Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 479: Reproduce the beggar

When it comes to eating chicken, Yang Ming's first thought is beggar chicken.

Yang Ming also made beggar chicken a long time ago, but he did it according to the method he had seen before.

After going to China's Little Master World, Yang Ming learned the real cooking method of beggar chicken in Yangcheng, which is known as a foodie paradise.

Master Mao Dun said it well: the cooking method of beggar chicken is very unique. It comes from the folk. Like other cultures and arts, it was created by the working people of the past dynasties.

From the point of view of the history of cooking, wrapping meat with yellow mud for barbecue is an ancient thing, which is not limited to regions and ethnic groups.

For example, one of the "Eight Treasures" of the Zhou Dynasty, the "Porcupine", is to wrap the suckling pig with clay and grill it, and the mud sheep neck of the Xinjiang Robu people is basically a routine.

For poor people who lack cooking utensils, especially beggars, charcoal grilling is a convenient and feasible method, and chicken is obviously the most accessible meat ingredient for working people in ancient times.

As for the most widely circulated legend of the beggar chicken, I have to mention the one written by Lao Jin, Huang Rong used an Emei steel thorn to dissect the belly of the rooster, washed and peeled off the internal organs, but did not pluck the hair, and wrapped it in water and a lump of mud Chicken nuggets, grilled on fire. After roasting for a while, the sweet aroma will emerge from the mud. When the wet mud is dry, peel off the dry mud, and the chicken feathers will fall with you. The chicken is tender and fragrant.

It is precisely because of the wonderful strokes of Lao Jin's predecessors that there is a more well-known famous dish.

After sharpening the knife, Yang Ming chopped green onions, **** and onions and added various spices to make a marinade. Mixed ham, dried shrimps, shiitake mushrooms, and cauliflower, and added a little oyster sauce to taste.

Yang Ming cut open the buttocks of the chicken, then vigorously rubbed the marinade into the whole chicken, marinated for a while, and then put it aside.

Due to the abundance of resources in the One Piece world, Yang Ming could easily find the fresh lotus leaf he needed, turn the chicken head up, fold the wings and thighs, and wrap it in the lotus leaf.

There are two functions of lotus leaf, one is to separate the chicken from the mud, which not only reduces the loss of the outer skin, but also is hygienic; the other is to give the chicken an unparalleled fragrance of lotus leaves.

In the past, only lotus leaves were used. In the world of small masters in China, some celebrities and famous people in Yangcheng have made a little innovation. They used an iron cast egg-shaped container and placed the lotus leaves that wrapped the whole chicken in it. The taste of the chicken is completely All blocked.

Due to the lack of this tool, Yang Ming had to give up and choose a more troublesome method.

Seeing this, Nami opened her mouth in surprise, with a confused look on her face.

"Yang Ming, so you're not kidding me?"

In this regard, the corners of Yang Ming's mouth curled up, showing a smile that was not a smile, "Guess what?"

Nami: "..."

On the contrary, Luffy didn't think about it that much. He almost laid his head on the table, staring at the beggar chicken in Yang Ming's hand, and a table of saliva flowed from his mouth.

"Yang Ming, do you want to make roast chicken? Sanji has also made it before!"

Hearing this, Sanji raised his brows involuntarily.

Although he was beaten many times by Yang Ming, Xiangji Shi was still a little unconvinced, and took a cigarette fiercely, but he did not take his eyes away from Yang Ming, but became more focused.

Looking at Xiangji Shi's expression, it was like a gambler who had lost all his fortune trying to find a flaw in Yang Ming.

Seeing this, Yang Ming just shook his head and smiled, and then continued to do the work at hand.

Yang Ming used a larger piece of tinfoil to wrap the beggar chicken, which would be more secure and prevent the soil from infiltrating, and then the highlight was.

That's the mud wrap!

In the past, Yang Ming messed around and used the mud of the land casually, which was actually a wrong method.

The most correct method, the mud wrapped is the sealing mud of Huadiao wine, which is full of wine fragrance.

Therefore, this chicken absorbs the aroma of wine, and it is also closed and dense, and the taste is all in it.

Fortunately, although there is no Huadiao wine here, there are sealing mud for other wines. It is a bar opened by Xia Qi, and only the old wine with a history of more than 100 years is used. The sealing mud is more fragrant. .

Next, Yang Ming poured the water into the mud and stirred it up, spread the mixed mud evenly on the outside of the tin foil, and made a huge mud ball, which looked like a chocolate cake.

"Wrap in mud?"

"I don't understand, I don't understand!"

Seeing Yang Ming's strange behavior, Xiangji's brows were furrowed, and a chuan character was squeezed between his eyebrows, with a frowning look on his face.

In Yang Ming's previous practice, Xiangji Shi thought he could understand seven points, but when it came to paste it with mud, Xiangji Shi was stunned, and only felt that he was not aware of it.

For the first time, Xiangji Shi had the feeling of sitting in a well and watching the sky. It turns out that the world is so big and there are so many great chefs, but he has never been in contact with a chef of Yang Ming's realm before.

Thinking of this, Xiangji Shi couldn't help but stretched his neck and observed more attentively. Even if he didn't understand Yang Ming's current approach, he made sure to keep these things firmly in his mind.

Go back to Yang Ming.

It is worth noting that the advantage of using the oven to make beggar chicken is that the temperature is better controlled, but the disadvantage is that the kitchen will be full of mud.

Since this is not the kitchen of Xia Qi's bar, although there is a very good oven here, Yang Ming is always embarrassed to make this place messy, right?

Therefore, Yang Ming decided to go outside and light a bonfire, then toss the chicken in and bake it. This is simple, classic, straightforward, and rude.

Considering that Yang Ming would be in direct contact with the flame, and the temperature of the bonfire was higher than that of the oven, in order to prevent the chicken from being cremated smoothly, before that, when the beggar chicken was in the mud, Yang Ming thickened the mud layer, which was about the size of a little knuckle. thick.

In order to ensure that it is cooked through, it needs to be baked in the fire for an hour and a half. The bonfire is not as convenient as the oven. During the baking process, Yang Ming needs to use the fire escape continuously, so as to maintain the stability and unity of the fire.

Yang Ming asked the employees to build a prototype of a bonfire with wood, then took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth sharply.

"Fire escape! Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

From Yang Ming's mouth clusters of flames sprayed out, falling into the wood, and the flames rose instantly.


"Is it fire?"

Seeing this, Pluto Rayleigh flashed light from his eyes.

He has always been curious about Yang Ming. How can he be able to command a group of reckless men?

Now, the tip of the iceberg has finally been revealed.

In the process of spewing fire, Yang Ming did not relax at all. Instead, he should always pay attention not to burn the bonfire too vigorously, and the flames could climb as high as one person, and the beggar chicken could be burned in ten minutes. And this fire is easy to directly cremate the chicken, and even the **** is not left.

This step is the most severe, not too hot, not too cold. It is the most test of a chef's eyesight, experience, and flexible operation.

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