Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 788: breakfast service

In early summer, the weather began to heat up, it became very hot, and the sound of cicadas outside the window became clearer.

Early in the morning, before dawn, neatly dressed cleaners took to the streets with tools and poured cold water on the ground with buckets of water, so that the hot and smoky ground calmed down, bringing the whole Konoha Village to life. A touch of coolness.

When the first ray of sunshine on the horizon shone through the ground, this group of silently working cleaners also returned home, and it was the turn of the villagers of Konoha Village to take to the streets, one, two, three... The street began to be crowded. Ding prospered and gradually became very lively.

But when they were looking for food on the street, they were surprised to find that Yang Ming's small shop, which had always been closed in the morning, miraculously opened for business at this time!

All of a sudden, many villagers were attracted, and there was a lot of discussion.

"My God, I'm not dazzled. Boss Yang Ming is so diligent that he started working in the morning?"

"Let's see, let's see, yo, there's a formula posted on the door of the store?"

"Hey, you talk about it, if you don't say it, don't get in the way!"

"Yes, yes, it said, from today onwards, at seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Ming's small shop will be selling breakfast, and the business hours will be two hours."

"I'll go. Boss Yang Ming has really changed. This is really big news!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and queue up, I really want to taste the breakfast made by Boss Yang Ming!"

Facing the challenge of Yuanyue Restaurant, Yang Ming made corresponding strategies the next day.

That is, open the breakfast operation!

Previously, Yang Ming's shop, like Yuanyue Restaurant, only served lunch and dinner, but now, Yang Ming has opened breakfast to achieve the purpose of grabbing customers.

Today, Yang Ming wants to cook the first dish, which is cold jelly.

Cold jelly is a famous snack in China. It originated in the Qing Dynasty. In the early 20th century, on the basis of maintaining the traditional flavor of the original yellow jelly powder, past chefs focused on developing their unique seasoning formula, which further highlighted the "numb, spicy, fragrant and crisp" characteristics of Sichuan cuisine. , making it more spicy and delicious, since then it has become a well-known cold jelly.

The main ingredient of cold jelly is peas, which are refined by hand. It's nutritious, pure in taste, soft and crunchy in texture, and doesn't add any chemicals.

It is also called "sad jelly" for three reasons: one is the fine workmanship, which can be said to be hard; It is hand-processed, and the output is not large. Those who come to buy Zhouli from other places often come back empty-handed, which is a bit sad.

Of course, the author usually eats it for breakfast, because it does not need to wait for a long time, and it is very refreshing to eat.

Early summer is coming. In Yang Ming's memory, when he was in Huaxia, the children only knew that summer meant eating ice cream and watermelon, especially after swimming, shaking their wet hair and eating a bowl of soft drinks. Soft jelly, good suhu, very refreshing.

Delicious ice cream can no longer penetrate Yang Ming's eyes, but Yang Ming's most unforgettable thing is to taste the bowls of smooth and cold jelly against the scorching sun. The hot and sour jelly is very appetizing in summer.

In China's Fujian, Taiwan and Guangdong regions, eating jelly is a traditional way to escape the heat. A seemingly simple bowl of jelly will also form diverse cultures because of different places.

Like tofu, jelly is divided into north and south. The jelly in the north refers to vermicelli made of potato starch such as rice and peas, add chili oil, vinegar and chopped green onion, stir well and eat.

Jelly is a Han food. There are generally two ways to eat jelly: one is cold and the other is fried noodles. Popular all over the country. "Tokyo Dream Hualu" said that there were "fine cable jelly" in Bianliang in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The night before, Yang Ming soaked the mung bean powder and stirred it into a paste, boiled the water until it boiled, added alum and poured in the prepared mung bean paste, and let it cool. White, transparent and crystalline. If it is mixed with soy sauce, vinegar and mustard jasmine, it is cool and smooth, and it is a summer food.

The white jelly produced in this way has a smooth taste, and the jelly has more lingering taste.

In South China, jelly refers to the green or black gelatinous coagulation made from jelly grass and rice after freezing. It can be used as a thirst-quenching product in summer.

At this time, Yang Ming made the jelly of the northern school.

Yang Ming first put the frying pan on the fire, and when the oil was 50% hot, fry the finely chopped bean drums until crispy, then add the finely chopped watercress, stir-fry and color, add soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and pepper. , Slightly fry allspice powder, and then blend with water bean flour to form a brine.

After a while, Yang Ming cut the jelly into 2 cm squares, put them in a colander, scalded them in boiling water, and put them into bowls separately. Pour bean curd brine, red oil chili, vinegar, garlic juice on top, sprinkle with chopped green onion, sprouts, and pepper powder.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Ming did not use a knife to cut the jelly, but used a specially made round tin shovel with round holes on it like a spoon, and circled it on the jelly. , the vermicelli came out from the round holes.

On average, a bowl of jelly has more than 13 kinds of seasonings. When you eat jelly, you can taste the taste, that is, to eat its variety, and to eat the seasoning in it.

After making the jelly, Yang Ming tried it first.

Pick up the chopsticks, pick up the thin and crystal jelly, which is stained with various seasonings, has already dyed it a little thin red, and the aroma of a little pepper that comes from the nose, once it enters the nasal cavity, it instantly stimulates the human body's appetite, Even if Yang Ming had just woken up and still had a little bit of getting up, he woke up within a few moments, and his saliva was drooling all of a sudden.

"Suck yo! Suck! Suck!"

The sound of gobbling sounded.

A small bowl of jelly seems simple, but the moment he ate it, Yang Ming's body was shocked!

This is an unforgettable taste, because it is really spicy enough that Yang Ming kept crying and sweating profusely while eating it.

Smoke sweating, tears, snot running.

If the average person is not prepared, he may faint after eating, and if he can't accept the spicy food, he needs to drink a sip of water.

But for those who like spicy, don't be afraid, just thinking about it makes your mouth water!

Of course, for cold jelly as breakfast, some people like it, but some people hate it, and they will sneer at it, thinking it has no spicy taste, which is too disrespectful to life.

Yang Ming is just a shallow taste of the faint years, and appreciates the calmness like water, which condenses the crystal of life. Just like some things need time to accumulate slowly.

When you pick up the two picturesque and beautiful pieces, open your eyes to observe carefully, and then eat it in one bite, the crystal trembling is clear, spicy to your mouth, the tip of your tongue smashes and the mouth is full of coolness, but you haven't tasted it yet, The meticulousness has penetrated into the belly, the heart is moistened, and even the mind has melted. There is only a long and timeless and transparent moving, which makes you can't wait to take another sip.

That's the beauty of jelly as breakfast.

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