Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 480: Foodie VS Foodie

When cooking beggar chicken, it is a very big challenge because of the need to concentrate and control the temperature of the flame. Even with Yang Ming's current cooking skills, it seems more difficult.

After a while, cold sweat dripped from Yang Ming's forehead.

When the beggar chicken was fully cooked, Yang Ming put away the fire and took the beggar chicken out of the bonfire, the whole person seemed to have just been fished out of the water, and his whole body was wet, Yang Ming joked that he had become a Soup chicken.

"Come on, let's try my craft."

As Yang Ming said, he smashed the soil outside the beggar chicken, and took apart the tin foil and lotus leaves.

Suddenly, an unprecedented fragrance, like a wave, rushed toward everyone's nostrils.

"Wow! It's so fragrant!"

"This is really chicken? How can it be so fragrant!"

"My God! I feel full from the smell."

Everyone was in an uproar, and they all focused their attention on this beggar chicken, but unfortunately found that this is really just a very ordinary chicken, it looks ordinary, and there is nothing special about it.

And this ordinary is the biggest feature of the beggar chicken.

Beggar chicken was originally made by poor people to satisfy their appetites, but after generations of additions and deletions, it has become different, but this ordinary from the grass-roots people is deeply imprinted on this dish body, even after countless years.

If it is said that the abalone and bird's nest reveals the taste of explosive wealth from the inside out, the bear's paw and deer antler is full of the force of rich people.

Then, beggar chickens represent the ordinary people at the bottom for thousands of years.

Because it is ordinary, it is immortal and has been passed down to this day.

It's a pity that in today's society, the beggar chickens are gradually disappearing from the sight of the world.

Yang Ming made a total of fifty beggar chickens, and now they are lined up one by one, which immediately attracted a burst of madness.

"I'm gonna start now!"

Luffy was already hungry and drooling all over the place, so he pounced on it and took the lead in snatching a beggar chicken.

He didn't care about the 3721, he just tore off a chicken leg and took a bite.


piping hot!

This was Luffy's first thought after eating it.

Next, it's crisp!

After being braised, the chicken skin became very brittle, just like after being braised, it just shattered with a "click" sound.

When he broke through the defense of the chicken skin, and his white teeth rushed to the chicken, Luffy immediately felt a smooth and tender touch, as smooth as silk, and the taste was great!

Then, the juice contained in the chicken exploded instantly under the chewing of the teeth, bursting out unimaginably delicious!

Concentration is the essence!

These juices contain the most essential parts of the beggar chickens. These beggar chickens have never eaten any feed, and are wild and wild. The juice in them seems to contain the power of nature.

When the whole chicken leg was eaten, Luffy's appetite instantly opened up, and he could not wait to swallow the whole chicken.

Thinking of it, he did it. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Luffy opened his mouth, and with the ability of the rubber fruit, he naturally opened his mouth wide enough to swallow a whole beggar chicken.

Then, with a click, the whole beggar entered Luffy's mouth, stuffing it full.

"Oh my God!"

Even Naruto, a foodie, used to think that he had the attributes of a gluttonous eater and could eat more than a dozen people, but seeing Luffy's eating appearance, even he thought he was inferior.

What's even more bizarre is that Luffy didn't even spit out his bones, he forcibly swallowed his stomach!

"Cough cough... Water! Water! Water!"

Sure enough, pretending to be forceful has a price. Just as Luffy swallowed it, he was caught in the neck by a beggar, and his face turned purple in a short period of time.

"This idiot, I really can't do anything about him!"

Although Sanji was unforgiving, he acted very honestly and took a bottle of wine and handed it to Luffy.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Luffy was already out of breath, and he drank all the wine regardless.


"Finally saved!"

Looking at his captain's unpromising appearance, Sanji could only silently raise a **** to him in his heart.

Later, Sanji set his sights on the beggar chicken cooked by the cheap chef Yang Ming.

Sanji first bites into the chicken belly, because this is the most tender and delicious except for the buttocks.

Since the spice is under the stomach, it is very close, when the Sanji sips down, the mouth is full of fragrance.

In this part, Yang Ming cut onions, **** and onions and added various spices to make a marinade. He mixed ham, dried shrimps, shiitake mushrooms and cauliflower, and added a little oyster sauce to taste.

All kinds of condiments are mixed together, and the taste should not be too fragrant, as if it was directly turned into a cloud of mist and sprayed directly on Xiangji.

In an instant, Sanji's tongue was occupied by the vigorous fragrance, and it passed through the throat and went straight to the nose.

fragrant! So delicious!

The Sanji, who was conquered by the aroma, didn't care that his hands were burned red, and he immediately ate it in big chunks.

Especially after eating the sea rice ham in the chicken belly, after a period of roasting, these condiments have been soaked in the chicken flavor and become extraordinarily delicious.

When you eat these delicious dishes in your mouth, you can instantly forget your troubles, and only the happiness of this moment will last forever.

Even though Xiangji Shi was very unconvinced by Yang Ming before, after these rounds of blows, Xiangji Shi's final knot was untied and he was completely convinced.

At the moment when Sanji was completely convinced, the system prompt sounded in Yang Ming's ear.

"Hidden mission: Master and apprentice run-in."

"Task description: As an outstanding chef, not only do you have to cook good dishes, but you also need to know how to pass on your cooking skills. Find a way to make Sanji obedient and learn the host's cooking skills seriously!"

"Task description: Reward the practice of boiling fish."

"The task is completed, and the reward has been issued."

The system said it seriously and earnestly.

It's still a familiar process, a familiar A lot of information was thrown into Yang Ming's mind by the system.

Just as Yang Ming was checking the new production method in his mind, there was a sudden commotion at the scene, like a vegetable market.

Yang Ming was startled, and when he looked back, there was only one sentence, and he didn't know whether to say it or not.

It turned out that even though Yang Ming had already made 50 beggar chickens, they were so delicious, and people in the One Piece world generally eat a lot, and one or two is simply not enough.

Thus, a contradiction arises!

It was Luffy who took the lead in the charge. At the moment of gourmet food, the IQ of this product was not enough for an instant, and he took the lead in snatching the beggar chicken from Dingci's hands.

For Dingji, grabbing food from him is tantamount to cuckolding him!

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, Dingci smashed it with a punch, and Luffy was directly smashed to the ground without being prepared.

As a result, this punch stabbed a hornet's nest, directly causing the hostility of Luffy and the rest of the group.

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