helper today."

"Welcome, Chef Yang Ming." Kazuo Kawashima stretched out his palm, and it seemed that he also got the news and knew about Yang Ming.

"Chef Kawashima." Yang Ming and Kazuo Kawashima held their hands and let go.

When Kazuo Kawashima came over, he also liberated Kobayashi Rentan, and Kobayashi Rentan was considered to have completed his father's test after handing over the matter.

Yang Ming and Kobayashi Rentan left here together, and they still need to go back to Yuanyue Academy by car.

Those cooks were still a little reluctant to leave Yang Ming. If Kazuo Kawashima was not here, they would be even more reluctant.

"Then everyone's farewell." Yang Ming and Kobayashi Rentan got into the car and left Shibuya. .

Totsuki Academy.

As twilight came, the sky had already turned slightly dark, and Yang Ming and Xiaolin Rentan also returned to the academy.

"That Yang Mingjun, thank you very much today~" Xiaolin Rentan said.

"Gentian, remember that you owe me a favor anyway." Yang Ming smiled, "Go back to rest early."

"Understood, if I have time, I'll come to you." Xiaolin Rentan nodded, showing a bright smile.

When Xiaolin Gendan left Yang Ming dozens of meters, he immediately turned around and said loudly, "Yang Ming."

"Well, I won't give up, so just wait for me." After speaking, Xiaolin Rentan quickly left here.

"Don't give up, just wait." Yang Ming showed a smile, "Is this being chased back?"

Shaking his head, Yang Ming walked towards Jixingliao.

And when Yang Ming and others returned to Jixingliao to rest, they were in a high-end apartment in Tokyo.

An old man was lying on the sofa and dialed a call.

This person was Xiao Shantai that Yang Ming and the others met in the afternoon.

"Hey, old man Fujiwara, what are you doing?" Koyama asked.

"I haven't done anything, I'm resting now." Fujiwara Sorata said, "Do you have any business? You don't usually call me."

"I must have something to do with you." Xiaoshan Tai complained, "But there is really something. Do you know Yang Ming?"

"Yang Ming." Fujiwara Sora hesitated for a while, "The Yang Ming you're talking about is Yang Ming from Togetsu Academy."

"It's him, do you know?" Koyama Tai said, but from Fujiwara Sota's hesitation just now, Koyama Tai already knew that, whether this old guy knew Yang Ming or not, he must have heard of him.

"Of course I know." Fujiwara Sorata smiled, "You were not in Dongying before, and his affairs at Togetsu College were very sensational in Dongying at that time."

"However, why did you ask him?" Fujiwara Sora asked in confusion.

"Oh, boy Yang Ming, when I was in the United States, I met through the old guy Nakiri Senzaemon, but I didn't expect to meet him now, and I have eaten his cuisine, which is no less than those star-rated chefs. " Koyama said.

"I know that. When I saw him before, I was no less surprised than you." Fujiwara Soota nodded.

"So, when I met him at the time, I wanted to invite him to participate in this Diamond Cooking Contest. Whether he was able to advance or not, it would be a good growth for him." Koyama Tai said, "Only However, that kid said at the time, just ask and you'll know."

"Haha, of course you have to ask me, because he has already been screened here by me and directly entered the Tokyo Division. You were not there before, so of course you don't know." Fujiwara Sora rang.

"No wonder..." Xiao Shan Tai shook his head, "That kid."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, but soon put the matter on the Diamond Contest soon after. Whether it was Fujiwara Sorata or Koyamata, they put a lot of effort into this contest. This is their contribution to the cooking world.

It is hoped that more and more young people will appear in the cooking industry, which may lead to the continuous growth and change of the cooking industry.

"Okay, that's it, see you then." Xiao Shanta hung up the phone and stood up from the sofa.

He thought of seeing Yang Ming today.

"The strength is stronger than when Nakiri Senzaemon said it." Koyama Tai showed a smile on his forehead, "I look forward to your wonderful performance."

Unconsciously, Yang Ming caused several organizers of these competitions, and they all had great expectations for Yang Ming.

Maybe Yang Ming can really become a very bright star in this competition. What will happen to this star in the end, no one knows.

Time passes day by day.

Ye Shanliang studied different dishes every day. He wanted to bring out the most powerful dish in the finals and beat Yang Ming.

Of course, Yang Ming is constantly improving his strength, so that Yang Ming can process ingredients more accurately and cook the dishes needed for various dishes.

In such a state, Yang Ming learned about many things he didn't notice. Before he knew it, Yang Ming had become more and more proficient in various skills.

Final day.

In the early morning I can see that people in the fish market are very busy.

In order to get fresh top-quality ingredients, Yang Ming came to this place early in the morning.

Of course, in the fish market, Yang Ming also met Ye Shanliang, and he was also picking out what he thought was the best snapper.

"Yang Ming, I won't admit defeat in this final." Ye Shanliang looked at Yang Ming and said.

"Really." Yang Ming smiled, "Student Ye Shan, I have seen your determination in your eyes, but..."

"But, I won't give in. Just like you, I will defeat those who block my progress." Yang Ming's eyes radiated a strong light, "So, Ye Shanliang, this time you accept failure."

"Then just watch." Ye Shanliang turned his head and left here, and went to another place to find fresh sea bream.

"I put my everything into today's dish." Ye Shanliang's eyes showed a cold light.

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