Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1378:

Zhang Yiwei sighed: "It's so extravagant to make shrimp dumplings with king crabs!"

Wang Xiaoming said: "It's Yingxu's boss who came to have morning tea. We went to see it yesterday. The restaurant is so beautiful. The kitchen is three times as big as ours, so it looks good."

Zhang Yiwei said, "Really? We're going to open a store there in the future?"

"Well, if the talks go well today, we will move in soon." Wang Xiaoming said.

Zhang Yiwei laughed: "That's great, my house is near there, so I can sleep in later."

Yang Ming snorted coldly: "You just sleep at home and don't come here."

Zhang Yiwei apologized: "Master, I was wrong, I will be the first to come to the store in the future!"

Wang Xiaoming couldn't help but want to laugh: "Awei, you have to be diligent and start your apprenticeship early. Our store will be hiring people soon. If you don't hurry up, you will always be a small worker."

Zhang Yiwei hurriedly shouted: "I must work hard, Master, please don't give up on me, I will never sleep late again."

Yang Ming couldn't stand his noise: "Shut up!"

Zhang Yiwei laughed, he compared "v", Master Yang Ming has always been cold-hearted, he has seen it long ago.

Yang Ming skillfully spread out the dough, making it thicker in the middle and thinner around the edges, put the BBQ pork fillings, and then kneaded the dough together, and it was done. After the char siew buns are steamed, the dough will slightly open at the closing, like a flower, revealing the filling inside, which looks extremely tempting.

After making the barbecued pork buns, Yang Ming started to make double skin milk again. Pour full-fat fresh milk into the pot, heat it slowly, turn off the heat when it boils, pour it into a container, put it in a ventilated place to cool naturally, wait for a layer of milk skin to form on the surface, use chopsticks to pierce the milk skin , slowly pour out the milk below, the action should be light, do not damage the milk skin, the milk does not need to be poured out, leave a little.

Crack the eggs, put the egg whites into a large bowl, add white sugar and mix well, do not make bubbles, then pour in the milk separated from the milk skin and mix well, then slowly pour it into the container containing the milk skin, the milk skin will slowly When it floats up, cover the container with plastic wrap, put it in the steamer and steam for 12 minutes on high heat, then turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. The double-skin milk is done. You can add red bean or blueberry sauce on top for decoration.

Wang Bing came in smelling the milk: "Uncle Yang Ming, what are you doing? It smells so good."

Yang Ming brought out a double-skin milk, brought him a spoon, and helped him bring it to the table outside: "Eat slowly, don't burn it."

Zhang Yiwei sniffed, looked at A Bing eagerly, and whispered, "I'm so hungry."

Yang Ming ignored him and continued to make carrot cake and siumai. Zhang Yiwei licked his mouth while watching him do it: "It's so extravagant to make carrot cake and siumai with king crab. That boss has a lot of face."

Wang Xiaoming said: "How can she eat so much alone? Everyone can taste it."

Zhang Yiwei rubbed his stomach: "When will he arrive, I'm starving to death."

The waiters arrived one after another, and everyone cleaned up consciously and waited for breakfast. At half past eight, Zhong Yanhong arrived with someone: "In order to drink morning tea, I didn't sleep in, are you ready?"

Wang Xiaoming was still busy in the kitchen, and when he heard Zhong Yanhong's voice, he went out to take a look: "Are you here so early? You take her upstairs to sit first, I'll be fine soon."

Zhong Yanhong said, "Okay, hurry up."

Wang Xiaoming hurriedly went to make tea and delivered it in person. The woman was not too old, she looked in her thirties, she was thin and delicate, soft and weak, not very beautiful, but she looked very comfortable. Wang Xiaoming thought to himself, he is really unbelievable, he is so capable, and he built such a big building by himself.

Zhong Yanhong said, "Sister Yu, this is Wang Xiaoming, the boss of Haibawang, Wang Xiaoming, this is my friend, Mei Ruyu, Sister Yu."

Wang Xiaoming stretched out his hand: "Hello, I didn't expect Yingxu's boss to be a hero in women's middle school. It's really admirable. I'm Wang Xiaoming. Boss Mei, please have some tea."

Mei Ruyu smiled and shook Wang Xiaoming's hand: "Boss Wang looks very young, he is younger than Ah Zhong, you are just like him, call me Sister Yu. Call me Boss Mei, if you don't know I thought I was digging coal."

Wang Xiaoming smiled and said, "Then I will take the liberty to call Sister Yu, and Sister Yu can also call me Alu. Please have some tea. The dessert will be ready soon, just wait a moment."

Zhong Yanhong said: "You go to work first, I'll be with Sister Yu."

The crystal shrimp dumplings have already been steamed. Wang Xiaoming asked Zhang Yiwei to bring the double-skin milk, and he brought two baskets of steamed dumplings, three per basket, exquisitely carved and very beautiful. Mei Ruyu looked at the shrimp dumplings in the steamer: "It's so beautiful. Our crystal shrimp dumplings have the reputation of being wrapped in red, and you can see the essence of it. Are they made by A Lu?"

Today's shrimp dumplings were indeed made by Wang Xiaoming, he nodded: "Yes, I made them, Sister Yu will try it. And this, Shuangpi Milk, made by our master Yang Ming."

Zhong Yanhong said, "Why is there only one double-skin milk, mine?"

Wang Xiaoming smiled and said, "Yang Ming said this is dessert, it's for ladies, do you want it too?"

Zhong Yanhong said, "I've said that, do I still dare to ask for it? Forget it, I'll eat dumplings. Sister Yu, you're welcome."

Mei Ruyu scooped a bit of double-skin milk with a spoon and put it in her mouth: "Well, it's smooth and fragrant. It's really delicious. Xiaoming, you can come too."

Wang Xiaoming said, "I'll wait a moment, Sister Yu, use it first. The char siu bun will be ready soon. I'll come after I bring the char siew bun."

"Okay, barbecued pork buns are my favorite." Mei Ruyu smiled.

Wang Xiaoming went down and saw that Yang Ming was filling the rice rolls. Zhang Yiwei snorted: "Master, you are too extravagant. The rice rolls are all made with king crabs."

Wang Xiaoming said, "Yang Ming, is there anything wrong? Let's go up together."

Yang Ming said: "It's almost Only the dry steamed siomai will have to wait a few minutes. I'll go up with you. Ayang, watch the fire, and then bring it up."

"Yes, Master."

Wang Xiaoming said to them: "You can eat too, but save some of everything."

Zhang Yiwei cheered: "It's great, I can finally eat it." He has been drooling all morning, only smelling its fragrance, not eating its taste, it is simply too tortured.

Wang Xiaoming was carrying a stack of steamers, and Yang Ming was also carrying a stack. The two went upstairs one after the other. Wang Bing, who was eating double-skinned milk, said, "Abo, I'm going up too."

Wang Xiaoming said: "You eat below, Abo has something to do up there, don't come up, Ayang, take care of Abing."

Wang Bing sucked the spoon and smelled the fragrance, and his saliva was almost dripping. Zhao Xiaoyang took him into the kitchen and brought him something to eat.

Zhong Yanhong looked at the steamer in Wang Xiaoming's arms: "Boss Wang, are you exaggerating, can you eat so much?"

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