Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1105:

Autumn's selection, the day of the finals.

It was still between the moon and the sky, the familiar venue, and the deafening cries of the audience. The only difference is probably the cameras on the competition stage and the reporters gathered below.

Yang Ming was also a little surprised that everyone valued this competition. Can a cooking competition be broadcast live on TV? Does anyone really watch live cooking for hours? The previous chef assessment competitions did not seem to have this kind of treatment.

"There are a lot of guests in the VIP table..." He heard Ye Shanliang say so next to him.

"Yeah." Yang Ming also looked over there. The VIP seat was specially reserved by Yuanyue Academy. During the semi-finals, it was only less than half of it, but now it is full.

He and Ye Shanliang were both standing in the player passage leading to the venue. The lights around them were dim, but the eyes of the two were faintly shining.

Yang Ming didn't know Ye Shanliang well. He wasn't a stalker like Subaru Mizuaku, and he wanted to put everything in his head. In fact, the first time he knew the name was in the mouth of Soma Kohei, and after watching one of his games, this talent left a deep impression in his heart.

With an extraordinary sense of smell, he can light up a brand-new world of gourmet food just by scent. He is known as the "Nose of God"... He listened carefully to the comments of the audience next to him.

Color, aroma, taste, the samadhi of food, if a dish is to firmly grasp a person's stomach, it must first start with these three. This is the foundation of the chef's life and the foundation of his life.

And that boy... has already reached the pinnacle of his grasp of fragrance. Compared to others, he seems to have a key that can open any door on the way to the treasure house of gourmet food.

Strong... strong, stronger than any opponent he had encountered before. It was an opponent who had initially broken away from "techniques" and moved forward bravely in the direction of "intent".

And when Yang Ming looked at Ye Shanliang, Ye Shanliang was also thinking about Yang Ming.

He had carefully watched the videos left by the autumn selection before, and he had also watched every game of the main competition carefully, carefully observing each opponent, and the one he valued most was Yang Ming.

In Ye Shanliang's opinion, what could not match Yang Ming's extremely strong cooking skills is that... Yang Ming's desire to win is very weak.

Of course, to say that his desire to win is weak is not to be completely bearish on winning and losing. Of course he could see that Yang Ming also wanted to win, but at most he would try his best for a game instead of fighting to the death.

What surprised Ye Shanliang the most was that Yang Ming's desire to win was far less intense than his hidden pride. Others win the game for the sake of victory, but Yang Ming does not want to lose.

I didn't want to lose, so I won. This sentence sounds simple, but it is very scary to think about.

"A man must not be arrogant, but he must not be arrogant." If Ye Shanliang knew this sentence, he might have some understanding of why Yang Ming was like this.

However, no matter what happened to Yang Ming, he wanted to win, he wanted to have the last laugh in this autumn selection and prove that he was the strongest existence among the first-year students of Totsuki.

"The time is counted as preparation time from now until the actual cooking."

"There are two contestants who are invited to enter and start preparing their own ingredients and cooking utensils."

Isshiki, who was wearing a slim-fitting uniform, stood in the center of the venue, calmly holding a microphone and presiding over the finals of the autumn selection.

about to start...

Yang Ming took a step and walked out of the dark passage, ready to meet the bright light that fell from the sky. At this moment, Ye Shanliang, who was beside him, suddenly accelerated and overtook him. When he passed by, he left behind. a sentence.

"Yang Ming... the person standing at the top of the selection competition this time... will be me!"

This sentence quickly dissipated in the air.

Yang Ming looked at Ye Shanliang who only left him with a back, and smiled. Was he nervous?

In the opponent's previous match, Ye Shanliang's performance was simply stunning. Standing on such a big stage, he is still so calm and silently cooking, and he will not let people feel that his mood has fluctuated at all, and he will not be shaken even by the roar of the audience.

The entire cooking table fell into his domain, and the entire space was dominated by him, as if he had seen his heroic appearance when he was cooking his own dishes.

From Yang Ming's point of view, Ye Shanliang should be the same type as him, with stable performance, and all of this is based on their own unshakable self-confidence.

But he just seemed like a demonstration, or a sentence to prove his determination, which clearly exposed his slightly shaken self-confidence.

Such a Hayama Ryo...will he get better at dealing with it? Or is it more difficult?

I have to say, people are a kind of guy who is sensitive to other people's feelings and slow to himself...

"Yang Ming! Yang Ming! Come on!"

"Ye Shanliang! Show your courage!"

The game has not yet started, and just the entrance of the two people has set off a wave of sound in the audience.

"The audience for this year's autumn selection is more enthusiastic than ever..." In the media booth dedicated to reporters, the reporters discussed the grand occasion in front of them, and the cameras were faithfully recording all this.

"After all, it's the final of the autumn selection... and this year's players are far more powerful than before, and the audience was almost full during the semi-finals."

Isoshiki saw that the two of them were already standing in front of the cooking counter to which they After the staff also brought all the cooking utensils and ingredients, they nodded slightly to the staff standing in the corner.

"what happened?"

"Why did the lights go out?"

The lights around the venue that were originally illuminated were dimmed one by one, and then gradually brightened, but it was not because the lights were turned on again, but the top of the moon and the sky appeared with the movement of the ceiling. A huge gap.

"Wow - so there is such a mechanism..." Yang Ming watched as the starlight fell from the sky, spreading across the entire venue, and what was even more eye-catching was the perfect moon in the sky.

"No wonder it's called between the moon and the sky..." Just lift your head slightly, you can feel the vast starry sky above your head, as if you are in the boundless star sea. The wonderful design of this building can only be perfect at this time. Reflected!

People in ancient times believed that all things in the world were controlled by gods. In countries with a long history, there were ceremonies offering sacrifices to the **** of abundance in charge of autumn and praying for a good harvest in the coming year.

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